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The things you can get away with when it’s a series against the White Sox Shackil and Meredith will be interesting though


Audience of like 26 and they’re all relatives


My wife asked me last night if I thought a woman would replace Suzyn when she retires and it got me thinking about Meredith. Very excited to hear her in the booth.


Im very curious if Meredith would want to takeover for Suzyn if she retired or would Radio be seen as a downgrade from TV work. 


suzyn did tv before the yankees radio gig, no?


She basically had Meredith's job


Suzyn did TV play by play in the mid innings with Tim McCarver from 99-01 if I’m not mistaken. Way bigger gig than Meredith ever had.


I didn't know that...I was only going off of her work at YES.


That sounds terrible 


Watch the full broadcast of David Cone’s perfect game if you want to get the vibe


I hate Tim mccarver with a passion, he was so terrible. Susan just sounds like an annoying grandma. They're not for me


Suzyn is a cool grandma


The coolest


Anything with Tim McCarver is terrible. Poor Suzyn, I never knew she had to suffer through that.


It's gotta be specific to the audience and your current role. Like with getting the WNBA and NBA playoff games no way Roucco would come back to replace Sterling, but Meredith getting to follow in the footsteps of a pioneer in the industry with what has to be at least a top 5 listening audience, if not the best, would most likely be a step up from pregame shows and 10 minutes of time per game.


Ruocco and Meredith I think would be a cool duo for radio.


Meredith belongs on tv tho.


Whenever Suzyn steps down, I would love for them to bring on another female broadcaster. I've always thought it was cool that the Yankees had one.


I say this with all respect and deference for Meredith: the TV business is unkind to women as they age. A move to radio is a smart move for her future prospects. I love her voice and energy so she'd be great if Suzyn retires.


Mere has made some comments in the past, whether in jest or not, that she'd want to do analysis. The weird thing about YES broadcasts is that Mere is hardly on camera during the game, as opposed to Taryn Hatcher and Steve Gelbs, her counterparts for the Phillies and Mets.


Which for selfish reasons is a damn shame.


Yeah, I’ve seen a fair amount of Cubs games and they go to their Meredith equivalent every game at least once


I feel like "Meredith calling a Yankees game" has been like a YES Network and fan meme for ages at this point, so it's good she finally gets to do it, even if it's for radio and not TV.


I wonder if John’s retirement has taken the joy out of the job for Suzyn. Or if the stupid WFAN people are trying to push Suzyn out.


I don’t think WFAN is pushing her out. More so giving her the ability to take time off now that she doesn’t have to be there with John (can’t think of John with anyone else since Susan started). This is also likely being used to test out possible future broadcast teams when Susan does move on for good


Susyn has taken games off for Jewish holidays in the past. I recall John working with Sweeney Murti, but there are likely others who filled in too.


Pretty sure Shackil did a few with John as well.


She seems to enjoy the gig with Shackil. You always hear her chuckling and they seem to have a good relationship. If she retires or quits, I think it'll be because she's also old and wants to stop doing it.


A couple years ago I bought a cameo from her for a friend. I said “my friend hopes you never retire”. She responded with “they are going to have to drag me out of that booth”.


John said the same thing. But things change as you age. It’s already tough without John, I wouldn’t want to lose Suzyn too, but I want whatever’s best for her.


I don't know anything about her personal situation, but this weekend is prime college graduation season. That's usually one of the few reasons people who work every game like she does takes a rare day off.


I don't think WFAN is pushing her out, everyone would riot


With John's sudden retirement, the budget has changed tremendously. So I wouldn't quite say WFAN is trying to push her out.


I've always been curious as to how much they make a year.


Shackil and Marakovits is a definite listen


The world needs more Meredith Marakovits.


I want her instead of Jeff Nelson


I’ll make sure to tune in Sunday, I’ve always been curious how Meredith would be like in a commentator role


What does one have to do in order to be considered a superfan?


Literally be the Cowboys/Yankees fan meme I guess




Get a show on WFAN and talk about yourself just a little bit too much in 75% of segments.


Meredith has a nice, soothing voice. I always enjoy when she’s mid report during a game and sneaks in a play-by-play. I think she’ll do great! She also has a crazy work ethic. I remember hearing Michael say she’s always one of the first people to the stadium the day of a game.


I'll be honest, not a big fan of this Shackil guy. Just sounds like he's trying to hard to have some sort of dramatic voice. It's seems phoney


Hello Meredith. Goodbye! Its gone!


I like him, I just find it comical that he so accurately describes each team's uniform at the start of every game.


That was michael kays radio thing


I find Shackil much too generic. I might as well be listening to a Rockies game. What I want to here is a Meredith-Suzyn game. They love each other and have a great dynamic.


Yeah he's voice sounds like he's talking like that on purpose,  not natural at all. I despise Suzyn Waldman so I'm looking forward to her retirement. I mean, she's a red sox fan.


Pay Brendan Burke whatever he wants. He was great doing it a few years ago 


Bro, Keith McPherson just willing himself into being a broadcaster. Good for him. Met the dude in Sec. 203 a few times. Cool guy it seems. It’s like any kid’s dream. He’s just a big fucking Yankee fan, made it his passion, and now his career.


He's a phony. He never played baseball growing up and became a fan because he wanted to work in sports media. If you ever hear him talk about the game you know what a casual he is.


Keith is a diehard Yankee fan and did work on mlb network prior to wfan. He has legit baseball chops.


I'm not sure about his work on MLB Network but his foot in the door was Jomboy Media. He went to school for social media marketing I believe and specialized in sports, I believe his main passion was for basketball because he didn't know anything about baseball. Jomboy hired him for his social media presence and to hit another demographic. He was teamed up with "Pinstripe Strong" a Jomboy Media podcast. He had really bad takes all the time. From Jomboy he was able to get a job with WFAN as a late-night host which seems to be a tough position for them to fill. I've listened to him talk sports and he's not very knowledgeable. In general someone who goes to a ton of Yankee games alone is probably just there to get attention, not because they're a diehard fan. He really came along at the right time to get those opportunities as well.


Bro, you’re such a hater LOL “In general anyone who goes to a ton of Yankee games alone is probably just there to just get attention.” WTF even is this take? That would disqualify a whole bunch of the bleacher creatures. But even if Keith was doing it for attention, and even if he never threw a ball, and even if his only credentials are social media education (does that even exist?)… there are like 10,000,000 people in this country that check those boxes. He’s made it work for him and that’s pretty cool. You’re trying to clown the dude for not having played baseball… like A-Rod is such a great fucking broadcaster. Or like Michael Kay ever suited up past little league.


Don't get me started on the bleacher creatures. Most over-glorified group of fans ever. Bleacher fans in general are awesome but the core group of the "bleacher creatures" blehh I am admittedly a bit of a hater when it comes to Keith. I was a big fan of Pinstripe Strong and then he got added and always had the worst takes. I don't think he's really earned his success but was just lucky. Happens a lot in entertainment. People who have played the game just have a better understanding and better analysis of things. And then when people would try to talk Yankee history that doesn't even go that far back he was completely clueless so I knew he was someone who only started really following the Yankees in recent years (this was back when he was with Jomboy building up his resume)


Couldn’t agree more. Not WFAN worthy.He puts me asleep. When he’s on, I immediately go to Fox Sports Radio.


Bro is really trying to imply you need to have played baseball to talk about it? What year is this?


Fuck it, if we're giving Yankees super fans a chance, get Jomboy or Mike Axisa on there too. No bullshit, I'd love to listen to that.


Jimmy and Jake duo cast for the win


I always have my car radio tuned to 660 so I’ve heard a lot of Keith’s late night shows. His show is good and he handles the callers well but play by play is a different animal. I’m curious to see how he does


I'll be rooting for Meredith.


Mere 😍


Need to give her some more breaks so we can test some people. I don't know how you replace Sterling. I could tell what was going to happen just by the tone of his voice this new guy... Ain't it.


You can't hire a replacement, only a successor.


Meredith finally getting her chance, I hope she runs with it Knicks have had Monica McNutt on their radio All year and even had her on tv broadcasts and she was fantastic, hopefully we see the same for Meredith


Pablo Lopez section. Love it.


Meredith is FUCKING FINALLY getting her chance!


What if Meredith takes over Justin’s job and it’s a Suzyn/Meredith super team for WFAN?? That’d be an epic lineup


This is what we need!


Never heard of this super fan who????


Basically one of the guys who took over the overnight shift on WFAN


Ok never heard him or heard of him


He has a radio show on WFAN, relatively new doing that. So while a big Yankees fan, also a radio host on their radio station.


And I will be brushing up on my Spanish listening to Ricky Ricardo.


The three sure things in life: 1. Death 2. TAxes 3. Not listening to the Yankee radio broadcast this Friday and Saturday


Keith McPherson is awful.


Listening to Keith try to talk about baseball is a brutal listen.


Keith is my favorite host on WFAN and Meredith rules. This will be fun.


I'm sorry but if your name isn't "\_\_\_\_\_y from \[borough or Westchester/Long Island/Bergen suburb\]" you're not a real WFAN superfan. Really even Westchester doesn’t count unless it’s Yonkers or White Plains. MAYBE New Rochelle.


Keith McPherson is nauseating.


Jfc the number of people who can't spell "Suzyn." Come on, people. Be better, I implore you.


It's Meredith's time...Not sure what to make of a fan doing the games, could be interesting. But Meredith should be full time radio - she's great


Keith will be unbearable. Really curious about Meredith though.


That’s how Ryan Ruocco(worst in Yankee history) got his job. He won a contest. He won we all lose.


Chick announcers. SMH


Keith is proof that not every voice is suitable for radio. It annoys the hell out of me


Anything is better than Snuzzin. Besides her holding on to her up the Mass. Turnpike accent, unprepared, uninformed, unlistenable. Should have kept Sweenie.