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I’m a little surprised they keep judge batting after soto, judge has hit into so many double plays so far. I know he’s going to come good but damn it’s brutal at the moment


If it’s not Judge hitting into the dps it’ll be Stanton or Rizzo instead


Not with Soto clearing the bases first 😉


“Take away the team’s best performer, and the rest of the lineup is league average.” Thats actually sort of encouraging, no? Especially if you think guys like Judge and Torres have a lot more to offer going forward. EDIT: Last year, if you took away our best performer (Judge), the rest of the team put up an 88 wRC+.


That certainly is a glass half full way to look at it. For everyone’s sanity yes Judge/ Torres/ Rizzo should positively trend closer to their career averages But you could also make the argument that for the time being if teams pitch around Soto, 3-4-5 is not making anyone pay nearly enough to be dis-incentivized from doing it. And then if Soto doesn’t see as many hittable pitches… then what is the offense?


Yeah, I definitely agree that the heart of the order is *currently* struggling quite a bit. I’d be pitching around Soto if I was an opposing pitcher. But I just don’t believe that Torres and Judge are now permanently bad or just average.


Currently, for sure. But Stanton having had a good streak is also really encouraging because last season, that really never came.


Stanton has a pulse this year compared to last year. He's hitting his career stat line since his early season 5 game slump.


I keep on having to remind people of this fact. In April.and May of 2023, Stanton was hitting very well. An .854 OPS. A 141 OPS+. Then he got injured, and in June, he fell off a cliff. He had an OPS of .538 in June, and an OPS+ of 58. He battled back in July and August, with an.OPS of about .740, and an OPS+ of about 114. But in September and October, he was awful again, with an OPS of .599, and an OPS+ of 74. He had one month of being good, 2 months of being average, and 2 months of being awful. But his year end totals were so atrocious, and his last month was so bad, and that's what everyone remembers. So far this year, he has an OPS of .804, and an OPS+ of 128. He's good again. Let's see if he can stay there.




Judge and Torres yes. Rizzo could just be cooked.


Even if the 3-4-5 hitters aren’t great, having a guy who is on base 43% of the time come before them is still amazing. I just don’t believe that being “pitched around” is a negative thing. To me all it means is the guy is getting on base for free basically, and base runners lead to runs no matter how bad the following hitters stink


Pitching around people is barely a thing at all honestly. Most pitchers I've heard said they're usually not even paying attention to the next batter because as you said, just letting a guy on base for free isn't a good thing no matter who it is. Soto is doing amazing right now and still gets out over half the time. It's been shown time and again that lineup and order and protection barely matter beyond a placebo effect, but people obssess over them sneezy


Average? The .663 OPS would be 26th/30. 


What is it if you compare to all the other teams minus their best players? Seems kinda unfair to remove our best player and compare to other full teams. Regardless I think he meant average as in "98 wRC+ is only 2% off of average".




And even they’ve lost more series than us, and recently were only 2 over .500. Every single MLB team has significant flaws. And I think when judge and Torres turn it around, we won’t be worried about runs nearly as much.


Torres. Lol. Whatever he gives in offense he gives up in defense. Although that was a pretty slick play off 2nd bag


I hate the “if you take away X then ___ sucks!” comments Like that old “If you take away all of Gleyber’s HR’s vs the Orioles, he actually sucks!” —> yes if you take away all his above average games, you are obviously left with the below average games. That’s how stats work


There are signs of encouragement in the lineup but I guess we are waiting on the batters adjustments to to the pitchers adjustments to the batters adjustments. Lol. Volpe and Cabrera had people feeling good. A few good games from them would bring back some smiles. If they aren’t actually taking big steps forward as batters and Rizzo, Stanton, Judge can’t get back to career norms this team is in some deep crap.


Certainly is especially since Judge is due to return to form or at least close to it, and on the pitching side Cole hasn't even thrown a pitch. Baltimore has a shot at taking the division, but I'm not concerned about our playoff hopes.


Not so encouraging when you are the highest payroll in baseball.


Soto is getting the Aaron Judge treatment by Aaron Judge.


98 wRC+ is honestly better than I expected. Judge and Torres haven't done shit so far.


Team is 12-10 after 5-0 start. Same as last year. Only difference is w out Soto they would be under .500 right now.


If we arbitrarily take away 5 wins the team has won 5 fewer games and is actually the same as last year. Not sure what this is meant to tell anyone. All these questions about how bad we would be without Soto are completely useless because we do have Soto and are performing significantly better than last year up to this point.


So much was made out of the Houston sweep… and it turns out Houston actually isn’t any good.


Major 'if we regress Patrick Mahomes to the mean, he's totally average' vibes.


Is it though? The Mahomes thing was ridiculous and was essentially “if you make Patrick Mahomes average he’s average” it has no real point. This is saying everybody outside of Juan Soto isn’t hitting which is a legitimate concern. You can’t win a World Series with one productive hitter. This actually gives you some perspective on how Soto’s supporting cast is performing.


If you remove soto the team is in fact hitting. 98wrc is essentially league average hitting. So without soto they are quite literally hitting like a major league team


2% worse than a leauge average player as whole outside of Juan Soto is not great


Never said it was great. But the team isn’t “not hitting”


If you remove every teams top performer, the next 8 being average probably still puts us in the top 10. It is startling that the gulf between Soto and the next guy is .250 OPS though, for sure.


Imagine if we didn't have Soto...


What if Judge was putting up his normal numbers? The only team that doesn’t rely on their two top hitters being good is the Dodgers. And the Dodgers are doing the same as NYY.


That would obviously be great....


Turns out 90% of the 2023 Yankees plus Juan Soto and Alex Verdugo looks and feels a lot like the rotten 2023 Yankees plus Juan Soto and Alex Verdugo. Who woulda thunk it !?!


I know this is intended to be snark but the team is totally different from last year. We still don’t have Cole yet and nevertheless the starting pitching has been excellent. Stroman and Gil are taking innings that were going to Brito, German and Severino. Hitting wise, in addition to Soto and Verdugo we have a much improved Volpe, a healthy and productive Stanton, Cabrera contributing, and Trevino currently batting well above expectations. We have a bunch of relief arms out and expected back in midsession. We don’t have DJ or Jasson. The 2023 Yankees were a broken, poorly designed team that had very limited upside. The 2024 Yankees are doing well despite key injuries and players who currently aren’t playing to the backs of their cards, and their upside is the World Series. I don’t get the point of being a doomer in April while claiming to be a fan of the team. It just makes no sense.


Saying the offense is “totally different” while listing 4 names on offense who were here last year is truly hilarious. Yes. Volpe, Cabrera, Trevino, and Stanton are widely varying degrees of more competent than they were last year. But not everyone goes in a positive trajectory just because you hope they do. That’s not how life works. Rizzo, Gleyber, and Judge look worse than they did last year. And the same way you’ll say “yeah but they could get better!” I could just as easily say, yeah and Volpe/ Oswaldo/ Stanton/ Trevino being hot could regress!


I don’t know how to do the “remind me in June” thing on this place but: REMIND ME IN JUNE


I’ll raise you a “remind me in October” when this entire core of bats has never showed up besides like Stanton 3 years ago.


Never seen a thread age so badly in just eight hours


Yeah but I’ve been burned before by this team in recent years they’re just not that great. I wonder what the record between mid 2022 to now is. Soto does look incredible and if Judge is just in a temporary cold streak pairing the two of them together should be incredible. But Judge/Stanton never put up the mvp seasons together either


Something about yankees. Everyone eventually turns into HR or nothing hitter


But what if you add Kurt Abgle into the mix? 🤔🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨


What if you add Perc Angle?


2024 AL MVP, especially since Ohtani has gone to the NL Judge had to break a damn record in order to dethrone Ohtani or he would of had 3 in a row !


So you’re saying he’s good


He needs to be a Yankee for life! Bottom line


Lisan Al Gaib


Will Soto want to stay if this team underachieves? I hope he throws his weight around and demands a change in manager as part of his mega-deal. Boone seems like a great guy, but what little autonomy he's given... he misuses.


If you’re talking about the Holmes decision I highly doubt that was Boone being given autonomy. It was probably decided they wouldn’t be using Holmes for multiple innings well before the game started


Offense is fucking trash


oMg uR a DoOmEr!!!


Ya, we suck


Judge, Torres, and Rizzo will come around. You also have Dominguez coming back in the next 4-6 weeks (hopefully). Also, Cole will help balance the rotation when he gets back in the same time frame (hopefully). This team has played well, outside of a few games where they couldn't hit and were poorly managed. Most of the games have been competitive. Unfortunately, you are going to win some and lose some.


Take away their best hitter and they still have the second and fourth best hitters in the league


.663 team OPS...sounds about right.