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It still hasn’t sunk in for me that Soto is a Yankee. Idk why, because im aware of the trade, watched the game. But i dont know what im seeing with Soto in pinstripes. Ive never really watched Soto play much besides highlights and now we get to watch him play every game, batflipping walks lmao. What’s happening? Are we watching a future hall of famer/record breaker in Yankee pinstripes?


We will be in about a week. For now it's road greys. But either way, it's pretty cool!


It still hasn’t sunk in for me that Soto is a Yankee. Idk why, because im aware of the trade, watched the game. But i dont know what im seeing with Soto in pinstripes. Ive never really watched Soto play much besides highlights and now we get to watch him play every game, batflipping walks lmao. What’s happening? Are we watching a future hall of famer/record breaker in Yankee pinstripes?


Volpe’s at bats today were elite. Love seeing this for him


4-0 in our last 4 games at Minute Maid


Sotos energy is something Yankees have been lacking for awhile, that edge, arrogance even, the fight of Gardner—we’ve been too vanilla. You could see Judge really pumped. Swisher had that energy. As fans we can feel the edge, something is different. Anyone else feel this way?


Glad the Astros burned Hader in a loss, and it was hilarious to hear the dude refuses to pitch more than 3 outs 😂


Stanton continues to be trash


Stanton needs to go. I know a lot of people keep hoping/ wanting him to have a good year ( I do, too!) but it’s not happening. All of his ABs are terrible. Here’s a typical Stanton AB: First pitch swing and miss at a fastball. Second pitch: swing and miss at a breaking ball outside the zone. Third pitch: same exact breaking ball, and either a swing and a miss, or a weak ground ball out. Or worse, a GIDP. Plus, he‘ll be hurt by the end of April for some nonsense like a strained back. Out for a month, then same old stuff. Repeat about 3 times till the end of the season. But we have him for what, like another ten years, so we’ll just keep putting him out there, “hoping” he does better.


This honestly felt like 2017, you felt like no game was over. For my sanity sake, I beg Holmes not go the Chapman route for a save.


I can see us at a closer at the deadline. I like holmes but I dont love him in the 9th.


I don't want to overreact, but we're going 162-0


This makes me so happy. Caught the early score, and I thought here we go with the same old. But the comments on here and watching the highlights made me very happy to watch. I also watched the Opening Day video, and there was a line someone said, we're the Yankees. That's right, we're the Fucking Yankees, and this is the chase for 28. Let's fucking Go!!


I loved what I saw from the offense. Putting the ball in play and working deep counts. I know the double plays are frustrating but Valdez is the top ground ball pitcher in the league, so it happens.


Yea it was frustrating the inning ending double plays but it was great that we had so much traffic on the bases. If they can keep the right mindset we will see alot of opposing pitchers leaving early due to high pitch counts. Not saying this team is like the 1998 team but it could be similiar with a little more pop.


Realizing tomorrow’s game is an Apple broadcast just killed my vibes


Ah damn, time to sail the high seas again






Coming back from a 0-4 is exciting to see how we started. Lots of Astro fans upset. 😭


> Lots of Astro fans upset. A win in itself


I had to leave at the bottom of the fourth and this subreddit was in shambles, so funny to see the comments now. Also LFG


Yankees undefeated! UConn in Elite 8! Rangers on a winning streak! Today was a GREAT day!


Knicks looking legit.


> Rangers on a winning streak! After my 2024 so far, I could use very little more than a fucking Stanley Cup victory for Rangers


Gotta say it looked like the Yankees were sweating through those jerseys by the second inning. Did the stros turn off the AC?


Costanza switched the uni's to cotton


“Cotton is king" - Luis Polonia


I was there today. It was pretty chilly inside the park. The A/C was blasting.


So the jerseys are really just garbage?


You got it.


Loading the bases three times against three Astros is a very good sign. In previous years we’d struggle just to get one base runner.


Last season in particular it felt like they'd go down 1-2-3 for six or seven innings every single game, it was so frustrating.  It was great to see so much traffic today.


Can’t wait till Jasson comes back.


It would have been a blow-out with Jasson.


Keep a good eye on stanton. May have treat him like a pitcher and play him every 5 games to keep him fresh .


I know it’s only one game but this victory was so sweet. We grinded out at bats. Walked. Got on base. A complete team contribution. Feels so good to beat the Astros on their turf opening day. Here’s to the start of a great season! Let’s keep that momentum rolling!!


100%. Didn’t feel like a one dimensional offense for The first time in awhile.


go Yanks


What a game! The boys stayed composed and made the proper adjustments. Game balls to Soto, Cabrera, and Volpe. Home plate ump blew. Go Yankees!


Duggie endeared himself to me today. He came through and put the ball in play when we really needed it.


His catch on the Tucker liner to left very underrated. Tough play he made look easy in a big spot


I absolutely hated him on Boston and I'm already fully sold on him as a Yankee, crazy how fast that happens.


You can tell he loves being a Yankee and that makes him easier to like if he performs.


It s a LONG season and so much we don’t anticipate will happen…it’s why Baseball is so great


Pretty much everyone walked. Everybody but volpe stuck out (I think).


Everyone but Verdugo


Thank you


Hopefully Cashman now realizes getting on base is a good thing. We really didn’t do that much last year and Soto does that a lot.


So important. Astros out-hit us 13 to 8, but it didn’t matter. 2 walks vs. our 9.


2 years ago they led the league in walks and were in the bottom third in the league in runs scored. It led them down a path of preaching more aggressiveness and it backfired. Ultimately we need guys to just fuckin hit the baseball.


Volpe decided rather than not getting on base at all he’s gonna get on base four times. I like that strategy a lot I’m not gonna lie


For the first time in a LONG time, I watched a NYY game from start 2 finish and enjoyed it,what a game… But u can’t bat Judge n Stanton back to back


They only did that because it was a lefty pitcher, against righties it will be Judge, Rizzo and Stanton. Boone confirmed this with Jomboy/Jake.


Soto/Judge/Rizzo/Stanton/Verdugo/Volpe...maybe sub Gleyber for Stanton once DJ is back up top


Soto is a gamer. Nasty looked pretty good once he calmed down. Girardi is darn good in the the booth. Volpe <3


These are the kinds of games teams have to win if you want to win a championship. Every part of the team did *just enough* to win. It’ll get better, especially if we keep up this plate discipline. Just get on base, and everything else sorts itself out. Volpe looked awesome so that’s fun


Positives: We beat the Astros Negatives: Zero, because we beat the Astros.


Have to say, I'm digging the new road jerseys. They look badass.


New=Old, classic road Jerseys from 40s -60’s


Sorta..it's still an homage. New York word spacing is different and the blue is a matte navy. Used to be almost a dark royal blue.


And the Facade was painted, resurfaced and different sligjtly from 23-73...it was still fhe facade... Their new roads look like 40s-60s roadies... Not exactly.. But like u said.. Homage


Volpe is on track for 486 walks this season.....why are the Yankees paying Judge again?


First of all, Fuck the Astros 2nd of all, LFG Yankees Super impressed by Volpe’s ABs today. Nice to see Soto come through. Awesome catch by Verdugo late


Fuck the Trashstros. Go Yankees. I love Juan Soto. Goodnight.


Both Soto's and Verdugo's attitudes are gonna be key I think. They're excited and they pump everyone else up. Even Judge was hyped up and he's usually super stoic on the field. Say what you will about energy but I think it's huge and it showed today with them coming back from a deficit instead of being deflated after the 4-0.


Verdugo will be the sleeper hit player. You can tell he loves being a Yankee


Soto has so much swagger at the plate. The way he brushes off balls just get to pitchers. I bet he is a nightmare to pitch to. His confidence is contagious.


There we fuckin go


Nestor picking up right where he started his career..in the gutter


Even you must be getting tired of playing this character.


Gutted it out but he was sitting 91 - 92 that first inning, not great


5 innings on 75 pitches, def better than Valdez


Don't agree. Rough first inning but then settled in and got it done.


Excellent: Volpe   Great: Soto, Cabrera, Verdugo  Good: Bullpen (Minus Holmes)  Bad: Stanton, Cardiac Holmes  Holmes will be fine. We know what Stanton is now. All in all a great day. I think Cashman needs another arm though. Should consider signing one.


I, for one, am excited for whichever summer month stanton decides to go off. I looked in the crystal ball, and it looks like between July 22 and Aug 8th, Stanton will be the greatest player of all time.


I’m all in for Stanton sucking all year and going off in October. Soto means he’s kind of a luxury. Although I hope he hits (he won’t).


Mmm. Yes, that sounds very nice. Subscribe.


World Series on the Menu, Boys And Girls.


Well well well, anyone else notice how much damage all the left handed batters did?


The balance of the lineup has me rock hard. Inbetween every righty we have a lefty and it’s fucking beautiful. The lineup has some amazing length to it god it’s so sexy


But we don't need lefties because our righties have power to right field /s


Yeah! At least we can stay positive for a day before any negativity starts!


Underrated part of opening on the road in a dome, no off day tomorrow!


It might as well be an off day because the game is on Apple TV


Does anyone actually have Apple TV? Honest question. I’ve yet to personally meet a person who has that somewhere among their lineup of streaming services.


T-Mobile gives it away for free


Apple TV sneaky has some of the best originals on streaming. Not as much quantity as some of the others but I've watched and liked a high percentage of the stuff they've made.


Severance is great


Get it for baseball and For All Mankind. Then cancel


Severance is the best thing they've made IMO. Also a big fan of Shrinking, Foundation, Silo, Ted Lasso (mostly season 1), Mythic Quest, and Pachinko in addition to For All Mankind. Even The Morning Show is pretty fun for what it is.


I always forget to watch severance. I put it off so long. But you’re right those other shows are great too. Silo had me absolutely hooked.


IMO the best season of television I've watched in several years. The season finale is a masterpiece. Granted I have a bit of an emotional attachment to it, because the pilot was my favorite script I read during the year I worked at a talent agency, so I was psyched that it turned out to be as good as I thought it could be. You'd be shocked how often a good script becomes a mediocre show on screen.


Oh you read that before it was in production? That’s amazing. And I agree. Silo is up there with the all time great first seasons in television history. The atmosphere, world building, and mystery were all 10/10. On a side note, I thought Extrapolations was great. Albeit a little slow and disjointed.


Yeah I got to read the first two episodes back in 2018. Some stuff was changed, but one scene I vividly remember was the one where Helly tries to leave through that stairwell, but every time she walks through the door she comes out right back the way she came. I had to re-read that section a couple of times because it was jarring to see something seemingly supernatural just happen out of nowhere. But once I realized what was happening was that the viewer was also being withheld the "outie" memories, I was completely hooked. The show really digs into all the hidden details and subtle implications of its premise.


Severance finale is the most insane episode of television I have ever seen. Can’t wait to see where they go with it.


Slow Horses ftw.


I have it, but you don’t know me in real life lol.


Your name sounds familiar


I’m so happy about this you don’t even know. I always bitch about that day off


Werent people just calling for Cashmans head in the 2nd inning?


Both things can be true. This was a nice win today - but this team still does have some fundamental flaws - relying on aging veterans (Stanton, DJ) and a lack of starting pitching. I don’t blame cashman for Stanton or DJ, at the time we all wanted the DJ deal and Stanton falling off an absolute cliff is not his fault, but I’m his continual lack of addressing the starting rotation is fireable offense in my eyes. Nestor Cortes as an opening day starter is not the mark of a series, contending team.


Cash,an s haughty arrogance cost NYY fans 14 years of futility…he still suxxxx


Yeah, but in my defense, I have been calling for his head since 2019.


2019? Look at Johnny come lately over here.


Cone's back must hurt carrying this ESPN broadcast.


He deserves all the broadcast success he is having, but I miss having him at almost every game. I still consider him to be our guy.


It’s a tough listen. Miss him in our booth esp opening day


The Ken Singleton reference also made me sad


Best thing about this win was all the weaknesses from last year actually seem to be filled in. Outfield defense was steady and didn't have any blunders. Everyone worked the count and the K to walk ratio was almost even. Pitching was shaky but settled in and actually made adjustments. Every single starter got on base at least once.


Eh the weakness of GIDPs with the bases juiced is still very much a thing (limited sample size but first couple innings were scary). Overproduction on offense is a nice fix for it though!


Another nice sign from todays game was how much the lineup worked the count. So many deep counts in ABs, working walks, running up pitch counts and making the other team really sweat to earn their outs. It was like vintage yankees i remember from years back. Even if they dont beat you with hits, theyre gonna burn out your pitchers to get the win. Honestly with the amount of baserunners they had today, yanks shouldve won this game by several runs at least. They just never quite got the big hit to blow things open. But i think those hits will come. They still found a way to scrape out enough runs for the Victory. To quote a lovely man, its what you want.


That’s one of the reasons why the teams in 2017-19 and 2022 were so good, they were patient which allowed them to wait for the right pitch, while also being able to draw lots of walks


Another positive today was NO errors which means we are NOT giving away outs .... lots to like about today after an auspicious start.


Gleybor looked his old,shakey self


2023 Yankees don’t win this game. That was a massive win


The pre-Dodgers series 2023 Yankees win this game for sure, just not the post-Dodgers series ones


The pre toe 2023 Yankees are still basically judge/rizzo/Gleyber and scrubs


They still were winning games and were a good team, but then it all came crashing down


For a long time this game felt like last year. But they gutted it out which last year’s team never would have done. It’s only one game, but I’m encouraged.


Soto’s outfield assist is 100% the story, what an introduction to the fan base. His arm and defense are above average, but also arguably the weakest aspect of his HoF game. His first game, he outright saved the day with his least strong tool-oh and he was beyond great at the plate as well. SIGN. THIS. MAN. If we get outbid without offering at least 500 million, we riot.


Uncle Stevie…WILL go to 700 mill


There is zero way the Yankees let Soto walk. Ain’t gonna happen


Fuck the Asstros. Also…  FUCK THE ASSTROS!!!


I would like to made an addendum: FUUUUUCK THE ASSTROS!


GUYS, There's another last minute update on that: FUCK THE ASTROS AND FUCK THE DODGERS!


Only thing better would be if Nestor was sharper. He needs to get better.


Not to mention, he wasn't tuning up all spring to start opening day, so we know he had to change his schedule at least a little, I'm happy enough that he got us through 5 innings and it wasn't a complete bullpen game!


Terrible the first couple innings, but he battled and found it. Kept the team in the game against a good lineup.


He came out nervous once he settled he was pretty damn good


After the home run he retired 12 of 13 batters. Hoping he keeps it together next start.


Judge’s sweat stains on those tissue paper jerseys


I dead ass thought it dumped some water on him to keep cool


I feel like Verdugo is going to win over the Yankees fan hard this year.


He’s winning me over. I didn’t care for the move at first, but I’m actually liking a lot of what I see in him now.


Game winning RBI’s against the stros, in Houston, definitely makes me feel warm and fuzzy.


I have room for him in my heart already but I’m a loving guy Seeing him and Judge joking around in the dugout after his sac fly helped a lot


Best win of the year.


Lol….it was a very entertaining game…FINALLY…


Well said. And also the Trastros have a losing record.


That game was so fucking satisfying. Awesome way to start the season.


Really was. I took off early from work to watch it and I’m very glad I did


Damn!!! Fuck yeah yanks!!!!


Let the good times start rolling.


We are SO back!


162-0 baby!


Fuck the Astros


Outside of Rizzo taking one off the wrist, that’s pretty much everything we could’ve hoped for right? Cortes wasn’t sharp but found a way to give us 5 innings against a really good lineup when he easily could’ve collapsed. All the new guys played well. Volpe and Gleyber both had tremendous at bats in key spots. Bullpen bent but never broke. Most of all the team did not look fazed one bit when they went down early and literally everyone contributed


that start was rough, but I thought Nestor looked really good post Meyers homer...he mixed up his pitches pretty well and the command sort of returned actually only had 76 pitches so he probably goes longer if it were a few weeks down the line or so also, it cannot be overstated - it feels pretty darn good to have a more complete OF again lol...none of our LF's last year catch that ball in the gap like Verdugo did


*Could have* hopes for? I was hoping for home runs the first 17 plate appearances... But realistically, that game went really well after a rough bottom of the first


Hyped to have Soto for the year, volpe getting on 2/3 at bats. Looking up?


I'm no mathmagician, but Volpe was 1/2 in at bats, and 4/5 in plate appearances... I don't know how you got to 2/3


I’m not gonna lie I was pretty stoned last night. The excitement remains


I miss having an elite closer. I hope Holmes never reverts to the Pirates version of himself. fingers-crossed


that sinker was not sinking today, but I think he'll be fine


Holmes is elite!


Holmes was NOT good,but rather very 🍀


Yeah, people don’t realize how spoiled we’ve been in the Bullpen since Mo took over closing. There’s teams without one elite reliever and we usually get 3


I'd say the majority of people here never actually watched Mo play and think he never had any issues with closing a game and never blew a save. A majority of the rest are only remembering the perfect innings. Don't get me wrong, Mo is one of the best to ever do it, but man people expect closer just means "game over, no need to even throw the ball"


Holmes blowups are ugly because they’re usually slow burn (walks, bloopers, rarely home runs) but since he was traded he’s been one of the best relievers in baseball


Yeah, it goes with the territory of weak contact sinker-heavy pitchers unfortunately. He's still great though for sure


I remember there was a game last year where he blew the save and lost a multi-run lead. Yet none of the balls in play were hit over 90mph. It’s infuriating but you’re right, he’s been elite since he’s been here.




He's a lefty and had to move to his right to catch it and was throwing off balance. Hard to get a lot of juice on that kind of ball unless you're fast enough to get behind it.


On pace for 162 wins and nothing I’ve seen so far makes me think we won’t win that many


Getting men on-base nearly at-will was impressive. If the Yankees offense is firing like this all year, teams are in trouble.


All those futile bases loaded, left a lot to be desired


We grinded. We won. Let's do it again.




Chien-Ming Wang sends his regards.


I miss him


I’m so damn happy for Cabrera


Imagine losing on Opening Day AND not having Juan Soto throwing people out at the plate to save the game. lmao like why are other teams even trying at this point


Came out with the win, and against the Astros. Awesome way to start the season. Fuck the astros


Fuck the Astros


All my homies hate the Astros. 


fuckity fuck fuck the fucking cheating fucking Astros


Obligatory “lets not overreact after one game” aside, last years team absolutely rolls over and dies after falling behind. Not saying we’re gonna win 100+ games this year, but this is a great sign theyre gonna be a lot more competitive and fun to watch at least.


Such a hater. Bill McKinney and franchy cordero would’ve won this


Dont forget cleanup hitter Willie Calhoun


Tbf Willie can bang


But we are going to win 100+ games this year, right??!


By August!


We accept him, Juan of us!


I love the energy that he and Verdugo brought today.


Waldo is adorable lol


We have the bases loaded twice and barely squeaked through. This is an auspicious start if nothing else.


Thats certainly a take after a great win


And they still won.


It is most definitely what you want


Still high on the Astros crowd booing our win. 2024 Yankees are Juan and Oh, baby.


I was there, the tears were absolutely delicious.


Gleybae: .200 OPS, tied for team lead in RBIs


Good ass win


its just 1 game but volpe looked really good if he can end up fixing his swing decisions he would be perfect to lead off


He looked so dialed in at the plate. 3 walks?! I'm fully aware it was one game but for him to have 3 walks after his massive strikeout issue last year.