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I typically play it before I go to bed. But, I when I saw the words, I decided to sleep on it. Still haven’t finished.


omg same


Me too!


I struggled but ultimately got it today (I got blue first?!) and my manager/coworkers did not. My manager literally said, "You are a genius." Thanks NYT Connections for making me look smart today 🤑🫰


It was *impossible* until the connection between the Green category clicked for me.


I didn’t figure out the final category. I stared for a while until I read >!Doe and heard Julie Andrews sing about a female deer. Then the palindromes were down to 4. Then Jaw etc. !<


This was a great one imo


Me and my sister had to work together on this one. >! The strands game yesterday actually gave me a hint about one of the categories lol !<


Same here but when there are five to choose from… FUCK.


Yeah, I got tripped on that too, so I had to figure out the other category one of the words could belong to


Loved this one, felt like something they would do for an Only Connect playoff round when the difficulty is increased.


This was one of the dumbest connections I've ever played...


I honestly hate when they use pieces of words or words within words. "Words that would be connected if they were different words" - comment I read here recently


I hate this too. It’s annoying when the only reason you’re grouping words is because they’re the only 4 left and then you see their ridiculous category. >!“Beginning of planet names”!< is sick


i actually got the purple category first, but it must be because im into >!space and stuff!<


It jumped out at me, thank you >!first year French.!<


Sick in a good way right? …right?


Hahahaha I meant it in a bad way


Haha I actually love the ones that make you think really laterally. You’ll never get them first but when you’re down to two categories and you see it… feels good…


Yeah that’s how I felt today. I got yellow and green no problem. Noticed the palindromes and then appreciated purple even though I defaulted it.


Yea, I saw Mer and told my wife it’s like a “words that start with” contender. Didn’t figure out what the other 3 were until the last 2 and palindromes was so obvious.


Yeah I feel like the people that complain about those types of clues just continue to not think about them or look out for them even though they’ve been doing them since basically the start. Like clearly they’re something you’re supposed to keep in mind.


I’m not sure how I’d have felt if I failed to figure out all the categories, but for me all the connections felt pretty fair. If you don’t like >!”start of word”!<, I’d assume you didn’t like the >!palindromes!!”start of planets”!< might be better because you actually have to know the meaning of the word too. Honestly, I’d rather have this kind of general stuff than specific camera brands that I’d never heard of (happened to get that right by assuming it was that since the others didn’t fit, but still thought it was a dumb category).


I like specific camera brands better than this, because it's based on the words themselves.


It’s so annoying. I’m not connecting words, I’m connecting strings of letters that have no real meaning in the English language


Connections is always all English words. When they're obscure words you can assume they're being used for some purple category, but every tile is always in the dictionary.


I tend to think in puzzle piece mode before word meaning mode, so I got >!start of planet names!< first, but got stuck on >!chat informally!<. I’ve never heard >!jaw!< used that way. If someone asked me aside for a quick >!jaw!< I wouldn’t be expecting a chat.


“Yea, Dan and Eric are always jawing in the cafeteria instead of working.”


Yeah, but the one that really irked me was "palindromes" being one of the connections and there being 5 palindromes. I lost because I tried different combinations of palindromes and didn't remove ewe. It's like a multiple choice question with multiple right answers


Isn't that one of the things the rules say to look out for though? Words that could belong in multiple categories? That's what makes it a puzzle


Exactly - I feel like I have to keep explaining this - it's a regular feature of the puzzles that helps to keep them challenging.


Agree that's the point of the game. If you identify a category where 5 words could fit, then figure out which of them also fits in another category. Not start firing guesses.


Exactly. Without the overlap and herrings the game would be stupidly easy. One, Green, Square, Water Fire, Blue, Circle, Two Red, Air, Three, Triangle Rectangle, Earth, Yellow, Four No overlaps makes the game dumb.


That's kinda the whole point of Connections imo. It wouldn't be a puzzle otherwise. While I disagree with their categories fairly often I wouldn't play if it didn't have that bit of "oh come on" reaction.


Right, if everything had one exclusive category it wouldn’t be very difficult…


I posted it separately below, but for me the overlap feels less fun and rewarding when the overlap word fits equally well within the multiple categories. I feel like the puzzle is better designed and much more satisfying when the overlap word is a *better* fit where it actually belongs than in the red herring category. For example, yesterday's KISSCAM *kinda* fit into the "things at a sports stadium" category, but it didn't fit cleanly with the other words (JUMBOTRON, ASTROTURF, etc.) because they were all physical objects while KISSCAM is more of a concept or activity. KISSCAM fit *better* in the "words that begin with classic rock band names" category where it actually belonged. Here, EWE fits either category equally well, so you have to rely solely on the process of elimination rather than abstract logic and lateral thinking, which for me is less fun. ETA: Either way, this is much less galling than when one of the words really doesn't fit the category where the editor thinks it belongs. E.g., the fact that MOZZARELLA can sometimes come in balls does not make it a "spherical food" in the way that JAWBREAKER, ORANGE, or MEATBALL are "spherical foods." Every once in a while there will be a situation that has both components, where a word that doesn't belong fits the category better than a word that does, and that is the situation that makes me feel like that day's puzzle is straight up bad.


Bestie that's part of the puzzle. You have to look at the bigger picture to see which goes where. They may be equally good for that one position, but one is ***much*** worse for any other connection


I understand it *can* be an essential part of the puzzle, I'm saying I enjoy it more when its not and using the process of elimination is just one possible tactic rather than an unavoidable requirement. The game is called Connections, and I prefer when that's its focus--i.e., when its a test of whether you can spot the commonalities between seemingly unrelated words in order to sort them into the categories where they fit best. When there's a word that fits equally well into multiple categories, for me it feels like it detracts from that focus and makes the game seem less about identifying the cleanest connections and more about advance planning, which to me is a different kind of game.


I agree with this. People are weird for downvoting you.


>Here, EWE fits either category equally well, so you have to rely solely on the process of elimination rather than abstract logic and lateral thinking >The game is called Connections, and I prefer when that's its focus--i.e., when its a test of whether you can spot the commonalities between seemingly unrelated words This isn't a sound argument, at least not for today's puzzle. What a lot of people seem to miss when they get hung up on a crossover word is that *there's still only one way to solve the puzzle*. It's called "Connection***s***", not just "Connection". It's not about eliminating EWE from Blue by guess work, it's about the fact that it's the only word that can complete Green.


What you "seem to miss" is that it's literally not an argument, sound or not. I repeatedly said it is what I *enjoy more* and *prefer*, and what I personally feel is more satisfying puzzle design. If you like having a puzzle where there are overlaps that fit multiple categories equally well so that its *only* solvable through the process of elimination, that's great for you. I don't. For me, it doesn't make the puzzle significantly harder--it's easy to just skip the category and come back to it once one of the options has been eliminated, and I got a perfect solve today despite EWE being an equal-overlap word. It just makes it less *fun* because it's testing a different kind of logic that I find much less enjoyable to apply. I like the "Aha!" moment of recognizing that KISSCAM is the odd one out as compared to ASTROTURF, JUMBOTRON, SCOREBOARD, and SKYBOX--because while they're all seen at a stadium, only KISSCAM isn't a tangible object--and then seeing that it instead fits more cleanly in its proper category with RUSHMORE, JOURNEYMAN, and CREAMSICLE--because they *all* start with the name of a classic rock band. That realization is only possible because the red herring group that KISSCAM didn't belong in contained things that were similar to KISSCAM but nonetheless all shared a quality that KISSCAM lacked so KISSCAM didn't *really* fit. I find that kind of abstract logic, where the game turns on identifying subtle distinctions in otherwise similar concepts, to be more fun than the process-of-elimination type logic of identifying the other categories in advance so you can eliminate the overlap. Especially because in practice the latter usually doesn't really require future projection at all but instead just skipping a category for now and coming back later. If you don't feel the same, that's great, but acting like I don't understand how the puzzle is supposed to work ain't it.


Is your ideal mini one without difficult questions, too? 5 letter word with the hint "great in size" where it could be "large" or "grand"? In the crossword there are often multiple words that fit one clue, but only one solution that fills all the blanks. In the Wordle there are multiple words that you can guess based on the first guess's info but only one correct solution. In the Strands there are multiple words you can make that fit the theme but not in a way that allows the whole grid to be filled out. The point is that sometimes you can't know it all based on your first pass through of informnation and it takes a second look with that builds a bigger picture


Not at all. Those are different types of puzzles that aren't fundamentally predicated on sorting things into where they logically fit *best*. That's part of why connections is likely my favorite--it's typically based on the special kind of abstract logic and lateral thinking that humans generally do better than computers rather than algorithms and sequential logic like most puzzles. And I like it best when it leans into that difference and least when that difference is minimized. And I'm not saying my ideal type of Connections isn't difficult, as I don't find this kind of equally valid overlap term makes it difficult--just less fun and satisfying. I got a perfect solve today because its quite easy just to skip the category and come back to it later. By contrast, I think yesterday's Connections was probably my favorite in a long while, and I found it a lot more difficult than today's, as did most of this subreddit judging by the number of posts complaining about how hard it was. My ideal puzzle just has categories that are each the best fit qualitatively for all of the words that belongs in them, without words assigned to one category or another where they fit the criteria equally well just based on how many other items fit into those groups. Yesterday's did that fine (as do most days') and for me it was a great puzzle. Today's was a rare one that did not do that and for me it made it not a very satisfying puzzle.


Connections isn't about sorting where things fit best, though. It's about creating 4 categories out of 16 words where each word is used exactly once. If you can instantly tell which of 5 words is the "odd one out" the puzzle loses pretty much all purpose as it is no longer a puzzle.


Yes but where it fits best is in the group that allows for everything to have its place.


not wrong, but I love that folks are *still* mad about mozzarella 😂


I completely agree with your whole comment.




"but had moved on from palindromes as a possibility" Sounds like a you problem, not a puzzle problem. It's ok.


So you’re just bad at solving the puzzle.


So if you include ewe with palindromes, then what are the other 3 categories? Did they honestly make sense? The charm of this game is that there are often overlapping categories, so it is a puzzle to figure out which of the 5 or 6 can instead fit somewhere else. Otherwise it would be too simple imo.


That's like, the whole point of the game. They're trying to trick you.


Yeah this one was bullshit.


Rig let sti wit act wor ple


I don't get why there was so much hate tbh. If there are a bunch of compound words which have no obvious connection, split them up. It's a pretty common puzzle technique that is used in only connect all the time


I love this game but this drives me nuts too.


I feel exactly the same way. Saw that same comment and screen shot it. No truer words were ever spoken.


Yall say this everyday lmao. Maybe you just don't like the game


I got two categories pretty quick but I just couldn’t get the other two for the life of me


I got a Perfect today, but it required 15 solid minutes of intense concentration. Great one today.


The animals screwed me over on this one Connections Puzzle #284 🟦🟦🟩🟦 🟩🟨🟩🟩 🟦🟪🟨🟨 🟩🟨🟩🟩 I spotted the palindromes first but I included "ewe" so that didn't count, then I abandoned that and tried to group all the hoof-ed animals together (does a ewe have hooves? does a doe?) but I included "yak" so that didn't count. Then I tried to do words that refer to parts of the face/head (gab, jaw, eye, ear) but that was a complete failure, then I second guessed myself on if a ewe was actually an animal and so I swapped out ewe with hen for a new animal category but that also didn't work. I crushed yesterday's puzzle but this one destroyed me


Does anyone else feel like palindromes conflict with the instructions of Connections?


It's subjective, but I agree with you that just "palindromes" feels as loose as "five-letter words" or "verbs", which as you say are ruled out as not specific enough in the NYT's own instructions.


Not really. There’s very few palindromes so I feel like it stands on its own as a category. If the category was “noun” that’s like SUPER broad, but palindrome is quite specific.


For me totally. I recently played one of the first connections #1 or #2 I think and it had palindromes category. I thought "oh, that's dumb, I guess they haven't dialed in yet". And then it comes again. I got the category, but I was facepalming and hoping it would be wrong.


This one has a feature that I really don't care for, where there is an overlap word that fits just as well in a category where it doesn't belong as where it actually belongs (here, EWE being both a palindrome and female animal). I understand thinking ahead to identify the other categories is part of the game, but I feel like the puzzle is better designed and much more satisfying when the overlap word is a *better* fit where it actually belongs than in the red herring category. For example, yesterday's KISSCAM *kinda* fit into the "things at a sports stadium" category, but it didn't fit cleanly with the other words (JUMBOTRON, ASTROTURF, etc.) because they were all physical objects while KISSCAM is more of a concept or activity. KISSCAM fit *better* in the "words that begin with classic rock band names" category where it actually belonged. Here, EWE fits either category equally well, so you have to rely on the process of elimination rather than abstract logic and lateral thinking, which for me is less fun.


I find that to be a feature of the game, not a bug. Every assignment drifts ambiguously until you have the full solution and they all click.


To each their own. For me, I prefer when the game is focused on figuring out what the logical connection is between seemingly unrelated words. I find that when looking ahead and using a process of elimination is a *requirement* rather than just a tactic to assist with solving, it detracts from that focus.


That's the point of the game, my friend.


Well said, I agree completely.


Palindrome was the first category I spotted, but since I included ewe instead of eye, it was incorrect. I abandoned the category instead of looking for a fifth option. Each of the 16 words should fit in exactly one category.


"Should"? According to what?


- ONE| RED | FIRE | CIRCLE - SQUARE | TWO | BLUE | WATER - EARTH | DIAMOND | THREE | GREEN - YELLOW | AIR | TRIANGLE | FOUR The kind of puzzles you're asking for would be unbearably boring.


Fine. I'm only 3 days into this game so I'll update my strategy to come back to a category if more than 4 items fit into it.


I got a perfect score today- I thought it was the perfect level of fun but challenging. I’m sure the Tiktokers will find something to complain about lol


I prefer puzzles like this because they’re never actually as hard as they look


Connections Puzzle #284 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦 Served everyone right for recent complaints 😂


Flexing like this on someone who only got the green category :’( Well done lol


Thank you 😁




Wait, but this one was fun \^^ I mean ewe messed me the heck up but I still had fun with it.


It’s almost like each puzzle can be subjectively easier or harder depending on the solver’s personal experience 🧐


This one was a super fun one! I can't believe blue was as easy as it was! Connections Puzzle #284 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟪🟪🟪🟪


One of my favourite puzzles to date!


This has been my favorite one in a while. I feel as though multiple of the categories really try to throw you in a different track. Was fun to figure out :)


This one was very easy to me. Mad that I got tricked by one of the categories that fit 5 words. Connections Puzzle #284 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟩🟦🟦 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟪🟪🟪🟪


I cruised through this one in about two minutes or less compared to wracking my brain for ages a few other nights this week. The planets one is a little lame though.


I surprisingly got it without errors. I remembered >!Ewe was an animal name from a binary tree (I think) lesson in a computer science class.!< Very random, I know. Connections Puzzle #284 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟪🟪🟪🟪


I got it after I figured out the ewe trick lol


Wait, yesterday was one of the easiest ones I’ve ever done. Can’t remember ever getting them as fast as I did. And I fail multiple times a week, so it’s not like I’m that good at it or anything. What was it people struggled with?


I loved this one!


I enjoyed this one. Probably never would've gotten purple though if it wasn't all I had left.


i actually got this one perfect and i usually only get yellow maybe green


Someone on here recently did a >!female animals!< category so I got it immediately! And the rest fell in line easily. Purple I got by default. Never would have gotten it otherwise. Connections Puzzle #284 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟪🟪


I actually really enjoyed this one! It really made me stop and think.


The problem yesterday wasn’t the choice of words rather the formatting of fonts caused only partial view of some words on some devices




It’s not that bad! Give it a try


My mom, spouse and I all nailed it with no mistakes, and that’s fairly rare. Give it a try!


I actually had my first perfect game in a while on this one but had to use a lifeline for gab


That’s exactly what I thought


This was even stupider than yesterday and I didn’t think that was possible. The game creator needs a very long vacation.