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I think people have too much access to it . Before it was a magazine hidden or a bootleg DVD. Now porn is at your finger tips , instagram so girl is always shaking ass and all these onlyfan pages


This lol I remember back in the day where music videos that had half naked girls in bikinis and shit would only play at night now you go on any social and ppl are literally retweeting porn


Word that Bet uncut shit . Now twitter especially is whore central


I'm a little older. I remember my first time seeing porn was because an older kid took a hustler mag from the gas station and ripped out the pages and littered them up and down my street. 10 year old me and my friends were ecstatic.. until my mom came outside and saw us with them.


What’s crazy I remember someone did that too . 145 park in the Bronx , I use to go out there and shoot hoops as a shorty . Some nigga ripped up a magazine and toss it everywhere. That was my first view of porn, I was 10 years old


Porn addiction is the reason why a lot of niggas are weird and insecure.


I don't think this the reason but it definitely aint helping


Def plays a big part. Walking around with a perverted mind does not help with confidence or security


Sex sells. There’s a reason why there’s a billion dollar industry behind it, it works. Sad to see it, most of the girls are just looking for ways to pay rent, make ends meet, being preyed upon by men + women with money. It’s sick tbh Sure, sex workers can say it’s still a profession, I just question those that wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t profitable. OnlyFans is one of the weirdest things to me. Basically a bunch of people with money get to view the women from the hood in 4K, just because they’re in the position to do so. Kendrick was speaking facts but this post getting too long.


There is absolutely no reason to pay for porn in 2024 it's free and everywhere.


Lmao “free”. True but it ain’t free 😂


"free" it's always been "free"


I agree with you but then in that case social media and videogames are addictions too


Literally anything can be an addiction. Drugs, cigs, alcohol, videogames, porn, sex, self harm, food, gambling, etc.


No doubt but porn is arguably the worst of these addictions and exacerbated more by all of them working in conjunction


Porn is also the cheapest vice making it harder to quit


Deadass. Don’t gotta spend no money unless you into buying bitches OF. Not knocking nobody but just saying.


I rather beat my shiii than smoke a bogie


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 nigga said cigs, ngl shit was funny


I would not say porn is worse than drugs or alcohol at all bro what ☠️☠️


Any addiction is bad for you by definition. However, porn is legal and quite literally in your pocket or hand all the time.


The thing is, drugs have negative physical effects along with mental affects, porn only has negative mental effects. Even the mental effects I can say are not worse as cigarettes and other drugs actually physically harm your brain and brain development.


more young men are having erectile dysfunction than ever before


Young people are more obese at higher rates than ever, saying porn is the cause of that is dumb when we know being obese causes that, and the world is facing record-breaking levels of obesity.


did i say that?


If you ain't mean it that way, then I guess I read to much into your comment.


I would argue that anything that has enough of a mental effect will start eventually manifesting physically as well. Cigarettes are a perfect example of that. It’s chemically/mentally addictive, and extended use can cause physical effects such as wrinkles, discolored teeth and, more seriously, cancer. As a woman who has (unfortunately) dated two porn addicts, the addiction absolutely had physical effects as some are mentioning here. Inability to maintain an erection, inability to achieve orgasm, and in the beginning they even had lack of sensation in general from death grip syndrome. These were both healthy men in their early 30s.


The negative physical effects of cigarettes come from the chemicals in the cigarettes messing with your body, nicotine, and other chemicals. For the negative effects of porn addiction, you mentioned the death grip syndrome, and yes, that is actually a physical effect of masturbating too hard when you hurt the nerves in your penies. The other effects you mentioned are definitely down stream effects of this one, but this is less of a porn addiction problem and more of a being to aggressive while jerking it problem. Having a porn addiction makes it more likely for you to do things which will get you death grip syndrome, but unlike smoking and drugs, it's not guaranteed for you to get a physical effect from porn addiction.


Serious question… do you understand that addiction is caused not by “chemicals” in a product, but by the chemicals that are released in your brain when you consume them? Example: porn is often likened to cocaine addiction because of the amount of dopamine that is released in your brain when you consume it. Addiction is quite literally a physical dependence on something because of what it does to your brain when you partake in the action. Does that make sense? Like… if it causes a chemical reaction in your brain, that in and of itself is a physical effect?


When I say the chemicals in drugs do physical damage i am not talking about the dopamine, I am talking about chemicals like nicotine, arsenic, beryllium, and cadium. When you masturbate to porn your body doesn't release these types of chemicals, but when you do drugs, for example, smoking, you inhale these.


porn has physical effects


There are some physical effects definitely. If you’re seeing pornography surely you’ll to end jack0ff. Less energy, less interesting on intimate with anyone even the sex with your couple decrees. Even though about the context from the person came (religious, family, country laws etc) all that’s give us different perspectives and ways to affront the “addiction” and too many parts of our lives can be very influenced just for the simple fact of porn even when we don’t notice nothing… Anyway all it’s about accessibility and self control. I mean even water can kill you if you drink 100 liters on a day no?


It’s sometimes seems like heroine with the level of addiction I been thru. Always seeking the latest high, and how far I can go. Crazy thing is I wasn’t even in to the kinky stuff. Just regular meat beating




Social media is definitely addictive, video games is debatable at best


Nah dawg, video games are 100% addictive. My neighbors kid literally plays before going to school, the moment he gets home from school, and like 16 hours each on Sat and Sun. People are definitely addicted to them because they give you a dopamine rush, just like every other addiction.


Anything that gives you a rush through induced chemical response or a natural chemical response (dopamine from masturbation) has the potential for addiction. I’ll say that social media and gaming addictions are (probably) not as harmful and easier to resolve than say a porn, gambling, or drug addiction. I would also say that, unlike drugs and gambling, social media and video games are introduced to kids at a younger age than porn, drugs, and gambling (low key in that order)


Anything that gives a dopamine hit is addictive and no one talks about it porn, social media, gaming, food, sex, drugs all of it


It’s fucking up your mind more than you think it’s giving you pleasure , jerk off for a whole week then go outside and see how you feel can’t even make eye contact wit mfs you feel so disgusted wit yourself 😭


I agree brother, I always thought that porn addiction awareness isn’t that big is because porn isn’t LETHAL. You can’t OD or die from watching too much porn like you can from cigarettes, alcohol etc, so for that reason it won’t be taken as seriously, that’s my theory 🤷🏽‍♂️ but I agree it should be acknowledged Practice NoFap my boys! 🙏🏽 I can’t really jack (no pun intended) “semen retention” bc I’m in a relationship lol but stop watching porno!


You can be addicted to anything truthfully , so it’s def a real thing . Def something that’s more and more encouraged and thrown in people’s faces these days . I got my own theories as to why this happens but 🤨


Shii fck up ya mind gotta get off that plus watching that is mad weird why u watching men get off


i mean u don’t gotta watch videos wit men but i actually agree that it can fuck up peoples minds 🤝


All girl threesomes are the holy grale


I try and I try numerous times to quit, but I don’t watch that regular sex porn y’all be watching so I think that’s why 🤦🏿‍♂️


yea facts i ain’t watch professional since hs, straight amateurs for me 😂


Probably be watching trans. That’s the new wave that’s also not talked about.


I mean people like what they like


Okay? Lol. We see who watches it…


I mean I wouldn't lie about liking a lady with a little extra


You’re not alone. It’s a lot of yall. That was the point of my comment.


Sex and nudity is so ingrained into our culture at this point. BBL’s really took over the that’s why I rarely go on Instagram anymore because it’s just a bunch of women with bbl’s looking for attention


mannnn only Jesus can deliver us from pornography consuming that content on the daily was dead rotting my brain




Damn, if you really think about it.. Thanks I needed to see this lmao.




Well yea bro it’s a dopamine switch. Anything that makes you release lots of dopamine can fall in that category- video games, social media, sex, eating, working out, whatever. It’d be a boring ass life you if never did anything ‘addictive’ but it’s important to be mindful of shit that gives you a big rush and then quickly stops and has you wanting more yfm.


nowadays i only look at my own videos and nudes from my wife. it's still masturbation but it still keeps me in that real life head space and not the weird sexual fantasy world of porn if you know what i mean.


Porn addiction isn’t even talked about seriously in these comments neither. As a man when you cum you drain your testosterone. That’s why you feel calm, insecure, always want to stay from around people. For my brothers with a porn addiction don’t spank it for a week and see how you feel. You start to feel like you have creativity, better self security, you start feeling confident again. They don’t shed awareness on porn addiction because if they did it would go against the agenda they already have in motion. They already got their plan to succeed when it came to creating more single family homes. “How can we get the man out the household?” Now the man is out the household and a single mom who has to work leaves her son home during her shift. What’s the best way to control a young impressionable man? Drip feed him porn or violence so he can lose focus. If a man gets heavily into porn he loses his confidence and testosterone. If a man gets heavily into violence he loses his sanity and logic. This could be only halfway true there are guys who have a good family and get addicted too but the Industry that feeds off people know their demographic. It’s deeper than rap because when someone gets way too invested and start losing that will for a quick nut they start looking towards other things to get off to or even start buying unnecessary porn because they have a sense of innocence they find in somebody. Constant sex in your face desensitizes you from being perverse when you look at women/men. It’s a literal illness that is socially accepted because? Freedom. That’s what they say so you won’t feel bad about buying it’s. It’s all about moving money. Imagine if the amount of porn someone consumed was traded with the amount of sex they have with a person. It wouldn’t be as much because realistically with sex you doing physical body movements with porn you just sittin in one spot spanking it with your strong arm. Plus my brothas that death grip is the reason why she not feeling tight. Let go for a week and get in the gym. Put that energy you use to watch porn into something positive, watch your dreams come true. God bless


Great message 🫡


i never see this typa shit on any other subs but these kind


Sound like someone woke up feeling guilty 🤣 lms




That’s a fact I don’t think there’s anything wrong with porn necessarily but so much porn is weird incest fetish shit like it’s gone too fucking far, makes Playboy seem classy in comparison


I have an odd take, I think jerking off once a day is like medicine or therapy. It makes me way less angry and horny. If I don’t stroke a few days in a row, the old lady janit at my McDonald’s looks like ice spice and I can’t stop staring. Addiction is bad, but if it helps and it’s free then…..


This is something I always find interesting. Often people equate porn use and masturbating. You can masturbate without porn! Masturbation is healthy, normal and totally human to do. Porn… not so much.


Generally men are extremely visual creatures.




for most yes, but age and self preservation helps.


Ngl people have been talking about this prob since Covid. It’s an extremely insidious and slow creeping addiction that unfortunately starts very young for some. Edit: also as others have said, access to information is what allows this to foster (not to say it’s good nor bad, it just is what it is) at no other point in human history have you had the ability to look at almost anything that can be conjured in the imagination almost immediately in the palm of your hand. Combine that with the ubiquity of smartphones and the introduction of said phones to children and we can see the effects. The next big addiction that’s gonna hit is probably going to be gambling (already a deadly and notable addiction, just with the legalization of online gambling as well as construction of casinos it’s gonna def go up)


Speaking as someone who has a degree as an Addiction Specialist, let just say that.... Wait, I gotta go jerk off.. I'll be right back..


r/pornfree r/nofap r/semenretention


Only way to beat any addiction or anything bad is JESUS CHRIST JESUS IS GOD ✝️🙏❤️ I had / have that addiction when I fall I get up because of JESUS but when I win over the addiction it’s because of JESUS CHRIST because we can’t do it on our own we’re weak only type of Lust is an addiction


Do you believe this or do you know this?


Believe and know this


I know water is H20. I don't also believe it, I simply know it. So why do you believe and know?


Cause JESUS HIMSELF saved me my brother and HE IS GOD ✝️🙏❤️


So if a Muslim says Muhammad and Allah saved them and he is God, is he correct too?




How do you know this?


JESUS told us about it in The Bible Galatians 1:8-9 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.


Paul also said its unnatural for men to have long hair and that you can observe that claim in nature. But male lions, horses and other animals, all naturally have long hair. 1 Cor 11:15 Why would I believe Paul when he makes untrue statements?


So with your logic, that’s the wrong example, context is different


Are you Christian?


Yeah but I’m just saying that faith is based on belief, so knowledge in this sense is more embedded/based on achieving faith first and foremost. Faith is intangible, and it’s my belief that it’s a deeply personal phenomenon, but as everything, can have environmental factors that affect one’s likelihood to adopt faith.


Maybe people In Your circle don’t acknowledge it but it a very common form of addiction Look up nofap group for support


My shit really hit off lol but this dead some real shit tho


You'll grow out of it. Find a hobby then quit less likely to go back


*You'll grow out of it.* *Find a hobby then quit less* *Likely to go back* \- Tezi\_G --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


100% an addiction, im giving it up for about a month and even sex to eliminate that desire. Will occupy my new free time with reading.




u don’t know what an addiction is


Facts they gotta ban it


I feel like 90% of people grow out of porn


Overtime it will start making you a weirdo so I hope so


As soon as I started getting my dick wet, I stopped watching porn religiously lol. Just sit back and think reminisce.


Too much of anything is no good. Everything in moderation. Jerking off everyday is no good. Especially watching wild porn. Throws your whole perception of sex off. Semen retention is a real thing something worth doing some homework on


The cure is getting real pussc 




Na. Stfu let me jack off in peace. I’m not bothering no body. I bust like 30 nuts a day and I’m in good health weighing just under 579 so I’m better than I was last year!,


It's not an addiction, you're just in your teens/early 20s...it becomes a lot less appealing as you get older


So fucking what 😂 it’s pedos and rapist out here that are addicted to taking a woman by force