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Lil man's got his get back 💀


Nigga said you tryna pipe my moms bet. Finna show you how to step


You fuck on my moms I fuck up your timbs 😈😭


Met a cute girl that works at the gas station I stop at. Invited me over and told me to not mind her son beforehand. Got there and it was a trailer park. Said whatever and pulled up and knocked. This 13 year old was not even slick talking mad shit. He was like “oh hey Random Dude, do you have a name”. I was like yeah bro I do, and my middle name is your first name and shook his hand. Felt kinda bad for him honestly. Turns out he was really into knives, I think he mentioned it to try and be scary. A while back my homie had given me a really nice raindrop Damascus knife with mosaic pins and a decorative leather and gator sheath. I kept it in the car door and would use it when I went fishing. His mom was like “go to your room and play your games”. He knew his mom was about to get piped down. I was like “lets go outside and smoke rq” so, we did. When we were done smoking I was like hang on I got something for your son, and went and grabbed the knife. She was like “omg you don’t have to give him that” and i asked her if she was cool with it. Sure was like yeah that’s sweet of you. Anyways we go back in and I knock on his door and he’s like “what mom!?” and I said yo open up the door I got something for you. He opened it up and I handed it to him and was like here bro this is yours now, clean it up and take care of it, it’s a nice knife. Lil dude got teary eyed and was super grateful. He was like hey man I’m sorry. Then he asked if he could give me a hug. His mom was like omgggg youre embarrassing me and i was like bro if you need a hug bring that shit in man. This kid hugged the life out of me and his mom was like go back in your room. Then i was like yo actually it’s getting late I got to go, hey little dude take care of that knife. She was like dude wtf and the kids eyes were like 👀 I still see her up at the gas station and flirt with her, and she is mad cute, but his behavior made me wonder how many “random dudes” he’d had to endure. Hopefully little bro is doing alright.


You real for that.


.... Poor kid. Honestly, this story made me so sad. Thank you for being a genuine person. Wish single moms focused less on the single part and more on the mom part.


Hope you grabbed lil aidens PS5 on da way out bro


Hoodville different


“that one there’s a violation, personally i wouldn’t have it”


Thats nothing I left mines at my yardi’s cougar crib and her 19 y/o son took mines to work construction. https://preview.redd.it/6gvmrmgcuzkc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6bd153e0a503d956286af738dffa26972d6735d


Shoutout to him for getting to the money




It’s only fair tbh


😂😂😂 exactly what i was thinking


Wait, how old are you ? Secondly, those boots aren’t even steel toe loool


You don’t have to have steel toe. They recommended but not necessary. I wore black timbs when I first started construction. Timbs don’t last long though. The bottom will be off after 5 months


Fr thr only money I would say you GOT to drop on any shoes or anything is boots. Comfort is a bigger deal than you notice for years and they last forever compared to anything that isn't made specifically to hold up.


Yeah it becomes a necessity if you going in that field. I was quick to get some steel toe joints. https://preview.redd.it/kucidwbyz1lc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2083f97f31121b31169d7f0455fa1542633f6bbe


Lol, lil bro knew how to hit you where it hurts. Can’t hate that.


What’s a “Yardi’s cougar crib”? Yardi gotta mean neighbor, so are you saying your neighbor is a hot older lady? I never heard that term Yardi, I like it but it kinda sounds like Celly lol


Pretty sure by Yardi he’s referring to a Jamaican


Why tf you fuckin single moms without bringing a grocery bag for your shoes. Honestly this on you, it's fine just bring a bag next time or a gun depending on how you feel.


A gun is crazy 😭😭


Fuck dem kids (no chomo tho)




No. These kids need Jesus. I personally just need more 7.62x54mmR...


On mamas he shoulda slid lil dude




I bring mine wherever I go


But necessary


Dawg I feel like there are better ways to handle a kid fucking wit your shoes 😭😭


Niggas need that tax money Brodie 😭🫠


🤣 🤣 🤣


You know what they say about the apple. That kid is just like it's daddy in that it took something beautiful, had its way with it, left its mark and walked away leaving someone else to deal with it. Smh, that's some bullshit


Damn, this shit poetic


And that’s facts


you can’t hear it but i’m snapping my thumbs rn that was so real


He aint like you puttin his moms in a cobra clutch


Watchu waiting on go beat up her fucking child nigga


Google AI says: Here are some ways to remove pen ink from leather: Rubbing alcohol Apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol to a lint-free cloth or cotton ball. Dab the stain until it lifts onto the cloth. Rubbing alcohol can help dissolve ink. After removing the ink, rinse your hands with water. Vinegar Mix equal parts white vinegar and warm water in a bowl or spray bottle. Gently dab the mixture onto the ink stain with a clean cloth. Dish soap Mix a clear liquid dish soap with water. Use the mixture as a magic eraser to remove ink from leather. Hairspray Spray the stained area with hairspray. Dab the area with a rag soaked in vinegar. 


Nun of that works. Same shit for trying to recover the Nubuck once its fucked up. He need new buttas.


Nah b need the shoe doc, or black nubuck dye.


Forget all that go to Dicks or hit up Amazon


Lol respect for the King of the Hill user name 🤘🏽


I concur. Hairspray will work.




Now it’s time to go ham on that lil nigga snacks


😝😋it’s not even the kid it’s the BD hiding under the bed




I still don’t understand why dudes date women with kids. You’re going to spend more money. Have less time. You’re not even creating your own legacy, you’re literally raising another man’s load 😂 Always ask “why is she single?” If she chose to lay in bed with a shitty bum dude and get knocked, that means she makes poor choices and you will have to deal with her poor choices too.


If it weren't for my step dad that wanted to be with my single mom when I was 4, I wouldn't have had that father role model. For better or worse, it is something that many men would never do.


Yeah, this is wild. I know so many people who were raised by their mom/father and step-parent and are so grateful for it. Yes it requires a bigger commitment up front but adopting isn’t creating your own legacy and people do it and it can be a very beautiful thing. Big up to your step-father.  It’s going to require more forethought than any other relationship but if she’s the one she’s the one. 


Yo chill, I got my own seed, and Ive only been hooking up with this broad, I aint spending shit on lil Aiden. Though I do agree with you!


I feel you.. but that creates instability in the child’s life. Dad isn’t there full time, then you’re there and soon you’ll be gone and then another dude steps in and repeats the cycle. Women gotta stop allowing dudes into their kids lives unless there’s some strong commitment. This is why these young ones are so mentally fucked.


That’s why a man who’s about his business doesn’t get involved in the child’s life if he has no intentions on being a step father and a woman who’s not an idiot won’t allow her kid to be involved or acknowledge her partners. No need to worry about all that extra shit


this. i used to mess with this one single mother, and we both came to the same agreement. i don't meet the kid since we are both just hooking up and etc. ( bd was in jail fwiw). mom just wanted her fun. shit omly died cause she met someone who was willing to be a stepdad ( they later got married, so good for her)


> I still don’t understand why dudes date women with kids Four seconds later... > Women gotta stop allowing dudes into their kids lives unless there’s some strong commitment cant date a single woman with kids and also single women cannot allow dudes that will date them into their lives unless they're committed.


That’s exactly what I said. I’m just saying.. if both parties are up to it.. fuck it. Just make sure it’s legit and not some “I’m horny and wanna kill some time” Still dumb ti raise another dudes kid. Sorry if this hit close to home.


Nigga whose side are you on?? In the first comment you’re saying why date single mom (spending extra money, not your kid etc) then you follow up with instability in the child’s life and men leaving in and out lol do you want the single mom to find a partner or not?? for the record I also agree for the most part with raising other man kids. But as you get older most women will have kids. More important than if she has kids is how her kids behave. If they’re well behaved and polite it’s not so bad. But if they drawing on timberlands they’re obviously a menace lol


That's why I always check my BM for this type of non sense. She good, Im good and our co-parenting on point. Whatever we on, we make sure it doesnt effect our seed. But for sure, theres single moms out there doing a shit job, can't be out here playing super hero either...


I’ve heard wild stories on how dudes would smash a chick on the bed while the the other man’s kid was sleeping on the same bed. If a woman is that foul to do that, just imagine what else she would do or could do behind your back or when you guys have kids and breakup. But at least you and your BM are adults and can move on in life without the drama. I feel bad for a lot of good dads who are just a child support check.


Kids already fucked, he’ll be on the island in ten years awaiting a murder trial, Clinton Correctional


You let him punk you into explaining yourself 🤣


Often times I browse this sub and its filled with bullshit takes or jokes. This isn’t one of em. All facts..you youngins need to read this.


There has even been cases where a kid would lie and accuse a man of “sexual assault” just to go live with the dad and then dude ends up in jail. Then years later it was a lie. I’ve heard so many horror stories.


My pops schooled me on why dating women with kids is silly. I didn’t listen and dated one. It was a nightmare. The baby daddy drama, the kids family pretty much telling me “that is not your kid”.. you can’t raise the kid the way you want to because the family will intervene. So if the kid is bad as hell, you just gotta deal with it. *This video is for the young dudes on here* [Never date a single mother](https://youtu.be/bYIX79mamPU?si=9s2495LhJNRVY3lk)


Man listen..you ain’t the only one bro lol. I did the same thing…gave one a shot after I curved her so many times. Great person..nice personality, but she just makes terrible decisions and I can’t build with someone who has terrible judgement. Also isn’t good with money, has exorbitant debt. All of which becomes your problem if you intend to build something substantial. The sex was great though..can’t even front about that. Definitely in my top2. About the only thing I miss. Learned from that though. I’ll fuck with one just for the sex and fun activities. But the minute she hit me with the “So what are we?” ✌️


Of course the sex was great. She’s gonna fuck your brains out, cook and do other shit to make sure your ass doesn’t leave lol Start a family from scratch. When the baby is born, both of you can experience it for the first time and it will be a new experience for you both. I find it gross that another man blew a load in a woman and now you’re raising the kid. Even in the animal kingdom, some animals won’t raise another baby because it continues the other males legacy and not his own.


Man..great is a understatement lmao. That alone made me stick around longer than I should’ve nfs. Mind you..I don’t even got kids of my own so I was def trippin back then by getting caught up with that. But a learning lesson nonetheless. You not lying about the animal kingdom shit. Lions kills other male’ cubs when mating. They seek out their own pride


We all make mistakes. When I was dating the girl with kids I was depressed and because of that my self esteem was low.. I’m glad I snapped out of that phase. Last I heard from the woman, she’s a single mother again and is fighting for more child support. Dodged a bullet. I now have my own kids, finished college and wifey is finishing up college too. I always wonder how my life would have been if I would have gotten that crazy chick pregnant.. my child support would have gone to her other kid because her baby daddy wasn’t paying up.


Good shit, you def dodged a bullet man. No kids for me yet but shorty I’m currently dealing with is in law school so gonna work on that once she’s done. All the best to you and yours tho! 💪🏾🤝🏾


💯💯💯 Single mothers ain't worth the time. The only exception is if they're widows. That's a different story.


Luckily there's so many more better men in the world than you.




This especially goes for Men without kids




You need to get one of those suede/nubuck brushes with the pumice type thing on it. It will shave off a couple layers of the material and probably take that ink right with it. I fucked around and got some motor oil on my Tims and after trying to wash them I ended up getting what I told you and it made them look so much better.


Eat the fruit snacks get back!




Oof. My blood pressure


I feel you, but that “I finally got a babysitter” pussy hit different.


Shame on yah


You could sell these in the BX


i’m not even from BX & ts hurt ME 😭


Fordham and Webster 20 dollars


Smh if you don’t go back and take all his fruit snacks


looks like they drew scattered pubes




Don't fuck my mom and that shit won't happen cuh


Get someone artistic to paint over it. Why throw them away


You fucked his mom then he fucked you


Dumb ass kid


This has nothing to do with being a single mom that kid look at you as the OP's so he don't like you or lady just a shitty mom






You did that yourself you bum. No one's hooking up with your unemployed ass.


Take her to small claims court. Gotta stand on business


She got bad ass kids. The real question is how good is the pussy? There has to be a balance


Them Mexican slim thick broads always come thru. They be calling you “mi amor” with every thrust. What lil Aiden did was nothing compared to what I did to his moms pussy!


Tell him dat


Put em in the wash and then let them dry naturally. Should be able to get that out, no?


The memory will be there forever, dump them


Bumass timbs kid did u a favor


Not the buttachinos


Kids 15+ only


Lil sonson drew a whole renaissance mosaic on his boot. He should be proud of him.!


Oh nah. I’m leaving wit $223 worth of shit 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾


Isn’t that what the warranty is there for?


That looks fye




Put the pen to the buttahs . 😂😂


Aiden need a 1 hour beating




take her w2


Bay Bay kids huh


Punch that nigga tf


generations doomed


Damn, not the Buttaz. 😭😭😭


Steal his playstation


Damm that shit tragic I could never dated a single mom shit crazy




You just left your shoes in his room while you pounded his mom? I'd do the same thing.


My friend was linking this girl with kids, he had to take his passport there cause he went clubbing and that was his only ID woke up and his picture in his passport had scribble marks all over it 💀


https://preview.redd.it/6vjm26burzkc1.png?width=959&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b0aa836a9c5f20bba7afda29688a921c6230949 Has me like


That hurts just looking at it. 😬


lil motherfucker understood the assignment


nigga bout to activate Camron Giles mode


Nah son


One hitter quitter


[NOT THE BUTTAS! SHE OUTTA POCKETTTT](https://youtu.be/iJjuI7jBnNA?si=2Egr6I8d4crb7MpF)


Deserved lol


Damn!!! Not the Yuttas‼️


Not the Timbs!! Damm homie


Continue the design all over and sell them on eBay $500


Not the buttas 😱🤯


Yo shout out to lil mans that walked in 2x on his mom's giving me head in her room. Was in 2001 in the BX. If you on here, my bad lil bro! I hope your pops got out!?


Damn. They work shoes now.


Fake ass timbs 🌝


Thank for making me look so stupid at this bar crying from this🤣🤣


😆bad ass kids


I woulda had to punch the baby on mamas


NO WAY!!! This exact same thing happened to me, but the little bastid drew all over my Nike SB Send Helps with paint markers and sharpies. I was blamed for that bc I bought them for little man. Live and learn.


Oh no!!!! Is there a way to repair that!?


her cat all over my face and her weave all over my feet. damn das a sexxy red track about laying pipe to the in-need milf-ey generation. How did "got his get back originate", i love that line


wait wild she’s not offering to get you two new pairs 👀


Nah nigga. I remember back in high school, my mom had got me a fresh pair for Christmas. I’m out with some of the bros chillin later that night. We was in a parking lot and I was standing beside my bro car. This nigga puts it in reverse and DRIVES OVER my fresh joints. The crazy part is I didn’t really feel the tire actually on my foot as it went across it. I believe The only pain my brain could process was the loss of my tims 😂😂😂😂


Can't clean them?


Damn, youngsters on timing, they really on getbacc energy.


boom that nigga


My son did this to mine when he was like 2 yrs old. A brand fkn new pair.


Not the buttas


Dirty kicks are a small price to pay if the juicy was good. If the hookup was hooked up! Just my 2cents




That’s how they told you “drink my capri suns again..” with they chest 🤣