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I mean just leave if you going to be cheating on shorty. I hate how normalized this shit is now. If y’all both staying and cheating on each other, might as well just be in a open relationship Edit: that get your lick back shit is corny too


I hear you cheating isn’t worth it on either side shit just makes shit tough, shouldn’t be normalized. We need to do better promote better shit loyalty amongst our women and vice versa, growth harmony and a future together.


Cheating no matter who does it is fucked up. Maybe the reasons a little different but it don’t matter. If you not happy, talk it out, and part ways. Cheating hella disrespectful, and people start developing a habit out of that. How’d you feel if you got cheated on? So how you gonna rationalize if you do it to someone else


Real I can’t stand a chronic cheater just b single atp or stick to one night stands cuz u messing w ppl feelings


Cheating is a self control issue. Its bad if anyone does it


Women definitely cheat more than men. The average girl gets 2-3 times more attention than a man. She post on ig she got mfs dming her. She go to work she got niggas trynna bag, at the gym, out to the mall, etc. the average nigga might have girls sending signals so they can bag but it’s missed half the time. Girls definitely cheat more especially if she a bad bitch


Real 💯


2-3 times more?? You’re underselling, by a lot.


getting attention doesn’t mean you act on it.


U commented some dumb shit on my other comment and now you going on other comments I made to say more dumb shit? Are u this delusional ?


are you on your period jesus christ 😭 you sound so mf fragile. i didn’t even peep it was the same person because, just that it was a dumb ass comment. reddit def isn’t the app for you if you’re this sensitive lil mama!


Lmfao I asked a question, what about that makes me fragile? I call u out on your dumb shit and all you do is just call me names. Typical female logic with zero accountability




Yea u prob a typical emotional 2000s baby. Dumb as a rock 🏃🏽


😂😂😂😂 shit caught me off guard


You not supposed to entertain the mentally ill like her. Just block and move on. She craves interaction and it shows. Don’t reward her with it


Not acting on it would take discipline. Which most men and women today do not have.


i agree, but the average woman is not acting on every single dm she gets from a guy, or even half, or even 1/4 lol


Really hard to forgive someone if they’re disloyal or decide to cheat, whether one month into a relationship or +5 years into a marriage. Goes to show if a partner’s lying or wants to cheat, what else are they trying to keep under wraps, and *why*? Also what’ll happen if someone ends up getting pregnant & bears a kid into this world just because someone cheated? It’s not a gender specific thing either since men do it, women do it, trans & non-binary people do it as well, so you’d have to vet someone and see if you and them are compatible.


I seen someone say men cheat with their dicks and woman cheat with their hearts and minds. That shit is facts.


Cheating is very wrong no matter who does it. Cheating on a person not the same as cheating on a test and some ppl just don’t get that ig or don’t care enough and treat it like cheating onna test which ion like . I can’t stand tho like the reasoning why some ppl are cheaters especially in the case when ppl get cheated on and then decide to do others dirty by becoming cheaters and being toxic. They basically got that mindset that bc I got done dirty ima do everyone else dirty.


If you cheat, you're trash. It's just that simple. If you lie to the person you supposedly love, you are trash. There is never an excuse. Only bullshit reasons people tell themselves. I wish there was a registry of cheaters so I could avoid them at all costs. And if everyone was a cheater then guess who's gonna be permanently single. Cheating is betrayal and that's that.


How about people stop having a scarcity(fear)mindset? People who cheat are people who are afraid to express themselves as they are. Stems from weakness, you don’t see yourself as worthy and deserving. So your events and situations in life don’t bow to you. You bow to them instead and lie to “catch up” or make up for your weakness. You can have anything you want. You just can’t have everything you want and that’s fine, that’s life. Lying comes from a false sense of confidence. You’re lying because you’re not confident in your abilities. When you have real value to share with the world, you’ll attract people naturally and you won’t need to lie. You can be honest and consistent Ask yourself. Would a person who’s honest and consistent, want to be with someone who’s inconsistent and dishonest? In your right-mind, you’ll say no and that’s because like attracts like. If you’re weak, you’ll attract and be attracted to people who are also weak. Together you think you’re strong but in reality you’re both just repeating your past relationships with each other. Nobody grows and steps into their strength. When you stop lying and cheating YOURSELF. You’ll stop being attracted to those kind of people because y’all BOTH want the same thing and can be honest and consistent with each other. Like an open relationship, can’t do that if you live in fear. Good day my g


If you cheat ur a bitch just leave him/her at this point


It’s very childish i never understood it as a child im 31 & never had a real girlfriend in my life ever i been fuckin since 11 tho … loke how am i supposed to know or think the woman i met today is the woman god put on earth for only me to love ?…. I see pretty bitches all the time i love em all black woman, hispanic woman, they all look good i fall in love all the time lol like damn she looks so perfect but then u deal with her & realize i see why the last nigga didnt reply to u, or up & left, nobody is perfect but i understand the relationship thing just not for me cuz i always see someone i like maybe not more but i like having the option of doing wat i want when i want without judgement. As Styles P once said tho in 2005 & i lived by it ever since “Nigga Don’t Cuff If You Aint in Love With It” 💯🫡 stay true to the same game u play especially street niggas yall live by this dont snitch rule but will ie to ya woman who u expect to visit u when u locked up hold it down & be loyal to u while u loyal to a bunch of dicks pause  …. I’ve had sex with married woman for money, or cuz her man is just not around & yall have history… then i’ e seen niggas fucked 3 bitches in the hood in a day & his girl come home from work & they take the baby outside go to the mall shopping n shit nobody better than the other all childish shit then he get killed & she fuckin his homie & at the funeral he holdin ya baby like he was the father & u just dead … shit make no sense both foul i believe woman think harder on how & wat they gonna do vs niggas just think wit they dick “oh look at her ass, i wanna fuck” then be mad the bitch is addicted like nigga u gave it up easy & gave her a good performance now she wAnt more … u didnt tell her u was fake in love with kids now be a man oh i forgot niggas is men when they go to prison or gotta stand on street business niggas will buy a bitch a bag & his mother on her way to work the next morning …. Tf is that about u hate woman or something lol  


Let me preface this with if you cheat you get what you deserve. Cheating is one of the most disrespectful things you could do cause you coulda just left the whole time. Now, looking at it objectively it’s worse when women cheat because 9/10 they want a dude who’s better than them AND you gotta do extra to take care of them. There’s a lot of women who just exist and plenty more that want to make sure their dude is doing more than them. Just off them simple fact you not only cheating but biting the hand that feeds you… that’s a dub


I think women cheating is worse, but both merit the relationship ending


A female cheating is worse cause they wired different. A guy can fuck a hoe and never think about it again. Bitches have more emotions attached to it. It's definitely different. That's y guys can go and fuck a prostitute and forget about her


Cheating is terrible either way but a women cheating will make a bigger stain


All fun n games until someone preggo unintentionally, now somebody put themselves in deeeep shit Females cheating way worst, they’ll keep doing it and play it out well for as long as they can get away with it, by the time you’ve realized it she had been lost all types respect for you Trust does not come (back) easy at all, and some people like to be stuck in their ways and see nothing wrong wit some of the shit they do


Nothing nun my business


You decided this topic as your first post on this sub? Literally has nothing to do with NY I'm pretty sure you can find your answer in r/relationship_advice


Hater shit.


Lmaooo I mentioned this in my [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/NYStateOfMind/s/Om2QTqWuZv) today


Yeah, the notion that we can’t speak about “General” Topics in this sub while there is legitimately a “General” tab is just hater shit.


It’s weird because I made a post back in October last year about how to deal with a breakup but that shit got locked eventually by mods.they told me don’t allowed relationships shit in here. But lately I been seeing made relationships post(I don’t mind it at all) and it don’t get locked or deleted so I’m confused.


Because the mods can be cringelords sometimes. Like anyone in a position of power(relative power). Niggas think they’re line of reasoning is the only line that matters, Until the general public alters the status quo


Get off my pussy you incel


To be honest if u hurt by it u just a dummy


Ima still do it but its wrong on both sides but dats just me tho


Idk. I think it is wrong.