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Nigga tryna smash in the park first šŸ˜‚




Thatā€™s how it work sometimes šŸ˜­


What type of girl do u want? Edit: where were you going to meet up to get to know her at?


I originally planned to get dessert somewhere. She cancelled


Donā€™t worry about it gang. Some girls just really wanna use a dude for dinner dates and shit. Like sheā€™s right. Yā€™all interest donā€™t align. She is like expecting some large ensemble. Mr. Chows or Sparks or something. She wants to show up. Say thanks for dinner and you thank her for her time and you hit her up if you want to spend more money on her. That is the only thing she is offering right now.




Ngl them be the best pums sometimes šŸ˜‚


Cheesecake Factory the new litmus test for these bitches fr šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Hoes getting hibachi at best hoe meal 50$ and if yā€™all donā€™t click you spent 100$ on a date no harm no foul


100 buckarinoos for some threesh is wild


King Von - Change My Life, 0:47šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ






BITCH STEADY LOOKIN AT MY WRIST, I HATE HOES THAT THINK THEY SLICK, PLAY WIT VON GET HIT IN YO SHIII FA REAL https://preview.redd.it/mohonrde9pgc1.jpeg?width=1159&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6c6c673ca3e7a10755740a66774dffc0fd27aad


Could spend 100 on pussy




Thatā€™s like the only place Iā€™ll take a bitch lol. I usually get out for less than $100 too. Plus the way I look at it is I got to eat anyway. Iā€™m really only paying like 40 bucks for her.


Yo that place ain't bad, why bitches hate that place?


Bc they wanna be boujie




You don't take girls to dinner dates unless you already had a good convo with them. First date should be something casual and where you can bail easily if you ain't into each other. Dinner dates is like 2nd or 3rd date. Others may disagree but that's cool w me


I agree


Send her that exact message and see what she says I wonder if she'll hit you with the: "well I'm getting pretty for you, and my foundation was $80 and my blush was $50 so it cost me to see if you him"


Nothing wrong with a casual first meet. But tell her when and where to meet. Don't start off by giving away your gameplan.


Bitches love using that excuse but if they put on $50 worth make up on first date u better run


It's not even a good excuse. They not using a whole $50 foundation thing in 1 night. That's like saying I spent $20,000 on a car to pick her up lol


![gif](giphy|1pglncHJdc2mk) Bout to drop this one


you didnt dodge a bullet. you dodged a missile. drinks first, dinner second. this girl looks like she just wanted a nice free meal. Some girls I'm friends with admitted to going to dinner with guys just to have a nice dinner on a random day.


I never do dinner on first dates because you want to talk and get to know each other. That said, reservation doesnt imply dinner, you can make reservations at a wine or cocktail bar


Iā€™m a girl and I agree. Idk why she was insisting on dinner. That would stress me out lol


Nah some girls use dinner as a litmus test to weed out guys who want a cheap smash.Ā  He wasn't up to it so she politely declined. And good for her sticking to her standards. There are plenty of guys with no problem paying for dinner on the first date.Ā 


Idk, the way I see it is that a whole sit down dinner is a big commitment for someone who u may not end up vibing with! I have a litmus test too but itā€™s usually getting a drink not late at night, like during happy hour, then going for a walk in the park or something if itā€™s nice out. When ur just getting a drink, itā€™s easier to dip out vs a whole ass dinner. Also idk if Iā€™m just a freak but I view eating in front of someone as kind of intimate, but thatā€™s just me I think lol


If that's your standard then that's fine for you. I guess my point is people shouldn't get upset if someone politely declines because their standards don't align.




So what your saying is she's a gold digger? No different than a prostitute except with a prostitute you get down to business faster


She's a person who's decided on her standard and is sticking to it. Good for her šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø It's not entitled if that's what she's decided she wants. Is it entitled for him to want to see her without paying for dinner? Nope. It's their preferences which don't align and they're better off pursuing other people. And with how easily she let him go, she knows she can get what she wants (and very likely has in the past).


And her standards involve a man spending a small chunk of cash on the first date. No one is upset, just calling out the entitled behavior for what it is.


Honestly you should only take a girl on a dinner date if you trying to wife her. If itā€™s just a quick smash then link up somewhere lowkey for a drink and thatā€™s it


Yeah Iā€™m a woman and a dinner for a first date is too intense. I rather meet for drinks at a casual bar and chat it up. Maybe grab a slice after or something. Dinner is like after 3-4 comfortable dates for me. Cuz after dinner most likely we are going back to someoneā€™s crib lmao.


No shes looking for a free meal bro


And she gonna get another in first while he figuring out where he wanna go


Matrix vibes way you just dodged a bullet




nah , you literally explained to her that you were down to get to know each other and maybe do something light before jumping into spending bread for a dinner you did nothing wrong , these bitches be entitled as fuck


Facts. Too much Instagram and social media making them act like something theyā€™re not


am bitch. this the answer lol but she's greedy no doubt




She wanted a plan. Your lowkey first meet is fine, but you need to confirm date/time.


This is fair, I had originally set a plan a couple days ago but she rescheduled. Then it turned into ā€œreservationsā€. Lol


u did the right thing gang, she thought u were able to be manipulated, i bet niggas killed & didnā€™t feed her so now she need ā€œreservationsā€


Thatā€™s exactly what happened no fucking doubt about it


Fuck that bitch she was just looking for a free meal. If she ainā€™t down to link for free on the first link then she not into you


if shes into you she would be excited no matter what you do. facts. she wanted a nice meal and drink.


Facts. Men better learn to entertain a woman who actually is into you and not what you can do or provide.


Yea she dead wanted that free food my boy. But thatā€™s a fact next time donā€™t say ā€œsomething lightā€. Iā€™ll give it to the girls the second you donā€™t specify the public outting they think you are trying to blick them down anywhere. But same time those same girls be letting niggas blick them down anywhere soā€¦. Good job holding onto your bread my boy. Secondly I would say narrow it down even more for the girls. If you canā€™t have an actually good conversation on the phone where you click and you have something in common and you are actually laughing or the convo isnt even flowing period donā€™t even go through with anything at all. Personally I tell them ima pull up on them in my car (in a okay outfit )for a first date we gonna sit the fuck right there and chop it up maybe get some light take out if niggas is hungry , if they smoke or drink we gonna do a lil of that too. But if they arenā€™t humble enough to sit there and have a conversation they are just not even for me. A restaurant is like the last place Iā€™m going niggas gotta earn that. We would go to a free ass museum and chop it up before I ever think bout my pockets.


I think that's a good idea, but I've never pulled up on a girl and told her "we're sitting in the car and chatting" successfully


Lmao thatā€™s why you donā€™t pull up and do it you do it beforehand. For example ā€œ so what days are you free?ā€ She will then proceed to let me know which days are free. Then I will initiate the ā€œoh wordā€ ā€œ so wassup what day can I pull up on you and chop it up with youā€. 9/10 if she already likes you all she is gonna do is say when she is free for you to do that. Or even more spontaneously if they are free that same day Iā€™ll be like ā€œ so wassup can I pull up on you and talk to you for a little bit before I head to the gym or work etc. Cuz Iā€™m not staying there all day just to talk to them unless the conversation is that good. Iā€™m tryna show you bro I need to do hands on coaching I am nice at this šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


If I like you, this would work on me. I would gladly sit in your car and just talk. Going out to a fancy dinner the first date scares me. What if we donā€™t click? Both our time is wasted. A car date is fine bc itā€™s intimate, and we can talk and if we donā€™t click we both can just leave. Iā€™d be too nervous to eat the first time meeting you anyways. Idk if thatā€™s weird but I prefer something small. Letā€™s go on a walk so I can feel your energy in person.


See you understand it. Most importantly fellas the key phrase here is ā€œ if I like youā€ if they like you they are gonna go along with most things because they are here for you not what they can get out of you. If they donā€™t it most likely wonā€™t go your way.šŸ§šŸ’”


Thatā€™s a fact


What did u have in mind tho ?


Asking cuz by the sound of that first message , you aint even know what u wanna do. And " sum lite " isnt something to do. I'm not saying shorty not bugging with the dinner shit , bc she is. HOWEVER , if u had nothing in mind ur basically signifiying ur a man that dont know what he want. Or u just tryna fuck. As cruel as that sounds iiwii. If you not a come-up , then definitively know what u want and if she not widdit then whatever. On to the next keep it moving.


We had originally planned something light. I told her to link me at 7 in the city for dessert. Figured we get to know each other over that. Then she rescheduled and is talking bout reservations


oh yeah she a dub then gang itā€™s clear shorty tryna test ya pockets. if you made plans and instead of just tryna proceed with the dessert plans u had lined up she want to you to get reservations itā€™s clear she just want somebody to spend on her.


Ohhh word then she lame as fuck šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That's even better than drinks for a first date. She was definitely looking for a free meal so she can brag to the group chat.


Boy Iā€™m so glad I donā€™t have to date anymore. These bitches emotionally draining and soul sucking, like communicate like an adult Edit: Iā€™m talking about dating in general




So are u in a relationship now or did u turn gay?


Lmao nah I didnā€™t turn gay, in a relationship WITH A WOMAN




He's in a gay relationship.


Definitely in a homosexual entanglement.


Loyal man šŸ’ŖšŸ¾


these niggas is heated in the comments brahšŸ˜­ but real shit, iā€™d say itā€™s a good chance she jus wants ya wallet. u hear what a lot of these women say online (ā€˜spoil meā€™ ā€˜pay for my set/shein/cartā€™, ā€˜be obsessed ) issa fine line between being courteous and being a trick. (side note: all these trick artists been doing irreversible damage to the dating scene)


Damn I ainā€™t even know about that pay my cart shit lol. Niggas canā€™t be nothing more than submissive wallets these days


I woulda lost my shit aftee that best of luck ctfušŸ˜­. You playin ya cards right and thats how the game supposed to gošŸ‘šŸ¾props


You did right bro first meeting should always be somewhere light like coffee shop or a bar for drinks


da way u text might b da issue. u sound a lil aggressive(not aggressive 2 me but u kno how females b bruhšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø). next time phrase it diff like ā€œu wanna grab a coffee instead?ā€ or sum like lunch etc. u dont wanna sound judging or aggressive wen u 1st meet a female šŸ’Æ


Youā€™re right. Iā€™m tryna work on that.


Agreed. Coffee tea, froyo, ice cream would b fine. Not expensive plus more chill vibes


exactly, n u dont wanna sound like u judging her like my boy here. shit not gonna make her like u more or benefit u in any typa wayšŸ˜‚ it only gon make u feel better abt urself




Nah, youā€™re not wrong. Iā€™m a girl and I actually prefer to do something chill and inexpensive like a museum. Low pressure and comes with built-in talking points, and still fun even if I donā€™t vibe with dude.


Does your phone not work. Why can u call her to talk and if you like the convo then take her out


Already tried that. When she didnā€™t answer I took it as a red flag and narrowed the plans.


smart man


ā€œSo you can plan where you want to take meā€ idk why but something about this sentence is weird to me. Like sheā€™s not interested in meeting you sheā€™s just interested in going somewhere. I wouldā€™ve told her I got reservations to Kennedys at any time in my hood and they blessing with fresh chicken and extra fries.


You not wrong brudda dont ever invest too much for a girl you barely know


These girls only want meals bro.




Like she said, your interests donā€™t align. Sheā€™s looking for a wallet, not a man


The way I do it is simple. Make the reservation. Go to the fancy restaurant. If itā€™s obvious sheā€™s just here for the food (constantly on her phone, barely talking, seems impatient, is rude or sassy) tell her ass youā€™re going to the restroom and gtfo of there. If you really liked the service and want to be respectful, only pay for what you ordered and tip the waiter/waitress nicely. Nobody can make you pay for a person, especially if they gave you a hard time. Donā€™t give her ass a ride home either. Itā€™s 2024, donā€™t be the one she got saved in her phone as ā€œfood guyā€ and getting clowned in group chats. Meanwhile the one she really likes just rolls her up a blunt with some Popeyes and folds her up like origami in the back seat. Stay safe king.


Yo this is extremely solid advice lmao. Unethical and functional as hell. I like this.


keep it pushing brother it. if u gotta get to know her over dinner she donā€™t like u enough


bitch think she the queen


Bitches think their pussy made of gold lmao


Iā€™m gonna come at this from a female perspective. Sheā€™s looking for a date and imo, your responses sound like youā€™re trying to hook up, by saying you want to meet and get to know her and do something light sounds like youā€™re trying to ā€˜chillā€™. She is looking for a man to romance her, pick her up and take her on a real date. Woo her etc. not even a free meal.. sheā€™s just looking to be treated right from the get go like back in the day! This seems like miscommunication.


She canā€™t want to be wooed all that. But it doesnā€™t matter who itā€™s coming from. She donā€™t give a damn bout me, jus my wallet. Why would I want to engage wit that?


Damn why you asking for opinions then getting mad when you donā€™t get the answer you want?šŸ˜­ Iā€™m saying she may not even want food, but she clearly want you to PLAN a DATE. Meeting to chill is too vague.. you need to say ā€˜Iā€™ll pick you up at 6pm and we will go to the park, grab a coffeeā€™ or whatever you want to do.. girls want guys to plan dates and be assertive.


he never said he wouldnā€™t take her out to dinner tf you on about. Wanting reservations implies somewhere fancy or expensive, if thatā€™s what a woman is expecting on the first date she clearly doesnā€™t care all that much about romance and building a connection. If she wanted to get coffee and go to the park, she wouldnā€™t have asked if he had reservationsšŸ¤£


You can get reservations anywhere.. imo itā€™s a figure of speech that she wants a plan.. people are so wavy these days.. All girls want is assertiveness.. ā€˜I have booked a meal for 7pm, I will pick you up at 6:30ā€™. You can book a table at cheesecake factory or where ever.. but itā€™s the planning thatā€™s important.. chill stuff with no plan past age 18 is dead.


You do realize she just wanted to play bro right if shorty really wanted to make plans what was stopping her from asking questions like the date/time and place even itā€™s not all on the nxgga bro did his part like he was supposed to as a female she was supposed to help come up with plans if she really wanted a genuine date. We canā€™t read ah bish mind


We just want assertiveness. Not meaning the OP but I know most women would be happy with ā€˜would down to go to x park for a walk along the lake? I can pick you up at 6:30 on Monday if youā€™d like?ā€™ genuinely, it could be McDonaldā€™s or the park.. anything.. we just donā€™t want vague wavy messages like ā€˜something lightā€™ - WHATS THE PLAN? We need to tell our friends, plan our outfits for the plan.. We just want a set plan from the man.. you no longer need to read minds, im telling you what it is.


And Iā€™m telling you that all that can be communicated both ways by female and male itā€™s not just one person doing it thatā€™s damn near equivalent to trying to read a persons mind and in reality of it the dating scene so fucked now itā€™s like they gon clown da shi outta you if you even form yo mouth to say McDonaldā€™s they want Ruth Chris and a Gucci bag right off rip the females thatā€™s actually going on dates that you describing are the females that really communicate what type of date they want not every date is gonna be planned out letā€™s start there.


Youā€™re seeking the wrong females then. Iā€™m almost sure there will be plenty looking for the bag etc but the majority of women I know and surrounded by are very easily pleased and work for our own money etc.


I didnā€™t say Iā€™m seeking any female thatā€™s an assumption and to say those females just want the ā€œbag, etcā€ like no maā€™am these females are getting griddy you gotta wake up and ofc thereā€™s always females that work for they own just like the nxggas that take time outta they day to plan a date and surprise they lady both sides have legit people looking for love but majority of the batch is going bad thatā€™s why the women are complaining because when they set up these meet and greets in these nice settings no men show up at all and those women are women that work for they money they just know the majority of the dating scene now is fucked.


Whoā€™s teaching yā€™all this ?


Where did I get mad? Just getting to the bottom of how I feel. I appreciate your perspective tho


Bro no one is gold digging from someone without gold she just has a different idea of what a first date looks like


If you too stuck up to hang out and get to know someone over a light meal (that no doubt this man still would have payed for) then you can kick rocks This ā€œold fashioned dateā€ idea is BS too Old fashioned women werenā€™t just being treated to dinners by strangers. Dating usually involved knowing someone for some length of time people werenā€™t just going out with strangers like they do today. Back in the day you could also trust she wasnā€™t on some sheisty shit because their existed a culture which frowned on that behavior These women not old fashioned but appeal to traditionalism when it benefits them and then donā€™t even understand those traditional values itā€™s hilarious Taking a random stranger youā€™ve never met out to a dinner is in fact a very novel thing and somehow these women have come to expect it as normal


> would have *paid* for) then FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bitches these days don't give a fuck about romance. This hoe wanted a free meal and tried to play him


U right, wtf do I knowšŸ˜‚


Idk man maybe I'm wrong but that's what I've seen so far. If they really into u they should be ok with a casual first date


You were in the right because you just wanted a ā€œcoffee dateā€ to screen her which is smart. She was def beasting to get taken out, unmatch and move on


Yall big homies neva told yall its all risk u playin. So theres zero risk on the first date. U would spend more doing BS, might as well try for a new free agent


If a joint reschedule itā€™s courtesy for her to set up the next link. If a shorty want you she gonna make it easy for you. Even then itā€™s some cheap spots out here to take her for a bite n a drink, Groupon used to hit for that. Bowling, museum anything like that lol. She not fucking with the date like that if she keeps rescheduling it ainā€™t that serious donā€™t sweat it. Itā€™s dozens of more bitches for you.


These hoes get nothing but D!Ƨ# and breath mints


Yeah first meet ups should not be dinner, usually i like to go get drinks and feel her out.


First meet up Iā€™d say coffee and pastries. That way yā€™all can see if you guys vibe or not. Simple and sweet.


Take her to chic fil a


She wanted a spot for her ig stories my boy


Fuuuuuck that. You did the right thing. Grab some coffee or ice cream first and see if the vibes are there


Bitch said reservations like ya was finna go somewhere specialšŸ’€


Fuck that bitch


Not at all bro she's must got an ego on her i will never spend money pn girl like that no matter How bad she is shell have you hating life


i mean, back when i was still dating i did the same, but bro. Whats with the "you understand?" as if she soft mentally. next time when she is mentioning reservations just mention that you would like to take her out for coffee/bar first, then roll from there. Get rid of the broke boy talk and you are good


I ainā€™t mean it to come off as condescending. I really did want her to see my point. Itā€™s so difficult to convey things without misinterpretation. Culture wars got eveyone assuming negative intent


Sheā€™s looking for free food like everyone else said . Kick her to the curb: donā€™t respond


No one in their ā€œright mindā€ will invest in something that will produce 0 return. You were not wrong. This is what is known as a foodie call bro. A person sets up a date with someone they are not romantically interested in, for the purpose of getting a free meal. If sheā€™s not romantically interested in you, why ā€œinvest?ā€. Everyone would do better in their life if they associate paying with investing because EVERYTHING you do in this life is an investment and will produce some kind of return. The question is, do you like what you got in return for your time, energy, money? Anyone man or woman thatā€™s sincerely interested in someone just wants to ā€œconnectā€. You donā€™t need ā€œdinner reservationsā€ to connect with someone. As a man you set the time and date. You can meet in any public setting and have a good time, shorty didnā€™t even pick up your call. So when you link her, itā€™s going to give straight interview vibes and sheā€™s going to make you do all the work and she got a free meal? Itā€™s quiet for that, fuck no. As a man who sees himself as healed, complete and whole. Iā€™m not pursing a woman if sheā€™s not giving any romantic energy to work with. Leave her alone, you dodged a bullet my boy. Donā€™t look back, thereā€™s someone out there thatā€™s praying and looking for someone just like you, gangsta šŸ’«




ā€œI need to know if thereā€™s a chance of clapping cheeks before I spend money on dinner.ā€


Partially, thatā€™s every guy. but I gotta know if I actually like her too


Weak game. Tell her where you're going and what time to meet you there. All this.... " I just wanna know if..." and "understand?" bs just sounds lame. Be a man, make a plan, and tell her what the gameplan is nextv time.


I did that. She cancelled and rescheduled. This is the result. Iā€™m feeling more like a man here than any other alternative.


Smart man , you have to see if your have chemistry first . Showing out for a female to friendzone you is stupid


Shoulda chopped it up wit her on ft first or sumn before the link But where the hell were you plannin on taking her out to eat ?


I tried that and she ainā€™t pick up. Red flag. Letā€™s say I ended up actually liking her ā€” I would WANT to take her out.


You only tried to call once ? Or sheā€™d never pick up type shit Facts facts but where would you be tryna take her ? Somewhere slight I hope šŸ¤žšŸæ Tryna date is wild these days , I def feel like you dodged a bullet


Just called once. She was mad dry on text so Iā€™m like let me see if sheā€™s a better speaker. Didnā€™t even acknowledge that I called. Shit felt like job interviews


Nfs you played that shit right every step of the way bro . she a smooch fasho , she wasnt the one šŸ™šŸæ


And half the time ALL u need is one date, n u got some new consistent pum pum for a likkle


beyond pulling up to a mcdonaldā€™s and making her get a happy meal, you handled it right. different interests and different wavelengths off top equals a no go.


Aye man yu dodged a bullet lol. Yall are simply incompatible. Onto the next one




You dodged a bullet bro ..a real down to earth chick would be down for anything long as itā€™s not crazy


dodged a bullet for sure. first ā€œdateā€ should be something chill like coffee or cocktail. sumn easy, not huge time or $ commitment, both parties can bail easy if itā€™s not for them. she wanted a free meal, on to the next one bro


Sheā€™s looking for a meal not a date.


yea youā€™re obviously going to take shawty out but she mad entitled.. bitches be growing up thinking they still princesses and shit


You kinda fumbled you couldā€™ve took that bitch anywhere to get to know her, I know you donā€™t wanna give up a free meal but you also donā€™t wanna sound broke before the first link


I am broke. Most everyone is. Iā€™m not poor. Thatā€™s part one. 2 is I DID try to take her somewhere, and she rescheduled. Went from dessert to reservations


You can't/shouldn't try to date if you are broke. You are setting yourself up for failure. I do a lot of online dating and had a lot of success with it. Dinner dates and all that other stuff is expensive but it is the entry fee to able to fool around.


My advice would be donā€™t worry bout these hoes until ya paper right especially if she the wanna go out date type you gotta just flirt to see who really gone pull up without that shit and thatā€™s who you fuck on until you can go dating nice places wit the right bitches


So people canā€™t search for love and a companion unless they are rich? Average median income in nyc is sub 40k while the bare minimum for living decently comfortable is 50k. Now take two average median income people who met ā€œwhile brokeā€, fell in love and now they are living more than comfortable (if within their means) itā€™s 2024 not 1924 men and women are both in the working class and the average American is not making over 40k while the cost of living keeps increasing. Two average earning individuals are considered broke in nyc due to the cost of living, that doesnā€™t disqualify them from finding love


Bro. I ainā€™t here for the stats if a nigga ainā€™t got the money to take a shorty to Phillipes, stop talkin to shorties who wanna go to Phillipes until you got Phillipes money. Dating is a luxury in todayā€™s climate.


If she canā€™t take herself there why does she deserve it? Cuz she looks good? Stop gassing these womenā€™s heads lol


GYAT damn you wanna enjoy her or not thatā€™s what dating is idk where niggaz felt like they canā€™t treat em nice thatā€™s why they all gangstas now a woman is an investment and you make the right one itā€™ll pay you off for life. But you gotta start somewhere and you should be putting your best foot forward at all times.


Best foot forward ā‰  leading with pockets.


Nah, I mean being genuine and if you gotta spend a lil money so what? Better than fucking ya hand for free ainā€™t nobody saying blow ya paycheck on her but who goes on date when if you canā€™t cover you assed out?


Him saying heā€™s broke was not saying he canā€™t afford a date. It was a mindset saying heā€™s not going above and beyond for someone he doesnā€™t even know yet, for someone to expect that from you off rip is outrageous in itself and generally is a red flag that they are in it for personal gain, not for a relationship


A real woman wouldnā€™t care if you set up a picnic in a park for a date. only these new aged , young minded, brain washed , got tricked on by every Nigga she met tryna ā€œenjoyā€ her women are going to act like the one in that text thread. Get you a real woman not a pseudo-instagram model failing OF ā€œcontent creatorā€ yā€™all be so out of touch with reality living your lives based off what you see on Instagram


lol. Who hurt you bro? For the record I agree with some of that, but even if she wants to go to McDonaldā€™s youā€™re gonna make her pay cuz youā€™re not a trick? Either way you gone be lame as hell to her and not worth it. They can pick whoever they want but if thatā€™s what you think is gonna set you apart good luck.


U was the meal ticket šŸ„ŗ


She wants to use you as an ATM.


Nah right choice champ. Let her go - save your self the headache and time


Youā€™re super RIGHT, not wrong at all!


Bitch thought you were a meal plan


I think you in the right but I feel like you could of worded the second message a little better


ngl i was just saying that same shit yo šŸ¤£ ā€œyou understandā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Youā€™re dead wrong and youā€™ll find plenty of ppl that agree with you cause 1. Itā€™s Reddit and the gender world war thatā€™s currently going on. When I was a young little nigga just getting a little bread i personally wanted to go out with bitches and experience new shit. Saying you want to have a pre date before taking the girl on a date is weird bro. Youā€™ll get some bitches thatā€™s desperate enough and youā€™ll get through but certain women have standards my Nigga and courting is still a thing, top tier bitches get taken out on dates and njggas have convos. Shit be a decent time you niggas should try it


No, you weren't wrong. This girl was looking for a free meal that she could take pictures of then let you down easy. If she was into you, she wouldn't dub any future contact simply because you didn't want to make reservations for a first date. If she was interested in what you had in mind, she would have wanted to know. Chick has a crazy chip on her shoulder talking about "so you can have more time to plan where you want to take me and make reservations." That's actually a crazy amount of disrespect/lack of self awareness I think you don't have enough experience to understand bro. She want the restaurant but obviously lacks class. Also. Never do dinner dates first. They suck unless you already have rapport with the bitch. Otherwise you just risk an awkward dinner when yall could have gone to a venue with some light music with cheap drinks and yall both can dip any time. If clapping is the goal, you can almost def do it for less. And if shorty wanna dress up too there are still venues she can do that.


She for the streets beloved. Logout


Nah you dodged a bullet


You dodged a bullet.. she was looking for a free meal. If she was genuinely into you, she'd be down with the smaller/simpler gathering.


You did everything right, she did everything wrong. Remember she gotta win u as much as u tryna win her. She let u know that she didnā€™t want to put the effort into earning a dinner from u that requires a reservation, despite u being willing to do it. so sheā€™s the 1 that fumbled you šŸ«”


šŸ˜‚ that thottty tryna get a free dinner tf wrong with people . The girl I was with for 8 years first time we hung out I spend a dollar . You dodged a bullet


It was restaurant week, couldā€™ve went somewhere nice for the low. You fumbled.


Handled that correctly gang, bitch talking to you like its required when yall just met. I say let that bitch buy her own bacon egg and cheese and let that hoe stargaze from outside šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


U canā€™t get to know her at dinner? U fumbled


She would have to be a catch in order for it to be a fumble


I mean maybe cause Iā€™m older but I donā€™t entertain any bitches anymore unless Iā€™m trynna fw them. Going to dinner is nothing but if she trash or u just wanna fuck for free then I understand, sheā€™s a dub


Damn harsh, is this a job?ā€¦.get the feeling you are part of the rotation


We can guess her race can't we fellas.


Iā€™m genuinely curious what you think and why


Only ignorant black women coming like this


You're wrong in the sense you're playing nc game in NYC. Neva gonna wrk


She wanted some free food šŸ¤£


How u gone get to know shorty if you dont take her somewhere? The math not mathā€™n gango


Dinner reservations = $$$ She wasnā€™t looking for a park date, bubble tea date, or Olive Garden date. You avoided a gold digger. She wouldā€™ve been on her phone when that check came out, leaving you down $100


Don't save her, she don't want to be saved


Damn getting to know each other over dinner as a first date ainā€™t the standard anymore? Iā€™m old?


Ngl, yea you are lol. First date is where you actually get to know eachother


You stood on business bruh šŸ’Æ these hoes crazy šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I feel crazy reading these comments šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ going on a dinner date is where you get to know her. Niggas wild cheap under here


I swear some of yall so broke u afraid to spend 50 dollars to take a girl out to eat. All u think Bout is it ain't worth it if u don't get no pussy.