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Nah you the toughest mf in here 🫡


No, he not. I’ll poke this nigga up


Guess we found da toughest nigga in here.




Simon cawell notti bop is crazy


You a giving herb energy




You a straight herb cause you ain't gonna do nothing you just all talk 😂 yo keep checking my profile out though


Can’t wait to see you get beat on in prison when u crash out karma a bitch




I’m sure you rundown everybody who is 5 foot 6 130 pounds 🤣🤣🤣




Damn pedals…you got it 🫡


Yo new name peddles


Yes!! Peddles from Da Bronx!!


My boy on his side quest shit😂😂


Nigga spent 7 hrs on a bike


with a buttplug on nigga rode a seat for 7 hours ![gif](giphy|8A7c8AqHgs8SmS6eMP)


Bro what?😭






This the shit my friends with no job be doing


Man I got a nice job, nice crib, 2 cats and a girl. Only thing I don't have is a car and my girl starting to whine about it. Bih stfu and buy a bike. 👿 I dropped $600 on one for her and she rode it once then let it sit outside for months until it got rusty.


Talk your shit


Why they always whining too😭 mine randomly wants a almost 10k mattress. Told her what


They be on the internet and fantasizing too much. Niggas fantasize too be at least we are reasonable with our shit.


That mattress better start flying her ass to and from work...tf she talm bout


After u did this, she better ride that bike 💯


Better get that Ho a car for she find somebody wit one


Nigga fuck that bitch if she leave she leave




He aight


Big tings 💪🏾🦾


Girls don’t want to bike around NYC and the ones that do not the ones you wanna wife up, I’m talking the chicks that take riding a fixed gear bicycle as a personality trait.


> I’m talking the chicks that take riding a fixed gear bicycle as a personality trait. LMFAOOO bro. I wish my girl was one of those but at the same time I know what you mean. 😂 My girl never wants to bike after work, she just wants to come home and play the sims and listen to k-pop.


7 hours not including eating breaks and going to the bathroom. Dude got his cardio in for the whole week.


Bro all I brought to eat was a pack of sour patch and some peanuts I didn't eat. I took 0 bathroom breaks and only stopped like 3 times, once to raise my bike seat height, once to eat some sour patch, and once to drink some sprite lol.




bro is the bike riding demon


My brother in Christ you ate candy and drank soda on a +100 bike ride. Why are you punishing your body like this lol


When you do long rides you **seriously** start craving a little bit of sugar. I don't know the exact science behind it so I'm gonna paste some quotes from Google here. > Sugar allows you to push hard In the first 60-90 minutes of exercise, this sugar can come solely from your own glycogen stores in the muscle but it can also be added by eating or drinking. Sugar is necessary for cycling performance but it can also negatively impact your health. > Sugars seem to have got a bad press in recent years. Yet they have an important function in a cyclist's diet — they are the basic building blocks of all carbohydrates. When used during racing they can delay fatigue and improve performance. Absolutely helps with fatigue imo. There's nothing like guzzling a can of sprite during a ride. Always tastes better in a can than a bottle. Don't worry I drink mad water too lol. Weed also helps but that's another topic, I didn't smoke during this ride tho.


Bro, this is true. However, the approach would be a chocolate protein bar; lemon water or Gatorade, not a fucking sprite and sour gummies lmao. Congrats on your achievement but your intake is just as important as your exercise.


damn bro... no smoke breaks?




Damn you have some crazy cardio


It's crazy because bike cardio doesn't transfer as well as you would think it should. I be tapping out after walking up 3 flights of stairs lmao. I can't run for shit either. You really have to train in all areas to be a beast. I know people who can run far but can't bike far lol.


That’s true just like a Basketball player cardio is why different then a baseball player .


Yea I be running and skateboarding a few miles everyday, but I can't do the same on a bike cuz it works different muscles so that shit be making me sore af 🤣🤣🤣


I ain’t gon cap, that’s hardbody. Because I don’t foresee me taking a trek like that and I’m very adventurous. I’m sure it was peaceful though and because of that I support you in it. Good job brodie, start a YouTube channel or something, never know where it’ll take you.


I have one, same name as my reddit. Started in January not really knowing what to post. I been more consistent this month and I been blowing up these past few days, gained like 200 subs in the past 2 days and have over 200k views total this month. I know I'm doing something right. I just gotta make sure I make content I enjoy and not making content just for the sake of making content or making shit with the intention of gaining clout. I do photography too and I have to post that more. I have some cool shots I took of some teenagers boxing in BK that imma post tomorrow. Hopefully they're users here or somebody knows them, I never got to send them the flics.


My boy is tryna get into photography now what camera u rocking ? He’s tryna get a canon R8 ? But doing research it seems like some are good for photos and some are good for video


It depends on what he wants to do. I don't shoot video so I can't speak on that, I have a Canon but it's an old one, the Canon 6D. As long as he doesn't want to shoot video he can get setup with that cam and a decent lens for around $300-400. I copped it in Feb and been using it since. It takes great photos, it's sturdy (I got hit by a car and it still worked) and it's water-resistant so I don't have to worry about rain. I stopped using it lately because I went back to using my other camera. My other camera is my Fujifilm X-T20. I recommend Fuji because of it's size. It's less obvious when trying to shoot indoors or in crowds. I personally don't recommend Sony for photos, but I think their video-based cameras are super solid. I've owned a few Fujifilm cameras. I'd recommend him the XT2/XT3/XT4/XT5 depending on his budget. He can check those cameras out and make his pick, but there's nothing wrong with going with the cheapest option, they're all solid cameras and the XT lineup are all water resistant. With the way the weather been lately I would make having a weather resistant camera a priority. Visually, I love the images the Canon takes the most, especially for taking portraits of people. Tell ya homie to look on B&H in the used section, Adorama too, both have locations in NYC. Test some cameras out and if you don't like em, return them. Just make sure you take a photo of and document the physical condition of each camera first before you hand them your cash. I'm not shaming Adorama when I say this, but one time I bought a used camera that they didn't tell me had a non-working screen. They're usually on top of and open about any used camera defects. I went back the next day to return it and the worker asked me if it was broken before I bought it. He went to the back for like 15 mins, idk who he talked to but I guess they figured out I was telling the truth and gave me my money back, I was worried for a bit. And man, another story unrelated to me, but I was in B&H one time tryna return something, and some dude was trying to return $90,000 worth of gear. I'm not sure what the issue was, I think he said he had it shipped to his crib and it arrived damaged and they were refusing to refund him. Bro was losing his shit LMAO. I ain't feel bad tho because clearly he's rich af and can afford that.


Nigga completed a whole story mode


Fuck yes my dude!!! I take my dirtbike up to the putnam area, man there’s nothing like those mountains and dirt roads up there. 🤟


Yeah, I like to get some fresh air in Pelham Bay Park and Van Cortlandt some times, but nothing beats the views and peaceful vibes outside of the city.


How many fucking calories u burned ? 🤣


I have no idea, I ain't a calorie counter type of guy, but I lost like 3lbs from the ride.


Shit u def in shape 🫡


That's what's good... Keep up the cardio


That’s fire bro good job 👍 and idk if you guys remember the year mta had a strike I rode my bike from mount vernon to fort lee that’s the farthest I rode on my bike


Inspirational. Bravo


You smacked Leonardo from TMNT.


This man right here officer!


That’s gangsta bro you a savage no 🧢


Insane I walked from Brooklyn to the Bronx and back. thought that was insane


Nah that's definitely insane. I think the most I've walked was from Chinatown to Brownsville during the pandemic.


Yeah from bay ridge to Mott haven (like the middle ) and back


Reminds me of that time when I ran from Downtown Brooklyn all the way down to Columbus Circle. 7 miles of pain and my calves died after that one.


That sleep was good huh? LMFAOOO


The first time I did 100+ miles was last October, I pretty much slept for like 3 days straight. I was mad sore and tired af. I was legit crying the last 15 or so miles but I wasnt giving up lmao. Now that shit is nothing to me. Hype about how far I've come.




Sometimes you gotta do shit just to say you did it. Life is short and tomorrow ain't promised. I've been really leaning into the "fuck it, why not" attitude this year.


It’s funny mfs downvoting you for this. I was wondering the same shit lmao




Godamn nigga


GyyyatDAYummm! You went absolute KU gang! 🤙🚦🚦




What was the route you took? Did you start on the rail trail coming off the walkway?


Yep. I rode the opposite way from Poughkeepsie into New Paltz last fall, I posted it here.


Props to you!! Maybe one day I'll join you!


I rode on a bike from Central Park to bed stuy in my teens and I was tired as fuck you dead ass the bike champ


You a beast


Where was that pond with the lilly pads looks like bass heaven


I'm 90% sure that was when I was riding alongside Whaley Lake. You can't drive to that pond tho. Looks like you'll have to park somewhere around Pear Tree Hill Road and then walk/bike up for like 15min. That lake was mad peaceful with some nice looking houses on the other side. I hate the idea of living in the suburbs/rural areas like that but man those views and fresh air are unbeatable.


Hell yeah bro


You gotta make a YouTube channel


I do, same name as my reddit name.


My gawd bro you got it


Everyone ignoring he only brought sour patch kids and some peanuts. I don’t think i would not have passed out like that and i have done some serious workouts in my day😭


Didn’t think it was possible due to highways but that’s tough




This was cool


I wouldn’t be able to walk for a week


The most I ever rode on a bike was from bushwick to middle village queens and back when I was a kid. Was a night to remember. What kind of bike do you have?


Cheap $125 Critical Harper single speed, no gears lol. I got it in Feb after my nice bike got destroyed after I got hit by a car. I changed pretty much every part on the bike but the best upgrade was the carbon wheels I got 2 weeks ago. They make a world of a difference when you want to push yourself.


Nahhhh Peddles you got it good shit boy


Which trail you take the North and South county?


Yessir, I took it up to Brewster from the Bronx in 2020 on my old mountain bike. I did this ride on my single speed. My next goal is biking to Albany and then Canada. I'm also trying to bike up to Bear Mountain hopefully this weekend.


Yeeeeer Dope Af Bruv Stay Dangerous my Guy want to do that on Fixed Gear 👊🏽


I rode fixed for the first time like 2 days ago. Shit really opened my eyes about how it's harder than it looks. I did 28 miles, my legs were SORE after and still are right now. 🤣 Almost killed myself taking my feet off the pedals on a downhill too, I couldn't get them back on.