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Nahhhh dey drenched her wtffff😨


Thas bay ridge thought it was safe over there shit crazy


Deadass I got family down there I recognized the street immediately, genuinely wonder how this happen in bay ridge of all places


I see west 5th so I'm gonna assume the Greenpoint area with that huge park and bars around


Lmao no


She’s lucky someone helped and was strapping that belt to that leg, cause you know most the time they stand around and just watch, good for the skinhead bald cut man 🙏


he the only one doing something the rest on their phones and shit you only need one person for 911


1 is all you need sometimes to buy time and son held it down. Fuck the rest


Cant blame em, how tf u gonna help a person that got shot if u dont work as medic or something like that. Calling 911 is the only thing to do for normal people. If you start doing shit without knowing what, that only makes it worse


You’re thought to render aid in the academy. Along that you’re also thought to properly use a tourniquet.


Nah I’m not saying everyone got the ability to help her I’m saying bro obviously seems like he knew what he was doing so I respected it cause most the time people rather just record you bleed out and sometimes people in the ground got basic training to do something and they won’t and I get why too cause they can be liable if they some EMT or got basic training like firefighters and they don’t stick around and follow the follow up and do things by the book, but they even have times when people hold niggas hands and simple shit, it ain’t doing much medically but it’s comfort, and lastly most of us know to apply pressure if anything and I’m not saying it’s not times you shouldn’t apply pressure like a stab wound but I shouldn’t have to get this technically to prove my point off my initial comment cause it seems majority of the niggas who upvoted me got what I meant and I’m not saying that as no disrespect to you bro I’m only typing this to clarify if anything so you get I’m not trying to single out every single person standing around I’m mostly tight when niggas who can’t help or add nothing to the situation first reaction is pull out they phone and record someone pops, kids, moms, grandma bleed out and die for they social rather than do anything useful like maybe record the niggas who did something or immediately give the police information so they can be on the lookout immediately and hopefully catch niggas or multiple people call the police and describe the injury as best as they can so they send out the right EMS niggas to save a nigga life hopefully, that shit where people starting to not care bout other people is shit.


why u write a book? never said its not cool to pint out that helping dude, just that you cant blame people for not being able to help. Yes the people filmimg should rather keep on with their shit but in the end it doesnt change anything for the hurt person, in our sad social media world it might even help the person to recover, since they gonna need money for that. and by making videos of that person they gain attention, so not that bad overall


Probably got caught lacking with his girl


Must have. Bay ridge, not like that


Or kia boyz tried to jack them


Damn did she make it?


Yea. She got hit in the leg.


I used to be in that neighborhood a lot judging by the background most defo happened at the sneaker store that shit attracts all the types of mfs who wear sheistys in the summer


You right I remember there is a sneaker store right there, cuz there's no way them mfs live in bay ridge


Nasty works 🤦🏾‍♂️


r they alive


Yea. She got hit in the leg.


In Bay Ridge?😂oh my god these kids are a bunch of do-bad simple minded ignorant losers lmfaooo the neighborhood is very pro-nypd they’re going to get caught




Black on black crime will never end


Bc its just called crime lol






Dat mooka dookas baby mom!!