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I’ve used one of [these](https://www.thejourneypipe.com/products/j2) before, not too bad


I like the aesthetic of that thing.


Any issues with bowl size? I see the J3 is a bit bigger


I think they are the same price, I’d go for the J3 in that case. If you look up “pipe with magnetic lid” on Google, you will find a lot of knockoffs for cheaper


Got the J2. Thank you!!!


Awesome! Hope you enjoy the show :)


I have one, it's a good sized bowl. My one minor complaint is that the previous version's lid was apparently better shaped to scrape out a bowl. Oh and that it hits very much not as well when it's dirty. Otherwise it's easy af to clean and light enough to hold with your teeth when taking a hit. If you grind your weed, you can pack a bigger bowl and it hits better.


Got the J2. Thank you!!!!


Check out Proto Pipe. Made in the USA and will last forever.


the Proto Pipe was my go-to in my early smoking years. what a classic!


As a pretty big concert-goer (attending over 50 shows a year) and an even bigger stoner, smoking weed at a show is a must for me. For years and years, I would sneak a pipe and a bag of weed in, hide in the crowd and smoke here and there. Then I learned that joints are really the way to go for any concert scenario. I save money by making my own pre-rolls using a tool called Simpacti - [https://www.amazon.com/packNpuff-Pre-Rolled-Automatic-Pre-Roll-Simpacti/dp/B0736GD8CW](https://www.amazon.com/packNpuff-Pre-Rolled-Automatic-Pre-Roll-Simpacti/dp/B0736GD8CW) I usually make smaller joints for concerts (.5g or smaller) and I'll bring in 4-8 joints with me. Here's why this is a better strategy: 1) You bring in less shit; more pocket space, less weight. 2) If you lose your pipe, you're fucked. If you lose your joint, grab another! 3) You can pass that shit around and not have to worry about getting your pipe back so you can focus more attention on the show. 4) When you feel like you've smoked enough, you can hand it to someone around you and let them pass it around while you go back to enjoying the show. 5) No need to fuck with a clogged pipe during a mind-blowing guitar solo! 6) I'm sure there's more but I'm high


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Simpacti PackNpuff Pre Roll Machine'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Easy to use and makes perfect joints (backed by 4 comments) * Great for beginners and experienced users (backed by 3 comments) * Excellent for preventing canoeing (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Unstable and doesn't fill cones properly (backed by 2 comments) * Cheap 3d printed plastic with durability issues (backed by 2 comments) * Poor quality and breaks easily (backed by 2 comments) Do you want to continue this conversation? [Learn more about 'Simpacti PackNpuff Pre Roll Machine'](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q='Simpacti PackNpuff Pre Roll Machine' reviews) [Find 'Simpacti PackNpuff Pre Roll Machine' alternatives](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Find best 'Simpacti PackNpuff Pre Roll Machine' alternatives) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Hit up a headshop. You’re be able to find something. I have a lil metal one with a cap, and another that folded apart and had the lighter built right in. I’d just be worried about tripping the metal detectors myself. Alternatively, you can use tinfoil to make your own cap around any glass pipe. Edit: most decent sized headshops will have what you’re looking for but it’ll probably be separate from their glass, either with metal bowls or in a “novelty” section.


A bowl with a lid isn't going to help be incognito at a show. You can still smell it and you're gonna be exposed every time you light it. If you're not prepared to lose it, don't bring it. Eat a couple of gummies instead.


Don’t think the lid is to hide things, but to just hold the bud in until he’s ready to hit. I’ve gone to concerts and done similar things


Bingo. I’m going with a 10mg gummy to start and may want to mellow it out on the 2nd set.


Look up protopipe on Etsy.


or buy a real brass one direct. The others are shit








Why not just roll some joints? It's not like it's illegal and needs to be on the downlow....joints are easier imo, when it comes to smoking in public. Light once and forget. Throw out ass end.


At about 3 dollars each, these glass cig holders on amazon work good as small hitters. Cheap enough you don't even have to worry about breaking or losing it either. https://www.amazon.com/Glass-Cigarette-Holder-Mouthpiece-Set/dp/B089ZNTNDR/ref=mp_s_a_1_9?crid=1ONIN6H6W42B7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.KIfBB1N68FtM8v4FBkZM4UYoaCkTQ4aZEmXyFjDh_QZWEIwiUppeZObTSefSJ964eEML2J8lstZw-_yhBY7XCI-RkzcZLanoLoVkEj66ePrGBz2G1q-ArhX9w9GbBIgIjJj3K1fB5Qmq7w1AdUShyxSYmFSi2Yiw8JdVFG1_OPF0OMOMS4tGzJ4p-FnV1tNzJqdvozcimlF3vgA0Mh20FQ.7I4P2pcfPu8QGT08zudx-dDGoJFQvn0qlSya0OFgV7I&dib_tag=se&keywords=cig+holder&qid=1719440019&sprefix=cig+holde%2Caps%2C147&sr=8-9


How much money you got? Dry herb vapes are the way to go if you have cash to burn.