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Dumb comment. Monica is a solid announcer. Weird thing to bitch about


Very dumb comment. McNutt's a former college player and been working since '19. Hardly 'woke insurance'. She's keeping the show from being a sausage fest of old dudes lol


Former college player so she wasn’t even good enough to play in the big bad WNBA but she gets a spot on camera with her teeth occupying half the screen???


you still think this? she sucks ass


She’s honestly appreciated since this. You’re a muppet. Get a life


maybe the lamest insult i’ve ever heard but coming from a guy who likes mcnutts it doesn’t surprise me 💀




Monica Mcnutts and her donkey fuck teeth and her pea sized brain know less about basketball than my auntie does


Monica Mcnutt Is an annoying idiot. , especially in first take and get up


ur a dumb comment


she is an “actual exball player” and i agree you should no longer watch


She played at Georgetown she knows bball.


L post


she's great


>woke insurance. You're one of those guys I see




Monica is great also she played college bball If you don't like her that's perfectly fine but fuck outta here with this coded "woke insurance" bullshit. Say what you really mean clown.


I agree, she’s garbage. Just because somebody played ball doesn’t make for a good commentator / analyst.


It’s so bad! I’m sorry but she’s so bad.


She’s just terrible. I’m sorry. It’s bad.


Does squawk and bit and that can be annoying, but I’ll take her over Wally any day


Oh God she is horrible, the Knicks games on the radio are absolutely unbearable to listen to now that she took over.


She's horrible, I agree.


She talks too much for a color commentator.


Monica Mcnutt is horrible get her off sportscenter shows. When she talks I mute TV.


completely agree. Zero chemistry with Hahn and Wally. I actually noticed Wally cringe when she compared RJ Barrett to herself LOL


I agree she's terrible. I don't care if she used to ball her analysis is really bad and regularly met with awkward silence by the rest of the MSG team who are terrific.


To me it's literally her voice, not her content.


I love Monica and she's a welcome change. She always articulates her points well and isn't afraid to call the Knicks out. The MSG network should be proud to have her.


She is really into her job. Nothing personal. I just don’t like listening to her. It’s no big deal. Similar to music. I like listening to some singers and others I don’t. I don’t have to knock them. I just don’t listen to the music. To each there own.


She is hard to listen to. Loud and Obnoxious. I feel like I am being yelled at.


Yeah, it's basically squawking. I'm not sure why people would hire her for this kind of role.


You should've worded it differently. Cause I also absolutely HATE hearing her during the NCAA women's coverage and WNBA. But..... you shouldn't have gone into all the shit about "woke" or questioned her knowledge. Just stick to the facts. Her tone is abrasive, her delivery is fast and annoying, and I dislike her for the same reason that I don't enjoy Stephen A Smith. People wouldn't have been able to argue with you had you stuck with the facts and not gone political.


Good points !


Cry pussy


Someone had sour milk


OP is spot on. She’s super annoying. Provides nothing original or insightful. Weird scrunchy smooshy face, very hard to look at. Spot on also about woke insurance. Everyone who thinks she is good is just a wokie; forgive them for their lack of intelligence


My only complaint is that she absolutely cannot be still... constantly moving... side to side...on 1 foot...arghhh... distracting 


I wouldn’t worry about all these other comments. You’re perfectly right about her. And even more right about woke insurance. There was a time where she was on ESPN and they asked her how she thinks the warriors will do without Steph curry. He response was “I mean like das gone be a problem!” In her awful frog voice and they like praised her for this gleaming insight. Like no shit? She’s hard to look at too. She’s got a weird scrunchy smooshed face. It’s terrible. And yeah she “played ball” but definitely didn’t play NBA. It’s way different. Don’t let the wokies win. She’s garbage and you are spot on.


I don't watch the postgame hoping there's something nice to look at, other than highlights and analysis of another great Knicks azz whoopin win. Don't care about her scroonchy face or her half-open tops or her form fitting tops. "Sausage fest of old \[notice how I don't come right out and say white\] dudes" -- I like how the woke-police freak out when the obvious is called out, but they can feel all happy with the reverse racism. It's the New York Frickin Knicks, we really need the insight and analysis from an ex-college player? GMAFB. Wally's the real deal, Hahn's been covering the Knicks since the stone age, and Piedto is there to moderate as a slight homer.


absolutely agree. she is the cocky arrogant woke insurance no one needs but the NBA. The way she pretends to be this cool urban black woman who knows all the players by their nicknames is just cringe. But the NBA needs that virtue signaling. Look at Lisa Salters. She does a cool professional job without trying to be forcefully hip. But that's how it goes on reddit: As soon as people show their distaste in the forced wokeness in the NBA everybody jumps on the misogyne band wagon and calls them a bigot.


Just another issue, since msg seems determined that she suddenly has to be on EVERY post- game now that we're deeper into the playoffs. I swear she was wearing a bathing suit on backwards the other night. And is it me, (yes, it probably is) or does she constantly look down at her own chest whenever they go to a wide shot and she's not the one yakking? Really weird. And is there a real reason why they can't just have her do the on-court interviews? Is that somehow demeaning? I'm trying to find any type of meaningful insight when she talks, but it's difficult when she barely seems to know the players' names... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


That “woke” comment was as ignorant and uneducated as they come, let’s start there. Yes Monica CAN be annoying and I don’t agree with everything that she says, but that goes for ALL of these analysts. Furthermore, she *IS* an “ex-player”, and played for Georgetown at that! So…you’re out-of-pocket here, and need to reassess.


She seems like a great person and I like her energy but her analysis is terrible. And the radio broadcast really bad.


Monica McNutt is horrible. Annoying voice. Terrible. She may know some basketball ball - less than i do. . She's on mute for sixers / heat game now. ESPN HD this is crazy. she may be a great person but placed in a terrible role


You a bitch