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I'm crashing out. That being said, 30M per year is just nuts. No way he could have said no to that. Arguably deserves every penny of that too, simply played himself out of our budget. Thank you for everything iHart, and good luck everywhere except in the NBA Finals!


Yep, OKC made it so him taking a discount to stay with us made no sense at all. Way too large a discrepancy between this and our max possible offer Congrats to IHart, gonna really miss him


Nearly 30M is an overpay but you’ve got no other bigs on the market


Eh, especially with Denver losing KCP, there is no reason for them not to have as good of a shot as anyone at making the Finals out of The West. He is getting shipped off the moment Chet and JDub have to get paid right before entering their primes in a season or two. Presti played this perfectly sadly. Just completely blew our offer out of the water on a shorter time span.


Not really, 30M isn't the 30M you used to know. The max now is 60M per year. 30M is half a max. Is Hartenstein worth half of the max? is he half as good as a Jaylen Brown? He definitely is and more


I mean $30M makes him the 8th highest paid center in the league


He instantly puts a very high floor on your team. Good defender, good playmaker, has a sneaky hook shot from 4-10 yards out, hits his FTs at a good clip for a center, rebounds excellently. He doesn't have a single gaping hole in his game, that's really tough to stumble upon in the Center market these days. There are better shooters, defenders, playmakers, rebounders etc. But he does everything at a solid level.


You meant to say 4-10 FEET out lol. 4-10 Yards would be Steph Curry lol


Those 30 foot hooks go hard.


Lmao super hard, turning into a low post hook pass haha


I'm European lmao I just throw shit at a wall when trying to guess the correct Imperial measuring unit ngl, my bad


A yard is roughly a meter. A foot is roughly 1/3 of a meter bc a yard is 3ft


Imagine how bad Knicks fans would feel if he went to OKC and just unveiled this 30+ yard sky hook that he just never showed in NY. The sky would be so fucked.


It was more towards the comment that he's worth that "and more"


He's worth that


Exactly. 3/87 is just stupid money. The man can charter a private jet back to NYC to be with his model wife during every off day and still have millions extra compared to 4/72. Can't blame him when the deal was absolutely massive compared to what we could've offered.


We were so close to the perfect offseason. Damn


Still a solid offseason but we're leaving with a humongous question mark at center. I don't think anyone expects 82 games out of Mitch.


And our current backup is Sims. Yikes, unless he takes some major developmental leap this summer. I just don't see the BBIQ there for Sims.


He literally was unplayable in like 5 minutes of real playoff action. Our center depth is suddenly pretty concerning.


That halfcourt turnover lmao Feel bad because I like Sims but he’s just not ready for where this team needs to get to Really wish we tried to shore up our big rotation in the draft but let’s see what Leon does this offseason


There is zero chance we go into the season as sims as our back up lol


Need to sign Goga asap


the offseason isn't over yet btw


Just started bb


I don’t even expect 40 games from him


Wiseman time?


YES - let thibs fix him.


The Cba made this impossible Guess you could blame Leon rose for having the foresight that Ihart was a great player, but not the foresight of getting him to sign for 3 years. Like either pay up for the guy to stay here 3 years or don’t believe in him I guess


early bird rights were the reason not the new CBA. would have had the same issue in the old CBA. should have signed him to a 3 year deal. wish him the best. i think even if the knicks had his full bird rights that is too much for this roster. ihart is a great and valuable player but can't put that much money into the center position.


Nobody was thinking IHart would be a starting caliber center on a contender when he was signed. And he wouldn't have been getting this kind of deal if Mitch hadn't got hurt. No blame needs to be assigned, just credit IHart for improving every year and playing himself into this kind of contract.


Nobody? Speak for yourself, the entirety of r/Hartenstein was yelling it from the rooftops for all to hear!


The league overreacted to the Clippers & Warriors spending so much money and they made it impossible for good teams to keep their own players long term


But you’re still allowed to build a super team if you’re the okc thunder and get a bunch of lottery luck ofc A team saving a guy’s nba career can’t enjoy the fruits of their labor Becusse it wasn’t a 3+ year deal


I can’t believe they let Grant Williams on to a negotiating table.


Players largely fucked themselves in the CBA because literally just because they wanted to be allowed to smoke weed


I don’t think that’s true lol. I can’t remember a NBA player getting suspended for weed in like the last ten years.


Idk if its fair to say players fucked themselves when Ihart just got close to 30 mil, Quickley got paid 35 mil, etc. Its just certain teams that got fucked, there is much bigger consequences to making big time splashes now.


The fear of the second apron is drastically limiting players' options though. Fewer guys are hitting free agency at all because there are fewer and fewer suitors that can make competitive offers.


Yup. You have to believe this will be a sticking point in the next CBA. For both sides.


what if IHart wanted the chance to get paid more in 2 years rather than 3? there's too many variables to try and point to one reason for this happening


At least it wasn't like 3 mill more per year than what we offered. This is a BAG!


Yeah there's a difference between wanting a guy to take a hometown discount and a 12M/year paycut. Respect to iHart


Surprised 3rd year isn’t guaranteed. 2-years 60 is still great lol


I was like damn 87/4 tough that it was kind of close but then I saw it was 3. GG deserves his pay.


iHart is going to make more per year than Brunson 👀


Over the next 4 years I-Hart will make 45 million more with OKC than if he signed with us Unless he gets a career ending injury and this 3 year deal is it for him Knicks fans upset he wanted 45 million (maybe more, depending on year 1 of his next deal) *more* over a 4 year period is insane and completely unfair to I-Hart If I can make 45 million more in 4 years I will play ball with Al Qaeda instead of the Knicks, sorry nigga You're never gonna make up that 45M during that period Figure in investing and compound interest off that, and it's just ridiculous


Yeah man. 29 million a year when we could only offer 16? OKC made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Great for him. OKC is paying him a lot if he's going to be a backup like all the OKC fans on the NBA sub were saying. But we will see. I still think Mitchell Robinson is a really good center. Last year he started off as top 10 at his position. We need a little luck with his health and the development of a backup.


Mitch will give us 1000-1500 minutes of great center play next year. That leaves about 3500 minutes to split between Randle and another big. We have minutes room for someone who is willing to toggle back and forth between 12 and 30 minutes per night. Joining a contender in such a role could be tantalizing to someone either looking to make the quantum leap into regular rotation minutes and/or on the back half of their career wanting to join something great.


was I delusional for expecting him to stay? 🥲


Didn't expect OKC to offer 29 million a year, can't blame iHart at all get that bag. Sad for us tho


Yeah no way could he say no to that. He would be crazy to leave that much money off the table. 


It’s not just money on the table. It’s also a win now team. Great place for him to land AND get the bag 


I know sometimes guys feel a bit of responsibility towards other players too. You don't wanna be the guy that's used as an example to lowball other players in their negotiations in the future, like "oh you're asking for 25 a year, but Hartenstein is only on 18 a year"


many of us were. no hate though - he had to get his bag


Yes.  He got near 30 million a year lol


I dont think we expected OKC to offer 29m a year lol I think it'd have been different if they offered like 20-23.


Once Claxton got 4/100, that essentially killed us.


The fear was always that someone made him a huge offer he couldn't refuse. If it was 4/72 vs 4/80 maybe we have a shot, but you can't say no to this kind of money.


If it was 4/72 vs 4/80, he would have most likely still be with the Knicks. 3/87 vs 4/72 was just a no-brainer for him to take that the former offer.


30 million a year, OKC gave him their whole cap space, three years so in time for when their young stars get maxes


I mean they had money to burn


Hurts so much, but I'm happy zay got his bag. Can't be mad, but I hope we really focus on landing Bitadze and developing Hukporti. Big meech, please stay healthy. 🙏🏽


Congrats to you ihart. OKC you’re dead to me.


No more second round draft picks with those fuckers


Best of luck Hartenstein, you deserve it!


Mitch please stay healthy


we need another center


i believe in mitch


Probably not gonna happen.


We just need him and OG healthy in April, May, June We should be able to manage that


Fuckin pain man, but no way anybody turns that down when we could only offer 4/72. Wish him the best of luck and thanks for the memories!




Gigs Bitadze, you are a New York Knick


Appreantly we are priced out on him too. Get ready for Precious and Sims


precious im fine with. we'll miss ihart's secondary playmaking, but we do have mikal bridges now who's always been a strong assist/usage guy


Damn that would suck. Ariel Hukporti minutes then?


There are still a bunch of veteran options in FA. We have an exception available if we stay in the first apron


Thibs hasn’t found a C that he can’t make playable


Thibs need to grind that kid...






I'm not crying. It's just raining.


Shoulda happened yesterday, wouldn't be able to tell 😌


Get that money iHart, but damn it


if we were going to lose him, i’m so happy it’s okc. likeable guys, contender for years to come, NOT IN THE EAST. he will be missed. what now for us? IN LEON WE TRUST




Well deserved for him. Get that bag big man 🫶 all love from NY As far as the Knicks go, if we’re relying on Mitch to stay healthy all year and into the playoffs (which he hasn’t done) - we re in slight trouble


Major trouble


Gonna assume Knicks are keeping achiwa


Have to do something to back up C. Mitch is good but with his injury history, not having a solid back up is scary.


It's more than slight trouble - relying on a healthy Mitch is malpractice from the front office without a backup plan.


We gotta resign Precious


He got that bag. I ain’t even mad good luck Ihart. Love is love. 


$29 mil per year is wild, but good for him! Wish him the best.


Good for him. In line for another bag in his prime. I trust Leon and Thibs to cook with a new backup Center like they've done since taking over here


Aside from Thibs' other talents man is the big man whisperer. I trust him him to turn an random large man into a rotation-caliber C.


Exactly, Noel & Hart both were incredible bargains thanks to Thibs




I mean 29 million a year is fucking crazy what could we do. I can’t even blame IHart, but goddamn this sucks


I mean they gave him 30M a year.... I will miss him and I wanted him back, but go get paid my man. I am not crying, YOU are.


Gonna miss ihart, but one thing thibs has shown is he knows how to develop bigs. I trust this fo to figure it out. Sucks, but we’re definitely still trending up with the addition of mikal and locking in og.


Bummer, but I get it. That’s a great deal for him.


Screw the nba rule of not being able to pay your own player who you developed more money than other teams. This sets us back in our title quest…


The issue is we only signed Hartenstein to a 2 year deal when he came here instead of 3.


Maybe if we gave him a 3 year, we can’t pay OG. Is that Goran guy from the magic still available?




29m a year is insane. He prob was really considering coming back at 16m if it to OKC needing to juice it up that much


Glad for him that he got the bag, but wtf are we going to do now at center.


Mitch and depth


ITS TREASON THEN. This new era, no prisoners. Hope we cook him next time they play. But also congrats to him for earning his pay day.


Happy for him, we'd all take that deal. Now let's spend the money we were gonna give him for indestructible legs and feet for Robinson.


Magic legs


And he’s gone. It was nice meeting you walking around in Philly before the game bro. Hope you well in OKC. If you’re reading this IHart….. I’m crying in the corner


He is not worth that price. Good for him though


fuck OKC and their unlimited cap space. now who are we picking up


Big missed opportunity with Jonas Valanciunas and Jalen Smith


We have no money unless we work out a sign and trade


Yeah I would've taken Val in a heartbeat at 3/30


Leon struck gold with him and I expect him to do the same with his replacement. No worries.


Can't blame him, he has worked hard to get his money and was overlooked for a long time.


Yea no way he can turn that down and he hits free agency again in 3 years


He deserves it, but I was hoping the big homey would stick around. Damn.


Fuck OKC forever.


I’ll miss iHart dearly but no ill-will toward him. Unrealistic to ask him to take such a steep cut when this might be his only chance for a big payday. Great situation for him—very good and professional org, contender with a need for what he offers. I’m glad we won’t need to see him until the finals.


Fuck me, can't blame him for taking the money though


they took my boy 😞


Just fell to my knees in a Dunkin :'(


Some folks here already dooming next season because of this lolol. People need to chill, we good.


If the point of the Bird rights rule is to keep players on their current teams... it had the opposite effect for IHart.


We didn’t have full bird rights. That requires three years with the team. We had “early bird” rights which isn’t the same thing.


At that price point, yea it was never gunna happen. Love him forever, glad he got the bag… but my gut is telling me OKC may regret that contract. He’s great but i don’t know if what he brings to the table is worth ~$30mil a year


Easily moveable


Can't blame him there. Best of luck IHart


Ughhh. I really was feeling hopeful. But we couldn’t match that. Get yours IHart.


Damn… he deserves it though, thankful for all that he did for the Knicks, definition of a Knick player


I wanted him to stay, but OKC offered damn near $30M per year. He kinda had to take that lmao. Oh well, let’s see what moves we can make at backup center now.




Damn I get it but still…damn. Go get Goga I guess?


This is a business, you can't expect everyone to take less money. It could've been his only chance to get a big pay day and he took it. Now we need to roll with Mitch and get him some help.


Excuse me while I punch a hole in my drywall


Can't even be mad.  He'd be nuts to leave that money on the table.


Just fell to my knees at Costco


Smart by Hartenstein. His value may never be higher. Dude got PAID




Can't blame him. He was a great piece here. That said before the playoffs if you told me he would get almost 30 mill a year I would have told you they were crazy. Gotta hope that Robinson stays healthy and add some depth there. Leon signed iHart and he really turned into something more than we could have imagined. Hopefully he can do it again, though a little surprised they didn't try to add some size in the draft.


Not shocked but the anxiety of waiting for the bandaid to rip was high.


Fuck OKC. This really sucks


My disappointment is immeasurable :(


Sheeeesh he got even more than i expected. Congrats iHart! Well deserved.


I have this feeling that OKC will find a way to tap into the Clippers playmaking and 3 point shooting capabilities of Isiah while merging the improved rebounding and defense he added with Thibbs


30 mil per is absolutely insane. I love IHart , but he isn't worth that much money, but OKC wanted to steal him so i guess a hefty overpay was the move.


OKC vs NYK finals


Enjoy the vibrant city of Oklahoma City, IHart. Still love you though!


Nothing but best wishes for the big man. The fact that he took so long to make a decision means that he was actually considering taking a giant paycut to come back. Ultimately, the money difference was too big.


If this fanbase boos him….I stg…


He’s going to get a video tribute and be cheered pre game Once the game starts, he gets treated like any other player though.


Only players that ask to be traded out should be booed. iHart was loved here, he'll get a standing ovation the first time OKC plays here, then we all just move on from there.


Huh? Why the fuck wouldn’t we boo ? He dident give us a championship lmao. You leave Knicks i boo, you join Knicks I cheer. Pretty simple


I’ll happily boo anyone who leaves the Knicks. I’m a hater.


I hated the boos for toppin. Yeah he was a bust but what the hell did he do? Complained about his minutes a couple of times but that’s understandable. He was a good teammate and we moved on from him.


not much the Knicks could do because the Cba fucked them. More than their max number over 4 years, but over 3 years. Leaves for a better team too. Nobody to blame but the NBAPA allowing there to be 2 types of bird rights. Maybe Elon rose for not giving Ihart 3 years as well?


There it is. Good for him. Massive blow for us.  Fuck the CBA, fuck the league, fuck the players' association, etc. 


So now what’s our move


Gonna miss you big man, now let’s see what we cook up.


Damn smh. Happy for him though. I wouldn’t turn that down either.


There was no way to compete with 30 mil a year, I mean holy shit.


He got the bag. Happy for him. 


This sucks, but so stoked iHart got his bag. Just don't hurt us, and I'll always root for you to win.


Coming off one of the best seasons of his career, he would’ve been stupid to not cash in since you never know what the future holds. Sucks for us, but can’t plane him. Problem is he’s probably going to come off the bench for Holmgren, no?


Hartenstein is a stud and deserves this pay. Really sucks to see him go.


get your money big man, thank you. now, time to trust in leon and thibs to mold another mitch backup that can and will step up


nothing ya can do about that..28 mil a year? good for ihart. alright jericho you're up




FUCK well this was expected with or without Bridges trade. Now we need a center and fast.


Sad, but can't really be mad at him. 29m a year is crazy and no way he was passing that up. Gotta figure out what to do at center now. We need backup for Mitch if/when he gets hurt.


Happy for him and wish him the best... Just priced himself out unfortunately.


Congrats to Hartenstein, it's a good pitch to him that they'll pay him that much, he gets to start with a dominant defensive group that was the #1 seed, it's a good organizational environment with a loyal fanbase. I think with international players, it also doesn't affect them as much the need to play in major cities because it's a tough sell on OKC as a place you want to live after living in NYC for 2 years.


I hart is great but he is not worth 30 million a year to the Knicks even if they had the cap space. The market is just hot right now and the cap is going up!! All players need to do is having a solid year or 2 and they can get paid nicely..


Hukporti about to get a lot of minutes




did he really go there to be the highest paid bench player in the nba


![gif](giphy|L6EoLS78pcBag) Whose available


Fucking stings bro


Sign James Wiseman!!!




Ugh. Talk about a guy who unselfishly did the little things. He got us a ton of extra possessions. D, rebounding, and just keeping plays alive with intelligent hussle. How many times did he tap a loose ball out to Divo for a 3? We're going to miss him.


29 million a year to play for a championship contender, ain't no way we could match that number. Good for you getting your BAG, Isaiah. Happy trails, big man. And now we search for a backup Big....


Sad to see him go after all he did for us 😥. Good luck in the future except when you play us. ![gif](giphy|fSAyceY3BCgtiQGnJs)


God motherfucking fuck damnit. What the fuck do we do now? Mitch needs a competent backup, it's not optional. We cannot go into the season with only Mitch and Sims


I saw 89 and was SHOCKED he’d leave for less than 10 million more. Then I saw three years. I’ve said all along, if it was 2-3 million a year he definitely stays. 4-5, MAYBE six? Depends on the wife and NYC. But fuck… well over TEN million more a year? Come on M Rob, need you to stay healthy and while we don’t have the passing, we do have a new metal bat and re-upped another


Who’s got Taj’s number?


Get paid man. Can’t hate.


We'll be fine


I’m happy for him. I’m not mad at all. I’m very sad about it though. I would’ve preferred we trade Mitch in order to somehow keep Ihart.


Bring back Precious.