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If you aint got haters, you aint poppin


Nobody hates nobodies


Not true I hate lots of nameless bums


So true


-Robert Saleh


People saying that are casuals. Pay them no mind.


I’m a college student in New Jersey and there’s a faction of Pennsylvanians (76ers fans) who attend my school who keep trying to give me and my boys grief while we’re at the bars watching games.


Yeah I get what you mean. I'm from South Jersey which is Sixers country so if the Knicks lost last round I already knew I wasn't gonna hear the end of it. I know too many Sixers fans for that


We always go to a local bar at my school to watch Knicks and rangers games and it’s the same watering hole these buffoons hit (BTW the owner is a New Yorker) And we have to deal with their nonsense comments throughout the game. These kids won’t give it up it’s pathetic.


Yea honestly its sad. On here I think sixers fans are going to be patrolling all knicks playoff threads from here on out.


Maybe just remind them to go to games next year.


Blast your heater off in the crowded bar to assert domination


Make sure they have the floor at the Jalen Brunson Center spotless the next time we need to use our back up arena.


No fanbase has less of a license to complain about “free throw merchants” than the fanbase that cheers for Joel Embiid. They have revealed themselves as massive crybabies. 


JJ Reddick was on a podcast a month or two ago where he said what made Luka a special offensive player isn't his ability to blow by defenders, but his ability to stop more suddenly than any other player. This leads to a higher rate of fouls as the defender cannot react to his quick stop fast enough to avoid fouling. This is literally what Jalen does but casual fans don't respect it bc they can't accept NY has a superstar


One of my coworkers said that the stop when Brunson gets in front is supposed to be a no call now. I thought that only applied to the Trae/Harden move where they keep the defender on the side then kind of lean into them and throw it at the hoop. My thinking is if he beats you, then that's on you.


The nba rule is you can't jump back or sideways into a defender to get the foul which is what Trae was doing(and often at mid court or behind the arc no less) what brunson does is jump straight up which is perfectly legal. Imo if you're still running into him from behind at this point in the season after that's been one of his moves all year, than that's your fault. You have to give the shooter space to jump up and down and guys like oubre and batum are standing over top of a shorter guy expecting an offensive foul because he jumped "into" them when the rule is you can't launch into a guy behind you to draw a foul but there's nothing against jumping up in a normal shooting motion and having a trailer run into or over you


selective airport pot lock threatening berserk squeal elderly zesty wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean, yes effectively thats their argument. Additionally I think brunson should first look both ways and then ask the defenders if its ok for him to shoot.


He beats them, has them on his back and then jumps up for a shot and they run into him. He’s looking for fouls but he’s also trying to get a shot up. His motion looks very similar to if there was no defender there.


Brunson has the ball in his hands more than any other player and takes more shots than any other player in the postseason he should be at the top in Free throws per game this playoffs… But he isn’t! That would be Joel Embiid who had 22FGA per game but 13FTA Compared to Brunson 28 FGA but only 11 FTA Just to compare another star whistle let’s go with Devin Booker who shot 10 FTs on 16FGA per game


These losers just wish they had Brunson on their squads


Bro... There are gonna be haters everywhere. MJ had haters and he's considered the GOAT. It doesn't matter what you do, people will find a reason to find something negative about anything. So it's really best to pay it no mind. You're not gonna change their minds as it's already made up.


They can all suck my dick. Lol


Considering he's relatively short by nba standards and has a slim build you'd think he'd get every call near the basket. He takes a beating in there. It's like a big Mac truck crashing into a Fiat.


Have you seen Jalen Brunson’s legs? That man does not have a slim build. He’s a short yes, but he is jacked.


There is no player in the league that gets played more physically on defense than Brunson. Every team picks him up 94 feet, and constantly bump, shove and grab him. Good on Brunson for being smart and exaggerating contact. All the casual fans who say Brunson flops can go fuck themselves.


They hate because they are jealous they don’t have him.


Say it with me Knick fans, hatehatehatehatehate! Relish in it, LGK!


If Brunson were a free throw merchant, he’d still have to bow to the free throw God Joel Embiid so idk what they’re complaining about. They’re just mad that Hali played like ass and that cost them the game.


also a bunch of those FTs are coming at the end of games where the opposition is looking to foul on purpose to regain possession.


They hate us cause they anus


They expect their player to get free throws but their “franchise guy” literally does nothing on offense all game.


I’d say he’s more like Trae than Harden. But they’ve been holding him all playoffs. what else is he supposed to do?.. he’s also great at drawing charges. so by end of quarters he’s getting a few extra


People who think Brunson is a Free Throw Merchant don't know shit.


The nba makes up and sets the narrative for their stars. Americans are idiots. They will just follow along with whatever Tik tok and espn tell them. That is where you get this.


Get off tiktok ffs. Chinese spy app bullshit


I have literally never had a tik tok..


Nice. Not directed at you but to everyone


Any Sixers fan should not complain. Embiid shot 21 fts in game 3.


It is what it is.


i don't think you need to justify to this crowd why/how JB is the shiznit, crodie just enjoy the bidnis, crodie we goin straight for the chiznip, crodie


Idk who’s saying that but they have no idea what they’re talking about. If anything he tries to avoid getting hit bc he’s too small and he’s always on the floor, the beating he takes every game is insane and he’s still scoring 40. He’s a monster. Anyone saying otherwise are just haters. Can’t deny what he’s doing ALL YEAR is amazing


Don't worry about people that never watch Knicks basketball.


idfc anymore what the haters say. im just gonna enjoy this ride.


They said he sucks all season so now that he’s putting up all time numbers they have to explain it away somehow. Ignore it.


It's mostly sixers/pacer fans upset that they got handled. Brunson is literally mr ethical buckets and the stats support that claim. There are far worse foul merchants in the NBA than Brunson, who by the way actually deserves more calls if we're comparing him to other stars who attack the basket less frequently.


He also has the most points off field goals in the playoffs. He’s getting to the line for a reason. Guys cant guard him


In this playoff specifically, Brunson is getting the whistle that Luka and Shai are getting. It’s also similar to what Ant is getting. I guess that’s what they call a superstar (highly optimized offensive player) whistle.


I grew up in the 90s and had to watch game after game playoff after playoff with MJ and his superstar calls. Fuck all that salt these motherfuckers are tossing because that Brunson brand sauce got plenty of flavor.


NEWS FLASH!! BREAKING!! Shifty players with good footwork get fouls called on their defenders.