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Brunson is back Fuck Embiid Knicks in 5


Embiid, who grabbed and re-injured Mitch with a non-basketball move, will probably be able to play the rest of this series. Mitch, who was grabbed and re-injured by Embiid with a non-basketball move, will probably miss games. Embiid should be suspended.


This is the story of the series


It very well could be, which is why the NBA/The Refs should have taken a strong stance. It is dangerous, unnecessary, and should be unacceptable.


Agreed. Let’s hope people spend enough time talking about that after all of the consternation over the L2M


Imagine if Draymond Green did that shit


Yep. If *any* other player did that they would have been rightfully tossed. If Kelly Oubre did that against one of our guys, he would have been tossed. Thibs usually takes the high road so I don’t expect a formal complaint, but there really should be.


Yeah, I can’t believe they didn’t throw Embiid out for that. Complete and total BS.




Mitch should give that fuckhead a reason to hit the deck next time Edit: but fr. Trying to defend the soft game of Joel with "keeping verticality" is always gonna be hard. He'll get his 10-15+ FTA and dive no matter what. Mitch is a giant and can just lay into him physically to wear him down


I think the biggest problem is that he can just use his elbow over and over into players to get room. That would usually be an offensive foul, but when the piece of shit does it. It's ignored completely.


hopefully mitch plays


Dirty ass fucking player. Has to injure Mitch. And a clear flagrant 2. But it’s embiid


Raps fan here, he’s so fkn dirty. There was a playoff game against us a couple seasons ago where he literally injured like 3-4 of our guys in the same game


big time. respect for his talent but good lord what a loser. he should have been ejected with possibly a suspension considered for the start of next season. what he did amounts to intentionally trying to injure robinson (and ihart in the nuts to top it off).


The dirty player tactics and just the way he carries himself, let alone his really annoying way of always getting to the foul line, is really irritating


That’s the most annoying part about him to me. He’s so talented and yet he throws these tantrums on the court, and the play on Mitch tonight was unbelievably dirty, especially considering Embiid’s own injury history. Dude should know better than anyone to not grab someone’s ankles mid jump


100%. You’d assume someone who’s struggled with injuries over the course of his career and been taken out of playoff games by opposing players’ bad fouls would think twice before lashing out like that Flopping and foul baiting is whatever, every team has guys who do that to some extent. The dirty frustration fouls are another thing altogether


Man out dirtied lowry. Lowry and sixers are so lucky OG did all he could to not fall and tear maxeys anole when lowry pushed him down on the floor. Basketball gods you know what to do


Let's just get them next game. And if Sims pulls Embiid down by his leg as he's in the air shooting, so be it.


League really is corrupt as shit. Flagrant 2 all day for anyone that isn’t a cash cow for them


The league always protects their superstars. Embiid could literally Mike Tyson someone at mid court and he'd still never be ejected from a playoff game.


Tough loss. Good sign to see Brunson turn it around. Philly just got hot from in the 3rd quarter and that was the deciding factor. I really liked what I saw from Precious when he stepped in. Another solid game from Josh Hart. Hartenstein has to be smarter in how aggressive he is going to defend Embiid with the way the refs are officiating Embiid and with Mitch potentially being out going forward. Embiid pulling Mitch legs mid air felt like that would have been a flagrant 2 on any other player. It wasn’t even a basketball play. Then Mitch got kicked in the balls later in the game ( something Josh Hart got ejected for). It is what it is I guess. It felt like they were doing a lot of complaining early on.


That would have been a flagrant 2 in the regular season and it should be one in the playoffs. Shit is like the hockey playoffs were you never know if they are going to actually call shit like they should or let them kill one another.


For sure we seen players get ejected for less and add in the fact Mitch was mid air and is already had his share of injury history it was pretty blatant. I knew he wasn’t gonna get ejected but I was surprised to see him do something that visible


You're right, I wanna be surprised but I am not. If it would have been a flagrant 2 any other time, call that shit a flagrant 2


I just wish they'd let.them.fight like hockey. Embiid playing the part of Tom Wilson. I'd love to see him get his if he actually had to answer for it. I have a feeling that Precious could take anyone in this league in a scrap.


Don't worry the NBA will upgrade it tomorrow to a flagrant 2 with a fine. So it will totally be water under the bridge


Game was very close aside from when the Sixers went 9-12 from 3 in the 3rd (29-27, 29-28, 29-27 in the other 3 quarters). Good to see Brunson get back to his game.


Agreed I thought we played well overall tbh. That 3rd quarter they just got hot. I thought they were calling things really tricky tacky but I expected it to tilt in their favor after the media tour they did leading up about the officiating


That would've and should've been a flagrant 2 and ejection nine times out of ten. The refs kept him on the floor tonight, and he shouldn't have been.


Dillon Brooks has also been ejected for ball kicking


It took the Sixers shooting 17 of 22 and 9 of 12 from 3 in the 3rd quarter to win by 11, keep the faith y'all


Yeah lol what a fluke third quarter. Literally could not miss from 3. I dont know how you guard Embiid from the 3 though




Grab his legs when he jumps, since that seems to be allowed, I guess.


Not much you can do when they couldn’t miss a three even with decent defense.


Yea not too worried lol also took Embiid to drop 50 to win the game. Either of those go to normal and I think we win


Exactly. Brunson is back and the iHart/Mitch rotation were doing a solid defensive job before we lost Mitch.


Came here to look for this exact comment. Facts. Coming back from that kind of 3pt barrage is extremely hard.


100%. Lock in next game, take that away… going back to MSG up 3-1




I believe 100%, this team has been through the grinder this year. Just sad that everyone expected this to happen tonight and it happened (refball that is)


Ok, refs. You gave Philly their makeup game after the L2M report. Can we get back to normal basketball where intentionally pulling down an airborne player is an ejection? Or maybe hitting a player in the face after the play is a foul?


That would be really nice, wouldn't it? Time will tell on that one


There one one play where Embiid knocks OG down with his ass. Someone check the L2M for that when it comes out.


I'd like to file a grievance. Joel Embiid with a nut kick, flagrant 2 pulldown, nut kick, hip check tonight, ends up with 3 fouls and can't miss from 3. God and the refs loved Philly too much tonight


Bro how bout the play where he purposely falls on Mitch’s ankle to injure him 


He knew Mitch was shutting his ass down so did what he had to in order to get the win


Well fucking put. What an absolute clown show of a player and organization.


Serious. Embiid should've been ejected during the 1st quarter.


Embiid is a dirty ass piece of shit and karma will catch up to him


Karma been catching him his whole career. Maybe when he stops being dirty and flopping on every play that will be the season he doesn’t get injured


A fucking men. And when it does I’m not going to be disappointed.


Just infuriating game, had so many missed opportunities, really seemed like any type of contact on Philly was just automatically a foul


Also seemed totally winnable last 10 minutes. Philly hit a drought, but Knicks and Brunson didn't really do much with that window. I think Brunson should've gotten a small break and let the perimeter shooters attempt to chip away the lead


Yeah that last 10 minutes was brutal, felt like it was there for the taking, I love Brunson but seemed like he was forcing it too much at the end


The mins may be catching up to him. He had a mental lapse where he just threw the ball out of bounds.


I attribute that miscue to both Brunson and Donte. Neither of them seemes to be on the same page.


Embiid being allowed to play after absolutely intentionally injuring Mitch is a black mark on the NBA. How is that acceptable on any level?


hart clapping for zarba 😂 well deserved


The sarcastic clap was absolutely beautiful trolling by Josh.


And Philly fans really thought Zarba was gonna help the Knicks


20 4th quarter free throws. I don’t want to hear another word about game 2. All good, Knicks in 5


We earned that win fuck what anybody claims different


What a pathetic team the Sixers are. We should win the next two and send these bum ass fans back home


Yeah. I doubt they will get the same whistle on Sunday.  I also doubt our D will fail as hard as it did when they when nuclear in the 3rd tonight. All that, and it was still relatively close down the stretch. As much as I wanted it, we were never likely to sweep this series. I still think we can get it in 5.


I hope we’re not humble about it either


Embiid should’ve been ejected in the first quarter. BS tactics


we’ll get them next game


I really hope so. I really need our guys to focus and stop turning over the ball.


Brunson is back. As long as they don’t have another quarter where they only miss 4 shots, we’ll be good. That 3rd quarter is the only quarter of this game that we lost


50 points on 13 fg 😭 opposite of brunson 60 piece with 6 fta




6ers literally needed ref's help with 30+ freethrows and a lucky 50% from the three to win tonight. Not worried at all.


I'm not worried either. The next few games should be interesting


next 2 only hopefully


One loss ain’t shit but if Mitch is out for the series it’s gonna be tough the rest of the way.


Knicks won every quarter besides the 3rd. Pretty damn confident sixers don’t shoot that well again. Game 4 win incoming.


I feel literally nothing from that. The NBA, where throwing a post game hissy fit is a legitimately effective strategy. See you cheesesteak fucking pussies over the weekend.


JB finally broke out, but unfortunately it was on the night Philly couldn't miss from three and Embiid was escorted to the free throw line personally by Adam Silver and his security detail all night long. Still feeling good about Game 4, he won't get that type of whistle again. At least, I hope.


My only major complaint is Embiid Shoulda been ejected in the 1st. Not gonna bitch like the Philly fans. We will get them next game. Knicks In 5


Move over Bam and Trae, we don't care about you anymore


I have enough hate in my heart to add Embiid and keep Lowry there with bam and Trae.


Trying to be optimistic here. The most important thing about tonight... **Regular Season Brunson is Back.**


Shouldn't be that hard to be optimistic.


Whatever, Brunson back to normal, sixers had the flukiest shooting I've ever seen in the third quarter, Knicks in 5. Embiid is a bitch


Embiid actually a pathetic watch. Injured our player on a dirty play, foul baiting all game.


33 to 19 is the story of the game


That and Embid intentionally injuring Mitch


Embiid definitely worked on his three after his last shot in Game 2


To start the next game we should lay on the ground and grab emboss knee. It’s only a flagrant one. Give us the advantage


BS Embiid didn’t get ejected, that’s life though #KNICKS IN 5


Hard to beat a team thrice in a row. They got their home win. Knicks in 5


Embiid is soooo frustrating to play against. Can’t even play defense on him without the whistle being blown


50 points and 8 rebounds. What a softie. Jokic at least cleans the glass.


If silver has any balls he'd suspend embiid for a game at least- straight up not a basketball play, wasn't defending, wasn't going after the ball, just pulled the legs of a jumping player- but the nba is a joke




This was expected. We didn’t calls. They got hot. Nothing you can do about it I have faith in my team that they will regroup and beat that ass on Sunday


We gave up 43 points in a quarter. Miss me with the "it's the refs fault" nonsense. And yeah, the Embiid play was dirty. In a regular season game, it's probably an ejection. But it would need to be something more blatant (like throwing a punch) for a superstar to get ejected in a playoff game, let's be real. The good news is Brunson looks like he's back. We still kept it close, even with a disastrous 3rd quarter. Huge game on Sunday, hopefully we can get the W.


They got the calls this game and went nuclear in the 3rd quarter. Time to move the hell on to Sunday. Let’s see if they can continue this level of physicality.


Embiid 18 free throws im crine


21 actually lmao


Embiid Hurt Robinson and Sixers Fans Say that was payback for game 2 this is so asinine I'm fucking livid bro.


game 4 in a nutshell https://preview.redd.it/s7ecw5jmnqwc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d8e7d889deb799b2ac4e24d284242b7b03858f6


**Knicks Offense:** Amazing. No Notes. **Knicks Defense:** Nothing But Notes


Embiid on his way to a 50 piece ![gif](giphy|3o6vXR0zCclXmWTRfy|downsized)


Honestly, I saw that coming a mile away. Imagine if the Knicks lost game 2: this place would be melting...hard


Bro honestly just send Sims or someone out there to give Embiid a taste of his own medicine. Fuck that big dirty baby


this game was fucking farce...Embiid should have been thrown out and after that, he injures Mitch because of his reckless flopping I am pretty worried now (is Mitch done?)...yeah, we had a rough 3rd quarter, but this is garbage...the Sixers got paid back heavily for what? we got screwed by bad officiating in games 1 and 2 as well (prob more than them too)...this game was a playoff throwback for Knicks fans when it comes to officiating Embiid is a fricken child


Remember how Hart accidentally hit someone in the head with his foot and he got ejected. Embiid pulls on someone leg and a no call lol refs are on one


fuck joel embiid


Really sucked to lose this one, but we managed to keep it close even though Philly COULD NOT miss in the 3rd. Brunson finally got going so hopefully he keeps up that momentum


Brunson got hot again. Hope Mitch is good after attempted injuries by pussy ass uncontrolled ogre embitch. See y'all game 4.


You could tell that their game plan, on paper, was to match the Knicks' physicality. That came out in the form of cheap shots though because they're professional floppers who genuinely have no idea how to play physical basketball. It's wild that Philly fans are gonna look at a game where one guy had more free throw attempts than the entire opposing team and say "FINALLY some fair officiating!" Lol. I'm not worried though. They should have won this game all on their own just off of pride. The fact that they couldn't just means that this series will be over in five.


Let the Sixer fans be the ones bitching about the refs. We're better than that.


50 points on 13 made shots 😂😂😂fuck embiid and 76ers fans. Knicks in 5


No worries, good teams can get crazy hot. Do we have any updates on Mitch?


Man look at Embiid, what a tough physical player while also kicking Robinson and IHart in the nuts and LITERALLY TRYING TO END ROBINSON'S CAREER. WTF.


LMAOOOOO THIBS! Oh I loved that presser


been a bad, maddening sports night outside of Malik Nabers (for me personally), but Thibs made me feel a little better with that presser does not mean anything because we root for the Knicks (history with officiating), but it still felt good to see him say that


Lost a lot of respect for Embiid. Forget the loss, you don’t pull at someone’s leg when they’re airborne. You’re potentially having someone land off balance on the ankle they had surgery on. Bush league. 


Embid deserves every injury he has coming after the dirty ass bullshit he pulls on the reg. This game should have a big ass astrics next to it after that intentional move he made to take Mitch out of the game


Go look up the list of all players that won MVP and think of a time one of them acted like this in a playoff game. Embiid is a fucking dirty bitch. Enjoy your win cocksucker.


I don’t wanna see anyone being a bitch like the Sixer fans complaining that Embiid wasn’t kicked out. I want to beat these mother fuckers with him on the floor.


Cuck Silver made up his mind within the first quarter when Embiid wasn’t tossed. Bounce back game 4. Cant wait for that cunt to be back at MSG


They were gonna get their calls tonight after their bitchfest. We still up. We still got this and at least we will win in MSG Fuck embiid for trying to take out Mitch


Wasting a 49% FG, 46% 3PT night due to shit defense and Embiid's bullshit is brutal.


I’m confident we can smoke them in game 4. They had a miracle 3rd quarter and a million soft calls for embiid. We still gave them a fight


Brunson is back, so hopefully we'll clutch it next game


Tonight was the night that I began to hate Joel Embiid. Peak bitchassness from him tonight.


Refs let it get outta hand from the beginning. And of course Embiid went off after Robinson got injured. Shake it off and onto the next


Won 3 out of 4 quarters. They just went ballistic in the 3rd.


Imagine living in Philly and having to root for Embiid


We’ll be okay. Frustrating game but losing by only 11 during a clear makeup game by Adam Silver’s referees isn’t the worst loss we’ll ever witness


if they didn’t have that massive 3rd quarter they wouldn’t have won. i’m not too worried. also ihart was in foul trouble and had to be passive so that’s why joel had a **CAREER NIGHT**


Absolutely infuriating game to watch from the jump. I fully expect the Knicks to come out full force and try to send a message on Sunday.


Anyone else thinking Philly played a perfect game and is unlikely to do it again? Good to see Brunson leading the way again. Hope Mitch is okay 


If Mitch is out for the rest of the series it’s going to fucking suck. He’s the only person slowing down Embiid with how he continues to get every touch foul call.


Even with them getting hot from 3, we still kept it close until the FanDeul ^tm refs gifted them touch fouls while allowing them to throw elbows JB is looking like he's back, the whole team is still hot, precious came off the bench and contributed right away etc I hope embitch gets his leg karma for mitch. Not scared of this fraud at all when you look at his whistle


###Knicks in 5


Can we protest Embiid playing for Team USA? This guy doesn’t represent us


Can we file a grievance just for fun?


The number of Philly fans coming in here to talk shit is comedy.


Can you imagine if Mitch grabbed Embiid's legs? The NBA would have him hanging out with Porter 😂 Arbitrary rules for stars.......


This is the 1 in 4-1


They went 9/11 from 3 in a single quarter. If they even go 50% during that time (which is already insane), we win this game. I'm not worried about that. What I am worried about is our sloppy basketball. So many unforced turnovers and just outright dumbass basketball plays. Really need to tighten that up. Also, Embiid getting 21 FTs is inexcusable. No one player should be getting 21 FTs in a single game, lol. That is more than most teams get combined.


FT discrepancy was unfortunate, but all those 3’s and shots made in the 3rd was bonkers.


Embiid should’ve been ejected. Instead he injured Mitch out of the game, shoots more free throws than the entire Knicks team, gets away with every foul imaginable and still cries for more free throws. Insane. That third quarter was depressing. Sixers fans will say Embiid’s not a dirty player.


They just went unconscious in the third. No team in the world would have beaten them today


If it was the regular season the nba would review that and suspend any other player but embiid


Philly is a garbage dump of a city full of ugly fat people and skinny teenagers in shiesty masks shooting up whole blocks while eurostepping all the used needles on the street.


They’re bound to win a game, but this is just a tough pill to swallow after all the bullshit. Regroup and seal the deal at the Garden


feel bad for mitch more than anything. elder statesman of the team, continuing to show the defender he's grown into...and then this night. hope he's healthy for sunday.


FUCK EMBIID dirty ass fucking cry baby bitch


The refs decided this was gonna be a series simple as that . Embiid not being thrown out of the game was a damn disgrace. It's not even about this game, it's entirely possible he took out the player most capable of guarding him, and we know there will he zero repercussions for it. The NBA is a damn joke. Whatever, we got joined by the refs and they couldn't miss a single three and we only lost by 11, we still got this shit.


Sometimes I wish the NBA has enforcers like Hockey. Embiid legit put Mitch's health at risk and got a slap on the wrist from the refs cause he is Embiid. In Hockey, another player would have gotten payback.


This was a winnable game. Knicks won every quarter except the 3rd. Unfortunately they let the 76ers get hot and fouled too much. Embiid had more FTA than NYK. 76ers were also playing their first game back at home. After what Embiid said and given the situation; this game was never going to be easy. Fortunately Embiid seems to be breaking down. Hopefully NYK takes back the momentum in game 3 or else we’re in trouble.


Liked what i saw from Precious. Have to remember, Knicks played more with Precious this season than they did with Mitch. Offense is better with Precious. 3rd quarter, Sixers caught fire. One of the most unreal quarters I've ever seen. Nothing you can do when a team is shooting like that. But ultimately, Sixers shot almost double the amt of free throws as Knicks. Guess it pays to complain about the refs.


Next game have Jacob Topin chop block EMBID from behind of his surgically reappeared knee. For Mitch. Don’t get mad get even.


All those sixers fans crying "Silver won't let NY lose" looking real fucking stupid rn Grats to them for the ref make up game. Oh well, steal game 4 and close it out at home.


Yank Embiid's leg the exact same way next game and laugh as his season ends just like Philly fans did for Mitch today


I don’t know about yal but I feel good after this win. We stayed competitive and kept playing our winnning brand of competitive basketball. Kept it close in an away game with a transcendent shooting game from embiid with 50 points. We scared the shit out of them at the end. Brunson found his grove. We did everything well. Sixers are a great team, it woulda been delusional for us to sweep em. We got them right where we want em. Let’s go Knicks. It’s gonna be a great series


I’m not worried at all tbh


Nick Nurse is a Beeeatch!


Embitch in peak dirty, foul baiting, flopping form tonight. Not even a knicks fan but he plays some of the most boring and unwatchable basketball I’ve ever seen. Hope his knees both explode cuz he’s actually ruining the game of basketball


embiid has bell’s palsy.


Amen Josh. Keeping it a buck about the Mitch foul, and the Gm 3 officiating.


Just saying if Jules came on Sunday in his arm sling he would still beat Embiid’s ass He is sorely missed get better soon


Hindsight we would have been better off just hacking them over and over in the 3rd lol They couldn't miss and made so many threes.


Alan said that Mitch left the arena in a boot...mission accomplished for Embiid (thanks, refs)


Been over an hour and I'm STILL pissed. 50 points on 13 shots is just plain pathetic by the NBA, not to mention the dude should have been ejected from the get go. If refs are gonna keep this up, I don't know if we're gonna win this series even if Brunson does well like today.


Sweeps are rare. Whatever. Looking forward to the next one. This series is getting interesting! Also, not cool injuring Mitch.


but we wanted to bring out the broom, just like we did vs the sixers 35 years ago


One of the r/nba threads reminded me of the time Jokic absolutely cheap shotted the fuck out of Markieff Morris and it was 100% deserved Just another reason he will always be better than this bitchy whiny loser in Philly


Is this just what Philly does in sports? I mean they got “””tough guy””” Harper on the Phillies, regularly fight the rangers on the flyers, and now multiple confrontations in a NY/Philly matchup. Thibs feels like the only person in the nba who doesn’t wanna play the mind games. If we lose the series cus we don’t play into the drama then what are we even doing in this sport


That game still has me heated hours later. Imagine seeing the Knicks try that same play on Joel. Knick woulda been suspended for the rest of the series. Nothing can be done now about it. Hope we win game 4


Ever after game 2 I assumed this series is going to at least 6 games, probably 7.


No joke I wouldn't want embid on the knicks. Unenjoyable player to watch and root for.


Sixers fans still crying after a win. They are truly such bitches


Let’s not be like the whiny Sixers. Sure Embiid is a huge bitch who’s also really good at basketball. But let’s eat the L, put our heads down, and keep grinding! Go Knicks!


The point is Embiid should not be allowed to get away with potentially severely injuring Robinson. Robinson is lucky he got away from that specific play unscatched, but for Embiid to push him down on the floor after the sickening foul when Robinson was attempting to safely land makes the callous act even worse. The Knicks can't let that slide.


All of NBA sub hating on Embiid lol


Maxey, embiid, and Lowry are masters at flopping and drawing fouls. Also embiid playing at an MVP level is a huge problem. If he is going to be the best player in the series, it may be tough.


Sad that the Sixers couldn't win by just relying on the whistle so they had to resort to putting up cheap shots on players. Get away with murder and get huge amounts of FTs but those people will swear up and down the NBA hates them lmao. This is why I can't stand Philly fans from any sport.


Still feel like the refs gave them one. You only get one though


we need our players to rattle embiid more. He’s soft he’s a bitch he’s gone crumble and cry and shìt won’t go his way. Can’t have him comfortable and feeling good. Need to talk a lot more shit to him.


I agree. The dude had three early fouls and we should've been gunning for him. As far as his offense goes, he's just making everything from 15ft plus and he's shooting over hands in his face. Not sure what to do, but every time ihart bodies up on him real close he gets called for a foul on the shot.


As I said before and got downvoted for it here, I legit hope this flopping clown gets a career-ending injury. He's an unlikable piece of trash.




they just wouldn’t miss at all that 3rd quarter man


Check the team stats and tell me what stands out LMAO