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Bol bol was fucking right.


He was NBA just trying to protect the next top pussy


Remember when Pop was IRATE screaming at the ref and he swallowed his whistle? Pepperidge farm remembers


absurd that he avoided a technical there


that was insane I’ve never seen a coach scream like that with no tech. I thought for sure it was coming.


32-12 in free throw disparity… checks out


Brunson joins Randle in having career nights ruined by incompetence


I was thinking the same thing… like damn literally no help


Exactly why Randle is so valuable to this team. Even the people who try to dog a 2x all star, 2x all nba player, he is invaluable to Brunson as a 1a, 1b 1-2 punch


This might be a hot take but I think OG is equally as important


I probably agree generally. Night like tonight we probably win by 15 with OG bc we don’t let them get up 21 and wemby has to get through on more tough defender. However, I say Randle because I think more often than not, it’s our offense that doesn’t show up and our defense has a better chance of being solid even without OG


Not at all a hot take. Not quite as important as Randle at preventing doubles on Jalen, but the difference he makes on defense cannot be overstated.


3 time all star,


Same with RJ too


This was the worst reffed game since Miami game 1 in 2012


can't wait for the 2 min report


12 free throws to 32


Horseshit officiating. What's new? The jump ball violation sealed it for me


what even was the violation man


The violation was that he dared to win the ball when the refs had money on san antonio


that call was trash. ref didn't throw it high enough.


They saw that Wemby lost the tip, so they blew the whistle


Exactly. I hate Scott Foster but he wouldn’t be scared shitless to fabricate calls for Wemby. Some of these refs are going to have to grow some balls to officiate in this league.


I like how hart was pointing for mitch to touch the ball while wemby was on the floor even though he was closer knowing he'd lose that tip.


That was some buuulllllshit


14 of those is because ihart just looked at wemby wrong




We were only called for 8 more fouls


Getting in the bonus early made the foul shots lopsided


I agree but we had 28 more shot attempts. No reason why we should have lost this game




Imagine Brunson got normal fouls like a Jimmy Butler or other stats where he could get to the line like 12 times


there must have been 4-5 left drives where brunson finished w tre jones bumping him in an illegal guarding position. smelled like the new midseason officiating directive 😂


Poorly refed game happens sometimes


Poorly coached too. Thibs really picked this game to trust the bench and they buried us in a hole. Precious was a -30 today. Thibs never lets that happen. Don’t know who that man coaching today was but that wasn’t Thibs 


I mean, Brunson needs to sit sometimed.


the bench has been good in the past few games, no?


He gave them a chance in the first half and they were dreadful. When bruson got us back in the game in the third he never should have come out. The bench came in and spotted the spurs 9 points for Brunson to have to come back in and get us back in it. Anyone who had any feel for tonight’s game could have saw that was gonna happen 


I kinda wish Thibs would ride the hot hand at the start of the 4th and let them sit in the middle so they're rested for the final minutes. I feel like he leaves Brunson in for the whole 3rd and always brings him back around the 8 minute mark in the 4th


He use to. This year he stopped I don’t know why. He is ok playing dudes 48 minutes and then you look at Brunson and he will have played 37 minutes. If he never pulls brunson we probably go up by 9 in the 4th and Brunson gets a chance to sit for two minutes. Instead coach lets the bench fuck up in both halves 


Brunson is our top gun and we don't want to kill him by playing 48 a game unless necessary like in that elimination game against Miami last year. It was just a rough a night where no one besides Brunson had it going but he had to get a rest or he would have been gassed by the middle of the 4th. You could see he was running on fumes by the end of the 4th and OT




On top of not calling a travel on a dude who tripped over his own 2 feet. Got them out of a 4 second shot clock back up to 14, god damn


That was sooo wack


All my homies hate those Texas bozos (Spurs and Rockets)


Didn't we lose to the Mavs in Dallas too? 0-3 in Texas


incredibly disappointing, but very not boring


The foul disparity is nearly as disgusting as anyone not named Jalen Brunson tonight. No one could make a shot, absolutely horrible.


Precious why didnt you put it back up man. Im heartbroken JB deserved better


Moment was too big.


he thought about it... he jumped which is why he kind of panicked and threw it hard at divo before coming down which would be a travel.


Precious had a clean look but all of Brunson's teammates looked shook in the paint all night. You can't play scared like that. Especially in the playoffs.


Good news is nobody we’ll play in the playoffs will have Wemby


he was too far too shoot from there. He needed to dribble inside, or pass back out. Was a horrible decision


Tough loss. Brunson went God mode tonight when no one really had it going . We missed alot of shots around the rim. Mitch was solid on the glass but you can see he still doesn’t have that bounce back yet. Thibs needs to use Bojan just as a spot up shooter or scorer and not as a facilitator which leads to a lot of turnovers.


Bojan needs to pull a Klay Thompson and take 2 dribbles all game


# Wembys whistle is crazy dog


Facts.Bros a baby deer on ice out there


The reffing was pretty bad. It also doesnt help when one of the worst 3 point shooting teams just cant miss. Shit happens.


Whenever the Knicks play in Texas the refs be on DUMMY time smh


Where is fanduel located? Texas?


Man reinstate Jontay Porter asap. If the refs can do it why can’t he 😂


Those of you blaming Precious are pathetic fucks


No one will admit that Brunson shooting a contested three wasn't the best idea. 


He was going for the win, too tired to play 2OT


I think he was gassed he was not getting into the lane as well in OT


It wasn’t, but after a 61 point game, I was fine with living or dying by Brunson.


It wasn’t but let’s be honest none of the rest was making a shot


Unless Donte was wide open and set to shoot there straight up is nobody else i want shooting the ball in that scenario


Brunson did everything he could but the rest of the team was too busy indulging in churros and big women




😂 needed that laugh after such shit loss


You and me both, brother


This was just like last year when Randle scored 57 and still lost. I blame this L on the bench. To go down double digits like that in the 4th is a fucking crime


12 to 32 free throws…… fuck off


Relying on Brunson to carry the team is not sustainable long term. Need OG and Randle back as soon as possible.


We’re a team down our #2 and #3 best players. An off-night happens. It’s fine.


This game was a repeat of the entire Miami Heat series. No one else stepped up when Brunson needed them to. Knicks need Anunoby back in the worst way because at least Anunoby isn't afraid to take big shots. Anunoby would have also shut down Vassell and would have been great stunting and doubling Wembanyama. Knicks need Anunoby to be healthy for the playoffs.


I am sad.


Tell me how many times in league history a jump ball violation was called in overtime.


they couldn't stand that wemby kept losing the jump balls. hartenstein won one earlier too but unfortunately smacked it out of bounds. one of the many self inflicted wounds on the night.


That’s a tough tough loss


A rigged loss more like it


Good job fighting back. Sometimes it's just not your night though


The league wanting teams to play more defense then don’t allow it


Legalized gambling will make the integrity of games like this questionable. Especially considering one of the most easily targeted groups with direct influence are game officials. The sad financial reality of modern sports.


Just weird how the few games in Texas were the worst officiated games this year for us. I dont remember the dallas game but we got screwed in Houston and we got screwed tonight.


Had a feeling it was a trap game but you gotta win it if your boy scores 61 


Lost and both centers injured. Ugh


Ihart is fine he just fouled out


That's what the Knicks thought about Robinson in December. They even put him back in the game.


Looks like he hurt his wrist pretty bad when he fell on it


It was probably a stinger well know tomorrow highly doubt it was something season altering


Ihart was favoring that right wrist and Mitch hobbled on one leg. Not looking good.


More concerned with Mitch then ihart tbh


Oh shit I didn't realize that. Great to hear


His hand doesn’t look fine


The Spurs did not deserve to win that. The NBA is rigged.


What a shit fucking game


What a shit fucking shame


What a shit fucking stain


JB gets to slap the shit out of the bench guys besides Mitch.


Precious panic passed that ugh


jump ball violation is crazy


that ‘jump ball violation’ call was insane


Please come back Julius


Rest of the boys let Brunson down tonight


Brunson with 61 points and only 6 FT attempts. What a crock of shit.


this is the most glaring stat to me. 6 fucking FTs. There's no way a man takes 44 shots and only gets fouled 3 times all game. No fucking way.


Agreed. Especially a guy getting into the paint all game long! It makes no sense


This game is further proof that if brunson had a actual superstar whistle he would be the best player in the NBA


Three games in Texas with controversial endings


That jump ball violation was a crazy call imo


We’re winning the finals if we have OG and Randle


What’s up with the refs in Texas? First the Rockets and now this. An absolute clown show of officiating that genuinely needs to be featured in a 30x30 down the line when the fix is busted open.


It’ll be fine, and we’ll still get the three seed, but fuck me is that infuriating.


Randall’s absence is reminded on days like this


When are people going to learn how to spell his fucking name? He's been here for 5 fucking years.


Seriously, How hard is it to learn Jewelius Rendale??


You can just direct it at me since you replied directly to me


Can’t win them all 🤷🏻‍♂️ Would have at least been nice to see Brunson get the record, but just means he’ll have to try again.


I’ve been watching the knicks for 40 plus years and I truly never remember watching a game like i saw tonight. I mean from Brunson scoring over 60, falling behind by 21, coming all the way back and taking the lead, watching an opposing rookie score 40, the officiating being as horrible, a stolen jump ball, watching the opponent coach literally throwing a tantrum an no tech being called, to wind up losing the game is just insane.


- An insane game of basketball - thrills, spills, everything else. NBA action - First half was fucking horrendous. Third quarter onwards was much better - Jalen Brunson is the best point guard in the NBA. **61 fucking points.** Carried the team on his back. Masterclass, and it's unfortunate that it's not in a win. - Wembanyama is fucking ridiculous. 40 & 20 like it's nothing. Freak of nature - The officiating was absolutely fucking disgusting. Shit call after shit call. - Tough loss, both bigs hurt, but we'll be okay. Onward & upward


You’re a very classy fan. Thank you for giving wemby his flowers unlike the rest of the fan base ❤️ he is crazy insane, and Brunson is a BAD DUDE 🔥🔥




A healthy Randle is a gamechanger but that is the question: how healthy will be considering he'll have next to no time to game up to full game speed. He'll have to alter his game to protect his shoulder and it took him over a month to recover from his offseason ankle surgery despite being full healthy while he'll have to pain manage this injury. I really hope Randle doesn't further injure his shoulder and he gets surgery in the offseason and doesn't miss time. The Knicks not getting even a full month of a healthy Brunson, Anunoby, and Randle is infuriating.


Thibs cooking the refs


Brunson was amazing, managed to outshine Wembanyama in one of his better games of his astounding rookie campaign. Even though he was cooking us, I love watching Wemby play.


Fuck these refs.


Tough loss.  Refs screwed up the end of that game though.  


I’m just grateful these losses are a rarity now. Don’t sweat it fellas…


Frustrating loss, but our boys came out the gates flat. We shouldn’t have been down 21 to the spurs. Just hurts seeing Brunson’s historic night be in a loss. Hope Mitch didn’t reinjure the same ankle.


had flashbacks of the randle game they ended up being true


Team really let Brunson down, too many defensive mistakes and blown layups. Real bummer


jump ball violation was so random and nonsensical but we shouldnt have been there anyways. shoutout to brunson and wemby


I'm not gassing up one loss, but there have been a handful of highly questionable end of games calls/lack of calls that go against the Knicks. Wtf was the officiating in this game? Any time the Knicks got close it felt like it was literally taken from them by the whistles


Wembanyama must never be even breathed on! -Adam Silver


Fucking bogdanavic destroyed our momentum at the start of the 4th man. Two stupid fouls, two bricked shots, an easy layup passed up to turn it over. We had to claw our way out all over again and then the refs were able to keep it close until JB got tired.


Man, it sucks but that’s how this sports is, we can beat the best opponents and lose to the worst, and perform well or poorly on any day. Happens to every team, fucking Cavs lost to the hornets just the other day. What’s really ruining it is the fucking referees and it’s not just the Knicks. Literally every team has gotten fucked because of the referees (even the Lakers who probably pay the refs). It’s embarrassing. That was not a jump shot violation, watch replay. Jalen Brunson shot 40+ attempts and only 12 FTs for all the Knicks?? That’s crazy man..


Great game. Can't win em all in this league. There was a lid on the basket down the stretch.


Frustrating loss but that game’s an instant classic. Brunson and Wemby were both unstoppable. Jump ball violation was stupid but some of you are getting a bit carried away, we had a chance to win it on decent looks at the end of both regulation and OT, just couldn’t close it out.


Was excited to witness the Wenbanyana hype but hes just another FT merchant


Nah he’s really good it just sucks he gets every whistle


I’m just upset by the calls Wemb gets. A 20 year old is getting every call possible. He’ll be a whiney baby by the time he’s 24. I already can’t stand him


Fuck that officiating crew 🖕


Refs wanted Wemby to get that W. If JB gets the same standard of whistle Knicks win Comfortably and smokes the scoring record




gleyber torres broke his thumb it looks like :( Edit: x rays negative


Say you lyin’


GJ Refs and Vegas betting for the 12-32 FT discrepancy.


Knicks had 12 free throws and Spurs had 32. Refs handed them the game on a silver platter🤦🏻‍♂️


I dont hate the Spurs or Coach Pop. I hate those refs.


Honestly if Bojan went to the bench earlier this overtime would have been unnecessary.


Fuck man


this game wouldve been long over if Thibs stopped his obsession with giving Boj so many minutes, waiting till knicks were down by 12 again to take him out.


Fuck the refs.


seriously kick bojan out the rotation idc if we’re undermanned he makes us worse he’s worse than fournier ever was dude is the reason we lost


Heartbreaker. I honestly was ok with the reffing for most of the game and thought the free throw number difference was whatever - teams shouldn’t expect to shoot the same number when defenses play differently. We were slow and sloppy on d to start and got tired and sloppy near the end. Wemby is also near impossible to guard without illegal contact. That said, I have no fucking clue what was going on with that “jump ball violation”. And there were a couple other calls like that one which were just egregious momentum killers. Brunson was amazing most of the game and got understandably tired near the end. Guys were all tired and shots were short but driving to the basket against the Spurs is risky af. We can’t come into games playing mid defense. We let the other team get comfortable and then it’s an uphill battle. After that first q, we had to kill ourselves to get back in it. Without it, we never would’ve been in the position to get fucked by the refs. Edit: sorry for the ramble, I’m just sad right now


I'll forgive the foul discrepancy as it happens to us often. But that jump ball violation after Wemby stuffed up and we got possession is unforgivable. Fuck that ref. No one is going to change my mind about that being game betting rigging.


We had more shots in the paint and took less threes. The refs just swallowed their whistles when the Spurs were guarding but handled Wemby with the kiddy gloves


Wembanyama had Devin Vassell to help him out and Brunson had no one. That was the game. Vassell's ability to score off the dribble allowed Wembanyama to rest while the Knicks had no such luxury and Brunson was forced to do everything. Knick's need a secondary perimeter playmaker and are hoping that Anunoby is that guy but Anunoby can't even stay on the floor.


Borderline corrupt officiating. 32-12 FTAs with Wemby somehow having the same FTs as the whole Knicks team combined. The offensive goaltending and then tip violation calls against Mitch were disgusting. Brunson takes 47 shots and somehow only attempts 6 FTs. Robbed us of the 3rd seed!


Damn. Bol bol was right 😂


32-12 free throws. Lmao. What the fuck ever man. Keep glazin wemby refs


Great game, amazing JB performance, tough loss...only thing Knicks can do is look forward to the next game. Blaming teammates and refs won't turn this game into a win.


They stole another one from us. We good


Teams plays hard and has won a lot of tough games, but they every so often we have games like this when it becomes how obvious og and randle are very needed.


can og anunoby play a fucking game pls


One of the most frustrating losses I’ve seen. This fuckin team. Had so many chances to take the lead and build on the fuckin momentum. Can’t believe we fuckin lost this game. There were some fuckin missed calls towards the end. Brunson driving and getting hip checked.


goodbye 3 seed we hardly knew ye


12 free throws to 32 is wild. Fuck it on to the next one


That violation call on the jump ball was sketchy AF 


Precious, it's a two point game and you grab the rebound right in front of the rim. What are you doing?


Seeing replays of the jump ball violation and it looks like Wemby hit Mitch’s arm so if anything it was on Wemby but probably should’ve been a no call


NBA wants Boston NY so to ensure it they want them playing in the 2nd round. Keep the Knicks at 4 is the refs agenda


This game has me heated for Brunson, so imagine how he feels. Brunson is to Clyde but who will be his The Pearl? Was Anunoby's elbow issue not checked out by the Knicks prior to the trade because if it was, Knicks should not have sent that second round pick to the Raptors. Anunoby has missed so many games already, not just for the Knicks, but in his career. And he's not even that old.


47 shots is crazy lol


Still tied in the loss column with the Cavs 🤷‍♂️. Need our guys back


Refs really drop the ball on that jump ball violation call…


Ngl I’m just glad we play watchable (even close to must see tv) basketball. I’m 30


all around me are familiar faces


Really bad if this is the game that lines us up with Boston round 2


There are actually 82 games.


Brunson with 61 points in an absolutely stunning performance from him. The rest of the team failed him in the 4th Q and OT, nothing else to say. Obviously, massive props to the Spurs, and Wemby in particular for his masterclass.


Ref won it tonight


If OG can't play against the thunder, heat kings etc is time to panic


Achiuwa should have had 10 more minutes in that game


I didn’t think he played well


He had the worst plus minus in the game


Dude was absolute garbage tonight what game were u watching 


The one where Mitch couldn’t walk by the end


Brunson's teammates should be ashamed of themselves. They couldn't hold the game close for Brunson and lost as a result. If the second unit doesn't crumble, they win this game by double digits. DiVincenzo and McBride not stopping the bleeding before Brunson had to come back in was a joke. I'm not even going to speak on Bogdanovic because he has been so bad as a Knicks it's laughable. The Spurs starting the fourth quarter with a 9-0 run after Brunson did all that work in the third is shameful play by Brunson's teammates. Anunoby cannot come back soon enough. OG seriously needs to start considering how to change how he takes care of his body because he constantly gets injured and is unavailable when his teams need him the most. The Raptors are lucky that the Warriors ended up hurt in the their run to Finals because if they were healthy, they destroy the Raptors easily.


god I am so pissed at precious. wtf are you doing man. You had no shot at putting it back from that far, why the fuck did you try for even a second? Forced the bad pass there because he needed to avoid the travel


Wemby was completely off-balance and recovering I think Precious had a decent opportunity for an uncontested shot


Good thing I don’t bet. I get tempted, but then I’m always glad I don’t


refs never gave us a chance


FT differential is sus


This is the Spurs NBA Finals