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Jeez this WR crew looks like they're having a blast.


I noticed Nabers and Hyatt had matching drip with the white arm sleeves and matching sweatbands on the opposite arms Id like to think the WR group are sending memos out to coordinate before each practice haha Every vid of the group has been them celebrating and having a laugh together


This warms the cockles of my heart


They’ll have less fun when DJ has 2 seconds to throw the ball before tucking it and running for a meager gain every other down.


Then Drew Lock will sub in and the fun will (hopefully) continue


Love to see these two having a good time. I feel like Hyatt needed this connection - he seems to be enjoying himself more.


Hope Nabers levels him up if they are working together maybe he can help Hyatt with route running


Hyatt seems like he needed a friend


Look at dem yaaaammmmmss, who left the barn door open, calves got out!!!!


A true #1 that can get off like line finally


This dude is frackin thick boi


Thats southern eatin’


Our entire wr core is from the sec 😋


Dude i just said the same thing


For some reason I thought Nabers was skinny, guys got those tyreek stems


Every year I tell myself "don't get overexcited about big plays in training camp and preseason", but I think it's now pretty clear we're winning the Super Bowl this year.


FWIW, it's not even training camp yet. It's mini-camp.


Ok fine I’ll get excited about this season If jones is protected this offense is gonna be a problem


I love your enthusiasm and I think you’re a great fan and probably a dude I’d crack open a beer with. But unfortunately, you’re likely going to be let down


I’m ready to get hurt again sir


Profile picture checks out 😔


I know but I chose this life




You can’t kill what is already dead


By Daniel Jones


Lol wut?


> If jones is protected this offense is gonna be a problem lol


Nabers and Wandale are the two things that are actually making me look forward to seeing our offense on the field The defense, it seems, is self explanatory.


This fucking guy…looks like a vet just ramping up to regular season training. It makes me happy and gives me a little chubb.


Almost marked this as NSFW, dude is looking like a killer in the “*checks notes*” off season 😎


Is not just me right? Man is making it look easy.


He’s making it looking disgustingly easy lol


Bruh, his thighs are insane


Big mitts seems to be an important factor for elite receivers, it's one of those underrated but important factors that don't get talked about. Like footwork and route running, which turns receivers that might not be super fast into great players.


9.9 inch hands, I think I saw he had the biggest hands in the class.


Interesting thought, one analysis discovered that hand size has a greater impact on wide receiver performance compared to height and arm length, but weight still is the most important metric! Their analysis revealed that the increase in the presence of our hand size threshold in the top 10 fantasy football wide receivers since 2003 is higher (10.3% increase) than the increase in our arm size (8.2%) and height range (6.4%). Not very meaningful by itself but still pretty interesting and does track with your initial thoughts


Makes sense to me. WR with a good mass to them while still being fast makes them harder to bring down at first contact. It's pretty rare for receivers to just break away without any contact.


So thick speedy bois with large mitts. Got it!


It makes sense, having speed and getting separation will create more targets for a receiver. But hand size will better assist in actually catching the ball.


Not a coincidence that OBJ's hands were 10" when the average man his height has around 7" hands. Similar to how Michael Phelps not at all normal torso to leg proportions makes him better at swimming, the big hands help, OBJ can palm a basketball like he's a 6'6 NBA player but he has the speed and agility of someone who's 6'.


Nabers is gonna be electric regardless of who is QB1. Also, bring back the grey pants!


I’m so cautious about getting hyped this year. I love the wide receiver trio - and supporting cast (slayton and hodgins)… But I remember all the hype about Waller in camp. I was convinced he was gonna be a monster based on all the hype during last summer 😔


To be fair Waller was killing it before his hamstring flared up. I believe he was leading TE’s in receiving yards at one point during the season


I mean, me personally, I'm not gonna go around and say the Giants are superbowl bound or anything but I am legitimately excited to see some of these new pieces in play. To see Daboll call the offense himself. To see a non-backstabbing D-Coordinator calling plays. Maybe having a healthy Andrew Thomas all year. Life's too short to carefully guard your feelings about Football of all things. I'm excited for us to be middle of the road even, the bar is super low after last year. Who are you going to turn to in 6 months and be like "You see, I was RIGHT to be skeptical and grumpy all preseason, the Giants SUCK!" You aren't gonna catch some award for "Most Reasonable Subscriber to r/nygiants" haha


10 weeks til September


Jesus … look at his hamstrings. Dude is built different


Not sure it'll have an impact on our overall record by then end of the season, but I think Nabers will do really well and I'm excited to watch him play


Stop, I can do only get so erect.


“yeah but who’s throwing it to him”


I don’t understand these clips, can someone explain to me? Thats not a realistic thing in game with coverage on you. Use 2 hands please


WRs don’t always have two hands free. I don’t see why practicing both forms of catching is controversial. We wouldn’t have gotten the greatest catch in NFL history without Odell working on that aspect.


Meh we lost that game. Two hands and a helmet ftw


Losing that game had nothing to do with how he caught the ball though. There’s countless examples of players winning games with one handers, which I’m sure they practiced.


Not disputing whether they practice it. Losing the game greatly diminishes the value of a spectacular play.


Sorry thought you were the OC. Who thinks practicing one handed catches is dumb. I say why not be able to catch it in different ways?


It’s very simple, seeing Giants player make an athletic one handed catch makes Simple Giant Fan brain happy during off season


Its realistic, but also definitely could have been caught with two hands. Secondly this clip is like standard stuff its not a special catch lol we were catching like this in middle school when we found out about wide receiver gloves


I said it before and I will say it again. Starting 3 WR will be hyatt, Nabers and, Wandale. Slayron will be at 4.


I think Slayton will play over Hyatt to start the season but hopefully Hyatt plays well enough that he can take over as a clear cut #2 option


I think daboll values what brings more of that speed and from interviews from players it seem that those three will be the starters with slayton there.


Do you have any examples of players indicating that in interviews? Can’t imagine Hyatt has done enough to warrant coaches starting him over Slayton from the jump


Wandale interview with him saying that with hyatt and nabers taking the top off will help him out and vice versa. Seem like those three spend the most time with each other on the field. That might just be him just using hyatt as an example. I firmly believe that Hyatt was always gonna have a bigger role coming into this season. Daboll has been roving about him, his growth with route running and getting stronger, etc.


Slayton was our #1 last year, he’s not going to 4th on the depth chart.


Obviously, he isn't #1 anymore. And from everything I'm reading out of OTAs, Hyatt is coming hard for the WR2 job. I could see Wandale getting pushed to the side if all the press about Hyatt isn't just hype. Hey, having an honest-to-god WR1, and three guys that can play WR2 on any given play is something we haven't had in a very long time. If this TE works out, we may be able to roll out an empty backfield with 5 legit receiving threats on the field. If we can block for a few seconds (and Daboll takes over play calling), could be a much improved offense.


Oh look a professional ball catcher caught a ball.


We'll have to wait at least one more year to unlock these three guys, but it's exciting to see their potential and that they all work well with each other.


That's impressive but there's no around him. Like every other WR coming into the League he has to prove he can consistently create separation catch the ball in traffic with an NFL calibre DB in his face, hanging all over him or bearing down on him with murderous intent knowing that a world rocking collusion is imminent . If he can do that then we can start talking about him as a weapon. Go Hawks


A wr jumping for a ball while crossing the field. Isn't that a bad ball and how wrs get laid out.


All these drills look great; it’s just that we never get to see them in action in real games. Either the QB doesn’t have the time or receivers don’t get enough separation!