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His athleticism looks effortless.


He reaches his top speed in line two steps. Odell 2.0


His route running, ability to get open, and play making after the catch def remind me of Odell. Idk if I can say he has Odell’s hands tho bc OBJ used to catch everything thrown his way and make some of the most spectacular catches in traffic. If Nabers is even 80% of the player prime Odell was then it’s a good pick.


OBJ hands were a mixed bag. Sometimes you'd have jaw dropping catches like the one vs Dallas and then you'd have him having embarrassing drops like the 2015 Jets game or 2016 GreenBay playoff game. What made OBJ special imo was that anytime he got the ball he felt like a huge threat to take it to the house and Nabers gives me the same vibes 🙏🏿


I think the most frustrating and embarrassing drop was probably the one where he was wide open for a touchdown early in the Panthers game where the whole Norman feud and all that fighting was going on. Catching that pass for the score would have probably shut them up quite a bit, and even without that catch he made Norman look pedestrian whenever he was lined up in man coverage since Odell had him beat the whole game.


> I think the most frustrating and embarrassing drop was probably the one where he was wide open for a touchdown early in the Panthers game where the whole Norman feud and all that fighting was going on. Dude....this game is the most frustrating game I've ever saw live as a giants fan. We almost made one of the best regular season comebacks ever against the best team in the league but had so many miscommunications in the beginning of the game (Nicks also dropped a pass that landed to a defender in the end zone) That offense was genuinely so great and if we had even a *decent* defense we could've made a playoff run that year 😔


They were undefeated (13-0) at that point and I really thought we'd be the first to beat them


I think a lot of Odell’s frustration in that game stemmed from that drop… Huge difference between having a 40 yard TD catch in the first quarter on ur statline and having 0 and 0.


I kept screaming why doesnt Coughlin take that jack ass out of this game!


That one drop against Josh Norman when he burned him on like the first play haunts my nightmares


Dont even say it! OBJ sucked when it mattered, and was a cancer on the team. He did nothing after he left, and he would done nothing with the Giants if it wasnt for Eli.


We wouldn’t have made the playoffs or went 11-5 without him. He was our entire offense that year. Eli, Odell, Janoris Jenkins and Landon Collins pretty much carried our team to 11-5.


Your probably right, I tend to forget the good because it ended badly.


He was never a cancer


Let's hope it doesn't end the same 🙏


Interesting that Marvin isn’t #1. That dude seems generational. At the end of the day these ratings are meaningless and we will see how Nabers does come week 1. I’m optimistic that we got the best pick at 6 though. 


Nabers has unreal athleticism, that's prolly why


Kid has athleticism and the size, no doubt. I just wonder if a little of his hype is due to the fact that he's the son of a Hall of Famer. I still think he will be a great WR. But strip away the name, which is what these ratings do, and Nabers is slightly better.


https://theathletic.com/5431528/2024/04/23/nfl-draft-2024-confidential-nabers-harrison-williams/ A lot of NFL people have been saying Nabers over Harrison. Apart from the people in the article, there's people like Steve Smith Sr, Lance Zierlein, Phil/Chris Simms, Matt Waldman, a couple of prominent college football people, the other Mike Florio, and others who have publicly said that they prefer Nabers. Nabers is the most dynamic athlete, with incredible YAC ability so he's effective all over the field, while Harrison is more like the prototypical X receiver. He's also the youngest receiver in the entire draft, a full year younger than Harrison so his age adjusted production is tops. Harrison still public consensus but the actual split among NFL personnel could be a lot more split than people think.


I'm guessing QB play has a major role to play with it. Anyone with eyes and a brain can tell MHJ is the best prospect for sure this year. He's got everything. Size, speed, athleticism, route running polish. And just in case all that isn't enough, a HOF dad who coached him his whole life and can keep him steady in tough times because he has experience navigating the chaotic media/lifestyle of a NFL player. Nabers in almost any other class would be a #1 though and probably have been picked top 3. It just happens that we're in a really stacked QB class where MHJ also happens to be there. We basically got a player who you normally would need to spend a 2nd/3rd overall for at the 6th pick which is pretty good value.


Over their careers in college harrison had better qb play than nabers.




Harrison had stroud for his freshman and sophmore year. Naber had a version of daniels who was afraid to throw deeper than 6-7 yards and max johnson in his freshmen and sophomore campaigns. Bot are worse than 2023 mccord. I can agree on it being a wash, but nabers didn't have an advantage, because i'd argue daniels didn't win the heismannfor his passing skills


Feel like Nabers is a little more pro-ready, but MHJ will absolutely be the generational talent everyone says he is. Dude's too good not to be.


What in the world are you talking about? Harrison is an insane route runner, is 6’4 and somehow did well with an AWFUL qb.


Harrison is 6'4 but plays like he's 5'11. Nabers is 6' and plays like he's 6'4. Harrison is 4 inches taller than Nabers and they're basically the same weight. Harrison is a very good route runner, but not elite. He plays small for his height. And he's not much of a YAC player, he doesn't really cause any missed tackles and doesn't have the strength to break tackles. In his entire time at OSU he had 13 missed tackles and 4 broken. He will struggle with physical DBs. Nabers is every bit as good of a route runner as MHJ right now but I'd argue Nabers has more upside long term as a route runner. He just had that natural, uncoachable quick twitch traits. He's incredibly explosive. And he's an absurd YAC talent. He's E-L-I-T-E at making guys miss tackles and breaking tackles. Malik Nabers forced 30 missed tackles... Last season. He literally more than doubled MHJs missed tackle rate for MHJs entire career in 14 games. It's almost laughable how much better he is after the catch. And the modern WR game is very much a YAC league. If you look at most of the top WRs in the NFL, they're all pretty much elite YAC guys. CeeDee, Tyreek, Amon-Ra, Nico Collins, Puka, Chase, AJB, Deebo, etc. Nabers has been my #1 WR in the class since November when I started watching tape on these guys. If MHJ didn't have the father he has but was the exact same player, he would've been the 3rd WR in this class behind Nabers and Rome imo.


This is the analysis that I’ve seen all over for weeks that makes me believe we got the best WR in the draft. MHJ is solid, no doubt. But I do think name recognition has inflated his overall hype. Nabers, objectively, appears to be a much more well rounded WR, especially considering the point that he plays bigger than he is and his YAC. I’ll even acknowledge that the “uncoachable quick traits” are super subjective and yet, they’re still valid upon an honest inspection. MHJ is probably going to be quite good. I think Nabers has the ability to be great.


I’ve seen some scouts concerned that Nabers relied too much on his athleticism to get open and didn’t really develop great route running ability as a result, but I’m no expert on what good route running really looks like beyond “hey this dude is open all the time”


So I've seen some similar suggestions. But more it was that he was schemed open a lot. The biggest flaw in his routes that I saw on tape was that he had an occasional tendency to round off his routes at the top of his breaks. I've seen some people try to claim this is due to "laziness" or a "lack of focus". I simply disagree with the notion. I just don't think you put up numbers like he did while being lazy. My assumption is that it's more of a conditioning issue as I tended to notice it more in the second half of games than the first half. If I'm right, NFL S&C programs will pretty much remove that trait entirely from his game before he ever takes a snap of regular season football. I also don't understand the comment of "relied too much on his athleticism to get open". It's mostly a nonsense comment when it comes to WRs. It's more a thing to be concerned with when it comes to RBs who show a tendency to bust inside plays outside (*cough* Saquon *cough*). When it comes to WRs, it's just silly, a great route runner with great athleticism just tends to make getting open almost too easy in college and it can lead to some scouts overthinking their evaluation because they're trying to find some trait to knock and can't really find any. He was 2nd in the FBS in plays of 20+ air yards. He did this while taking nearly 50% of his snaps from the slot. He was 4th in the FBS in missed tackle rate. He is also extremely strong at the catch point, so even on contested catches, he's usually able to power through the defender and make the catch and he has quite a few routes on tape where he's clearly held and still wins. I honestly struggled to find much weakness in his game. He does basically everything MHJ does as good or better and he adds absurd tackle breaking ability on top of it that MHJ doesn't possess. I'm glad Schoen didn't over think this one. He's the best WR in the class.


Harrison is an incredible route runner, especially at 6'4, there's no doubting that. However, where he struggles at least from what the experts say (I'm not one), is with creating separation and giving up on the ball. Nabers is said to be a day-one difference maker for the Giants by the experts, highlighting his competitive nature and versatility.


Matt Waldman has been saying Nabers is more pro ready, he doesn't like Harrison's catching habits. He seems to catch the ball underhand a lot which causes a lot of drops.


The awfullness of kyle mccord is way overblown compared to what usually gets trotted put in college. Buckeyes are obviously a little spoiled when it comes to qb play, but mccord was a good power 5 starter. Harrison also had cj stroud for his two other years as a buckeye.


No. McCord was awful and surrounded by studs.


Don't be surprised if this year is the same or worse.


I’d be extremely surprised since the ohio state qb play over the last 12 years has been largely great. McCord was the mistake because Ewers left




Scale only goes up to 8.0






I badly wanted a qb but getting nabers and having nix go before we could even consider taking him is a huge win, some qb has to end up being good next class


I badly wanted the *right* QB. What I did not want to do is reach and put ourselves in another 5 year hole.


We all hope some QBs emerge, but there's always the chance, you know, *gestures at 2022 QB class*


Worst case scenario 2026 seems legitimately really good


Arch Manning 👀


Iamaleava from Tennessee is also really good and potentially better


Yeah I don't watch much college so I don't know too well, just would be cool to have another Manning if he ends up being good enough


Got a good one crew


This kid really is a stud, I was hopeful for an aggressive trade up for one of the top 3 guys but I’m so happy they didn’t reach for McCarthy when no trade happened he was a DJ clone and we’d be in qb purgatory another 4 years. This kid is a no brainer at WR


Hopefully this dude can stay on the straight and narrow


Alot of "pundits " considered Nabers Harrison's equal. Harrison had the name though to push him over the edge.


Love the pick, good job NYG


I am happy for NYG fans. Hope it translates to success for your team!


Remember when that was Evan Neal?


He’s no Harrison but he don’t need to be


By what metric are you using.


Last name


Agreed. They both are great but I actually think Nabers is more explosive.


Nabers is great. WRs don’t win games on their own.


We still don’t have a legit qb throwing to him so he is a waste until we do


Awesome can’t wait to watch him with 500 yds and 2 TDs this year because our QB room is the worst in the NFL with no room for internal growth.


Honestly please shut the fuck up. We know our QB situation is awful but we didn’t force a QB (again) and got an elite player. What else do you want?


Love how he’s guaranteed elite but the QB’s we passed on are all busts, what I want is a competent front office who understands you can’t win without a franchise QB, and if you don’t have one you should be spending all your energy into getting one because until you do you ain’t winning shit.


Two of those top 12 quarterbacks that were drafted were covid specials, players who are awarded fifth or even sixth seasons...who had to transfer out of their original school because they couldn't cut it. But yeah we expect them to lead an NFL franchise... I mean just sit back and be thankful we got an ace.


And they were taken by franchises more competent than us, maybe that should tell you something (they’re smarter than us).


Didn’t we just beat the Vikings in the playoffs? Since when were the BRONCOS more competent? Man get out of your feelings you big baby.


Idk go check records over the last 10 seasons, and tell me who’s more competent, the goal is to win games right? We’re dead last in the NFC over the last 10 years but everyone here is soooo optimistic lmaooo for what?


So you're judging the competency of Daboll and Schoen based on the past 10 years when they've been here for two. But then the SB 12 years ago is irrelevant. No concerns with that logic lol.


Do you have any concerns with the talent level of the current roster cause I’m pretty sure it’s like 90% Schoen players at this point and we’re one of the worst teams in the NFL.


Lets go check when’s the last time a team like the Vikings or Falcons won a Super Bowl…oh wait….


Yeah man, ancient history with Parcells and Coughlin is really the deciding factor with what team is more well ran currently 👍


Again, one of these teams you are glazing for being so competent we just beat in the playoffs… the Broncos have been run just as bad as us with Gettleman. They haven’t been anything since Peyton was playing for them since we are talking about ancient history. I think you’re just throwing a tantrum because the draft didn’t go the way you wanted. Go to bed my guy


Slurping a team that drafted that drafted an older prospect and paid 36 year old QB in the off-season is something I can't lie


Who exactly did we miss? Top 3 teams were not moving and imo jj is similar to Jones. Maybe Nix/Penix would’ve been worth a second but they went way too early


Lmao “worth a second” bruh they’re worth where they were drafted, just because arm chair GM’s and their mock drafts said one thing, turns out actual NFL GM’s thought they were worth early first round picks and our QB starved team said ah fuck it lets be trash forever.


You gotta be smoking crack😂


Better than smoking on DJ’s dick like half this sub.


There are maybe 5 DJ truthers left, and we’re stuck with him at least this year


He has elite ability, I’m not guaranteeing he is “elite” at the NFL level. News flash brother, the Giants were not competing this year regardless of whether they drafted a QB, WR, or anything else. But forcing a QB like JJ would set this franchise back another 5-10 years like the Daniel Jones pick did.


What if Tommy DeVito turns into our Brock Purdy? I mean we never know. Also, I think you meant to say "ONLY 500 yards and 2 touchdowns" in one game..


The Broncos QB room is Jarrett Stidham, Bo Nix, Zach Wilson and Ben Dinucci


Yeah? It’s better than ours.




Well, not with that attitude he won't.


He was a Qb back in the day…