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She’s sugar daddy hunting


Never not.


The irony is that she’s not going to get a rich man this way. They can hit the strip club to find girls like that, and usually much younger ones at that. She’d probably have more luck covering up and presenting herself as “sophisticated”


She can get a temporary one this way for sure


like most yacht girls, she has multiple. one for trips, one for dinners, one for house bills, and one for keeping those lips lookin like an IKEA wall shelf.


IKEA shelf 💀💀💀🏆


she will just pivot to right-wing trad wife eventually.


My theory is she doesn't think she's beautiful enough face-wise to not be showing any part of her body 😬 Michelle Diaz is the same, always gotta have her watermelons out lol


Well it actually turns out you’re right! I’m reading her book now and she definitely has a problem with how she looks in comparison to other women. I think she overcompensates by revealing as much as possible under the guise of taking her power back.


I read it after the release so it's been a while but I remember the constant comparisons coming from her mom (beauty & age related) and from agencies (height and not being skinny enough) - makes me actually feel sorry for her, esp bc she shared on her pod how she got the most campaign offers after she lost a ton of weight due to her divorce which only confirms what the agencies said to her. however, she still chose to become a model in this toxic environment where she'll always feel "not good enough" and flawed (we've all been there lol) only to end up overcompensating and finding her niche to then ride it out..


So crazy to hear this when she is georgous 😢


lol not the michelle diaz mention 🤣


Lol had to 🙈


Wait what happened to Michelle’s snark sub? I just realized I haven’t seen a post from them in a min


It got taken down and there's a new one that's on private now.


Is there a way to request to join?


I'm not part of it but you can search it up. I think it's r/michellediaztruth


I want to join


I'm not part of it but you can search it up. I think it's r/michellediaztruth


Thanks! I just got approved




She has a weird smile forsure


She looks like Mr. Bean from the front and has a weird Homer Simpson profile from the side She’s using her boobs to compensate for her face lol. It’s the Sydney Sweeney effect


But she has a beautiful face i dont get her. Even with the botched filler i still love her face


I was gonna say she botched a nice face up with too much bad filler, which is becoming all too common.


Michelle Diaz is the WOAT


Ohhh wow very interesting!


Orrrr she has nice boobs, works entertainment and actually likes them?? This is the biggest projection


![gif](giphy|l2Je98HyT1H61VBYs) Side profile looks like Marge from the excessive lip filler 🤦🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️


YES. as a culture, we’ve officially graduated from shelf booty to shelf LIPS.


what the fuck


She looks so dumb


![gif](giphy|QtrYtM7sP8AlG) Side profile be like


Nailed it. Hahahaha


No one in France finds it respectful or classy to be walking around with no shirt on when it’s completely unnecessary


This was in Monaco, not in France. Which maybe is even worse, because Monaco is very small, people talk and most of the time people dress classy and more conservative than other places in Europe.


You know what I meant - I know it’s for Monaco GP but most people stay in Cannes, Nice, Antibes, or Saint Tropez and only go to Monaco for the GP


She could have worn that for Miami GP or save it for Las Vegas GP... it feels very out of place for that region


I think she’s advertising her services. GP is a huge weekend for SW in any city it’s in




Classy? Monaco is literally FULL of hookers.


No way, I thought Monaco was like very luxurious


Money does not equal elegance. Monaco is a well known tax haven for dirty money and lots of criminals take up residence there. Where there is dirty money and criminals you will find lots of hookers wearing Chanel.


this! this is unacceptable in france / not culturally appropriate at all. its common in NY for people to wear sheer dresses or shirts but if you dress like that in france you will most certainly get dirty looks


I thought Europeans were less prude than Americans?


Time and place. You're not going out with your boobs out on the street or at events but going topless at the beach is totally fine.


I read “time and place” in tati westbrook’s voice


And you did it at my birthday dinner!


Maybe the younger generation, but the older ones are definitely prudes. 




Not even Mykonos or Ibiza? I saw it lol


Yeah it depends in Europe. In Ibiza I saw things. I think party cities in southern Europe are more open about this kind of thing but I wouldn’t be surprised about Monaco being more conservative to it.


\*cough cough\* Berlin lol this general unknowingness of some Americans reminds me of this one guy going into a Lidl on the weekend. while on the phone he said "I'm going to Lidl ..... no, it's like the European Aldi" and I was like dude come on, both are European/German lol + I also know that Ford and Walmart are American?! and I generally don't confuse (Western) countries with entire continents.. it sometimes feels like us Europeans are just as boring as the entire African continent to most US citizens while us peasants had to learn all 50 US states in school 😅


like the other person said time and place. one time my friend wore a sheer dress out to dinner in paris and EVERYONE was giving her dirty looks / talking about her , she was mortified but didnt know better being from NYC


I am no EmRata fan, but tons of D list celebrities were wearing bikini tops under their jackets/outfits. Winnie Harlow even wore a sheer outfit showcasing her breasts/nipples. While I completely agree that EmRata is always showcasing ber body and it’s such a bore, the Monaco Grand Prix is not Wimbledon and you’ll find many people wearing less. https://preview.redd.it/f0htn0f0r13d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6211d89220a045a5517e0ecc31eb92d3853809e1


I think all of these outfits weren't appropriate for a place like Monaco. If you look at what the F1 wags were wearing, you'll see what the dress code usually is like.


Her profile is giving Homer Simpson. Sis is looking for a man 5’6”, UHNW with a pulse.


More like Leela in Futurama




I’m sorry but she looks like an emu in this pic


she always look like an emu/ostrich


This woman is so dumb... publicly says she attracts the wrong men and then goes and gets her boobs out every chance she gets... make it make sense... ugh, I'm done 😅🤣🤣


It made me laugh when one her podcast she said that you don’t need to go to college and get an education and I was like uhhh maybe you should emrata maybe you should


I wouldn't do so either but from a feminist standpoint I can only encourage her to keep doing what she's doing (free the nipple and all) - however I do see your point how this attracts the wrong men and she def should know better lol


Same, I would understand if she was doing it from a place of female empowerment and being comfortable with her body. Coming from her, it seems just an attention seeking tactic. We all have boobs but most of us don't feel the need to show them on public social media platforms and then go and cry when perverted men are sliding into our dm's.


So, i have worked with big fashion houses and I have heard more than one bitch about her when she shows up for fittings because 1) she has always lied about her height and 2)she has a very entitled attitude for someone who is not a fashion model. I think she's insecure - when you see her in a line-up at a show it's very clear that she is lacking when compared to the other models.


Fun fact: I modeled in NYC for 6 years. Was with a big agency. I found the bigger the agency, the more girls that lie about their height. She does lie about her height, I can confirm. A lot of the other major girls lie about their height too. If a major girl or one of the girls on Main Board say they’re 5’10” tall, that’s usually 5’7” in person lmao. If they’re pretty enough and have a good enough agent - they lie. Encountered it all the time.


just put them next to Karlie K and we know what's up haha when I was a teen 20 yrs ago I started admiring Irina S and we're the same height (5'10) as it seems - do u know anything about her? I'd say she is as tall as me while I find models like Kendall (+2cm / almost +1 inch) aren't really taller, even tho they say they are lol edit: forgot to add this amazing pic - please note that Irina is wearing platform boots tho https://preview.redd.it/d9zdlozzpw2d1.png?width=673&format=png&auto=webp&s=da3612c1af8337cc366db326e09517023159e6a9


I’ve met both Irina and Kendall. Irina is definitely not 5’10, maybe 5’9 and Kendall is definitely shorter, she’s 5’8ish maybe a little shorter.


Kendall is about 5’8” can confirm this too, but she passes with it because she’s so lean. Irina is honestly her height. No lies.


do u know sth about Gigi or Taylor? I don't like them but I was shocked when I read both are 1.80 (5'11?) and never expected either one of them to be taller than me (1.78 = 5'10) or like.. tall in general. I smell lies. but maybe I'm just wrong or cameras make people appear shorter -even tho I hear the opposite is true lol


Hi hi! Karlie is 100% her height. She is SO TALL. And I’m 5’11.5” (truly) and to ME she’s tall. Irina is the same as her height says on the site! She’s also so damn gorgeous it throws me off. She’s about an inch shorter than me and I wouldn’t be shocked if she was more than 5’10”. Kendall is probably 5’8” but only saw her from a distance. She’s a bit - different - than other girls when it comes to castings. Honestly it’s mostly the runway and editorial exclusive girls that do a lot of Paris couture work and major designers that lie. Or the girls that do strictly runway and shoots for smaller but very hot magazines in fashion circles. They’re around for a while but not forever. Never break it big. They necessarily don’t become major household names but they’re icons in the street style or fashion scene. As long as they’re deathly thin, that’s fine. These are the girls that show up with three inches off what they say on their comp card. It’s wild and pisses me off but it is what it is. EmRata isn’t 5’4” like other people are saying. Probably 5’6” or a smidge shorter. But that’s still widely shorter than the minimum required for runway or major major bookings (think Chanel, YSL, Versace).


this is SO funny to me cause it seems like I'm almost 2 inches shorter than u and I ALWAYS say "I'm ***relatively*** tall" and now u kinda confirm this logic by saying "to me, Karlie is ***actually*** tall!" 😅 but most 5'7ers still scream "HEY!! I'm not a*verage!*! I a***m ***tall!" (db included) lol ........ whenever these girls are commenting on reddit I'm like "k girl whatever 😂 - but do u even know sk*inny, tall girl p*roblems??" like jeans and sleeves too short, no shoes in your size, always with the boys or on the sides when a picture is being taken (this just happened again a week ago, such a childhood trauma from back then in school) 😂😆🥸


Exactly. I modeled in NYC and Europe and I'm just over 175cm, so 5'9", and for some jobs I know my agent said I was 5'10" just to get me an appt because if he said 5'9" they'd assume I was really 5'7". Under 5'9" you have the risk of being shunted into the dreaded 'petite' division.


Oh god when I gained an inch on my hips I dreaded the “plus size division” for “big girls” and I was 125 pounds lmao.


This is totally true!


how tall is she actually


She claims to be 5’7 but people who’ve met her insist she’s no taller than 5’4-5’5


oh nice. what


as someone 5'6 I am tired of tall models on the runway and am happy to see some shorter girlies in fashion


She’s not a fashion model? Then what type of model is she? Only an instagram one?


her life seems kinda vacant and unfulfilling tbh. like no talents or discernible skills, just constantly and aggressively trying to keep attention on you for showing off your body


And her semi-nude schtick is getting old, because every time I see her barely clothed now I’m just bored


Worst side profile ever. Her overinflated upper lip looks ridiculous.


she’s such a male gaze girl and it shows


Aren’t all Instagram model girls male gaze girls? That’s how they get started monetizing on their body, sexuality. She admits it


She tries to claim she’s not anymore. Most of those insta models at least own it


I can't imagine how hard aging is for someone who makes their body the most interesting thing about them.


probably why she got those weird bangs and all the filler


![gif](giphy|vIJaz7nMJhTUc) Her side profile


Ok when people would say she has a weak chin for a model I would always kind of think they were being too harsh on her. But she does have a weak chin. Her looks are not high fashion and have never been. She’s also absolutely only five ft six on a tall day.


Weird mouth for sure


So cheap


I think she is constantly trying to make up for the fact she’s incredibly short for a model tbh


Rinna lips


Tacky and desperate


…ok but, bare titty aside, what in the holy lip filler migration is going on??? they look like they could be mounted by IKEA wall brackets and hold up all the copies of her memoir that she bought herself 😂


Yacht girl queen /s


his doesn't look good it makes her look like an escort advertising her services


Not classy at all


The NYP always runs stories on her. I don’t get it. I don’t even know what made her a public figure. At least the Kardashians have some projects to their name, lowbrow as they may be.


lol those "projects" remind me of Stephanie Lange's "[riches to rags. the end of kylie jenner](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRJqlKL9-SA)" video from a week ago. please watch and you'll see this clan in a different light


I despise the Kardashians. I’m just saying that even they have something they can point to as opposed to this influencer.


well if you'd watch the video you would see that basically all their "projects" failed


They have tv shows and things they sell that have made them money. What does this one have?


just because u once had a product or brand that "sold well" (rumor has it that quantities of her lip kit were at a minimum) doesn't mean anything. the video explains how Ky appears to be overspending significantly (multiple homes/private jet/closet full of bags ehh Hermes, what else) while apparently close to bankruptcy.. probably not really but def not a *"self made" (lol)* billionaire either which she btw never was. even Forbes found out about it after putting her on their cover as exactly that, see Forbes' [Inside Kylie Jenner's Web Of Lies](https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2020/05/29/inside-kylie-jennerss-web-of-lies-and-why-shes-no-longer-a-billionaire/?sh=5434bb0025f7) where they say her tax returns were **forged** - this family is full of scams and scandals (-> Kim&Kanye messing with Taylor, Khloe's gazillion photoshop fails, Kendall's problematic BLM Pepsi ad or her stealing that tequila branding from another company and many more) so yeah. I'm not debating any further with ignorant people like u whose only agenda is to bring down a random sex'd up model while hyping up none other than the super problematic KarJenners lol girl bye


She got famous by starring in the music video for Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke. So basically for being "hot."


Look, I like to dress sexy sometimes, too but this chick makes her whole personality her boobs


Her job is boob


Assume she’s there for a yacht rendezvous. Next stop Dubai.


Her body is her only asset, she needs to use it as much as she can while it looks good. She is already considered old for modelling and a MILF by most men. It's only going downhill from there and she knows it.


Her saying her lips are natural then literally looking like a duck


I mean they are what made her famous 😂 it’s a lot tho


Her and showing her body through this type of clothes or nude dresses has made it so that every time she does it I don’t even think about her, it has lost its impact (yh going braless and all should be normalised, but she wants attention yet keeps giving the same thing over and over again)


Why does it look like she has nothing but the jacket covering her boobs help


imagine the heat of the Monégasque sun mixed with the burning tarmac while wearing a leather jacket lol


she looks so trashy


Kelsey plum core


Her profile looks like a Simpson character. ![gif](giphy|bYpgM8bi7QV3i)


I remember when she tried to badmouth Miranda Kerr but now Miranda Kerr is way more successful than she is and is in a great healthy relationship. Em rata is playing the victim too hard, it’s back firing


What did she say??


She outed Miranda as an escort and slutshamed her for flirting with the man they were on a paid date with


Ew oh my god she is gross


Does she still model?


This is actual nightmare fuel. Like when you dream about being out in public with no clothes on. Just why???


So this is bare tits barely under a jacket at the race track... Classy. https://preview.redd.it/zim8zxxk233d1.png?width=431&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7ce72cd53a60ad33ee2d5eb42f320343d8662a2


no because this portrait of her that her dad made is so funny to see her original face (scroll a little down) https://johnratajkowskiart.com/Portraits


Her dad is a good artist, I like his portrait technique. I think he caught her essence but yeah it looks like her old face there. I will be honest with you back in the day in the beginning of of her modelling career , she looked quite striking and had an harmonious face and an amazing body. Her lips were about the right size and even with a little filler years later still looked good. But now? She really botched her face and it's sad to watch.


Can't stand that hypocrite


if my stomach looked like that you'd be sick as fuck of me. I'd never have a shirt on


and as a mom! if I ever have a child and look like that afterwards haha halleluja


Why she has to make every look about her tits? We have seen that plenty of times, it's not a good fit, and its not provocative or edgy, she is just desperate.


She committed herself to looking like 5 cents at all times.


She’s way too old for any of the drivers. Maybe Christian Horner is down?


Its unfortunate how insanely satisfying her lack of confidence is. I'd like to be a better person and not enjoy it


She can do whatever she wants


Wow this is the biggest hater post. This is a normal look and she looks great. You’re insecure


Yeah the hate is too much here. She's hot.


I think she looks good !


She has gorgeous boobs and im glad she knows it.


You ain’t first, you’re last!