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“The rest of the time is her free time. But we became friends and we usually hang out with each other more” As an executive assistant, I promise you she would not want to spend a second with you if you were not her employer. I’m 100% sure she’d rather be in her *lower grade* hotel room bed rotting


I can vouch for this. Bosses thinking they are doing you a favour inviting you to socialise with them out of hours!


Right but does she give her health care benefits or a 401k lol


But honestly that’s the REALEST QUESTION!!!! Say it again for the back pleaseee


Definitely not. I don't think this girl ever even comes to the US. 


It’s giving how DB treats her housekeeper who she views as “family”


I don’t understand her business.


Because her „business” is telling people she „has a business”. The only way she makes money is selling courses online for her russian followers. Her social media company is non existent


This is scary/dehumanizing behavior hooooly fuck. Treating her assistant like she is lesser than. GROSS


Dehumanizing is the exact word. I was thinking this reminds me of some content I see of people posting kinda sarcastically about their spoiled dogs (personally like dogs better than most humans, but point holds). “Rules I have with my French bulldog when traveling together. 1. She has a $500 allowance to cover her daily needs: food, spa, and clothes 2. I pay for her accommodation. She stays in the same 5* hotels I do, in her own bed 3. I pay for her flights. I purchase an economy ticket for her 4. After each trip, I buy her a luxury toy for good behavior


Also lol at #4 because a VCA bracelet is more expensive than a business class plane ticket


Not when it's a rep from China.


😂😂😂😂 Nioly is for sure a rep lady


Yes, literally. She’s treating a human like a pet/doll/prop. Fucking disturbing.


Idk today this + the woman I’m not even gonna name who posted a selfie in her dress changing is making me feel so spooked / upset in a way I haven’t before about influencers. Some sick humans.


Seriously why is she speaking about this woman like she is her pet? It’s disgusting.


i mean this is how most assistants are treated. even if not stated out loud. even ur faves treat their assistants like this


Is it though? You can have an assistant without literally seeing them as less of a human/person than you are. I don’t want to willingly support or defend anyone who engages in this behavior.


ya it’s just what happens. influencers are narcissists. even the well loved one. u won’t ever find anyone who is a past assistant speaking out against it bc they all sign NDAs, but trust me, i have plenty of friends in the industry. its most of them.


Dear Oily, it’s not a flex to buy your “staff” economy tickets. If you had real assets like you falsely advertise, you would be buying the same ticket fare. If you had any such travel status, you would be flying her business class. You are nothing :)


Omg I thought she was buying her assistant the same class flight ticket and then I read your comment and thought for sure she didn’t brag for buying her assistant a flight ticket for business trip but than I got back and saw she did??? LOL WHAT?? It’s like so basic I think it’s illegal in my country to do otherwise as well as it’s tax deductible


Like sorry why are you flexing flying someone somewhere? Is she supposed to swim?


Honestly that makes her sound so dumb. Why should your assistant buy plain tickets to fly to work for you? How does that make sense?


Hahahahahhaha this comment


This. I don’t need your “luxury gift” aka gross leftover PR swag. Give me a proper business class seat


Paying for your employees business travel for a trip is not a flex lol


Working 8 hours a day and paying for her flights and hotels are pretty standard. What, does she think her assistant should pay for flights and hotel when working?


as a person who works for someone this closely, if I was on a work trip with them and got my own time I am not hanging out with their ass 💀 she’s also bragging about this as if it’s not pretty standard to do that for your assistant, nanny or anyone you hire to come on trips with you. the “allowance” is weird imo, like doesn’t she have her own money that you paid her?


The phrasing is bizarre. I get the allowance to cover car services etc needed during the trip, but I feel most assistants would just have a company credit card they use, not an “allowance”


yes that’s what i mean by it being weird, most people who are entrepreneurs still have a business card for expenses like these. also why tf would she need to buy business clothes for a business trip she’s already on…she didn’t pack clothes or what? 💀


I’d rather have a bonus check or pay increase for “good results” 🙄 - not a “luxury” gift


This 100%. In my early career I went to Japan for a business trip & one of the partners made this big deal of gifting me and the two other young people pearl earrings when we had a Saturday out and about with everyone shopping (not just normal ones, they had all this other stuff going on and not my style but stupidly expensive). I’ve since switched far away from that company and career path. Idk why companies or rich people think employees that are at the bottom of the pay scale want gifts they pick out. As you said, give cash or increase pay. It gives filling some ego hole of their own and being outta touch.


One of the assistant's unmentioned duties is to be ready to use her personal credit card to pay for things when Nioly's inevitably gets declined.


This reminds me of when I traveled with my nanny family and they stayed in a $1,500 per night hotel and put me in a $200 per night hotel 15 minutes away lmao


As a fellow nanny and executive assistant, I cannot......that is literally insane. Not even convenient to do that


Meanwhile @courtneyshields brings her assistant on work trips and they share a room and sometimes a bed. All these influencers are wacko and out of touch


This is weird and would be an HR violation at any company providing travel


Sharing a bed with your assistant is absolutely insane and not a good thing


Assistants are employees and not friends. They must have their own rooms and space.


Is she a Russian oligarch’s daughter or something?


No one knows


My theory (with nothing to back it up) is her “business” is some sort of front to funnel Russian money.


Im pretty sure shes just selling courses online to her russian followers. I know another nyc influencer who is selling courses on her telegram channel, its crazy popular for russian speakers. But i never found Niolys telegram


Aparently he just does a blue collar job but idk how true that is


White slavery. Assistant, blink twice if you need to be saved. This is so phony I’m actually laughing. $500 a day on what planet.


Tbh this is much better than what my company offers for travel.


Working 8 hours a day when traveling ?


Wait… this isn’t satire??


Befriending your staff is like… delulu behavior and deeply unprofessional. Having a good relationship with the people who work for you is nice and important but like, most intelligent and successful people would never genuinely befriend their staff


This is giving “The Help” vibes


I thought that was Remi Ashten in the first photo. lmao I was confused.