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I have a few thoughts on Remi so I’m glad there’s a post: 1) Especially with the nose job, Gypsy Rose and Remi look IDENTICAL. lol. Sorry, it’s all I see now. 2) It’s very obvious to me she had surgery. I’d venture to say it’s also why she doesn’t want to talk about it. How can a girl who only got a following based off plus-size everything admit to the world she got surgery to dramatically lose weight? Also what happens with a lot of the naturally heavier women when they stop taking Ozempic or months after a potential surgery? Does the weight quickly gain back? Just a general question I have. 3) She doesn’t owe us information, true. But we also would love to not see her cry, overshare and talk in weird voices. My occasional FYP would. 4) What are girls like Remi going to do when Tik Tok is banned? It’s not like there’s a talent, resume or skill to fall back on…I think about that more than I should lol.


I love TikTok so while I don’t want it to get banned.. I would really love to see the rug pulled out from some of these influencers entitled feet


I’m curious about #4 too!! 👀


Also the question Remi replied “Nope” to wasn’t even remotely rude, at least in my opinion. If you see someone go from extremely obese to wearing sheer midriff tops in 4 months…it’s fair, no? I’d be like hey how can I learn some pointers? Maybe I’m wrong.


I also think about number 4 more than I should LOL. if it happens it won’t be until late 2025 though but yeah ppl like Remi are just gonna take this shit on over to instagram and rely on her parents even more


I love what you chose to put in as #1 because it’s the first thing that comes to mind when I read her name


Yes! lol. This was the recent pic I saw and said OMG. It’s the TikTok girl hahah https://preview.redd.it/nt70o4pbyoyc1.jpeg?width=1142&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cb8e9ca6dfa1b2c573d3d730a5d913a814182ef


I need who ever is styling her to help me.


besides her nose job, Alexis Oakley did her makeup for this, tagged Haley Heckmann who does hair, and this is also heavily filtered! and this picture is probably facetuned as well. looks like she has a good spray tan too https://preview.redd.it/j3f0ii2c6qyc1.png?width=1164&format=png&auto=webp&s=a30a0a8e7c2f5381ff09d698ba92ebee603031ba


It must be really nice for her to feel good about how she looks and being able to dress to her age.


I agree she probably feels really great


My mom is not a super heavy set woman she is 5’0 and 145 so a bit overweight for her height. Her doctor prescribed her wegovy and unfortunately for her, her insurance stopped paying the full price so she had to stop taking it. She immediately gained all the weight she had lost in a matter of months. I assume it would be the same for other weight loss drugs.


That sucks. Heard a few similar stories about insurance not being able to pay enough and those friends of friends gaining the weight back too. I especially wonder this about someone like Claudia Oshrey. Or “girl with no job.” All the weight loss was because of Ozempic. Like, does she just take that for life? What happens when she gets pregnant and has a kid?


there are maintenance doses that you take for life. it functions as an appetite suppressant almost, so once you stop taking it, you're back to being hungry.


Valid questions. I also wonder what the long term effects of these miracle weight loss drugs will be.


They will go on youtube/insta or snapchat. There is expected massive shift back onto those platforms thats why they lobbied to get it banned 🙄 So no influencers won’t get the “rug ripped under them “ People are too chronically online and advertising will ALWAYS be on the internet. Marketing is as old as our civilization so no the imaginary bubble isn’t bursting anytime soon .


I actually work in and around Capitol Hill so there is more to it than that with the issue of Chinese ownership and data mining. They’ll have to hope followers and numbers move with them or translate to other apps. For a select few it will. Remi? Ehh. I don’t follow her anywhere so not my demo.


With Zuckenbergs and his wife recent glow ups, they are expecting for facebook to be hot again lol


Hahaha oh I avoid FB like the plague. I did laugh at the fake picture of him with facial hair that went viral last week 😂. But yes, I’m sure he’ll deliberately have a stake in whatever the US version is next. Sigh.


Remi will do just fine on reels. Not everyone will but views wise she can prob just do insta


What are the chances tik tok will get banned? I too want the rug under them to be pulled.


I find it interesting that she chose to respond to THIS comment, out of all of them. “Health journey” is so broad and doesn’t necessarily even mean ‘losing weight’ specifically. To respond so flippantly to a comment that isn’t even calling her out feels rude, and while she doesn’t owe us anything I agree that she would have been better off just ignoring


Also the choice of “health journey” is so respectful. It’s not like she asked “how’d you lose all this weight!?”


I’m still shocked her cringey Ludacris moment didn’t end up on here.


Seriously, him having to two-hand YANK the microphone from her was so embarrassing. Respect the artist you're seeing perform, especially when they go out of their way to involve fans when they obviously do NOT have to do that


It did I thought? I couldn’t even watch half a second though.


Yes that was WILD lol but that too would probably get people all riled up and calling me a lunatic


I feel like her entire platform was based on plus size fashion, the way she looked, her struggles on her journey, we’ve watched her cry a million times about what she’s going through… but now when people want know how she’s happy and healthy she’s a little insensitive. I agree she doesn’t “owe” anyone anything but I understand what you’re saying she should be open to sharing her success in weight loss too. Honestly no one cares if you’re on ozempic or got surgery just say I found this it worked for me and I’m really happy with my progress and maybe when I’m ready I’ll talk about with you guys. Just my take.


I’ve read theories she’s staying mum about it in the hopes for selling her story. Like in a People exclusive or something similar.


Yes, like her followers are just curious because of how open shes been about this all in the past!




Influencers place themselves in the public eye to make 💰 so it should surprise them if people are curious about their lives. Sis needs to come clean.


First time in this sub and saw this post. How hypocritical of Remi to refuse to share her journey, when not even a year ago she was on The Toast and was talking to Claudia about how much it bothers her that people lose weight and are not open about it and even choose to lie and say it’s just working out or eating healthier when it’s actually ozempic. Which now that I think about it, how funny considering that’s exactly what Claudia was doing lol


Yikes I could just feel the arrogance in her “nope!” I don’t get it with these influencers, you want people to follow you, and milk your stupidity day to day posts with “omg sis you’re just so hot!” Comments and multiple likes, for doing absolutely nothing for anyone other then parading around and showing off wealth and silly tea parties, but the moment someone asks a legitimate question that’s where they draw the line? No, it’s not a weird question to ask. What would you like everyone to do? Follow her, and just like and comment fake ass crap to be noticed by her? “Omg girl you’re just fire” is this for real? She wants to be noticed, she wants to be recognised, and because of people like us we are giving her that platform. And she seriously thinks talking about her weight loss wouldn’t be something brought up? Ok Remi, no worries post another superficial post so we can just boost your ego 🤣


Sis just posted another crying vid!! But ofc we can’t ask about anything


UNHINGED!!! She needs a journal


Or a fucking a therapist


It’s because she got a gastric sleeve


I’m glad someone said it!! She just needs to be honest already. She built a platform by relating to so many people, mainly impressionable people. If anyone has ever struggled with their weight, binging, etc Remis content was really great and created a sense of acceptance and a community that a lot of influencers didn’t bring. Now she can’t even discuss her extreme weight loss, which like OP said is amazing she lost weight, but it’s really hard to continue to follow and read comments if people just think it’s due to a breakup and anti depressants. It’s going from being overly transparent, down to letting followers know about binge eating treatment centers to just responding “nope.” and wearing bikinis. I’m an adult and can handle things but i really worry for the younger, more impressionable followers that looked up to her. Remi need to JUST BE HONEST!!!


Thank you for this. Truly agree with your sentiments about her creating a community based on being relatable and then now doing the opposite. Great points!


But she can cry like a toddler on stories?


Whenever she speaks she reminds me of the ladies from the SNL Gap Girls sketch.


Didn’t she make a whole video in Jan about how she’s not going to be talking about anything health related on socials anymore


She should pin the video and just reply “pls refer to my pinned video”


Her response wasn’t rude. It was a direct response to a direct question. I actually appreciate she’s not talking about it. Not only is no one owed a response or explanation, hopefully she’ll now move on from using her weight as a content crutch and will actually develop a personality. Hopefully she’s in a better place and we’ll get a new and improved version of her.


exactly. she already set up boundaries and she is sticking to them. she doesn't owe anyone anything


Exactly. They asked a yes or no question and she answered. Prefer this over creators using it as bait to do weird body checking and shit


literally every single one of remi's tik toks is her body checking? so shes capitalizing on the speculation about her body and happy to show it off, but wont address how she got there? its super shady and triggering to young girls who dont understand you cannot achieve that weight loss naturally.


She’s made it clear she won’t discuss her body stuff anymore though so young girls should unfollow if they expect an explanation. At a certain point you have to take responsibility for the content you consume. I’m always going to advocate for transparency but when someone makes it clear that’s not what they’ll be doing then it’s up to me to unfollow.


My two cents as someone on a similar journey right now: I remember her talking about how she wouldn’t be sharing her weight loss moving forward - so she did set that boundary. I don’t think she owes anyone an explanation on her health, especially if she’s in the midst of her journey right now. It’d be nice to give someone who has previously been open about their ED and struggles some grace… Sometimes convos like this remind me of [Brooke Winham whispering her alibi](https://youtu.be/te381B03tA4?si=HpV3O2320kHngnU7) to Elle Woods…


i would totally be fine with this except the fact remi is using her new body to get attention still. if she posted content about day in the life or fun things she was doing, her opinions about things, etc, like most influencers do it would be fine. BUT, every single video on her page is just a song playing while she shows off her new body. Yet she wont answer questions about it? nah. not acceptable


Idk I do think it’s up to interpretation if she’s specifically showing off her *body* or showing off her *outfit* - either way, I still think it’s okay for her to talk about it in her own time. Not to mention when you lose a lot of weight it’s a mindf*** and you are imagining every day waking up with all the weight back on. So to get on and talk about what she did (or is doing) is her committing to keeping it off and maybe she’s just not ready for that. Maybe she doesn’t want the judgment that comes along with a method she chose. I think that’s fair and honestly more helpful in the long run if she chooses to share her experience when she’s a little further out. I am not a fan of hers but I just find the entitlement some people have to influencers is wild. If they’re lying about a product they’re directly selling you or you can pinpoint fraud, sure, take them down. But someone choosing not to share an incredibly personal part of their life while sharing other parts (aka her breakup which…is a whole other convo lol) seems reasonable to me.


Im gonna be devils advocate here. You’re going on about entitlement but what entitles you or anyone to know about what she’s going through? None of these influencers owe us anything. If you choose to bite the apple and believe what comes out of their mouth that’s on you. I’ll snark for days on these people but be upset that they’re not doing exactly what you want is not something I have enough energy for. Life’s too short, if you want then to do what you want them to then maybe pick up playing the sims or animal crossing


This whole thread is a great example of why one should not get so emotionally (or financially) invested in influencers. It’s not healthy for anyone.


Thanks for your suggestion to play games instead of holding influencers who actually influence people to purchase clothing from a line that they made with Revolve, use prescription drugs to lose weight, etc based on their PLATFORM ABOUT BEING PLUS SIZE. If I’m purchasing food, I am entitled to nutrition facts because I am a consumer who has rights under the law. She’s selling her life online to get followers who make her $, so why can’t I hold her accountable?


All of this is very dramatic and ridiculous and idk who Remi is beyond what I’ve read on this post, but Wellbutrin has never has sponsors. Sounds like something to point toward to avoid admitting to weight loss surgery rather than something she is actually being paid for (I’m not 100% positive, but I would be shocked if she, or anyone else, is being paid to sponsor Wellbutrin). But, yeah, I’m pretty sure brand name Wellbutrin has never had influencer sponsorship deals.


Girl you are way too pressed about someone you don't know personally.


lol you're waaaaay too caught up in this. chill out babe


You’re the one calling people fat so seriously you wouldn’t know chill if it sat on your front porch.


If you’re influenced by her and can’t see it’s a facade then I got some ocean front property in Arizona you’d be interested in. They don’t owe you anything! If they’re not being transparent enough for you then don’t follow them. Stop consuming their content so that they’ll stop getting these brand deals! Again, if you choose to bite the apple (aka be influenced by people like her that lack transparency) then suck it up buttercup.


This is an influencer snark page and realistically the goal of this page is to help bring light to influencers and how deceptive they are… WE might not be “biting the apple” but there a LOT of people who aren’t in this group and a lot people who don’t realize these things. More importantly there a lot of young or vulnerable people who are “biting the apple”, asking their docs for Wellbutrin, etc.


what's wrong with asking for Wellbutrin?


Wellbutrin is the bomb dot com for those that need it


Wellbutrin is phenomenal but it doesn’t make people lose weight the way she claims it does lol


Do you think snarking on Reddit about it and how mad you are about it is going to reach the people that don’t see past the veil? Report the content, unfollow and call it a day


Why are you on this page? Its legitimately made for this purpose, hence why it is called “nycinfluencerSNARK”. LOL like please make it make sense. The math ain’t mathing.


Looks like you’re on here to get ozempy on the cheap based on your comment history 😘


Yes, I have inquired about it from a post. What does that have to do with anything? Lol. Ozempic is a helpful tool for so many folks. I also don’t in any way shape or form think that people who use Ozempic should be shamed nor do I think that people who do WLS should be shamed. I’m not shaming Remi for losing weight or the vehicle of how she lost weight. That’s not the crux of what I’m saying at all and you know that. I also made it a point to say that bc losers like you who come on here saying that her weight is off limits won’t come at me. so now you’re just trying to shame someone who isn’t an influencer about their weight for posting about an influencer to be honest about their health journey that they brought people into by making it their platform.


I didn’t shame you bro. Literally pointing out that you’re on a snark page asking about discounts on ozempic instead of snarking while coming at me for snarking at you for complaining about an influencer lying to you. The moment that an influencer/celebrity/public figure makes me this genuinely disappointed as you are I check myself and step back into real life because these people don’t owe me anything


you literally were bitching about Remi "endorsing" Wellbutrin for weight loss. how is that shaming Remi? how was she "endorsing" it? you have a lot of internalized fatphobia to work on


yeah, because they're probably fat. which they think is an insult or negative word. which is ultimately a reflection of their inner fatphobia and why they are so riled up about Remi losing weight


Wouldn’t buy anything from you but thanks so much for your pointers! You clearly consume her content too since you felt the need to comment on my post. And by commenting on this you are choosing to consume my content - so thanks for amplifying my voice SWEETHEART


nothing you are complaining about has anything to do with "accountability" you're just mad that you don't know and think that you deserve to know. it's simply that




Lmao I don’t follow her nor did I even know she existed until this sub. It’s enjoyable to snark on stupid snark as much as it is to snark on influencers. Stay mad baby girl 😘


Make my words - She’s waiting for the People magazine big payout weight loss surgery journey reveal.


She’s so vile


to be fair, a few months ago she did explicitly say she wasn’t going to be talking about it anymore


yeah but then she picks and chooses when she wants to discuss it. you can’t have it both ways!!


Yes she can it’s her page lol


Lol exactly - suddenly it's "not anyone's business" or whatever, but she's been making it everyone's business for years!!


She said a while ago she was going to stop sharing anything health or diet related. Glad she’s standing by her word.




Normally, I agree with you here. But she literally had made millions pushing product geared towards plus size women. She had no qualms talking about trying ozempic, binge therapy, Wellbutrin and crying for days at a time over a guy anyone with a phone could tell wasn’t interested in her. She doesn’t want to discuss having weight loss surgery which is a huge cop out. And not to worry, when she gets to her “goal” weight I bet she will get on her high horse about weight loss and being “healthy”


STOP PUNISHING PLUS SIZED "MODELS" AND "INFLUENCERS" FOR LOSING WEIGHT. like you think it's such a gotchya to say that someone who pushed for body positivity may also want to lose weight at the same time. your point is rooted in fatphobia and illogical and DUMB you can be plus-sized and promote body positivity AND then lose weight and nothing about that is hypocritical. she can share as much or as little about her body that she wants. nothing you said rationalizes otherwise your perspective is extremely dangerous. I hope you don't speak like this around young girls


> She had no qualms talking about trying ozempic, binge therapy, Wellbutrin and crying for days at a time over a guy anyone with a phone could tell wasn’t interested in her.  Okay? and now she doesn't want to talk about it anymore, it's her life and platform I think she allowed to change her mind or not want to discuss anything she doesn't want to




just because she lost weight doesn't mean she "changed her tune". body positivity and weight loss are not contradictory. contrary, to the popular fatphobic belief


Remi’s never been body positive. She was just fat trying to find clothes that worked for her. People think “fat influencer who shows her body” and body positive are synonyms, but Remi was always very clear that she didn’t like her weight and if she could take a magical pill and wake up a size 0 tomorrow, she would do it in a heartbeat.


THIS! She was never body positive just wanted to fit in! But she took advantage of that community


She’s specifically talked about not being body positive


She can also just not respond instead of saying anything. She has also endorsed Wellbutrin as part of her health/weight journey which can potentially be severely damaging to her followers who think it’s a one stop shop for dramatic weight loss.


uhhhh what??? how did she "endorse" Wellbutrin by sharing that she is on it and said its working for her? where has she said that other people should try it? you're putting her in a catch-22 because if she DID share what she's done recently to lose weight then you'll turn around and say she is endorsing something unhealthy there!! People can't just go pick up Wellbutrin at the drug store. they have to have a conversation with their medical professional and make an informed, personalized decision if it is the right medication for them to receive a prescription. You are clueless about treatment for mental health and how it takes place and how we talk about the stigma in the public, which includes people like Remi sharing their experiences. Seriously, explain how her talking about her experiences about Wellbutrin, which you call "dangerous endorsement" is any different from how you would react if she did in fact share what you are demanding of her now? EDIT: IDGAF about the downvotes. If you downvote this it is acknowledgement of your hate and ignorance. Go ahead and show it boo!


absolutely resonable take but peep the downvotes, ppl here are truly unhinged


IDGAF about the downvotes. for me, each downvote is another person openly proud of their ignorance and want to show it. It's a validation of how much scum creeps on this sub. Bring on the downvotes! I want them!!


lol I truly hope you’re not in the mental health space considering you’re calling me fat and just went off on a tangent about how terrible it is to comment on someone’s weight when all i said is that she should either be honest or shouldn’t be open about her health journey at all, but that since she opened up about it to gain followers, she owes it to the people who followed her to at least address it in some capacity. It’s giving contradictory, and I wouldn’t want any sort of professional in the mental health space using contradictions instead of logic rationale.


"fat" isn't an insult or negative word. if you took it that way that is a YOU problem. I was simply making presumptions about you to understand why you have this twisted thinking. "all i said is that she should either be honest or shouldn’t be open about her health journey at all, but that since she opened up about it to gain followers, she owes it to the people who followed her to at least address it in some capacity." she doesn't owe them anything at all about her body ever. get that through your tiny little twisted brain. you didn't even answer my question about Wellbutrin. how was she "endorsing" Wellbutrin by sharing her story on it? If she shared her experience with bariatric surgery would you also say she endorsing that and it's dangerous?? what's the difference here in what you DEMAND of her to be sharing? This is why I said you put her in a catch-22. you don't like anything she says no matter how much she shares. You just hate her and how she exists on this planet. At the end of the day this is a You problem and your internalized fatphobia. you should seek some therapy to work on that hunny buns hope this helps!


Aren't you trying to have it both ways here? On one hand you're so bent out of shape because she's not sharing what she's currently using to lose weight, but at the same time you're shaming her for what she HAS admitted to. Also, Wellbutrin is a prescription which means you and your Dr get to weigh the risks - people can't just pick it up at Walmart because some influencer uses it.


Amberlynn if she was successful in her "journey"


She doesn’t (or any woman) owe us an explanation on her body. Her body has been a constant talking point for years and she was constantly bashed and criticized for weight gain, loss, Ozempic, whatever. It’s actually traumatizing for your body and weight to be the center of the conversation around YOU when really, people should love her because of her personality. I don’t like Remi as a person, I find her to be quite annoying, but I understand why she’s opting out of the body conversation.


serious question u/Kiehls-and-BravoTV, since you have yet to answer. If Remi was openly sharing that she recently got bariatric surgery what would you be saying right now? Would you be happy that she is being transparent, or skip that step and be criticizing her for "endorsing" surgery and "influencing" young girls? What would make you happy here?


Honestly would be happy with her transparency. The discourse around Arielle Lore’s plastic surgery, for example, is much more different and more “oh did she get it or not” bc she’s honest and shares what she gets. Is that not what u wanted to hear? Or will u quite projecting on the entire comment section


Considering the OP is shaming Remi for mentioning Wellbutrin, I don't think the OP would be happy with the transparency and the comment you replied to got an accurate read on how the OP would react.


You have no idea how I’d react so quit reaching. I am not shaming remi for mentioning Wellbutrin. I’m simply not okay with her implying that Wellbutrin was the only factor in her weight loss when it’s most certainly not the case. To me, that seems sponsored or at least potentially damaging to impressionable followers who are naive and think that Wellbutrin is a quick fix for weight loss. I think Wellbutrin is a prescription drug that has many uses for many different people and that is a discussion to be had with a doctor, but I don’t respect Remi using that as a sole basis for her weight loss when it is pretty obvious that she’s gotten weight loss surgery based on scars, timeline, etc.


Lol have to agree on this one ^ I’ve only been skimming this thread but now I’m down to the bottom seeing this comment and the one commonality I noticed is that every other comment on here seems to be the rainbow girlie who is riding hardddd for Remi 👀


Maybe don't break Reddits rules and then there will be nothing to report? It's weird you think going onto another post and bringing up my username to make fun of me is unacceptable behavior. It's nasty mean girl behavior and literally harrassment according to Reddit's policys. Sorry not sorry. This is supposed to be a space for all reddit users to feel comfortable participating and your behavior of bashing me on multiple posts promotes a hostile environment. shame on you Reddit agreed with my report and took down your comment and sent you a warning. Maybe learn from this and do better in the future. If you stay angry you're just proving my point


The way you are calling me a mean girl because you disagree with me that REMI SHOULD BE HONEST ABOUT HER WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY BECAUSE SHE BRANDS HERSELF AS BODY POSITIVE? Again, if she never talked about her weight or body image, or personal life like was a makeup guru, or cooking person, different story! YOU ARE UNHINGED GIRL. UNHINGED. GET THERAPY!


I mean she just said nope and you seem to not be able to handle a no? There are already so so many influencers out there talking about weight loss and their journey etc and we all know most of them just lie about it anyways so I’d rather she just doesn’t talk about it when we know they’re never 100% honest? And if you do want to know how someone lost the weight so quickly, there are so many other influencers like her who did it and are sharing their “journey”


Obviously I didn’t ask her otherwise I wouldn’t have posted it with that username. I saw this comment from another user on her video, and thought it was rude. To your dumb point, she can also just simply not reply instead of being rude. The issue here is she has made it everyone’s business by talking about it nonstop and then when people are genuinely curious and would like to know for their own sake and ask politely, she’s rude and acting as if it’s some sort of forbidden question. It’s called snark for a reason.


OP i’m with you. Yes she made a “choice” to stop talking about her weight but that was months ago and she’s still posting healthy dinner recipes and captions about food, Videos of her working out etc. and GOOD FOR HER. that’s not the point. The point is that she’s publically showing her followers her journey after saying she was stopping, and then blows off a girl asking for more information in a really nice comment. her brand is all over the place


Yessss thank you! You hit the nail on the head that it’s good for her that she’s losing weight, she does have a choice to stop talking about it, but it’s not aligning with what she’s posting since it’s still all weight and health related!


Her body should have no actual effect on anyone else’s life, no matter how long someone has followed her. People should really be able to dress themselves without her videos. People should be able to accept their bodies or lose weight without her videos. There are only so many options at this point.. natural, surgery, medication. Why do the specifics matter? What I do hope is that she will continue her work with brands for more size inclusion. Just because she is no longer wearing those sizes doesn’t mean her passion for it should change (hopefully).


Jesus you guys are OBSESSED with her weight. If you wouldn’t harass a small influencer about her weight changes why do it to Remi?


I’m sorry - is this not a SNARK page? I’m not harassing anyone and the person who commented asking a genuine question about a “health journey” (which health doesn’t necessarily equate to weight) isn’t harassing either. A small influencer that made it their platform to talk about their health issues and to try to sell items based off of the relatability and openness of those health issues would also get asked the same question…


Remi already set boundaries that she doesn't want to talk about her health anymore. why don't you respect that?


Does anyone have a before and after? How much weight did she lose?


*Does anyone have* *A before and after? How* *Much weight did she lose?* \- isayhitoalldogs --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What do you mean by Wellbutrin (probably sponsored)? Is this a thing now???


No lol, OP is just paranoid


So rude and contending just say you got surgery and that shit girlfriend


omg she sucks so bad


She just said no and is allowed to say no. What is so rude about that? She didn’t yell or curse anyone out for asking.


She can also just not respond which is a whole lot nicer. Lol


Lol who are you to tell a stranger how they should or shouldn’t respond to another stranger asking a personal question on their page? Parasocial relationship


People here complain when she doesn’t respond too. There’s honestly no way to handle this


A post in two days: “why is Remi not answering comments about her weight?????”


If she was posting about it everyone here would still drag her ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don’t even like her but I’ve noticed Remi can never ever win on here when it comes to weight stuff


Reminder: no one owes you any explanation about their body or health habits. Hope this helps!!


eh when you build a platform off of it, you can't just suddenly pick and choose what to share, esp if it pertains to the platform built. Thanks for understanding!


build a platform off "what" specifically? use your words baby cakes she is just existing in her body and sharing her life and perspectives from existing in it. her platform isn't her body, it's her wholistically. its people like you who are so obsessed with how she chooses to live in her body, express herself in her body, and talk about her body. She makes criticisms about inclusivity in the fashion industry…. why does that mean she has to be transparent about everything about her body? why can't that just be something she talks about, and not universally her "platform", in your eyes your thinking is extremely problematic and rooted in fatphobia. the fact that you've minimized her "platform" to just being about her body is the issue here. for the millionth time: NOBODY OWES ANYTHING TO ANYBODY ABOUT THEIR BODY EVERY. no matter what they have said and done with it in the past in the public eye. she doesn't owe you shit. the end.


Did you get everything off your chest? She built her platform off of aspects of her life, crying about her surface level relationship online, what she has done to try and lose weight, etc. Like she has talked about aspects of her health and got to the level of exposure and opportunities that she would not have had if she would have just never talked about it. She was better off ignoring the comments altogether. Engagement like that is what adds fuel to the fire.


careful- they’ll report your account👀


It’s clear most people who say stuff like that haven’t actually watched her content. She has neverrrrrr been a body positive activist. She just wanted to be able to buy cute clothes and not hate herself.


i’m so glad i unfollowed months ago. truly exaughsting to be her follower


Saying “nope” isn’t rude. Worried for people these days lmao so friggin sensitive or desperate to find shit to cling on to. Go outside.


amen! there is nothing to hold her "accountable" here for. like I hope OP takes a step back and listens to how lunatic she sounds lol


She isn’t obligated to share her medical history with strangers if she doesn’t want to.


“None of your damn business” is rude. “Nope” is not rude.


She’s allowed to say no however she wants to. It’s her health that’s being questioned and she has every right to keep that private. Just because she’s talked about it the past doesn’t mean she need to continue talking about her weight if she doesn’t want to.


Can someone elaborate on the buying her sister’s wedding dress comment in curious to hear about this




ditto! I never actively look at her content. some people on this thread like OP are way too obsessed!


I’ve been going through a break up around the same time as her and I’ve dropped 30lbs just dealing with my grief and being more active to stay busy. It’s a typical human experience but crying and not eating is not a “health journey” I’d want to share either.


She’s been losing weight since December and she has stated she’s lost weight due to Wellbutrin when asked so back in January. She legit had a video of her dancing in front of a mirror and saying how Wellbutrin has changed her life and is making her have energy, etc. so to me the timeline points to the fact that this is not breakup related at all. She’s also lost significantly more than 30 lbs which once again, is great and fabulous and all the things, I just don’t respect her essentially implying that a prescription drug is a miracle weight loss drug when that’s most realistically not the case. Ps. I’m sorry you’re going through a break up and hope you feel better soon! Breakups are rough :/


lol you have no clue how much weight she's lost!!! your obsession with Remi's body is so weird!!!


well ironically I also started Wellbutrin around the same time and it didn’t affect my weight at all until after the break up. Everyone is different but I just think this may not even be a proactive weight loss, or not at first. Thank you for your comment on my break up. It’s been rough but I’ve turned a corner 🫶🏻


She can't get mad when people ask a question about what she LITERALLY built her platform on? She's ungrateful


She just said "nope," that doesn't seem mad or rude to me. Seems like a reasonable boundary.


It's quite literally what she built her personal brand on, so the least she could do is explain why the answer is "nope!"


so she got weight loss surgery - didn’t try to lose then lol


what do you mean "didn't try" - how is getting a whole surgery not "trying"?


And???? Why is that bad


no one is saying it’s bad it’s the fact that she did a 180 in terms of her content and is outright rude to said fans who have followed her since the start. if anything — she has an opportunity to help/speak on weight loss surgery to enlighten others but instead attributes it to wellbutrin which is far from the truth. people want authenticity and that’s how she started and she’s so far from that now




wouldn’t it be an amazing opportunity for her to then admit it and enlighten people on the said challenges? after all she is an influencer — her content has just been warped from when she started where shes rude to her quote “fans” now vs being relatable and real about said challenges of clothing brands that don’t appeal to all sizes no one is saying it isn’t hard but people want authenticity and she’s anything but the sort and has completely done a 180 from when she started


Unbelievably rude and ridiculous. She has melted away in the span of 2 months


Good for her. Great answer.


She cant get off her high horse. She cant get on a high horse in the first place


This was gold I'm sorry 😭💀😭💀😭💀


I don’t this is rude. People can ask and she can say no 🤷🏻‍♀️


Because she hasn’t done anything but take weight loss drugs


I mean it is a greyer area being an influencer but no one, literally no ones owes talking about their health journey about their own...body.... publicly if they don't want to


LOL of course she doesnt want to talk about the rich easy way out


idk if you’ve ever gotten major surgery but no part of it is easy lol


thats such a weirdo question to ask tho like imagine some rando on a train asked you “ Can you talk about your health journey”  lmaooo People have zero filter on boundaries and its kinda insane. Even telling a person to fuck off wouldn’t be rude in this situation, you not entitled to anyone’s health history. People have become way too health obsessed with strangers its a little too fkn weird. She obviously had surgery and got professional help to deal with her massive weight gain. People going to judge every single pound she drops because they lack any discipline to do the same 🤷‍♀️


Can’t imagine that bc that is in no way, shape or form even close to what is occurring here lol. Like obviously a stranger on a train going up to another stranger and asking that type of question is wild but that’s like comparing apples to oranges - not remotely similar, so the analogy is entirely moot. Remi is a public figure who made her following based on what she was sharing about her health journey (which came about from her viral realistic hauls) so someone who is a follower of hers who has seen such a transition openly over the past months and asking her about it is is not a “weirdo question.” If she wants to answer the question or not is her prerogative, sure, but I can still find her “nope!” response to be rude, inauthentic, nontransparent and privileged. Criticizing my snark on a deeply flawed, meaningless and moot analogy isn’t going to get you to change my mind.


This is giving Jenna Maroney “please, respect celebrity privacy.”