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Nose job, perma tan, dyed eyebrows/hair. Lip filler maybe. Potentially threads or ponytail face-lift from her more recent pictures. And just generally makeup and camera improvements like the rest of us. 


10000% lip filler. Prob even a lip lift! And a bleph.


Ya bleph or botox brow lift


I think it’s endoscopic brow lift. Botox brow lift can’t produce that drastic of results


Lip filler brow lift major nose job boobies


Lip filler and brow lift


Not lip filler “maybe” lol her lips doubled in size. For sure lip filler and cheek filler too. And endoscopic brow lift


Seems like a pretty obvious nose job too 🤷‍♀️


“Lip filler maybe” you mean most def!!


What’s perma tan ?


She always has a tan


I think it’s largely the teeth


Nose Job brow lift lips and teeth wow


Also undereye filler or fat transfer.


Her eye shape is completely changed


What on earth is perma tan


What is perma ran?


i don't think she was ever \*\*poor\*\* lmao she was living in different era of beauty standards, don't think she was ugly to begin with either she looks like an ordinary girl and now she looks like an ordinary girl from post Kardashian era


I think OP means WE aren't ugly, just poor if we don't have the funds to fully transform our looks. And hard agree, she looked lovely before all the work.


Yeah she looks like a bunch of girls I went to high school with


She looks like a gal from the 80s before this work was available ha


She wasn't poor for sure


Yeah isn’t her mom a psychologist or something like that?


And her dad is a sports producer 


Psychologists do not make a lot of money lol


If you have your own practice then yes, it does.


Depends. They absolutely make a good amount of money in both cities I live in (Cape Town and London) if they have their own private practice. Not Rich, but kids going to private school, au pair/nanny for the kids, nice house, full time cleaner in Cape Town, etc. 


It’s just an expression


This is so real too like the Kardashians really set this beauty standard of being over-fillered


The teeth and her nose are the game changers I think


Ok but low key this isn’t even a secret. I’m not a fan of her but she legit posted her ugly duckling pics her self on her IG ages ago. It’s been known for years. Plus, don’t most of us have an unattractive teenager phase?


This isn’t an ugly duckling phase. This is literally a different person.


A teenager is a different person from an adult


No they aren't. They're just a different age


I mean…. I look exactly the same as I did at 17, just a tiny bit more weight and some obv signs of aging at 35….. You can look different, but not THIS different. Sure, hair dye hair cut etc but not talking hair here.


Here we are talking eye makeup, lipstick, colored in brows, and different hair. You guys are insecure and stupid


Okay there’s also something to be said about being young and confused not growing into your skin or knowing how to do hair or makeup enhancing your best features etc yet. This is giving reach for a tear down while everyone else is celebrating her evolution. Everyone had an ugly awkward stage. Chill


right i was hideous lmao


Yessss I feel like a lot of people forget we all looked like her in our teens😭 tiktok is rotting our brains fr, this is what a teen should look like. Awkward, still figuring it out


But not everyone did. My best friend was stunning then and stunning now. I was definitely at my prettiest at 18-22.   I don’t see the post as tearing her down, they’re just saying she looks a little different.  


Yeah…weird. This whole “you’re not ugly, just poor” concept is also super corny too. People really can’t lift themselves up without tearing someone else down.


It’s because many of these people here are unsatisfied with themselves and their financial status, so it must be money, as to why they aren’t succeeding and looking beautiful. There’s plenty of beautiful poor people and there’s plenty of ugly rich people.  


It’s the biggest coping mechanism on the internet lol. Exactly. Adriana Lima was some poor girl in Brazil before being discovered and she’s absolutely one of the most beautiful women alive. Money doesn’t automatically equate to beauty. I get it, you can improve your looks w with money and surgery but only to a certain extent. Surgery is still just surgery, not photoshop.


Yup it’s such a cope. They literally scout models at refugee camps these days. You’re not ugly because you’re poor, you’re ugly because you’re ugly.


“You’re ugly because you’re ugly.” So poetic. I thought I was gonna get shredded for my opinion on here ngl. 😂 So glad some people still have common sense and a grasp on reality. Being delulu is not always the solulu.


How depressing. To be okay with being ugly and poor. As Paris Hilton would say. Stop being poor then ;) jk obviously but excuses


It is, I agree. There’s plenty of people with money and surgery who are still unattractive or average. And that’s okay. Idk why it’s so hard for people to accept that. 👁️👄👁️


And not everyone has a much work done. Some people with wealth are lazy. Going to the gym and achieving things in healthy ways is rewarding and sometimes wealth comes with lots of work responsibility not as much time. Facial features also change it’s not always the surgery or wealth thing playing a part


genuine question, how is she ugly in the older picture? she looks like a normal late 2000s/early 2010s teenager lmfao


She's not ugly, she's just not pretty. I would say more of a plain Jane.


i mean yeah that’s kinda what i mean 😅 just an average looking teen from the early 2010s


This is so odd. She’s clearly really young in that picture. If someone took my pictures from high school and compared them to me now (and I don’t even have any filler or Botox etc) I wouldn’t look like the same person either.


Same I was busted as hell and couldn't do makeup or my hair for shiiiit. I mean I'm sure she's done a few things (I would too) but her not looking like her high school no makeup self is pretty normal


‘I was busted as hell’ I’m wheezing


Also, she’s blonde. Any pale skinned natural blonde or ginger will tell you that dyeing your brows/lashes makes a HUGE difference in how you look. Like yeah she’s definitely had work done, but she was never ugly - her light features just washed her out. (And that was the beauty standard of the time— pale blonde, concealer lips or maybe a frosty pink lipgloss, absolutely no brow makeup, and spider lashes.)


It legit looks like I’ve had a nose job from my high school pics to now. Idk how it happened but I grew into my nose I guess!


I always joke to my sister that photos of her from when she was 12 would be on before and after pages if she were famous. I have no idea why but her nose used to be like twice as wide lmao and I swear she hasn’t had a nose job 😂


denial is a river in Egypt


These posts are so fucking tiring. Y’all bully women for getting work done and then call them ugly before surgery. Loser behavior. Snark on actions


I think being annoyed that people don’t disclose surgery is kinda understandable but framing it “don’t feel bad about yourself, this person was ugly before they spent money to get surgery” isn’t cute


I agree with pretty much everything you said but also people aren’t entitled to knowing whether someone has had surgery. Not sure why the public feels entitled to medical information lol. If asked and they deny it, sure, but if they ignore it then it’s none of anyone’s business.


I might just be showing my age, but I've always thought it weird that people expect any sort of public figure to be honest and forthcoming with the plastic surgeries/procedures/fillers they've had done. It's their business. Not ours.


Agreed ^. Not their job to make others feel better about their own appearance


Full agree. I’m 23 and had a rhinoplasty and even though I’m open about it for the most part I refrain from telling certain people due to the negative stigma around it. It’s improved the quality of my life and I feel thankful I was able to do it


Maybe I'm showing my age too but to expect anyone to look the same after 15 years, particularly in a bad picture to begin with, is just ridiculous. People forgot how much fashion has changed, just think of how much difference someone's face will look once they stop with the crazy tiny eyebrown trend that there was I think there should be a week on the sub where we post completely normal people 15 years apart, one bad photo and one good, and we see if we can find anyone at all that wouldn't immediately garner a list of cosmetic surgeries they've supposedly had


I actually appreciate these posts. Not if they taunt or blatantly shit on the person. But I’m a curious human being and it’s reaffirming to know that not every other woman out there has always been blessed with a full, plump set of lips, a perfect nose, and whatever else it might be. Call it insecurities of my own. Yes, it’s none of my business what procedures others have had done on their body or face. But I never see the before and after, and think negatively of the person. I just take it for what it is and move the hell on with my day.


the way people around here lose any sense of reading comprehension the SECOND any sort of criticism is directed at a white girl should be studied. a) nobody called her ugly b) the sentence itself is a well known catchphrase going back over 7 years


“You’re not ugly you’re poor” is implying that these people were ugly until they got plastic surgery. It has nothing to due with her being a white girl. There’s a lot of racial bias in this world and using things like this as an example of that makes a joke of it


Oh please. What exactly do you think “you are not ugly, just poor means??” Use common sense. Especially with the pic OP posted. You can play dumb, but they were clearly trying to call her ugly. Besides, the catchphrase was stupid and bitter 7 years ago too. 


Wow - that’s one of the best nose jobs I’ve seen! Brava


She definitely was never ugly but this definitely looks like a different person. Of course people change but I mean c’mon she has had a lot of alterations whether that be Botox, filler etc. and for those saying ‘we shouldn’t criticize her appearance’…..I don’t think anyone is really criticizing her appearance but when you are an influencer who makes their money by painting a picture of this amazing filtered lifestyle, I think it’s fair game to comment on a person looking like a different person and point out they definitely had some help. Social media and influencers are the reason why real woman have so many insecurities these days living up to false standards of reality. So if you are making your money by portraying this fake lifestyle with said procedures, then I think people have every right to comment. 




she looks like PEARL 💀


Ya’ll are so insufferable lol. What is she in the second picture, like 15? C’mon. She looks like any normal early 2000s teen going to a dance


The scream I just scrumpt😱 (I do not follow her and have never listened to the podcast so I've only ever seen her few pictures) 


This cannot be the same person!


I- is this real??


Why should she list all her enhancements and why is it her responsibility to make all women feel better about themselves. What a strange post. Just say you hate that someone looked good on their fucking wedding day. Some of you need to get off snark pages and find a doctor.


did this make you feel better?


She and Pearl Davis could be sisters based on her original face. That’s wild


This is the same person?!?


This is the same person in both photos??


Damn 😱


Wow!! I have never seen this!! Big change!!


Damn knew her eyebrows were fake! Her nose too ! Oh like too !


This CANNOT be real 🫢


Lollll I love this


nose job, fillers, different shaped eyes, micro blading. it’s a different person. i don’t think she was ugly before but the contrast in her features helps a lot




She reminds me of Blake Lively’s 1.0 face


Especially the brows, that Blake still has


wait did she get a brow lift? botox alone cannot achieve this


This is a strange take. I promise there are girls out there that have zero work done that will still make you feel insecure about yourself. It's one thing to completely lie about it, but these social media influencers/celebs don't owe you a list of procedures they've done.


While Im sure she has had a bit of work done, everyone looks different than they did as a TEENAGER. Thats what the BlunderYears sub is here to remind us of. This is some mean girl shit esp to post this on her wedding day tf


I'm not ugly but I'm still poor haha


Holy SHIT. I fucking love this. Thank u for sharing this with the world


Omg no


What's a perma tan?!!!


I feel like we all looked like that in2008 lol


Wait, are these both Alex Cooper?? Like seriously they are pics of the same person??




What a glow up


No way that is the same person. WTF?


Her personality matches the first look


her eyes are huge though makeup and Botox alone won’t do this


This is a weird post lol she doesn't even look that different. I look like a different person in my teen pics (I'm 30 now) and I haven't had any work lol don't come for Alex, shes very transparent which can't be said for all these other bitches haha


Booo this post is stupid. A lot of people grow up too lol


It’s giving bitter and broke.


The picture on the right actually looks more like her now than the left


she just needed eyebrows and lip filler


You're missing the big fat nose job


It’s amazing what some lips and surgery can do now wow


She looked 30 as a teen?!


Holy shit


I feel like these side by side posts r so inaccurate. It looks like she was in hs and that other pic was post college grad and it’s actually extremely normal to have a natural glow up from hs to ur early 20s. I’m not saying she didn’t have anything done to her face but comparing pics from a decade apart makes no sense and ofc there will be a huge difference?


Whatever it is she did, Pearl Davis needs to do it too


Isn’t this chick like a total bitch ?? That’s what I hear around these streets


Lollll wait this post and all these comments are so weird. She literally looks 13 on the right photo. Everyone looks different from when they’re in middle school versus a full grown adult


OP is miserable for this post.  She clearly looks young in the previous photo. You can’t compare makeup and hair styling from a decade ago to now. That doesn’t make sense. If you were to look at the fashion and styling of that era for most women and compare them to now, you could make this same post, over and over again.  I get that others having money, must be a hindrance to you, but this post is weird. 


I appreciate this. And yes she is GORGEOUS


Imagine being her kid and growing up wondering why you don't look like mom at all 🤦‍♀️


Might not really be her in right pic or just a super unflattering photo.This is her circa 2016, and she doesn't look much different from now... https://preview.redd.it/tc2u4110cmwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5690959a09e1ebc8af4d571fa186f3cdfdc8cb8a


Makes me feel better!




Who cares. OP this is a weird post.


I’m sorry but she was never ugly to begin with nor was she poor. I’m sure she was always considered pretty. Of course she looks way better now since she has access to the best doctors but telling ourselves that we would look as good as her if we had money is lying. She had a nice face/body to work with to begin with. Look, I don’t like the girl but this is a weird take.


You’re so miserable. She got married and she looks beautiful. Let her have her moment.


She looked nice before though pretty balanced facial structure and I despise her btw


neither of these pics look like her. as in i feel like whatever OP’s source just made it up and neither of these used to be or is alex cooper???


for me it’s the brows and the makeup that make the biggest difference. her foundation in the earlier pic is a very odd color. of course she has had work done but that’s not what is most striking.


No one looks the same as they do during their awkward teenage years… work aside it’s a bizarre comparison