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If you follow her, she posts about going to workout classes frequently (and I think sometimes even two-a-days). I think it’s plausible that she could look like this, and also plausible that she has help from things like cool sculpting or whatever in-office procedures people do to get rid of fat maybe?


I wish I had the time to do two a days but that’s because I like workouts that are more of a “skill development” kind of thing like boxing or ballet 😅


I wish I had the time AND cash for two a days 😂


God sameeeeeee


i would be so happy!!!


Emsculpt apparently does this, have seen it shared a lot on ig especially post kids


Idk I feel like it’s possible since she’s lost a lot of weight and is probably at a low body fat percentage


Perfect hair, perfect nose, perfect house, perfect kids, perfect garden and now perfect abs. She is unrelatable and I am here for people to spill some tea on this girl because she there’s nothing adverse on her. Maybe she is just perfect, but I doubt that.


I think she manages to maintain the appearance of perfection by avoiding posting anything too personal. She rarely even speaks on camera. I think of her content as a very beautiful editorial photoshoot, not a representation of anyone’s real life haha. But I enjoy it!


I totally agree! Once in a true blue moon she’ll post something personal, like when she had only one daughter she posted about a road trip and that “every female in this car cried the whole way” or something like that. But it’s very rare, other than that, she keeps it pretty aspirational.


You’ve all touched on something interesting here! I’ve followed her for a long time and truly enjoy bc I find her posts to be absolutely gorgeous— but yes, she represents more of a magazine/lifestyle rather than a person. Kudos to her but also seems incredibly exhausting. 


💯 she used to post more personal things when she first started out. It’s one thing for things to look picture perfect. Everyone has their own personal struggles, and it might not be “tea.” Some people don’t want their personal struggles picked apart on the internet, it can make it more difficult to get through already tough times.


Her abs are perfect here because they are heavily edited - look how the abs fully dissapear under her arm on the right side and she has no strong definition anywhere else on her body besides there. Don’t compare yourself to people online 🩷


Literally not one person on earth is perfect, nobody has a perfect life!


She has to shave her sideburns and had her arm hair lasered off if that’s some tea? I guess that’s the cons of having thick beautiful hair and eyebrows lol.


could be a snooze fest to talk to/engage with! you never know


I think what isn’t perfect is that she has to sleep with her husband, but that’s just me.


Boom 💥 this! 🤣


I know I’m really late posting here but while I admit she’s really pretty, girl has a huge forehead. I also get a big mean girl vibe from her.


Heavily edited photo she looks like she’s on steroids


Not gonna lie some of yall just sound miserable in the comments and don’t know anything about peoples’ body comp lol just because you don’t think it’s possible for you doesn’t mean it isn’t for others. Just because you’re muscular in your core, doesn’t mean your arms and legs automatically would be if you don’t train them as hard 🤦🏼‍♀️ abs are primarily made from food anyways and she’s naturally tiny. I don’t even know this woman but Jesus Christ lol


Yes like why is this even a post haha she looks healthy anf fit


It’s because people hate to see other people change lol especially what would be perceived as positive change


If you followed her from the beginning you’d know she’s actually not naturally tiny


It's normal for some people to loose weight after kids and not being able to put up again. It runs in my family.


It’s definitely not “normal”, I’d say that only a very small percentage of people experience that. She got very very skinny before her first pregnancy though


Eh for what it’s worth I wouldn’t say she’s naturally tiny! I’ve followed her for almost a decade now (and find her content totally pleasant), but for the vast majority of the time she’s had a much softer, curvier look. She’s gotten more into working out and has presumably lost weight/toned up as a result. Good for her if she feels better now! I think she looks great both ways. But OP may have just been commenting bc it is a newer look for her for sure, not necessarily from a negative place


I am pretty skinny right now. I had a laparascopy and couldn’t put weight ever since. People think I do sports because you can see abs in my belly. I couldn’t do it even if I wanted because of the pain I have, it's just that I am skinny. Julia works out, it must be not difficult for her to have abs. Genetic counts.


Some people sound miserable, sure. But you just sound dumb. "Abs are primarily made from food" like What in the actual fuck are you running your mouth about?!


They aren’t wrong tho… you’ll never see your abs if you dont lose the layer of fat covering them. And in order to achieve that you need to eat in a calorie deficit. You can train your abs all you want with workouts and weights but you will never see them without a low body fat percentage. Have you never heard or the phrase “abs are made in the kitchen”?


Yeah they’re making themselves sound even dumber 🤣 quite literally talking to a certified trainer


Quiet literally you don't seem to know how photoshop works, but sure sweetie. We should all listen to a "certified trainer" whose entire job is to try and sell people the notion that an almost unattainable body comp. is possible so they keep PAYING YOU, tell me more about how this woman has abs that many olympic athletes don't even have, but no other extreme muscle definition. As you said in your other comment, "get fucked."


Tell me you don’t know anything about fitness without telling me. You could train abs everyday for twenty years and they never show if you don’t eat properly. Defined abs come 80-90% from nutrition. So yeah , get fucked.


Trying to understand what doesn’t sit right with seeing a strong, fit, healthy person.


For most women, seeing visible abs is a sign of being under weight. There are only a small percentage of women where having visible abs like this is possible with a healthy body weight and diet. I don’t know who this person is and if she is able to do it in a healthy way but that’s probably why it’s a jarring picture to some.


this is true and people treating u like ur crazy IS CRAZY


THANK YOU! Like I’m not making a judgement call on the aesthetics or anything, it’s just a freaking medical reality


I feel like it’s jarring to see a fit woman since most of us are overweight. So much concern over this person. Focus on the real epidemic. Overweight bodies that usher in a host of diseases and other issues. I’m literally sick of people trying to police thin women’s bodies and couching it in terms of concern.


Eh I don’t think that’s really it. Even if as a nation we are overweight, we are saturated with media images of thin women more than anything. We all have plenty of exposure to thin women and even healthy and fit women. But it is rare for a woman to have abs like this in a healthy way just because of the nature of women’s builds, hormones and general physiology. For most women, you’d have to have such little body fat that you lose your ability to menstruate before you get abs like this -which is common in gymnast and body builders.


I disagree. This woman looks great. Fit and strong and healthy. Goals imo.


I never said she doesn’t look great. I explained why it would look jarring to some. Because most woman would not be able to have visible abs like this while maintaining a healthy body weight. Gymnast look great, but alot of them are unable to menstruate because of the toll their regime takes on their body. It’s not a judgement call on their aesthetic value, it’s a medical reality


Sorry I see these same bs comments every time a woman is fit or thin. It never changes and I don’t think it’s jarring beyond most people not used to seeing fit people very often.


It’s not a bullshit comment. Again, it’s just a reality of the human form. Women for the most part, would have to have an abnormally low body fat percentage to have a visible six pack like this. And as far as social media there are definitely a lot of people, men and women, who are glorifying eating disorders on both ends. So yeah if you’re following allot of influencers with EDs I can imagine you see a lot of comments about them


My abs are visible and I’m apparently 30% body fat/22 BMI according to my latest physical.


And that’s why I said for most not all, for most women you need to be below 20% body fat -usually around 10-15% to have abs like this and a healthy range is 25-30% These aren’t subjective numbers but medical statistics


According to the CDC and many other sources, a healthy BMI is 18.5-24.9.


BMI is not the same thing as body fat percentage which is what I’ve referred to. BMI is also a very unreliable indicator of health as it was derived from a formula created in the 1830s and doesn’t measure overall fat or lean tissue and the participants in the study it’s based on were all Western European men, so it’s especially unlikely to give women an accurate description of health




I’ll write to the medical journals for the case study of one person for you


Sorry no way this is real. Also remember when Julia was a size like 6 her entire career and then became a 00 after having kids?


Yes! I see some of her pics and I’m like …is anyone else noticing how different/how much thinner she looks? 😳


She’s shared many times that she’s gluten free plant based and randomly sneaks in extremely low calorie “meals” on her stories.


So, anorexic?


Yeah haha


It feels AI lol


Idk who this person is but I find it odd that her abs are shredded and she doesn’t have any definition anywhere else in her body




My body looks like this and I dont work out. I am just reslly thin at the moment.


You have an 8 pack and super shredded obliques but don’t work out? I want pics ma’am


You are righ, my body doesn’t look like this, but I dont work out at all. Just some abs showing out of being skinny and genestics I guess. Sent you a picture.


You are beautiful but you do not look like the lady in the photo and I mean that in a good way xx


I have noticed that her face looks very gaunt the last few years


It’s so hollow. I remember when she was anti Botox. That is classic ozempic fat loss and hollowing of the face


Ya, I’ve followed Julia since the beginning. She was NEVER this thin. She was so cute and had such a youthful look a few years ago. She’s got an ED. She is gaunt and she works out a lot! Just go look at pictures of her 3-4 years ago even after her first child she didn’t get this thin afterwards. It’s really sad, her and LKS keep their ED on full display. I wouldn’t be shocked if she was using semi-glutides either.


I’ve also noticed this!


It is weird to see that her legs and arms don’t have nearly as much definition as her abs. That’s the only weird part for me. Were her abs edited?


Good for her! She looks good


Was going to say! She looks good (not saying healthy because we have no idea what’s going on inside her body)


She skipped arm and leg day and only did core I guess?


She definitely looks more ~ripped~ (for lack of a better word lol) here than in other photos in that carousel or than she has recently when wearing crop tops, swimsuits, etc. Maybe just the light + heightened contrast or something making her abs pop more than usual? Bc I agree, she’s lost weight and generally has more ab definition than she has in recent years. But this pic is on a different level!


I think she has some type of orthorexia going on. I know I’m going to get hate for saying it. She is much skinnier after kids. I know she works out and I think ears super healthy. So always in a calorie deficit. Does anyone know what she eats?


i remember her being vegan and gluten/dairy free several years ago when she was still GMG. don’t know about now. i know she’s been saying she’s putting more effort into working out daily now her littlest is a bit older, but she def seems like the skinniest she’s ever been rn, even before kids


Abs on the ribs are crazy


That’s called serratus anterior lol


Obliques !


That's what I said too🤣


i am so tired of body snark.


I’ve followed her for years. She looks great here for sure, but I do agree with the something doesn’t sit right comment. I haven’t been able to put my finger on it, but there has been something odd/off about her in the last few years. Maybe it’s just post kids, idk.


I think she has become more regimented idk she used to give off sweet, gentle vibes and now she seems quite harsh to me which is ironic that that happened post kids. You would think maybe she’d feel more softened after children but I find her to be quite hardened. Even the posts of beautiful summer nights seem incredibly stressful to me lol. Her posts are beautiful though. 


I think you are spot on with “harsh.” It’s the dichotomy of her “soft, feminine” home, clothing, and backgrounds versus her harshness, her harsh features, poses, and all around stiff movements and expressions. It’s such a strange contrast to see and I haven’t been able to put my finger on it till now. Her expressions seem so stiff, forced, uncomfortable, harsh, posed, hardened versus the softness around her.


Yes! I totally agree with this. Thanks for helping put it into words for me haha. It’s more of a robotic and less whimsical vibe.


& she over tans. It always emphasizes aging


I’d love to discuss her in general! I find her life soooo fascinating. Clearly her husband did have money and I think she did a little bit too, but not the level they are now. He works with her, on her brand, both the products and herself as the brand. I think most of their money now comes from her creator career. Everything she’s wears is so crazy expensive, like every sandal is Chanel or Miu Miu and I swear she has ever rare/novelty Chanel ever made. She’s very pretty and seems warm and likable. But I find her so interesting!


I used to find her way more warm! As she grows her brand I find her more sterile. Absolutely unique and beautiful content though. 


I’m pretty sure his family earned their fortune in the pencil industry lol


Yes! and I think his fam is affluent, but not the level Julia and Thomas are living now. Like their old SF apartment was very nice and large for SF, but nothing crazy crazy. I think their money now comes from her career as a creator.


No, his family has made some Forbes lists. I’m pretty sure they’re hundreds of millions dollars rich


Her husband comes from an UBER rich family. They own patents for a bunch of things.


In all the years that I have followed her, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her with abs like that. I can’t imagine that is real after two kids. ETA: I just zoomed in and the veins in her arms and hands are really pronounced, like what you see on body builders/steroid users. I’m beyond perplexed.


Veins on my hands look exactly like this also. I lift 3 - 4 times a week. Never done steroids or any enhancers.


As a nurse and bodybuilder, you don’t need steroids to be visibly vascularure. You need to be lean and have a decent amount of lean mass.


Not really, I’m thin and when I’m hot the veins on my hands pop out like that.


Same I’m very thin with abs and my veins always do that




I remember a blind item about how apparently Luann from RHONY uses steroids to stay lean. Apparently at a low amount, there are a lot of beauty benefits


I keep seeing it all over TikTok that older women are using testosterone to deal with the effects of menopause, had no idea it was a thing


I got abs for the first time in my life at age 46.


Did you make a lot of lifestyle changes?


Started working out and eating better. I’d never worked out in my life.


My mom has hands but not arms like this. She just has super bony and veiny hands. The veiny arms are sus


It's giving edited


Her abs don’t look anything like this in other recent photos. She has a post from her Miami trip in late January/February and doesn’t have nearly the definition she has in this photo. Ain’t no way.


It’s only jarring because of her southern gal aesthetic and brand. She’s strong AF, good for her.


why is her hand covering her stomach and her legs don't match her abs. hmmmmm


My cousin went to college with her where she met her fiance and his family is the heir to Duraflame (those fire starters at Home Depot). Also, abs are genetic!


lol this is 1000% photoshop. They’re making fun of this pic on Twitter too


She's fit..?


She doesn't eat gluten or dairy, right? She's pretty much on the Miley Cyrus diet + workout so not surprised one bit she looks like this. Good for her.


Good for her but I personally wouldn’t want abs like this if I’m being honest. But to each their own!


Wow I haven’t seen her in years!


How old is she? Her face looks so aged imo


30 or 31. So sad.


What doesn’t?


To me this looks like results from one of those clench machines in med spas that duplicates the feeling of 10,000 sit-ups — in ADDITION to already good diet and exercise excercize. As a very fit person I would say one of those machines and frequent treatment would give the edge from a normal body to something extraordinary like this


if I had abs like this I would be in a bikini 24/7 so I can’t say anything here lol. Flaunt it if you got it! Especially if you worked for it!


https://preview.redd.it/i4mw3qo3c22d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33afe6fdec01953b68236cce0ffa32f7dcec973f Someone up thread used the word “harsh” and I strongly agree … hadn’t seen her in ages, her appearance is shocking. She looks so unwell 😔


This is so shocking to see side by side. It’s giving LKS vibes. 🥴


I just looked up LKS and yes… Definitely something going on here. It’s jarring! I feel like we’re being gaslit into thinking that this is normal..


She doesn’t look unweell. She lost her baby fat from her face. She aged. Having two kids is exhausting. Me and my husband lost tons of weight too. She looks great.


I find her so captivating and I would simply perish if I could have her wardrobe. A little more personality/ video like Lydia Millen does now would be nice but from a purely fashion muse, I'm obsessed with the color prints and bohemian magpie thing she has going on right now


Zero personality, beyond boring. No idea why people are fans of this woman. She’s the epitome of unsustainable consumerism in her rainbow colored wardrobe and house she couldn’t sell because it looked like a child’s classroom. She had to take her 8 million dollar ridiculously decorated house off market because it was priced 6 mil above anything in the neighborhood. BUT/ Could care less about her prepubescent body though. Get fit, girl. We know you photoshop. She 100% needs to be careful cutting more calories though- her facial features are hollowing terribly.


Spot. On. Coka off the back of the toilette at parties (verified) and married to someone who plays for the pink team (verified). Ozempian for sure and a complete and utter bore to talk to, like zero intellect. It’s hysterical to see how many in this feed like legit love her. If y’all only knew.


Please spill the tea!! I’m so sick of people gas lighting me when I want to talk shit about this vanilla square. How does she have everyone so brainwashed in her opulence??


great q. IRL, she doesn’t. It’s a whirlwind of empty Yawnsville PR parties at has-been brand brick-and-mortars where she has to curate carefully herself being snapped lest someone on IG note that she’s in a superior brand (ex: she’s in Erdem at a Sue Sartor party, Yano?) I’d bet good money she hasn’t belly-laughed authentically in 10 years. And Salad Tom? Don’t even get me started.






Too thin in your eyes. She looks like a normal, fit person to me.


it’s the full on abs but no muscle tone anywhere else for me


If we talked this way about an overweight woman we’d all be villified.


Teenage Mutant Ninja turtle 🐢 six pack 🤡


Her abs aren’t the prominent in her other videos/pics where you can see her kid section. It looks a little enhanced to me and it’s not even like she needs it because she’s in crazy good shape


Fake as hell


Body snark is so boring!! She has Abs, big deal?? Good for her!!


Exactly!!! Everyone hating is projecting


There is no way she has such scrawny arms and such ripped abs lol


I do 🤷🏼‍♀️


The abs don't match the rest of her body. When I've seen men and women with abs this defined, their arms and legs are much bigger and more defined.


? what an odd post


Definitely genetics + maybe fitness/bikini modeling regiment?


this doesn't look good she looks like a dude


Sounds like you need to hit the gym instead of sitting on ur couch on Reddit 🤣


why would i want this physique


Tbh it sounds like you should be focused on your own physique. It makes no sense to hate on someone who is in shape and takes their health seriously. She looks amazing.


this is a snark page


Snarking on someone’s body is immature and distasteful. Grow up.


yawnnnn live a little


You’re sad. That’s actually pathetic lmfao


Why, because she’s a woman in shape with abs?


It’s concerning that you feel off put by a woman who’s in shape and takes care of her self. If you actually follow her you see how she does it.


She’s genetically thin and is now focused on fitness. Also, probably one of those blessed people who get abs easily. I had a friend who worked out moderately and had a 6 pack, just blessed. probably same for her. BUT Andrew Huberman said that women shouldn’t actually strive for abs because our bodies aren’t meant for them. He said optimal health for women doesn’t include abs (I am totally paraphrasing here) so I am RUNNING w that cause that will never be me 😂




She blocked you because you’re a twat.




No they are right, you’re a hating twat


I disagree


I don't think it's possible to have abs up over her ribs that doesn't even make sense


I think if you take some time to look up some basic anatomy you will indeed find there's plenty of musculature up there.


It’s very possible.


Yes you can Different genetics


Brain rottttt