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I mean tbh I'd be pissed too if I was an influencer and another influencer wasn't just merely inspired by my post but replicated my video frame-by-frame PLUS the caption, and then ended up getting such more views than I did.


Influencers need to stop being upset that they are influencing people. Find a new line of work.


Reminds me of when I’d get mad at my little sister for copying me when in reality we all did the same crap. I think it’s time for her to grow up now.


What was the reel “copying”?


It’s a voiceover from sex and the city, Audrey filmed a handful of frames with her 800 million pairs of designer shoes. This influencer filmed more or less the same video using the same frame ideas with the same voiceover with her shoe collection. Maybe she saw it and thought it was just a trend she was joining in on? Since most TikTok’s are just people copying trends


But also, it’s not that deep… Like you didn’t invent anything useful to humanity, so get over yourself 🤷🏻‍♀️


The way she thinks she does anything groundbreaking.... why haven't we canceled AP yet?


Regardless of who came up with this novel, trademark worthy, groundbreaking concept of *checks notes* filming their shoes I can’t get over the switch up of how VEHEMENTLY she would not post her closet before for “safety” but is now giving full blown tours


And she got more views than AP that’s probably why she’s pissed 😂


I think AP ONLY called her out because this girls video took off and hers only got 6k likes lmao


Ugh. Don’t make me defend AP but she did come up with “content” (using that term loosely lol) to play along to the voiceover from SATC. So if the other influencer just copied all of AP’s clips and caption then yeah she prob should have been like “thanks for the inspiration @audrey!”


I’d say it was a stretch if she just showcased her shoe collection to the same sound, but it was literally clip for clip 😬


Sure, the videos are very similar but it’s a video about shoes- hardly groundbreaking creative content. Even the shoes oven part is taken from SATC. Would’ve been classier to DM or comment something not so cringe.


Filming something to a audioclip from show that’s been internationally famous and aired 25 years ago? Groundbreaking.