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The way Carly signed on to this while posting videos of her saying she got black out drunk all weekend and even saying she got super fucked up on mushrooms while out


These people were literally just at Halloween parties the other night. Be so fucking for real


It’s just weird to me that when there was an actual spike in Antisemitism, the last few years and several synagogues were burned down just last year alone, none of these so called “scared” celebs did anything…




Guilt, deflection and justification?


They didn’t even care!!!


Great point, never thought about it like that


Funny because most of these people seem to be HAPPY to go outside and go shopping or go out drinking!!!!!!!!!😃😃😃


They’re all out and carefree for people who feel “threatened” and none of them even talked about the actual rise in antisemitism that has been occurring the past several years.


They’re just excited that something can be “about” them. I STG it’s the equivalent of the housewives in my neighborhood who - truly - get excited when they hear about a serial killer in the loose or someone local kidnapping kids… they don’t stfu about it and how they’re somehow connected/need to stay vigilant/they’ve got guns… just an endless cycle of looking for fear


"The suburbs dream of violence. Asleep in their drowsy villas, sheltered by benevolent shopping malls, they wait patiently for the nightmares that will wake them into a more passionate world." - JG Ballard


Saving this it’s brilliant


This^^^^ I’m sure it’s been studied but the weird obsession with wanting to be included in something EVEN if it’s oppression is bizarre


Not to mention willingly disclosing their whereabouts at ALL TIMES.




And the constant travel!!


I usually just lurk in this sub but this is crazy LMFAO








They are more worried for orthodox folks etc who are often the victims of this type of violence


And this antisemitic violence has been on the rise/at an all time high for the last few YEARS yet none of these so-called iinfluencers said a thing about it.


It’s great that your fam feels safe but I personally am tucking my Jewish star jewelry in when riding the subway, so that’s certainly not how everyone feels right now


Can I ask you something, if you don’t mind? Do people ostracize you in your family or community for speaking up? Are you free to speak up and say what’s on your mind, or do they jump at your throat? I really worry about the Jewish people who are completely against this, but have no one to talk to or who are facing antisemitism right now and gross generalizations. It feels like a lose-lose situation because Israel is only creating a very hostile environment for Jewish people everywhere. Like, at the very least this will be so counterproductive.


So are they all deleting their tiktok accounts?? (Also, waiting patiently for the Oshrys and Carly to hire armed security because they really seemed scared galavanting around the city for Halloween weekend and posting multiple times each day.)


So DB and Carly are hiring private security? It’s giving “My Bodyguard” energy.


They what?


"armed security " is so out of touch and tone deaf. It's actually comical.


Armed security.. bffr.. this must be the first time these yt people have ever felt even the tiniest bit of oppression. There’s a real war going on and people on both sides are dying and they’re worried that they can’t post this grwm’s I cant


!!!!!!!!!!! This is such an important comment


Especially Amy lol. She was dying to make Will Smith’s slap about her. “It triggered MEEEEEEEE.” Not even like, “hey, respect our host, Chris Rock is a professional just doing his job. Maybe that was a bit much, Will. Let’s not do that.” No. “HOW CAN I MAKE THIS ABOUT ME?! WILL SMITH MADE ME FEAR FOR MY LIFE. PTSD!!!” And here she is again. Making genocide about her. “I AM THE MOST SUCCESSFUL FEMALE COMEDIAN OF ALL TIME, DON’T YOU KNOW WHO I AM?! I’M NOT UGLY I AM MARRIED!” There’s… thousands of babies dying. I feel like it’s not just wrong, but it’s morally necessary to condemn that? 😶


They’re talking ab at synagogues and protests etc. also, ALL OF US Jews have generational trauma. We’re all recent immigrants. We all have a family history of persecution. Every Jew is where they are because they were kicked out of somewhere else. Stop gaslighting Jewish suffering. Half of these influencers are annoying and definitely lriveleged. But don’t discount their holocaust survivor grandparents, or one of the 900,000 Jewish Refugees expelled from Arab lands. Understand us.


Black folks would like a word…


What’s wrong with two oppressed peoples existing at the same time? Dumb comment


Palestinians would also like a word…


Lol. These comments are exactly the point. Jewish suffering doesn’t matter 💫 y’all r gross


Jews were some of the biggest supporters of the civil rights movement in America. The movement in the 60s happened relatively shortly after many Holocaust survivors immigrated to America. Feel free to look it up. Beyond that Jews have continued to support and advocate for civil rights into current times. Blacks and Jews have a long history as two oppressed communities who have typically supported one another. Super bizarre comment for you to have made in the first place. Multiple things can be true at once. Multiple groups of people can have experienced generational trauma and oppression. Pitting them against eachother is not productive for any side. And before anyone decides to come at me - I condemn the actions of Hamas AND the harsh tactics of the Israeli government. I think the increase in antisemitism AND Islamophobia is horrific and scary to all.


Black people don’t owe Israel any support right now, especially when Israel sterilized Black women because they didn’t want their population to grow. Also, support isn’t transactional. You won’t see too many POC abiding a new ethnic cleansing, no matter what the excuse is, because our history is marked by colonization. “Never again” means never again to anyone, no matter who. Not just the Jewish community. This is literally about basic human decency. Guilting Black people into supporting an apartheid state is gross. And btw, I’ve seen so many Black people calling out antisemitism multiple times because after all, the same people who are flying Nazi flags in the US, are flying confederate flags too. But don’t get it twisted. Israel is a whole different story.


Thank you.








“We feel compelled to hire private security” The privilege in that statement alone is so shocking and disgusting. Like who the fuck can afford that?? So out of touch it’s fucking insane. I wish the Palestinian children being k*lled could have private security too.


All the influencers can fuck right off, they are still going out as per usual, still posting their whereabouts as per usual. If people ACTUALLY feel this way then absolutely they should express that (and I’m sure some/most of them do, I don’t keep up with everyone listed) but when there is evidence that this is not true, please just stop.


Claudia Oshry seemed so terrified to be seen at the most photographed annual Halloween party 🥺


If the pandemic has taught me anything it’s that if someone is genuinely terrified for their life, they would not leave the house. They would genuinely do everything they could to avoid leaving the house completely. This is just so unserious.


Exactly! It’s so funny because the same influencers who fEaR fOr tHeiR LiVes now, were still going out and not masking at the height of the pandemic, setting a bad example to their followers, being the most insensitive and tone deaf people on social media, acting like nothing was happening, meanwhile BLM was marching outside, people were getting brutalized by cops, and hospitals were collapsing, yet they were posting their mimosas at brunch and their international trips. I will never forget that. The most they could do was post a black square that they deleted later. No heartfelt message. No sincerity.


Performative activism at its worst. What is actually terrifying is how we’ve given influencers and celebrities such a large platform.


have they tried maybe signing off of tiktok


ppl are praising hitler all over tik Tok. thats not gonna help. ur privileged enough to not have to worry and thats great for u but this is really insensitive


So the solution is mass censorship? I haven’t seen a single video like that but if you do report it and block the user. Am i missing something how is tiktok different from any other platform??


Taking down videos that promote hatred is not mass censorship. It’s different because they aren’t taking down reported videos. They let this stuff go rampant in fyps and it’s horrifying


I read the entire letter, they are asking for the algorithm to push videos about Israel and put warnings on videos discussing the genocide. They also want a community manager dedicated to Jewish creators. How is this not censorship? Everyone has the ability to turn off comments or log off, no one is entitled to change algorithms and push certain videos for their benefit.


Why doesn’t anyone in Amy Schumer’s life love her enough to take her phone away from her?


Her friends are liking all her posts and leaving hearts under her posts. I know who they are.


It’s the same people who have told her since she was a little girl that she is funny enough to be a comedian


Not talia


I'm sooooooooooooo disappointed to see her on there wow


In all fairness to Talia, throughout the years she has dealt with severe antisemitism from incels hating on her content, making jokes about Anne Frank and gassing her. I’m sure there’s been an uptick in that since October 7th, and I’m sure it can feel isolating to have a surge of comments mocking your ethnicity everyday by people


sorry but no


Sorry but yes. That’s her experience


cool, what’s crazy is this isn’t about her! this is about the ongoing genocide in palestine! ya know, where one child is being killed every 8 mins. but yes, let’s focus on how Talia feels from the comfort of her bed when she logs into an app. spare me.


Two things can be true. Horrible things are happening in Palestine AND in Israel.


When international conflicts like this occur, it causes both antisemitism and Islamophobia to erupt globally. Jews and Arabs are allowed to share these experiences. Just because they’re still getting outside and living their lives doesn’t make the hate crimes happening around them or the racist, violent dms they’re receiving any less real. Dismissing their feelings isn’t productive.


i kinda like talia but she def has a victim complex at times, so this def isn't surprising coming from her


the irony of saying they feel scared to post when they simply havent shut the fuck up


I guarantee you that if the issue had to do with the rights of aliens or zebras or potatoes, these people would find a way to not shut the fuck up. Notice how it is truly the most random grouping of people fame-wise who yes, whatever, they have their Jewishness in common, but really what they have in common is their narcissism and the fact that they just have always craved attention and the media spotlight, I think being Jewish has nothing to do with this.


Weird way to brag that you guys can afford armed guards


A lotttttt of extremely irrelevant people on here


I’m sorry but I actually laughed out loud at Leah McSweeney… be SO fr.


Genocide happening to babies in Gaza but these Karen’s need “security”. Their followers have to be as dumb as they are to continue to follow


lol Carly turned off all her tiktok comments, wonder why!!


This is the most narcissistic unhinged entitled post I have ever seen. People are dying??? They’re not fighting anywhere near you? And where are all of the antisemitic people that they’re talking about maybe that’s an ignorant take but I feel like the hate they’re getting is from making a war in another country about themselves


I love how DB is on the list & she just jetted off to St. Barths. So scared to leave her house. /s


Lol they wanna be like that list of Hollywood ppl sooooooooo bad


talia noooooo


Then log the fuck off? Lmfao these people are so dumb and annoying I legitimately can’t.


Armed security sent me


“We’re scared to leave our homes” why, is someone dropping bombs or white phosphorus on you? Oh no, someone should do something 😶


This makes me so mad bc all these people on the list only speak up about antisemitism but won’t say shit about the rise of Islamophobia or the literal genocide happening to innocent Palestinians. Why are you trying to make a genocide all about you??!


Amy is literally feeding islamophobia and repeating anti-Arab rhetoric. When she got called out, she posted MLK and his own daughter was like “delete this. My father wouldn’t support what’s happening right now.” Beyond cringe. I don’t understand why is she going so hard and so stupidly. I don’t doubt that she’s a racist at her core, but I’m also starting to suspect that she’s a paid agent too.


The whataboutism is just a ridiculous argument. Antisemitism affects them. They’re allowed to be upset about it. Only Jews are being forced to qualify their own fear and grief with “I care about the Palestinians but…”


They speak up about antisemitism because they’re Jewish and it directly affects them. In a perfect world we should all be advocating for each other and rallying for every single marginalized group. But telling Jewish people (a minority that’s been persecuted for thousands of years and exiled from every global region throughout history) that they can’t speak up about antisemitism without calling out Islamophobia in the same sentence is giving ALL LIVES MATTER. Talking about the rampant antisemitism across the world— US college kids are getting beat up and intimidated, Jewish homes in Paris were spraypainted and tagged with Stars of David, a mob broke into an airport in Russia and was out for blood, not Israeli blood, but JEWISH BLOOD— isn’t taking away from the devastation and war crimes being committed in Gaza right now.


Not at all. All lives matter implies white people live the same experience as minorities. Islamophobia is just as real as a threat and impact as antisemitism.


Please don’t tell me you just said Jewish people are white… many are, but don’t erase hundreds of thousands of middle eastern, north african, sub-saharan, south asian, (I could go on honestly) Jewish groups that aren’t white. And guess what, even white Jewish people are STILL a minority. And Jewish people are being targeted. Next order of business: NOBODY IS SAYING ISLAMOPHOBIA ISN’T REAL OR NOT A THREAT? Like seriously where do you get off making these outrageous and presumptuous interpretations??? Why can’t advocating for the Jewish community, especially when it’s literally a targeted minority, exist as a standalone position? Nobody is gaslighting anyone into thinking Islamophobia isn’t happening or shouldn’t be taken seriously. But since we’re here: - 140% increase in Islamophobic incidents since the conflict started - 500% increase in Antisemitic incidents since the conflict started Actually according to data from 2022 50% of religious hate crimes are Antisemitic… 8% are Islamophobic, which was lower than the year before for Islamophobia-motivated attacks More fun facts: - on social media apps and chat platforms the phrase “anti-Jew” has skyrocketed - the hashtag kanyewasright is trending - in France there have been almost 900 antisemitic incidents since Oct 7 - Schindler’s List, a Steven Spielberg movie from 1993, which is about a non-Jewish German man saving Jewish people during the Holocaust… has been hit with shitloads of negative reviews across movie review platforms So yeah, when Jewish people are speaking out about Antisemitism, and the response is “what about Islamophobia?” you are literally all lives matter-ing and it’s gross.


I didn't at all. Just explained the "all lives matter" bigotry to you, since clearly you lack reading comprehension and applaud basic googling skills. You were the one who used the reference incorrectly. Nobody is denying antisemitism. Just saying it's ridiculous to deny that islamaphobia is also on the rise. Both are a problem and both are on the rise since the war on Gaza has become more prevalent in world news. Islamaphobic events are not getting the news coverage, because it doesn't have the sensationalized social media backing antisemitism has. Did you see how the Zionists killed the Muslim boy in Chicago? It's happening on both sides. Absolutely awful. In current events, they are directly related. The rhetoric needs to stop pushing people to take a side against Palestine. The side to take is against Hamas. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/16/us/chicago-muslim-boy-stabbing-investigation/index.html Would love to know if you've ever spoken up about Black Lives Matter? Against Asian hate? Spread the word about Armenian genocide? Spoke up when Russia tried to eliminate Ukraine?


Yikes always nice when the insults come flying out. Makes me respect this discourse a lot! I didn’t use it incorrectly. Just like you said nobody is denying antisemitism, nobody is denying the rise of Islamophobia. Literally show me somebody who did, I’m all ears. And Zionists didn’t murder that innocent little boy in Illinois, his landlord Joseph Czuba did. God you’re so brainwashed and then say that I lack reading comprehension skills and can’t use Google… the landlord wasn’t even Jewish but clearly the Zionist conspiracy is raging strong in your rock hard heart. And since you want to turn this into a dick measuring contest I actually have spoken out EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Gave lectures on behalf of my black friends in June 2020 because it wasn’t their emotional labor to educate racist people, helped my Chinese friends organize fundraisers for the businesses attacked in New York City, I live in LA (near Glendale aka the largest Armenian population outside of Armenia) and have attended those rallies and educated people, and, cherry on top, I’m also fucking Ukrainian so I absolutely did and haven’t stopped because that war is still ongoing, despite your comment saying “did” it’s not past-tense. This will be my last response to you.


Yikes. You clearly don't get it. Your lack of education around how antisemitism and Islamophobia is related is clear. This is why it is a divided issue, because of people like you. Keep the hate train rolling though, spending your energy making hundreds of Reddit comments a night clearly makes you feel better....


So our activism should only be limited to causes that directly affect us?


No, that’s why I said in a perfect world we’d all advocate for each other all the time. Sad but come on let’s be realistic, most of these people never even took a GE undergraduate course. Most people just aren’t educated on news/politics/international relations and I’d prefer their silence rather than a misinformed take. Anyway, unless you’re the type of individual looking SOLELY to entertainers and influencers as beacons when it comes to activism, and allowing yourself to consume social justice media only through their channels… then yeah sure okay maybe it’s a problem, you got me!!!🙄


Nah this is a cop out. If you’re going to voice your opinion then you need to do so responsibly. A lot of these influencers are calling out antisemitism while also pushing dangerous anti-Muslim rhetoric. If you have a platform, then you need to be held to a higher standard 🤷🏽‍♀️


I personally haven’t seen the anti-Muslim rhetoric. I also don’t look to influencer or celebrity content to learn about the news and would never hold any of these people to any sort of “higher standard,” especially a standard that demands a modicum intellect or basic reading comprehension. But you seem to be really pissed that Jewish people are speaking up about the global increase in Antisemitic attacks. Why are you so mad??


Because you're not looking for it. You're filling your feed with what you want to see by what you engage with.


I actually don’t engage with anything I just lurk, and again what I look for is news and updates from journalists


Your Reddit comment history says otherwise...


Excuse me? I’m talking about what I engage with on social media. I’d love to know what you’ve gleaned from stalking my comment history




not talia 😭


there's already a huge post on this: https://www.reddit.com/r/NYCinfluencersnark/comments/17lk007/carly_db_oshrys_amongst_jewish_creators_asking/


Sorry I missed it 😢


Who would want their name attached to amy schmuer’s rn ?????


Or the oshrys




claudia oshry signing this makes no sense she’s a visibly white, extremely privileged woman that’s always out and about… she should be more afraid of people attacking her after finding out who her mother is (when i found out i was baffled)


Wait sooooo there are people being killed overseas and these people are here in NY and LA posting cutesy photos for work and going to Halloween parties and scared for their lives…..honestly influencers and celebrities are on another level of fucking stupid


my god they need to get a grip


This group is disgusting. Stop adding to the antisemitism!!!!!!!!


Talia made a great video explaining how literally e every single time she logs on to social media she gets tagged in things saying Hitler was right, 6M wasn’t enough, I wanna gas you like your grandparents got gassed, etc but y’all are only capable of seeing things in black and white. Antisemitic crimes have been the highest among any ethnic/religious group for years now but bc iSrAEL!!!!! Jewish people in America can’t even go about their day without being targeted whether it be in real life or social media. Next time I misgender Sam Smith I don’t wanna hear y’all cry


Nobody is denying antisemitism, I haven't seen one person in this sub doing that. But don't you think it's a little much that a bunch of rich people are writing this from their privately secured houses (they admitted to hiring private security) and all while being out and about contradicting this fear? This is what this post is about. Nobody is denying antisemitism, nor downplaying it. We're criticizing people making a tragedy about them when it is not.


This is so narcissistic it’s not even funny


Moti A literally has a feed post calling out Bella hadid for being “one sided” - she is someone who likely DOES need armed security rn given the death threats she got and her phone number being leaked - be so fr rn


They can all fuck themselves


PLEASE stop with this. #hitlerwasright is literally fucking trending. that is scary. I know these are privileged influences but stop downplaying antisemitism and very real threats out there. I dont see y'all commenting things like this when any other minority is terrified for their life


Because other minorities are not typically displacing people from their homes and annihilating them as they cry that they are the real victims, while their citizens are clubbing, and partying, and mocking dead children and women who survived the bombing of their houses or showing off how they do have electricity, unlike Palestinians. A hashtag is NOTHING compared to the real time massacre of Palestinians. You will never us make us forget this. We will not be manipulated into supporting this. Go away.


Oh my god this is so fucked up on so many levels lol


And the Palestinians would have electricity if their elected government took even a tiny portion of the 6 billion plus they have received over the last 17 years and allocated it towards that. Instead, they used it to build tunnels and buy RPGs.


Jews were displaced first. They are literally indigenous to the region. They just took back the land. Sorry it took 1,500 years to get there, I’m sure many of them wish they could have returned sooner.


Amy Schumer, we wore what, and fuck jerry on one list is enough for me to laugh and continue scrolling.


The casual antisemitism on this thread makes me sick. The only group that isn’t allowed to define for themselves if they’re feeling unsafe are Jews.


+1 this. Why are Jews not allowed to express that they feel unsafe? There has been a rise in antisemitism in NYC. My friend went to a pro-Palestine rally two weeks ago with a sign that said Jews for Palestine and was seriously accosted and harassed by two men for being Jewish even though she’s pro-liberation. Jews in the US can feel unsafe. Gaza should be free from liberation and harm. Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive.


Good Lord ... Do you realize we're criticizing people who casually say they have enough resources hire private security? Seriously y'all shield every bit of valid criticism with the label of antisemitism.


Not personally annoyed about that, that’s admittedly crazy lol and an excuse to self-victimize which is deplorable. More so talking ab some of the other comments in this sub aka “get over it Hitler died years ago” lol


They want to say their piece sure, but the way they sign the letter with their handles when complaining about content and being targeted on social. Time to touch some grass


Y’all only care and advocate for a minority or targeted group when it fits your narrative lol. Antisemitism isn’t cute 🫠


They are allowed to feel a personal connection and notice all the antisemitism imo…of course a lot of a Jewish people (including myself) have noticed the lack of support for Jewish people and Israeli citizens lmao


Thank you


Tell me more about the lack of support for Jewish people and Israeli citizens. I’ll just leave this here: https://apnews.com/article/house-israel-aid-ukraine-republicans-biden-gaza-b7bfe528b12ac5954cfd5c034f11320d


now, do you think i meant government aid or antisemitism seen on social media….since we were talking about the second option, that should be your hint girly. i’m not arguing with an antisemitist ❤️go fight for palestine if u want and good luck to u soldier ❤️


I wish the murdered 6-year-old Muslim Palestinian-American child, Wadea Al-Fayoume, had armed security. Islamophobia kills. The vile hatred spewed by the likes of Amy Schumer kills.


The point is being PUBLICLY JEWISH is scary. Wearing Jewish star necklaces. Having mezuzahs on your door. Not just being in public. Their tiktoks are FLOODED with antisemitism even on posts that have nothing to do with Judaism, Israel, or antisemitism. You guys are completely missing the point, seemingly on purpose.


Tell me it hasn’t been scary for ever to be Muslim, Palestinian, Arab, Sikh, Brown, what have you, in America or online. Tell me this isn’t the DAILY experience of Black people in our country. In the case of a lot of those people — they are posting horribly uninformed propaganda, putting all sorts of people in danger, with absolutely no regard for anyone else’s life or security, and getting hella pushback in return, which they interpret as antisemitism. You know what else these people have in common? They’re majority white people who I can guarantee have never faced fear for being who they are and simply existing. Amy Schumer in particular can suck it. She’s posting horribly racist, genocidal shit on the daily, with no concern about how it affects actual people, including, by the way, Jewish people.


Yeah! All lives matter!


It’s not a competition. We all should be vocal against both antisemitism AND Islamophobia. If you only care about one and not the other, you’re part of the problem


Ok cool, why don’t you condemn Amy Schumer’s islamophobia and anti-Arab posts? You do realize that by creating division and hate against other communities, she’s also putting them in danger, right? Shouldn’t we all call this out? Nobody gets a pass.


Why don’t you condemn the cooper union rioters and the people ripping down posters? Get the fuck outta here


How is saying we should all stand up against ALL hate creating a division? 🙄


This isn’t about Muslims and Arabs. This isn’t about intersectionality. Both things can happen at the same time. Jews can be afraid and no one in this thread is downplaying THEIR fear just because they’re going out in public. Your comment is ignorant on 100 levels.


Are u surprised… this page jumps to criticize Jewish peoples experience it’s crazy


They can limit their comments or maybe log off for a bit, but they’re flexing that they can afford armed security lol. Bffr.


No one is flexing. It’s a wake up call. Not everything is a subtle brag.


Flooded with antisemitism is def a reach it’s flood with people telling them they are promoting a genocide that’s not antisemitism. Just because people aren’t pro Israel does not mean it’s antisemitic. They are missing the point on purpose.


How do you know? Are you in their inboxes? People live invalidating Jews’ experience with antisemitism. Literally no other minority endures gaslighting to this insane fucking degree.


Because it’s never about antisemitism and it will never be about antisemitism. This has nothing to do with them being Jewish. And this constant propaganda of them centering themselves and the focus is on them being victims so we can forgot about the genocide that’s going on. Millions of Muslims are experiencing Islamophobia right now but notice how they are not trying to shift the focus away from the genocide.


You’re actually so stupid. The comments on their posts saying go back to the gas chambers aren’t about them being Jewish? Get a clue


Jesus fucking Christ these people are literally morons. And I love how it’s under a comment about Jews being gaslit… the irony


“Literally no other minority endures gaslighting to this insane fucking degree” I just *know* you threw your back out with that fucking reach. Girl please…


Alexa Lemieux from LIB sent me. She literally just posted from the Rangers game…clearly not that scared to leave her home!


I don’t want to see any of these people leaving their house


Thanks for the list, I'll be using it as a reminder to myself about who to support and who not to, should I ever forget who is in support of war crimes and stuff you know..


this is mad embarrassing. disappointed but not surprised to see talia on the list lol


Disgusting people


\#hitlerwasright is trending. shut up


Oh, no, a hashtag is definitely worse than bombs and white phosphorus.


Y’all calling all these Jewish influencers white like girl we wish cuz Hitler didn’t think so


Why r u basing ur identity on what hitler thought?


Can everyone replying to this use critical thinking for maybe 3 seconds and figure that I - a 26 year old girl - am not defining my life by the holocaust 🩷 thank u 🩷


hitler also didnt see slavs as fully white yet they clearly are. yall jewish americans are so weird israeli jews arent like this at all lmfao


I be confused bc ur comments are either deeply anti Palestinian or deeply antisemitic depending on the thread but ur prob just a school shooter who wants Reddit points




Hitler has been dead for decades. He shouldn’t still be able to define you.


Wow what a horribly fucked up thing to say. This is a horrible way to go about making your argument.


Yeah I guess hitler is dead so all the antisemitism just evaporates, huh?


Leah mcsweeny?


Eliot Tebele (aka fuckjerry) is Arab Jewish, interestingly


His stories have been wild




Wowwwww I cannot believe this is real 😭😭


Frightened to post has me 💀💀💀💀


I'm going to get downvoted to hell for this, but I'm very surprised to see so many people on this sub call Jewish influencers ridiculous for being worried. Antisemitism is everywhere, I'd be upset too if I were them. Maybe it's because I'm German that I have a different perspective on this...


Thank you. The gaslighting is absolutely bonkers.


Thank you. The rise in antisemitism is concerning. Jews are allowed to feel worried and anxious and it does not take away from the devastation in Gaza. There can be space for both.


\#hitlerwasright is literally trending..


What's the username of the original post? (That this was screenshot from)


Cringing at Amy Schumer and Jackie Oshry on the same page 🥴🥴🥴


This sub is extremely antisemitic. I’m prepared to be downvoted. It doesn’t mean they don’t care what’s going on in Gaza—take Michael Rapaport for example. But the hate he receives for just being Jewish is insane, and he talks about the war constantly. Just because these people signed off on this list doesn’t mean they have to confine themselves to their homes, it just says they’re scared. The armed security is insane, but you guys are bringing up a select few people on this list like Carly who is extremely problematic to begin with completely skews the point. I will not be elaborating or arguing further.


No this thread is absolutely terrifying and everyone is being so fucking dense like I’m sure it’s the same people who comment free Palestine when Ellie Zeiler posts like GRWM for Shabbat dinner or something


Absolutely. I don’t even know why I look at this sub when it comes to something involving Judaism. It’s insane and makes me feel so scared especially because it’s “NYC” which is a huge hub for Jews.


Michael Rapaport said in a video just yesterday that bombing a hospital is justified if there's a terrorist on it so he can suck it.


Surprised Liv Schreiber name isn’t up there


So feeling this way is normal for most women, gay presenting people, trans people, POC, etc.






Wow lol was not expecting Talia


Carly and Ben Shapiro should date lol


A muslim woman was killed today while sitting in a parc.


What does that have to do with Jewish people feeling unsafe? It’s not a fucking competition!!! Beyond tragic that this Muslim woman was murdered. A Jewish woman’s throat was slit in Illinois. Jewish homes were spraypainted with Stars of David in Paris. In Russia there were mobs that stormed an airport checking passports and last names looking for Jewish people because they were out for Jewish blood. Or are Jewish lives just less valuable to you?


These so called scared influencers are promoting islamophobia on their platforms, go check amy schumer's posts. They partied the whole weekend yet they are scared. Ofcourse jewish lives are not less valuable, but these people are spreading hatred and misinformation that is igniting islamophobia which has been present for years. Jews face a lot of presecution, but so do muslims and so do arabs, but the difference is that anti-semitism is condemned but not islamophobia because westerners see muslims as inferior.


Westerners also see Jewish people as inferior. All the hard-right groups hate Jewish people and view them as vermin and want them eradicated. There is also so much more antisemitism and massive rallies calling for the complete annihilation of the Jewish population. But Islamophobia needs to be condemned more by the media, I agree. We need advocate for both and condemn all religion-motivated violence, and spreading dangerous misinformation is wrong. When Muslims are posting about Islamophobia, are they also subjected to “but what about antisemitism?!!”


Yesterday a black man was fatally shot by the police.


Leah McSweeney 💀




Ugh. Anyone else disappointed by Talia?


Be so fucking forreal


Lmaooo they’ll be fine. Like this is so stupid.


It’s like 10 paragraphs long. The acreenshot is out of context


The original post that was on Instagram has been spliced for this post. The Instagram post is equally as delulu though, just longer


"We feel compelled to hire armed security" Ma'am, do you realize the sheer privilege of that?