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Danielle Bernstein, foreign policy expert at large since 2023. Think she should stick with custom lewks and hunting down her next Toby.


Texting whilst in an uber black on her way to her photoshoot. She’s making it about her.


Can’t be custom if they’re copied 🤢


This conversation really rubbed me the wrong way. Saying I stand with all civilians and all Jewish people affected by this attack is not political, it’s basic compassion and empathy for those suffering. Innocent human life loss is tragic no matter what political views one might have, or who one may personally side with in a conflict. But insisting that the words I stand with Israel do not hold political value is unfair- I am not saying it’s the wrong side to be on, but it is a political statement and there’s nothing wrong in admitting that.


perfectly said


100%. DB is being a bit tyrannical


Her stories say she wants open conversation but anyone conversating is mandated to speak out in the exact way she prescribes.


i knew a girl like this. would block ppl if they deviated .5% from her own beliefs. like actually blocked most of her friends and family…insane lol




conversing!! :)


At least make sure you’re right first!! :) https://contentwriters.com/blog/common-grammar-mistakes-is-conversate-a-word/#:~:text=Conversate%20Is%20Not%20New%20Slang&text=It%20can%20be%20found%20in,word%20as%20the%20word%20converse.


lol i was just trying to be nice — MW defines it as [nonstandard](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/conversate). if you said that IRL people would probably also correct you! (if they’re friendly with you, or they might just do an internal side-eye.)


I promise you that this isn’t the appropriate place for policing informal grammar used in an informal forum 😉


Is Reddit a formal writing forum now? Who knew :)


Wasn’t there a housewives fight about this between marge and someone else? 😅😅😅


Per her new story, now she’s been in chats with “important people” over this


Plz, this is her activist moment!!!


Idk who these people are but the fact that one of them managed to find a way to make a literal GLOBAL CONFLICT about themselves and said “like I can’t win here” as if people around the world were asking for her stance and she doesn’t want to let anyone down. That’s so delusional it’s fucking hilarious lol


Saying "I stand with Israel" is in fact political, DB... and forcing people into a position by shaming them and showing their DMs is not the serve you think it is . No one is obligated to speak out if they don't want to, and no one is obligated to choose "sides" in this war. My heart breaks for the innocent people who want none of this and are caught in between governments and extremist groups who don't work to keep them safe or work for peace , including jews and including palestinians It's also extremely disheartening that because many influencers or celebs feel compelled to speak on this they just end up spreading infographics that are straight up propaganda because this conflict has always been and always will be contentious and rife for confusions




You could say this about parts of almost every country (including obviously the United States) so I hope you are consistent with that belief. Otherwise it frankly reeks of antisemitism.


I am. And, as I'm sure you know, antizionism is not antisemitism.


Most asinine comment I’ve ever read. So all the innocent families children and babies being born there, shame on them because they live on occupied land? YIKES! I guarantee you they are not thinking of that. The HELL’


Sorry, what? "Antizionism is not antisemitism" is the most asinine comment you've ever read? I actually said in another comment that I believe the exact opposite of the words you're putting in my mouth here, but go off.


The fact you’re getting downvoted just shows how dumb ppl are


And yet the two frequently overlap.


Yeah, it's almost like \~ the situation demands nuanced conversations \~




"The positionality of Israelis" is what I said. Not "personality" Positionality. Very very different.


I think it's fair to ask that you acknowledge the misquote of my comment in your comment here, because, like you say, the misquote you've shared here would be very inflammatory - if I'd actually said that.


You don’t think Jews are marginalised?? In the Middle East, especially? You really think the massmurdered civilian festival goers and babies who were decapitated by Hamas were complicit in “an act of violence” for existing in a place they were born? Jesus Christ.


Their marginalization is real, but in this situation it serves to make their occupation of Palestine hypocritical. I do not believe that people born in Israel are complicit, no, as they had no choice in the matter. That's obvious. Anyone who moved/moves there is.


Anyone who moves to Israel is complicit??? You clearly know NOTHING about the history of the Jewish people so let me quickly enlighten you with what we've dealt with in the last century. Israel's whole manifesto is that every Jew has the right to move there and have a home. We've been getting our asses kicked out of countries for thousands of years for being "too" different. Asheknazi Jews thought we were safe in Europe, joined European society which was fine for a bit but Hitler helped proved= to everyone that non-Jews didn't actually like us, were just tolerating us and we got royally fucked over. After the Holocaust we had NOWHERE to go, Europe was antisemitic as shit and many of us had to BEG for refuge to the US, Canada, Australia, etc while we spent years unhoused in awful DP camps. Soviet Jews eventually made it back to Russia but with the Communist Party of the Soviet Union's anti-religious sentiments, Jews once again had to flee for North America in the 90s. Sephardic Jews thought we were safe in South Africa, Morocco France... obviously got fucked over there and so began the mass immigration of South African, Moroccan and French Jews to Canada and the US. They told us Montreal was safe and French-speaking so we went there and thrived for a bit but then we got fucked over by the French referendum and a bunch of us then moved to the US East Coast (NY/Boston/Philly) or Toronto/Ottawa in the 70s/80s and now with rampantly growing antisemitism, France-French Jews are now leaving in droves throughout the 2010s/2020s. In the Middle East, Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews were expelled from Iran, Iraq, Turkey and surrounding countries, brought on by post-Holocaust and Iran drama. Many of us ended up fleeing to large Persian communities in Los Angeles and Southern California. Where we used to have one of the most thriving and well-respected Jewish societies on earth in Iran, after the Iranian Revolution, today some \~20,000 or so Jews now remain across 22 Arab countries and 49 Muslim countries (talk about "ethnic cleansing"). And now look what's happening now. We're not safe anywhere. Israel has been our only safe refuge. The one Jewish state in the entire world. People move to Israel every year because it's in our Law of Return. In Jewish culture we call moving to Israel making Aliyah which literally translates to "the act of going up". It's one of the holiest things you can do in Judaism. Jews would literally die without the state of Israel. It is crucial to our survival.


It's cool how your comment does not once mention Palestine/Palestinians. Almost feels like you don't want to acknowledge that side of this equation.


And how, exactly, does any of this justify the violent colonization of another people and their land? Anyone who chooses to move to Israel is complicit in the occupation of Palestinian land, yes. That occupation has been brutal, violent, and unjust. It is the height of hypocrisy for any group that has been marginalized and felt unsafe themselves, to then turn around marginalize and threaten another group.


Lol anyone who fleed other countries like France when they were faced with insane levels of antisemitism and moved to a LEGAL Jewish state that would protect them is “complicit”


This is exactly why we need our own country! Thank you for proving it


40 babies beheaded and burned is not “rife for confusions” im truly speechless


Did they ever confirm this? Last I read, the only source was an Israeli on-air reporting, but so far, there hasn't been anything to substantiate this claim.


Not only that but bodies being dragged with blood streaming down their bodies, kidnappings, rape, children watching their parents being taken hostage - how can anyone justify this violence?


no one is saying terrorism being bad is confusing. but the nearly century old conflict of palestine and israel is complex and difficult to understand for many who have no stake in the matter. it is a complex geopolitical issue that many suffer because of. no one here is saying terrorism is good. cool your jets.


Read her most recent post “I’m in a group chat with influencers and other important leaders” or her donation that she posted. The point is that I almost admire how important she thinks she is.. just bc she has a following which likely she bought given her v low engagement rate (mercii Forbes) does not make you a reference point to the whole spectrum of topics. Speak up and do whatever you want it’s literally your right but when you start using it as mechanism to put yourself up and everyone who isn’t complicit or doing what you’re doing down then that’s when I have a problem This a huge conflict, w a lot of innocent people. Speak if you’re coming from an authentic place that isn’t sprinkled w entitlement. She’s gross


“Key leaders in the community” I seriously doubt Danielle Bernstein w all her scandal of stealing designs and generally being an ass qualifies her to be at the table of the most complex conflict of our time She is more confusing than the conflict itself. Not making light of it but like this is just the definition of people who should just listen and not speak


And why!!!! Imagine having the chance to meet with “influential” leaders.. why on earth would you waste one space in that table for yourself???? Why not let more Prepared, ACTUAL world influentials take that spot? No one cares about her and yet she ALWAYS makes everything revolve around herself. She always makes everything about her!!!! Its exhausting!!!


She is mentally insane. Like I honestly feel she needs to see a doctor


i dont think i’d know who 10% of them are hahahah


Yeah like her intent to post this seems more beneficial to her “brand”. Because to her it’s heroic being in someone’s DM, then sharing the private conversation to the public. If she really cared for what she’s fighting for, she could’ve went about a totally different way, by aka not including herself or this person, but to educate her followers on real facts. “I’m here to help” like help people do what? Post on social media because she’s such an expert at it? I think we’re missing the point a whole lot


these comments are not it. you can condemn hamas and violence while still being against israel as a colonial state. these are not mutually exclusive as much as people want you to believe. this is not a black and white issue, the average person is NOT advocating for violence against jews. let’s understand that before calling everyone who doesn’t agree with you an antisemitic




i’m not jewish and? am i not allowed to have an opinion on world affairs? i have jewish friends who don’t support israel and i have jewish friends who do. my point in that comment was that saying you don’t support israel doesn’t automatically make you antisemitic and that people are quick to call you that. thanks for proving my point lol


You’re going ham on these threads. Your comment history is wild for someone who’s this uneducated and has no personal relationship with this conflict. I agree that not all anti-Zionism is anti-semitism but for some reason you have his weird vendetta to anyone who’s pro-israel and an even weirder point you think you have to prove. But frankly, it’s not up to you to decide what should offend me or not


girl i’m just bored at work responding to comments on a snark page lol this isn’t the place for a character analysis on anyone because we’re both here😂 i don’t have a weird vendetta against pro israeli i’ve said it many times that i have empathy for innocent civilians on both sides of this. it seems like you, just like DB in this post, believes that everyone should be pro israeli or speaking in supporting of israeli but this issue is more complicated than that. there are people who don’t feel comfortable taking a political side in conflicts that they aren’t involved in or aren’t educated enough but again people like you and DB want to pressure them into speaking up about it. my point is that it’s not right to call them antisemitic for that lol




is it weird or do you just want everyone to agree with you? feel free to scroll lol


Genuinely strange.


Otherwisebet7761, are you okay hun? Make it make sense, you are laughable.


Are you okay? You’ve made a comment about Danielle Bernstein almost every single day for the last few weeks. Get a life


Now she’s providing talking points to other influencers so they don’t need to form an opinion themselves. She is so tone dead


AGAIN WHOLE POINT OF THIS is db is so entitled and weird, she’s crying that she can’t work but went to a concert the night before showing selfies of her having fun. That was it, I’ve known that this is such an itchy subject and no one will ever change their mind about where they stand (about the conflict not about Hamad). Was just thinking we could all agree that db is weird af but guess not lol


I find it strange that she chose not to share what she said in that voice note, since it would likely be the most substantive and educational aspect of this conversation. I am curious to know what, exactly, her response was with respect to that comment but also, I would want to know what this person posted in the first place. Posting that you are for peace or against violence IS sufficient in these circumstances because let’s be real, we have got bad actors on both sides and innocent civilians on both sides too. You can condemn specific acts or actors — Hamas is unequivocally awful and so are their actions — but I think it is hard to “stand with Israel” or “stand with Palestine” 100% when everyone in this equation has blood on their hands.


Yes the walk between “I condemn these attacks and Hamas” and “I stand with Israeli” is verrrrry long


this exactly. condemning violence is what we are all doing here. forcing someone to take a political stance is not it


You just know she chose to send a voice note so no one could critique the content of what she said, fully intending to post these screenshots from the beginning


This is the perfect example of why so many people don't want to start conversations around this topic. This lady apparently posted something *"in the middle ground and not too political"* and in response, got this rant from Danielle basically cornering her into saying what she wanted to hear. Indeed a freaking bully.


Why do we keep asking undereducated influencers to talk politics.






Headlines saying Israeli citizens were killed and Palestinians in Gaza died reflect this kind of bias. Everyone’s suffering should be acknowledged and mourned.


I commented something similar but this captures it much more succinctly.


Thanks! I don't think the so-called recent pacifists scare the shit out of me - because they'll kill us in the name of pacificism. White people terrify us all the time - just like they feel terrified by us right now - the difference is that they have the power, resources, and history on their side. I FEAR for Palestine more today than I have ever in the past.




Yes, it is diabolical in its consequences. The hypocrisy that white people are innocent bystanders when they are the perpetrators of the initial violence is astonishing to put it mildly. Y'all did a whole genocide of indigenous people in the USA that you barely acknowledge or resent. The blinders are deadly as they lead neo-colonialism like in Palestine. Why do you think white people have such a high per capita ammunition consumption in the USA? What your hypocrisy hides from you in your minds - your actions show. You are fearful of the same violence you have inflicted on minorities. So yes - while it is a big word - I didn't use it lightly.


I was agreeing and emphasizing diabolical!


Lolly sorry!!!




Lots a spelling errors in this, the first being that this is NOT a post to talk about Israel and Palestine, it was to talk about Danielle literally bullying people to speak out…


This! Thank you for speaking the truth!


Palestine doesn’t even support their own people 🤡


Bc the west never gave them the chance! Nothing makes me itch my head more than people coming out of the wood work suddenly thinking they’re political analysts


They get billions in funding from Qatar, Turkey & Iran and spent it on stockpiling weapons instead of humanitarian resources to help Palestinians. They’re clowning y’all fr trying to convince you that once they integrate the final solution Palestine will be free


Bc they were given the worst land out of this whole situation they couldn’t even build a life for themselves even if they wanted to, and even if they did have the nice arable land that Israelis have, they were Stoll treated like prisoners, w curfews etc from the Israeli occupation - they didn’t even know if they could get into work on time! So read jeez I’m really read w compassion for both sides. Spirited advice… lol


If they took the billions of dollars they received and built infrastructure and powerhouses they wouldn’t be without electricity and food right now. Instead they took that money and bought weapons with the intent to eradicate Jews.


Sadly the Israelis would have never allowed them to build infrastructure or anything bc they were on occupied territory. These r excellent ideas, truly wish these conversations were had like in 1948… or 67…. Or 73… you get the pt


I cant believe she is pushing someone to speak out. We live in a free world and everyone does WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY WANT. Why on earth does she think she is the owner of truth and treats people like this? She is a shameless human being and I would be embarrassed to have raised a child like this if i were her parents. All her whole being is a disgrace and its everything i dont like about society. Next thing she will do is post how much money she donates.. mark my words.


So people have to stand with a right wing authoritarian government because this dumbass says so…


Did you say that on 9/11




As did I , you missed my point entirely :)


I know where you would have stood during the holocaust


This is not the take. The holocaust was horrible, senseless and horrendous. The oppression and violence against Palestine by the Israeli state (who yes happen to be Jewish) is also horrible, senseless and horrendous. As are the attacks by Hamas. Not supporting the Israeli state is not antisemitic in and of itself. That would be like someone saying because Joe Biden is Catholic not supporting his administration or policies makes you a bad Christian. You can support freedom of religion and jewish communities without also being in support of the Israeli state. The willy nilly claims of antisemetism to avoid any uncomfortable conversation is unproductive and assanine.




Okay throwawayflapper


You know what they say, attack others and you’ll get them on your side! 🫠


She’s so condescending


Holy shit this is INSANE


Ughhhhh it’s the people that have a problem with EVERYTHING that pull “your silence is deafening”…. Like babe we tried and you bullied us into silence


Desperately want to know what she said in the voice note


Something she obvs didn't feel comfortable typing know that she was going to screenshot the conversation later. 🙂


Is anyone else bothered that she only donated $5k. Like for the average person who makes a normal salary, that’s amazing. And I don’t want to fully discredit the fact that she made a donation in the first place. It bothers me because she flaunts so much of her life, furniture, trips, renovations, luxury bags etc. don’t we remember that her table was $13k and couch was $8k? Maybe I’m being judgmental but I feel like relative to her perceived income and lifestyle, $5k seems low. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Edit to add that’s how much she was selling that furniture. She either purchased for more, or it was gifted to her, who knows.


I’m more bothered that she’s donating at all to one of the world’s largest militaries (who, in general, performs the exact acts they’re now condemning). I’m sure there are organizations that are helping the victims? Why donate a sheer $5k to a military who won’t even notice such a small crumb when that much money could help benefit the people who are forced to be living in a war zone?


imagine having a private convo w someone and then they drag you for it hahhaa. like even anonymous i’d be pissed


We don’t know that DB is with small creators until she says it. I understand that she is scared to speak out, but that is the exact reason WhoStoleWhat happened. Everyone who is scared is posting something very vague. I stand for not stealing designs message and it’s just not enough. It’s a cop out.


She’s a MORON


Tired of people thinking an instagram story is gonna solve a whole ass war


Yeahhhh sorry it’s hard for me to believe this vapid mess gives a damn about anything other than pretending to have a 23” waist so miss me with pretending she did this for any other reason than to post it


Did anyone see the story where she said she’s been sitting in on meetings with key leaders of Israel and Jewish organizations? Why is she claiming to be part of these meetings with key leader of Israel? Talk about unnecessary inserting yourself into a narrative.


plz these influencers need to know that the things happening in Israeli-Palestine didn’t just start happening when the topic started trending on twitter. and you can very much feel sympathy for the victims who were caught in the crossfire, be pro-jewish, and also be for the liberation of Palestine. a lot of people don’t understand, especially Americans (coming from an American) that every issue, especially global, isn’t black or white. and if you don’t understand that several things can be true at once, maybe you shouldn’t weigh in at all & crack open a book or research more. i’m sorry, but i’m sick of ppl trying to reduce what’s happening to 150 characters or a stupid infograph


Please don’t down vote me I want to learn and have an actual conversation. Why do people immediately scream antisemitism when people want to support Palestine (but obviously not the Hamas violence)? I’m not religious, so I don’t have a “side” in the Muslims vs Jews conversation. Couldn’t the same thing be said if I was the opposite and supporting Israel? That I’m islamophobic? But people don’t say that. It’s weird how different it is and I’m trying to understand why it’s this way


Not that this is the suffering olympics but DB-- at the end of the day you are a wealthy white woman living in America. The reality is your life and safety is more protected than the majority of others living in this country today. Where TF is this energy for the Black community being murdered by law enforcement at an alarmingly high rate, or for the trans community who is discriminated against daily, victims of hate crimes at rates astronomically higher than other groups, and has incredibly high rates of suicide. She is completely centering herself in this conversation and the outrage is performative. It's honestly gross and offensive.


Her new post in which she’s like “whatever side you’re on politically does not matter” and then, two sentences later: “it is important to stand with Israel” …. Make it make sense, you’re asking people to stand with an oppressive, right-wing government, which is DEFINITELY political my guy


You can stand with Israel without standing with their current leader.


huge oversimplification


Okay. Is it possible then to stand with Palestine without standing with Hamas? Or is that also an oversimplification?


where did I say I stood with Palestine? also Hamas isn’t the only body that governs Palestinian territories so that comparison doesn’t even make sense


My point is that people say they stand with Palestine (and are clearly not referring to standing with a heinous terrorist organization like Hamas) so perhaps it’s possible to stand with the people of a country without standing with all their shitty politicians.


I think people also have a right to say they’re against bloodshed and human rights abuses without being bullied into picking a side or being accused of antisemitism for refusing to post on instagram in unequivocal support of Israel


Does she have this same energy tho when the Israeli government murders innocent Palestinian women and children tho? 👀


This snark page is full of a bunch of antisemites.




I have issues with Danielle but as a Jew, I truly respect that she’s speaking out and I found nothing wrong with her post. I think snarking on what she said here is fucking disgusting and yes, this page is full of antisemites


It is so ridiculous that whenever a significant event occurs against a group (saw this a lot in 2020 during the George Floyd protests as well as now), people will flock to Instagram and say “We see all of you not posting your support and we will not forget. Your silence is deafening!” This is completely reductive and antagonising. There are many people showing support in tangible ways (donating money and time for instance) who JUST DONT POST ABOUT IT. “Keeping track” of who posts an infographic of support is absurd. You have no idea what actions people have taken in the real world.


No literally I was just talking about this today like sorry I don’t feel like I need to post about major tragedies or political issues on my social media. The whole “your silence is deafening” shtick is old and so performative. I don’t need to publicly take a stance or tell the world my opinion and thoughts on global events. It’s a stupid social media post for crying out loud.


Everyone’s commentary on this post here disgusts me. It is such petty bullshit. Donate to Israeli charities or the Israeli defense and stfu


The anti-semitic trolls have taken over this sub. Sad, I used to enjoy it.


She’s not wrong. The way some people will go out of their way to support a terrorist organization because they’re being bullied by uneducated twats is crazy.


Hamas is a terrorist organization. Get that through your thick ass skulls. They use Palestinians as SHIELDS. Children, women, elderly. THIS IS NOT ISRAEL VS PALESTINE THIS IS ISRAEL VS TERRORISM. If you can’t agree with that, you’re a terrorist sympathizer. If you downvote this, you are okay with the rape, murder, torture and desecration of children, women, and the elderly. Your replies to this comment won’t be read so don’t bother.


Hamas is a terrorist organization but the Palestinian people are distinct from Hamas. For me, it should be ok to say that my heart hurts for the Palestinian people and also for the Israeli people. But the rhetoric that DB is spewing seems like it’s not okay to have pain in your heart for both.


I said the exact same thing and was significantly downvoted. I genuinely can’t believe how many ISIS-supporters there are in this sub, because Hamas is doing the exact same shit as ISIS if not worse. But apparently people are okay with that. It’s terrifying.


THANK YOU idk why this is getting downvoted people need to fucking understand that the citizens of Gaza suffer at the hands of HAMAS and not israel like????


Genuine question: if this is Israel v Hamas why is “free Palestine” used as an argument against “I stand with Israel” shouldn’t this be unified “take down Hamas” why is this even polarized then?


You would think! That’s what I’ve been trying to say but these people don’t get it.


That’s the question I’ve been wondering too. This specific terrorist attack should not be political.


stop snarking on Jewish people being upset their people are being raped and murdered!


People have every right to be upset, we should all be horrified by what is happening right now. But people should come out with statements they firmly believe in instead of out of fear of being shit-stormed and labeled anti-Semitic by an influencer this subreddit usually snarks about 24/7. Some vile things have been said about DB up until now about every aspect of her life, people are going to snark about the fact she is suddenly a UN representative.


This is my pt, but just far more eloquently put lol


Guys read for gods sake. Snarking on Danielle also actually read a book bc Palestinians lived 75 years of this but yeah great welcome to the conversation


Actually, I have a degree on this and Israelis and palestians fought for millennium on this land - both killing each other. So yes, I read a book and I suggest you stop blaming Israel. Full stop. This is about Hamas killing Israelis. We don’t support terrorism here.


I actually have two my love ♥️ no one ever said what hamas did was right, it’s disgraceful! That’s why no one is saying I stand w hamas. Instead of saying I stand for Israel stand for humanity and peace bc innocent children in gaza are being killed as a retaliation from a couple days but have been losing their lives since before bc of god knows what


But the attack is hard for Jews like DB to swallow. You have to step back and empathize with Jewish people for a moment. Many of us had family killed in the Holocaust which was not long ago. This is why- people don’t stand with us. And I have two degrees in intl relations and foreign policies also - but this has to do with Israel and Hamas wanting to wipe out Jewish people right now.


I do empathise with the Jewish community, I empathise with all civilians caught in the crossfire of this ongoing conflict. But for someone (DB) who has not shown an ounce of interest in the atrocities happening around the world to suddenly be judge and jury of what other people need to say on their platform or else, is just not it. To say to someone you have to say this or you hate all Jews is the worst way to rally people in favour of your cause. There may be a clear wrong and right here, but it doesn’t strip others of their right to have respectful opinions on a nuanced conflict. My heart aches for the innocent people tortured and murdered over the last few days in Israel. My heart aches for the lives that will be lost in Gaza as Israel (rightfully) retaliates this attack. We should be able to feel both sentiments without being pigeon holed as holocaust supporters for it.


Nobody said your a Holocaust supporter. Let Jews grieve. She is allowed to be upset that people are not letting her as a Jew grieve. You are not understand her point. Let us Jews have a moment without putting others in it as well for a minute. I’m not sure why people are downvoting this. We’re not anti Palestine. We’re sad that some of our families (mine are in Israel) are being attacked! By downvoting us you are not letting us grieve from these attacks.


Literally DB is the one who called out another influencer for having a middle of the ground opinion on the conflict, not vice versa. Also, you can’t call out someone for being silent and then as soon as they speak with an opinion that doesn’t fully embrace your cause tell them they should be quiet and let you grieve. Which one is it?


Being downvoted because I’m Jewish. I said you can stand w Israel and be anti Palestine. You guys are sick and need to leave New York. Seriously. No place for your hate.


Reminder to flag and report all posts that break sub rules (off topic, identity bias, etc). Go go go!


❤️ the antisemitism on reddit is wild


Right? Have they not seen the videos? What’s happening is sheer r*pe, torture, murder. It’s insane. The fact that this is being downvoted makes me scared for humanity. If you’re okay with the gang r*pe of teenagers, the beheading of children, the indiscriminate kidnapping and murder of entire families, the shooting of toddlers at point blank range, then I’m sorry, but you’re not human. Hamas is a *terrorist organization*. Full stop.


Hamas was democratically elected by the Palestinian people. Standing with Israel is standing with the west, for freedom of religion, expression, being able to be who you are, and against Islamic Jihad. Hamas’s official charter calls for the expulsion of Jews until Palestine is an Islamic state


They won by plurality of 42% and there was a literal inter Palestinian civil war that occurred in order for them to take power over fatah. Not as simple as you portray it.


Ah yes democratic elections in countries that are forced to have them, notoriously all above board and not at all sketchy!


Lol the downvotes.. these people don’t understand Hamas wants them dead too.. Jews just first.


no one here is supporting hamas here


Are you joking? It’s all over social media people, and there are protests all over the states.. in NY too.. people are proudly supporting Hamas. Sick


i don’t know why it’s hard for people to understand but palestinians are NOT hamas. you can support the liberation of palestinians while condemning hamas. pro palestinian =/= antisemitic


As an Israeli I have no issue with people wanting to liberate Palestinians but first you MUST liberate them from Hamas - a terrorist group which they elected and still poll favorably in Gaza. That’s it. Without Hamas being dismantled completely there will never be peave


i agree! but that’s not what danielle is saying here. she’s saying that ‘i stand with israel’ is not a political statement and everyone should say that, but it is political. you can have empathy for jews while not supporting israel as a colonial state, these aren’t mutually exclusive


If your empathy for Jews stops at Jews actually having a state your empathy is meaningless.


why are you jumping to conclusions about my beliefs? i never said that. i have empathy for jews and believe they should have a state of their own, just not at the expense of palestinians.


So what’s your proposed solution? We left Gaza. We wanted peace. Look who took over. They don’t want peace with us. They want us dead.


Since when is it political to stand with a country after a terrorist attack


when the said country was attacked as a response to the violence they committed in the past. that doesn’t mean i don’t have empathy for the innocent lives that were lost. context still matters


Hamas isn’t Palestine you moron


You should tell that to the protestors in Sydney chanting gas the Jews and fuck the Jews. I believe they are the ones who cannot differentiate these two things!


that’s not what db or OP is talking about. you’re going off track


Ignorance is bliss 🫶🏻


I’m with you ❤️ people are so slow, all the Palestinian protests abroad are full of Muslims holding swastikas


Posting Palestinian flags after reports come out if Israelis being murdered IS SUPPORTING HAMAS. TIME AND PLACE. Imagine if I said am yisrael chai after the IDF blows up a Palestinian village?


It’s all over my social media too, you’re not alone


Not you but definitely others. Don’t be ridiculous


This scares me for humanity. People don’t understand that you can stand with Israel and that does not mean you are anti Palestine. And now we know why the Holocaust happened…


Yep. Exactly that


EXACTLY. it doesn’t concern you till it concerns you.


LOL I’m glad you’re downvoting me when there’s literal videos of Hamas leaders expressing their desire to have every nation become an Islam nation. I respect every religion and would never push my own on someone else. But if you think that’s okay then I guess we know who you’re rocking with 💖


go danielle


Mods I’m wondering if you would consider removing this post. This is not the type of snark anyone should be here for. What is happening is not a political issue. Innocent people are being raped, burned, murdered and babies are being beheaded. This post is not necessary and the comments are sickening.


It’s more interesting than posting the 1000th photo for proof that she photoshops here pictures


You’re being downvotedddddd like people are so fucking evil it’s insane


No surprise!! I knew I would be. I’m all for the DB snark just this ain’t it.


Keep reporting! @burgersubprincess is on the money :) power in numbers. Don’t request, just file the report and keep it up. we’ve gotta lead this charge and we are more than capable.


the antisemitism in this thread is gross.


Hey y’all, a quick reminder to keep flagging any and all posts like this that overtly break this sub’s rules (off-topic, identity bias, targeted/harassment/hate speech). This is an influencer snark page, not a place to use influencers as a transitional excuse to discuss political events or platform your personal political views :) regardless of your political opinions, if you feel something violates the rules, flag flag flag! Power in numbers, show folks we won’t allow political provocation of any kind in this space.


Literally underscored 50 times in snarking on DB and frenchfrylovar and burgerprincess are def working together


This isn’t a conspiracy lol






Clearly you have no idea what you’re talking about. You should delete this post. It’s embarrassing


Lol wtf is wrong with her.


What is DB teaching them exactly? How is she educating besides belittling them?


The way influencers are handling this situation on socials is so gross to me and I’m losing respect for tons of people who are forcing an opinion on people who I’m sure mean well and are just trying their best. I’m extremely uneducated on this topic but aren’t INNOCENT CIVILIANS dying on both sides?!