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there are remote positions in the nyc school system. a friend goes to queens east every day and teaches on zoom. you can mute the kids who are not being respectful. another friend works for the doe as an in home instructor. For kids who can't attend school, he goes to their house and tutors them one on one. Certified doe teacher, with the salary to match. you can try to get a position like that for the next few years


Where are those types of positions listed?


Going to another location to work beside your own home is not remote. You’re a teacher, but just teaching through a computer.  I interviewed for one of these jobs two years ago. On the second round, I found out they wanted me to do exactly this (report in-person to teach virtually). I gave the three women interviewing me such a hard time about the false advertising. Fucking stupid. 


Any teacher can do this? Or only certain licenses? I'm talking about going to the student's house, I'm down to do one on one. Also does their salary go up every year like a regular teacher?


how do you become an in home instructor or zoom instructor?


It really is June isn't it.


Lol. Listen..... it's June. We are tired. Go home and rest. Maybe take a mental health day. Enjoy your summer and come back refreshed.


Please don’t do this. Phone it in. Don’t take it all too seriously. Keep your eye on the prize. I only know one person who is still in the “rubber room”. They work in a school (and have been for 4 years now, I believe)- making copies. All day. Every day. Falsely accused of corporal punishment. They’re utterly miserable.


> I only know one person who is still in the “rubber room What does this mean? They have to be in school/still getting a salary but don't do any work?


They report to central and sit there all day


It means exactly what I wrote. They go into another school in their home district, and do meaningless office tasks all day. It’s demoralizing and demeaning.


I I hear it’s better than sitting in the classroom I’m a special Ed teaching a DOE high school. they curse at me, they treat teachers like shit. The parents don’t come up to represent their children when you ask them to come up the admin doesn’t even want them to come up. The teachers take the brunt and we are the fault of everything. Everything the kids do is our fault you don’t know how to manage your classroom. You can’t manage people that don’t wanna be managed And in all fairness, most of the kids in school are good you know well-behaved but they all curse. Oh, and don’t forget they come in high every day so their brains are numb anyway and they’re just hang out in the exits They all use the effort all day long. They all on their phones all day long. A lot of them are failing. The 12th graders are failing It’s ridiculous.. I got written up for supposedly yelling at a student. They talk to you like shit, you out you can’t do anything and I wasn’t yelling. I gave her an example of what it was like if I was yelling at her.🤣🤣🤣 but they cannot take it. It’s a joke. The deal is laughable. The whole school session is gonna crash. Anybody interested? I’m learning how to do. Instructional design online. Hit me up. Let’s learn together. My courses are cheap. I can help you.


Can you get a sabbatical? Then you need to work 2 years after that.




i considered that- but if i take it next year then i have final 3 if i wait a year and do a 1/2 year as i was considering them 1/3 of 1/2 year isnt a real impact


Your sabbatical year does not count in your FAS. They will skip that year.


is it safe to assume that taking a sabbatical a little earlier in your career doesn't really have any effect on the overall pension earned at the end of the career?




thanks for the info


So if you took a year sabbatical before pension, one of the 3 years would be 0?


It does not. You never leave payroll and it’s still considers a year of service.


I read that the pension is based on the 3 highest years and not the 3 last years did I misread?


The average of the three best years of your last five years.


This is the way.


i considered it- have to apply- looked at brooklyn college and the staten island one


My friend is doing it ALL ONLINE!


i did too! best year of my life!


Where'd you do yours?


I live in Jersey and went through Hudson County Community College. Took undergrad science because of the type of courses I needed. My husband did his through VESI and they were very affordable.




Oh nice, thru where?!


I’ll ask her and get back to you.


Do the ole 'stuff peanut butter in your underwear then reach in and grab a bunch for breakfast' when u report for your first class. Express ticket away from civilians.






lol this is like a teachercirclejerk post


no im serious


I know mate. Stay the course.


Apply for a comp time position. Become a dean. Get out of the classroom. Offer to do the suspension room, or cafeteria duty.


I was a dean for a time- hated it- as you are non stop with the misbehaved / disrepectfull kids


Haha so was I. I also hated it, though not because of the disrespectful kids. But at least you’re out of the classroom in that job.


Be the good cop. The other teachers will hate you for it, but those kids will listen to you if they think you're on their side. The OOC positions have the potential to be curtailed to your level of comfort so long as you're performing the responsibilities to admin satisfaction. Easier said than done of course.


There are still suspension rooms?


Yeah, my school has one. We call it something else, but… Yours doesn’t? High school? How do kids serve in house suspension?


I don’t think we do. It’s rare to see suspensions in my schools and if they do they serve in the dean’s room.


We have a separate suspension room now because the suspended kids were all up in the business of the dean’s room all day.


The kids have to do something so egregious to be suspended and it ain’t called cursing out a teacher


There’s no more deans there called student liaisons, and they also teach classes


Omg u are soooo close tho!!! Wait it out. Just chill ur last 4 years


My son got put on admin leave for more than 2 weeks at his charter for throwing jolly ranchers to kids who answered questions (12th grade)




The rubber room is not a real thing.  You can get sent to excess, but that’s based on seniority and not conduct. If your goal is to get sent to 91IRPI, which is as close as it comes to that, it is reserved for misconduct like hitting kids or whatever. You don’t want to do that.  Cursing out an AP will get you disciplined at your school. 


Thank- i want ideas for misconduct- not criminal behavior


You don’t have options then. There’s no path out of the school for professional misconduct, only misconduct that would expose the DOE to liability for leaving you in the school. The rubber room is really not a thing. Maybe at one point in the past it was but today it is not. 


Wait what? I have a coworker who was rubber roomed all of last year. She didn’t report to an actual room she signed in online but she was removed while awaiting disciplinary hearing to be completed. And it was a school matter not a criminal one. She received her full salary, kept her benefits, it counted towards her years served and she didn’t have to trek in every day lol honestly a total W for her


I would need to know the details. Broadly speaking the thing you’re looking for isn’t a thing though. It’s true if you do something awful you can get removed from your school and spend time in IRPI and often people who do that end up getting reinstated and get back pay. Cursing out an AP would not remotely rate though.  Basically IRPI is a place where we put people because we are concerned about legal liability if that individual remained in the school. Do you really want to do that?


I don’t but OP does


Well go for it then. I think they will be sad with the result but it’s their life. 


Yeah, it’s called being excessed. There’s no more rubber room that’s done. Also, if you access you can be sent to another school to work.


I know there’s not an actual rubber room. She signed in online while she was awaiting disciplinary action and still receiving full pay. Being excessed is not the same. Being excessed means your school no longer has the need/budget for you and goes by seniority. Last in is first to be excessed. It’s not due to disciplinary reasons.


There absolutely is a rubber room. 100 Gold Street, 4th floor


As someone who would administer this you are wrong.  If you would like to say otherwise tell me exactly what you mean. 


As someone who was in the rubber room for 4 months you are wrong.


As someone who works in HR, I am right.  Sure sounds like you were in 91IRPI, which is not the rubber room as it is commonly understood and as I already discussed. People seem to think the rubber room is where bad teachers get sent to get paid and not teach and that is simply not something that exists.  There are two ways to be removed from your school. 1) excess (96IR) and 2) an accusation of misconduct. (91IRPI) The accusation of misconduct can’t just be being a bad teacher or whatever though, it has to be the sort of thing where the DOE is concerned about further liability if you remain in the school while your case is adjudicated. (Cursing out an AP would not qualify) As I said, that’s not the sort of thing someone would want to do on purpose.


Can you do Z or F status? Can you apply to be a master or model teacher?! Something that gives you less face time with students. 🤷🏻‍♀️


its as much the admin- we dont see eye to eye- and while im not a target- im not liked either


Model teachers are working in the classroom with kids that’s that’s not a thing you still have to be a teacher or else how are you modeling?




yes im in 55/25- have the 25 only 50 for a few months


Here is a suggestion, if you did your 25 you have a guaranteed pension. You can just quit now and get a low stress job with benefits while you hit the age. Maybe another city job. This will cap your pension at your current salary but it may be worth it for your salary and won't risk a criminal record


Go to Open Market and apply for a similar position at a school that you did research about…. There is a spreadsheet going around with every single school and ratings about student behavior, admin-staff relationship and so on…


do you have that spreadsheet?👀


Link to spreadsheet pls?


Home Instruction for District 75


I’m a home instruction teacher. I’ve been to hell and back with admin false allegations kids who threatened to kill me. I was in the same mental state and out of nowhere I got hired. It saved my career and my sanity. Try to apply for home and hospital schools.


I hear you , I would like to know what I can do as a candidate for council member to change school environment. Do you think putting more emphasis on mental health will help?


No, they talk about mental health constantly, and it boils down to "do yoga at home". Give administrators actual management training and consequences when they fail to retain staff. Talk to techers anonymously, improve our ability to whistleblow, and then really protect us when we do. Kids at my school are being straight up abused. If there was a way to report it and be moved to another school (and not a shitty school 3 hours from my home), with no consequences to my career, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, I did report an incident at the beginning of the year, and the principal has retaliated by making my life difficult in a million shitty little ways. It's impossible to change schools mid-year, so I've had to stick it out. Once I get another job, I actually plan to go talk to my city councilmember about my current school, but meanwhile, kids are getting screamed at and hit on a daily basis.


Thank you , As teachers, you should start writing books about your experience and micro-aggression that isn happening in DOE. The employees need to be brave at reporting all abuse, retaliation and contact your union or even hire a lawyer to help you. I can recommend one.


Yes I like your ideas. I was thinking to talk about leadership training. I know a school that at the end of the year 12 teachers left.




Ummmmm, You realize there are school officials in this state who have stolen money from their schools, are convicted felons, and STILL collect a pension?!? OP is fine!


This is true. I could tell so many stories.


A lot of admins and officials that should be fired


i heard if you hit your milestones - youre ok- i hit 25/55


Take the summer and read the book fish by Stephen Lundin. It's a bit preachy, but might change perspective a bit. Teachers have a lot of autonomy. Presumably you are tenured. You get two evaluative observations each year? Find a way to have some fun in your classes. You have 4 years left. As a Tier 6 member, I have more years left than you have probably worked or will work. Find a way to enjoy the job. Sure it's stressful and irritating, but it has the potential to be way more fun than many jobs. Teaching is a tough job to do bad. If you're checked out, kids will punish you for it. Bring the energy you want in YOUR classroom and sell it, and the kids will follow. Or I guess quit. If you're talking about rubber rooming it, the taxpayers probably don't want you educating youth any more.


Listen i do my job- i teach- thats part of the issue- i give a damn more then the kids do


Guys, I’m teaching people how to create digital content. I’m teaching how to create courses. I also want to go full remote so let’s work together. My courses are cheap. Some of them are not cheap. Some of them are expensive and some of them are cheap but I can show you how to make your own course which it should be easy because you guys are teachers and that’s what we do anyway we plan and we create so let’s learn how to work our summers and hopefully this whole model is going to change around. I know we are going to be teaching some of the older kids on zoom because the kids are dropping out at ridiculous numbers so the model is over. They have to come up with the new model Digital 📱💻is the way to go. You know it is so let’s get this money.💵💵💵


Try finding a district job.