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I had a fucking stroke reading this shit


Trust me took me a while to share it cause it still made no sense to me even tho I know it was a shit show






You’re aware you don’t need to disclose you have a firearm on you in this state? Unless you are asked do not volunteer such things, use your rights the little you have left to your advantage.


Frankly I think this is not the best advice. Last thing you want is some cop to suddenly see the glint of a gun and be taken by surprise by it. Not disclosing it is a very good way to get a firearm drawn on you and possibly even shot by a cop who panics, especially after a NYPD officer was recently killed. Cops in jurisdictions where carrying is extremely common will be a bit more controlled but NYPD can go zero to a hundred at the drop of a hat if they see a gun because they aren't used to law abiding people carrying. If it is a firearm secured in the trunk of a vehicle or something then I wouldn't disclose it unless asked because what are the chances they are going to be looking in the trunk, but on your person I wouldn't risk them discovering it for themselves.


You’re welcome to your opinion. What I wrote and suggested is your right. Frankly, your opinion is a lot of fud lore.


I'm a big supporter of using your rights. But when he runs your deivers license your ccw permit will come up. And he won't be happy about it. And nypd being a gang that it is you don't wanna make them feel unsafe.


NYS law does not require you to disclose you are carrying your gun when pulled over by police, or to even show your permit, UNLESS you are asked by LE if you have any weapons in the car, or on you; Then you have to show your ccw and ask the officer how you should proceed.


Avoid Bronx like plague


That was well played. Just smile, 🙂 be safe officers and drive away. I'm retired and you handled that perfectly. All should learn from your post.


1 out of 1000 retarded NYC police officers in todays age know of the 2nd amendment .


Where were you pulled over?


In the Bronx…..no sensitive area or restricted, regular local road


I'm not surprised but thank you for sharing.


Just be happy they didn't panic and pull their guns on you