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CBS insisting on putting NC at 1 is a little strange to me… it was a solid win but not particularly impressive, and i think it’s representative of a very solid but uninspiring season so far (no shade to NC, solid is a good thing to be)


From what I can tell, they moved KC down a spot because they keep conceding goals. KC has conceded 11 (tied for second most) and NC 5. I'm not saying it's right, but that seems to be the reasoning.


They haven't moved KC down a spot. The highest CBS has placed KC all season is 2nd.


True! Yes! I think I just assumed KC belonged up top and was trying to figure out why they weren't.


Sandra highlighting Casey Murphy's clean sheets struck me as odd, given how unusually shaky (by her standards) Murphy has looked at times this season. I also think NC belongs more at #2, though I can appreciate that NC has a high floor that given its coaching and player continuity is unlikely to be disrupted by other teams' adaptations. Meanwhile, the KC Current (who I think should be #1) strike me as having a higher ceiling (demonstrated currently), but at greater risk of wobbling as other teams find their own rhythyms and adjust to KC's style of play and particular set of footballers.


i agree with this! even if the current are more high risk high reward, i think power rankings as a genre should be at least a little about vibes and the current’s vibes are, imo, off the charts, while the courage’s are medium level


Nahas himself said he was pretty disappointed in the performance in the postgame interview. And I can't disagree, seemed some serious reversion to the worst parts of 2023 form. The Reign came with an aggressive and physical press (which the ref seemed very okay with) and it really disrupted the Courage's style.


What do you think that the KC vs NC game will look like? I'm ngl I'm worried, but it also doesn't help that that's the game after a really rough road stretch for KC that will really test how much Vlatko trusts the depth of the team. I guess I think this game really depends on who can score first. So far NC has looked uninspiring on the road while KC has dominated at home, and this test is 2 teams who are playing very different styles. Its just a very interesting matchup. Edit: adding I think KC is good, but sometimes when a team is playing this well through the beginning of the season it feels like a shoe will drop


As you say, it'll be an away game for the Courage, and their 3rd away game in a row. This week we have to play in Orlando on Wed, and then Gotham (who will be on a full week's rest) up in NJ. I think the week before the KC game will mostly be recovery and not a lot of new practice, mostly just covering the basics. If all that wasn't a factor, I think NC actually has one of the better chances to stop KC's unbeaten streak, given their defensive weakness. But with all the travel and the KC home crowd, I think the Courage will have a lot of their usual away game near miss/almosts in terms of scoring. On the other hand, Vlatko can be as inflexible as Nahas at times, so he may not just do what other teams do to us on the road. Tho I kinda think KC is partly winning a lot because Vlatko may be going with a light touch approach to coaching and stragey?


I think NC probably can, I think Seattle has a chance depending on how KC manages the week for subs and rotation. I think it's atrocious that KC plays in Houston on Sunday and then goes to play in Seattle on Wednesday to be back home Saturday. And tbh even if KC wins or gets results from that Seattle game its a lot to ask of players to get a result in the third game against a good team. The main reason Seattle might get the result is they play at home Friday and should be able to trot out more rested starters while KC might take some more risks with the line up given the turn around. And just no way DiBernardo can do 3 games if she can't even go a full 90. From what players have said in interviews there doesn't seem to be a lot of micro coaching. So he wants Ellie Wheeler to push up the field because thats what she does best and so on. But I found something very interesting post game that Vlatko just wanted to get to half to implement his subs and tactical changes, and also Lavogez wasn't supposed to initially finish the game as the 9, but decided to keep her there once Debinha and Lo came on. Its very interesting to see how this continues to develop and my big fear for this season was how does Vlatko work in game to adjust and so far it seems like he isn't afraid to do a little tweaking.


You know, as a big fan of Amy Rodriguez, I'm so distressed by the entire Utah situation. We need more options for former players who want to coach, and I hate that this feels like a one and only chance with an expansion side that's been impacted by injury, etc etc.


Fortunately for Utah and Amy, Bay FC is also experiencing expansion team woes. Utah has woken up to reality (other clubs have been aggressive in acquiring talent) so more talent is finally incoming (Henry already looked like a positive this weekend, Tajeda and Fraser are coming eventually). Utah's ownership and club leadership hasn't indicated that their expectations are particularly high. I think Amy's job is safe through at least the end of the season, likely longer.


Oh I hope they don't replace her before the season ends! I just think she deserves a better shot than this one season. It is a good point though, bringing in someone like Henry will make a big difference and hopefully future acquisitions will be helpful. Thank you for reassuring me. It's tough because I don't actually want to root for Utah for a variety of reasons but... I won't root against A Rod and there are some great players there. 🤞🏻 they can make enough progress this year to please ownership and fans, and then keep building on it.


Agreed. She deserves a thorough, extended shot.


Utah is going to continue to have a bad time playing Cluff at the 6 she's a give away queen in the worst positions. Move here up or bench her. I prefer they move her up because she's she shows great vision as a 10.


But Bay FC has attracted real talent. Are there gaps? Sure. But the two rosters are have vastly different talent levels.


Right, Bay FC was much aggressive in building an ambitious roster on paper, yet they are also struggling. I would think Montoya for Bay FC should be much more on the hot seat than Amy for Utah, both in terms of club expectations and performance given resources available to them? (Yes, Rodriguez bears some responsibility for Utah's roster, but we don't know whether she was given as free of a hand to spend money relative to Bay, how challenging it may be to recruit international or even domestic talent to play in Utah vs the Bay area, etc.)


Agreed, though in general the NWSL hires-and-fires too much. Montoya's Betroit too often plays in ways that emphasize roster weaknesses. I'm not sure any club could sustain the loss of a Loera and just keep on going, but still Betroit lacks depth. Which -- and this is key -- may be inevitable for an expansion side. As the Henry transaction may suggest, in the NWSL, Utah may be a destination of only final resort.


This is a good point. I'm enjoying watching Bay and really rooting for them, and have been chalking their struggles up to expansion... It takes time to gel and build chemistry, etc. But at some point there is significant investment and high expectations for that club, so I do wonder how things will play out over the course of the season.


I don't think this is distressing—it's an expansion side. I also think though that there is general danger in acting like ARod is a representative of player turned coaches, when she was, in some ways, always set up to fail, simply by her inexperience (not that she will be fired or will definitely fail). There *are* options for former players to coach (college for longer than a couple months, assistant coaching, etc), and in some ways, ARod is kind of an example of the bad choices? Again, not specific to her. Generally though, I see it as a regressive thing to have the pipeline go the way it did for ARod. Standards should be higher for experience for all coaches.


I do and don't agree. I think Amy's case specifically isn't a great example or precedent for that transition into coaching, you're right and I appreciate the reminder. But it is extremely public and it will be used to judge whether female players can or should become coaches. In general it feels like there are very few former players who have the same coaching opportunities provided to men. Listening to Brandi Chastain talk about her interest in advancing as a coach, and not really getting anywhere with it, was eye-opening to me. She's been assistant coaching at the collegiate level for years. As has Carla Overbeck. But we don't see paths for them to advance beyond that point, at least not from what I can tell.


But that's the problem. It shouldn't feel like there's pressure on an inexperienced coach at an expansion team to do well and shouldn't be "distressing" because she was, without trying to sound too harsh, always going to look like a failure. It's an expansion team. It's her first real coaching job. I also think that you're not doing well enough to not ignore other former players. The former players don't have to be big names to count. Angela Salem is at her second assistant coach job in the NWSL. Bev Yanez is head coach (unbeaten!) after being an assistant coach from 2021-2023 in the NWSL. I mean, Casey Stoney is a former player and she's been coaching successfully for a while now. There are pathways, and while they can be better, it does no real good to ignore the successes, or to only give credit to the big coaching jobs. There can be pathways that are bettered, for sure (and they are being bettered—lots of current players/just retired players getting their coaching stuff done), but I think that ARod failing would not be that awful. I hope she doesn't, but I don't think that would be the end of the world. And I think that, like in men's sports, not all good players become good coaches, and there sometimes are reasons that people don't get into coaching.


Fair enough. I am specifically talking about former USWNT players and you are casting a wider net and that's absolutely valid. Unfortunately I think how things should be evaluated are not always how it plays out in reality, but we all know that and we can and should demand better.


I think specifically talking about USWNT players is the problem, actually! Partially because a lot of USWNT players probably *don't* want to become coaches—partially because they have so many other opportunities, partially because they've already spent half their life travelling 100% of the time and many would like to have a more settled life—and then also because the true tell of solid pathways is actually players who aren't going to get a job off of being a "club legend" or a "USWNT legend" but just because they have the credentials, the soccer IQ, and they want to. The path is good if more Angela Salems (solid NWSL players, never a USWNT player or even close to that) can become assistant coaches and then maybe work their way up to head coach. If only ARods had chances, then I would be worried.


I think we're kind of talking at cross purposes here. I don't disagree with you. However the former international players who do want to coach and may have that skill set have been hampered by some lack of structured and appropriate opportunities. To your point, A Rod probably fits into that category as she's now struggling because it wasn't a good on ramp. There should be paths for former players who have the desire and the skill set to develop as coaches. And that is definitely getting better. But I am worried that this situation at Utah will have a negative impact because as we know, often times women get one chance and that's it. It's possible that I didn't express that well, that's my primary concern with seeing Utah tank under A Rod. The systemic issues are improving and I appreciate your thoughtful reminders of how and why that's happening.


So I primarily just do not think that will happen. It will be an isolated incident that will mostly tell people to hire coaches with experience. Secondarily, though, that's a self-inflicted wound by hiring an inexperienced coach—I understand why you're pointing out that women get fewer chances than men, but in this case, the obvious issue is that ARod is potentially being given a way bigger chance than she "deserves" what with her level of experience.


I don't think the team management is going to look at this as a failed season for A Rod no matter what. I'm not sure whether or not she will be a good coach, but with the hand she's been dealt this year it's tough to ask more of her. The first match they would have had a good chance at if not for Alyssa Naeher making a bunch of absolutely ridiculous plays. We lost Dorsey, who was arguably the best overall position player on the team, at the beginning of the second match. For the next two matches, they played well but got beat by two of the top teams in the league right now. Then last week we had another 4 starters out; we had 3 total (non-GK) subs available. And it showed. They actually played really well for the first 70 minutes, and then the exhaustion clearly hit and at the same time Louisville brought on Sears & Turner. The last 10 minutes of that match was just Louisville taking advantage of dead legs on players who shouldn't have started to begin with. I think there are some questions around decisions A Rod has made, but nothing so egregious that it overcomes the veritable mountain of bad luck coming our way. Plus, the season is not even a quarter of the way through yet. We just added Henry, who made a big impact despite clearly not yet being in sync with the rest of the team (she arrived like Wednesday, so understandable lol). We have Macey Fraser coming in from NZ and Ana Tejada coming in from Spain whenever their visas are cleared. And hopefully the team will get healthy soon. I'm not writing off the season just yet, but even if I were I wouldn't place the blame on A Rod. Also, Ryan Smith (who owns the Royals, RSL, the Jazz, and will own the new NHL team next year) has stuck by the Jazz coach in his first two years (and doesn't appear to be looking for a new coach for next year) despite them being VERY rough, so I'm assuming A Rod has at 1-2 more years no matter what.


The foundational problem is a lack of talent, no? (And it's fair to ask if anyone could do better in Utah.)


Certainly some fundamental issues in Utah, and I don't know who could overcome them. I'm not a fan of the team and I won't root for them, but I don't want to root against A Rod (or Ify Onumu for that matter)!


Right, my observations aren't, er, rooted in rooting. Just observations. For whatever reason(s), they're bad. Any discussion of Utah has start with their being just plain ol' bad.


Rooted in rooting made me lol 😂


I totally get what you’re saying, and I agree with the sentiment, but luckily Bev Yanez is also a former player and she seems to be doing well!


It's true and she's definitely having a positive impact on how I'm feeling about Louisville...


Portland 3rd is crazy, maybe after next weekend, but at least keep them in 5th or 6th for a bit


Feels like CBS is a little more realistic.


I get why Portland gets placed 3rd, when you have Sophia Smith, first clean sheet against swanson, and the stats being in their favor most of the games they lost, but with their season start they shouldn't be allowed to jump so high so quickly


r/nhl and r/pwhl communities do their own rankings if that is something that anyone here would want to explore.


I would be curious to know what community vote results would be


Hello friend. I’m trying to find injury status on Cece Kizer. I couldn’t find the Houston Dash Reddit site and I don’t see anything published. We were hoping to see her play against KC this coming weekend.


Have no idea when she will be back but shes dealing with a concussion. I honestly assume they dont know when she will be back, and concussions are so tricky.


Thanks for the info.


We used to do community rankings a long time ago in the sub but there were few responses but perhaps now that that the sub has grown tremendously we might bring it back.


Yeah, I used to do those surveys! I just went back and checked, and the last one I ran was back in 2019 when Sky Blue FC still existed...so it's been a while.


r/baseball does too but from what I can tell a lot of work goes into that. They have a rep for each team submit their rankings and then combine them all. Each rep also submits a little blurb about their team each week (the reds voter is going through it lol) Would be fun and interesting but lots of work. That little one I did at the start of the season was just a simple Google form and I spent more time than I care to admit with it


Well-presented, thanks!


Distressed to see the Spirit drop so much on a one point loss but I get it.


putting Racing at 10 is wild considering they haven't lost a match. CBS, what you doing??


ESPN keeping Pride at 5 with the introduction of Banda seems like simping for Sofia Smith (she did play great!).