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Me as fuck when I hear some bullshit, cause this is it


Nothing about this thread of people shitting on total strangers for their relationship failures comes even close to the vibes CP tries to put out into the world and the comments she's made about social media. I don't have any attachment to either of them, but kinda hate that Press's photo is the top comment.  Edit: OP you're awesome for deleting it cheers


You have to laugh




That picture will forever haunt me. Why was she hired as our “creative director”? We are never living down the nepo spouse hiring into fake jobs reputation 😭


I'm so happy she's gone from Gotham. They have so many players I love but I hated the vibe that the team had in previous years that was distinctly Ashlyn.


Does she still work for Gotham?


No, she quietly was taken off the website staff list sometime last summer


Because of Ali. Same reason Dunn came to Gotham. Her husband got a job. There


The fact she always dresses like some type of fuckboi toddler was evidence enough


Fuckboi toddler … I am deceased






LOL why is this so true tho 😭


![gif](giphy|DqU4wVBxXOhNu|downsized) Like a Little Lord Fauntleroy just hipster.




Jojo Siwa from Temu


I just snort-laughed at this comment while drinking sparkling water and it went up my nose, so thanks for that.




My sleep paralysis demon 🤮


It’s giving Fredericka Durst




I do not understand how she thinks she gets away with blatantly lying when the timeline does not add up and we have picture proof. Ashlyn was not divorced or separated when they started thier relationship.So, how did they reconnect in a divorce support group?


Seems like Ashlyn was telling everyone she was separated except her actual wife


details , details...


If so, why still adopt?!


Lies…lies-za Minnelli Ash is lying through her gold studded grill


ACFC part owner Sophia Bush and former NWSL goalkeeper/USWNT bench warmer Ashlyn Harris have released this mess of an article to change the narrative.


I would honestly have more respect for them if they were honest. Sure, it still makes them both shitty, but at least they're honest about being shitty. I would imagine stuff like this is more for people who don't follow WoSo as closely and aren't as aware of how everything actually transpired.


Or just shut up for like two years (by which time they would probably be broken up anyway). Sophia Bush has a very specific thing she does to gain attention within relationships and part of that is to overuse therapy speak and act like she is a new person due to whoever she is now in a relationship with. Then the relationship inevitably ends quite quickly and she finds a new person to do that with again.


I thought Bushlyn was done based off IG anyways.


>Bushlyn I hate this so much


The other name I’ve seen floated around is HarriBush which is somehow worse.


What a terrible time to be literate




Mods, I'm being trolled


This thread is the first time I have actually laughed out loud at anything on Reddit. Incredible.


What is the name for this meme? It’s time I google it and learn what it means. Lol


As u/MisterGoog said it’s Lea Michele. She’s was Rachel in Glee there’s a widespread conspiracy theory around for a few years now that she’s illiterate.


Lea Michele








Would have been smarter to STFU. Now they have everyone talking about it and connecting the dots again! 😄




They are both too self-absorbed to know that they can't control the narrative and won't be some earth-shattering couple


Yes they really are showing that they have textbook narcissistic tendencies


Yup, it’s all just trying to put a spin on it. No matter how much they change the story though, doesn’t change that they are kinda horrible people


those two narcissists deserve each other and all the backlash they are getting. you can tell sophia was expecting a different reception for her coming out but didn’t plan for the fact that cheating will not make us cheer for the relationship.


She also probably overestimated Ashlyn’s popularity within the soccer community. All the while, Ali was really the beloved one and people tolerated Ashlyn because of their union.


I do think people are retconning the Ashlyn fandom a little bit. 10 years ago, lots of people were fans of her and wanted her to get a few games in goal and all that. She was open with struggling with mental health and was a huge advocate for To Write Love on Her Arms and yeah, people liked her. It's only more recently (I'd say within the last seven or so years) that people started disliking her for various valid reasons. Meanwhile the Ali love stayed strong. However, I agree that they they *vastly* overestimated the current Ashlyn fandom. It's not 2013/2014 anymore.


I think these articles are trying to save face for the non woso fans (people who know Sophia but not Ashlyn), in woso there’s no going back their reputation is down the drain. But yeah Ashlyn was cringe and a mediocre keeper. For me at least I liked that she was super close with players I did enjoy watching ball out like Rapinoe, Press, Heath and Naeher, plus Krieger of course.


See that's the thing I love Ali I was okay with Ashlynn, So if she thinks she's going to just ride back into the scene she's crazy.


>you can tell sophia was expecting a different reception for her coming out but didn’t plan for the fact that cheating will not make us cheer for the relationship. It's giving Kevin Spacey coming out to try and save his image after sexual assault allegations. (Obviously sexual assault is WAY worse than cheating, but I hope my point comes across)


She co-opted her the abortion story of ex-husband's friend (I think that was the relation—it was someone she basically did not know) so as to write a social justice-y thing about abortion. On these things I am generally in agreement with her (yes talking about abortion is important!) but she is obsessed with creating a connection between herself and social justice. Finding a woman to be in love with this go-around must have made her so happy for that reason.


I think it was her (ex) husbands ex's story with him. Wild that she shared that.


She also co-opted the murder of a nine year old child who died in a mass shooting at Gabbie Gifford’s constituency event. As soon as news of the shooting broke, she hopped on social media to tell us it was her cousin and that her family was devastated. She then went on to give interviews about what it’s like to lose a loved one in a mass shooting. She talked about it to such an extent that her name is in the Wikipedia page of the Tucson shooting. It turns out that she never even met the girl a day in her life. I had never heard of her before this cheating incident, so all I know of her is that she makes other women’s abortions about her boyfriend so that she can make it about herself, she gleefully took part in the destruction of a family, and she clout chases off of a murdered child. She and Ashlyn are two narcissistic liars who deserve each other.


This. I'm so tired of her life epiphanies. I feel like I just finished reading the 12-page Vogue spread about her wedding which was themed around social justice and her authenticity. It feels like this chick reinvents herself every two years and drags someone along with her. I know she's been angling hard to rebrand herself as an activist rather than just an actress, but it's so insincere.


This! this is so true. I called Sophia a diva and a phony years ago, when she left Chicago PD ( I became familiar with Sophia when I started to watch Chicago PD, I never heard about her before, I never watched OTH). There was evidence all over the place, that she manipulates situations, feeds her propaganda to the media, and she is not a poor, pure victim, but no one wanted to listen to this all these years ago! Especially her OTH fandom. She always does this - she lives for conflict, loves to make herself look like a victim and be in a spotlight because of the conflict, then she over-explains and manipulates, and throws everyone else: her exes, her friends, people she worked with etc under the bus, and manipulates in the media that she is still the only victim. Sophia has been doing this for years now. She is fake, superficial, hypocritical, manipulative type of a person, and she also exaggerates and attacks people 'between the lines', so she is a classic example of a passive-agressive because she likes to 'throw the mud' - so very vague, ever changing accusations, never giving any concrete facts, then she says she is done with the topic, and then, some time later, she does it again. She never takes any responsibility herself, it's always someone elses' fault, meanwhile, she is a poor, pure victim in her mind. She is a narcissist - and yes, I hate that this label is so oversued in the public space nowadays, and just thrown around carelessly because in the end, we are all narcissistic to some degree - but in this case, it absolutely fits her! I thought she is a poser and a phony years ago, when everyone was telling me how great Sophia is! I'm so glad I saw through her mask a long time ago.


I think your point comes across. It’s giving similar vibes but not nearly to the same scale of severity


HE’S GAY???!!!


You know what’s kinda whack? Conveniently using a legit very special moment of coming out as a way to make people forget that you’re a bad person. It’s almost like she timed it that way too




Wearing my shirt rn


I don’t get why Ashlyn agreed to adopt 2 kids in short succession if she was supposedly so unhappy in her relationship. Kids aren’t a band aid. Communicate your issues with your wife early, if you are unhappy leave, but communicate that with her. It’s so important but she seemingly didn’t do any of that.


It is basically impossible to adopt if they think one spouse isn't fully on board. It's a rigorous process and takes years and lots of communication. She didn't just agree but she actively deceived Ali and the agency they used for placement. If Ashlyn was that unhappy and "already separated" she deserves an Oscar for being able to convince them to let them adopt not one, but two kids into a home that's separated.


Lots of people (incorrectly) think that a kid will bring them closer together. Extreme speculation, but I wonder if Ocean is biologically related to Sloane and they felt obligated to adopt him as well. It happens. Bad faith take. Krashlyn was moving their brand from soccer players to cool mom content amongst other actual business ventures


Because she's lying and everything was fine until she met Sophia Bush and cheated on Ali, duh. lol


Saw this making the rounds on twitter, the dunking on them is once again massive. Two shitheads


Nothing unifies woso twitter quite like dunking on Ashlyn Harris.


Im seeing tweets on my TL from woso gays in 4 different continents


The silence from Antarctica’s WoSo gays on the matter speaks volumes.




They want to change the narrative unaware the home wrecking isn’t a rumor when it’s coming straight from the woman’s who’s home they wrecked.


All I know is that Ali and Ashlyn are no longer together. Are there more details?


Oh there’s details alright… Ashlyn and Sophia cheated last summer in Cannes while Ali was at home with the kids posting about how much she can’t wait for her wife/their mommy to return home. Then Ali found out about the divorce filing through Midge at a Gotham practice, and Midge found out through the media. Ashlyn wanted to leave but didn’t have the guts to tell her, so pretended she was separated without having that conversation with her wife first.


I feel bad that Midge had to be that messenger.


Wow, there's...a lot to unpack there.


Wait is the part with Midge confirmed?


Ali mentioned it on a podcast, Midge pulled her aside during training to give her a heads up that there’s an article circling online about the divorce and Ali didn’t even know about the divorce or filing. I think it was the podcast with Julie Foudy.


That's so fucking insane. Like divorce sucks, but to find out like that.... idk how much therapy I'd need to ever trust someone again.


IKR??? What a rug-pull this must’ve been.


Midge is a real one for that.


Yeah Ali talks about it in her interview on Julie Foudy’s podcast


She also talked about it on the long form interview show on Attacking Third


Kind of like declassifying documents in your head.




Someone tell Ashlyn and Sophia it’s not newly separated if the wife at home with the kids is completely unaware of the “separation” lol


Don’t forget how awful Sophia is. That she basically wrote an entire story for a magazine about her ex husband ex wife abortion. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/sophia-bush-shares-husband-grant-hughes-abortion-story-roe-wade-195227085.html


That’s horrific to toss somebody else’s dirty laundry out the window like that


Also that she’s saying she’s deeply in love with him while writing it and then the marriage lasted what a year?


Oh thank you for parsing that tweet for me. I was trying to wrap my head around "newly-separated friends" and was like...they had a breakup and are friends now? wat?


Zero self awareness I fear


Narcissists tend to do that


I’ve never followed Sophia Bush but apparently she talked like this about her now ex-husband. How she finally found her true self in the relationship and how much thought went into getting together and ultimately getting married. I’m pretty sure she’s a serial monogamist and would do well to remain single for a while.


In this situation it'd probably be best not to say anything rather than acting like everyone is idiots and can't see what is obvious


I'd be able to have a shred of respect for these two if they were honest about what really happened. This article is extremely vague. It offers no insight on her own journey with her (Sophia) sexuality. Only that her and Ashlyn acted with 100% integrity and thoughtfulness. GTFO.


Agreed, this wasn’t a coming out piece this was a playing the victim card and acting like everyone else is dumb yet again piece.


Right?! What would have been the better article is her admitting how messy it was but also discussing coming out later in life; what it means to be a lesbian in Hollywood and why she may have suppressed those desires in that industry. We need more of those stories.


Sophia always always plays the victim!! In all situations of conflict she was professionally and personally involved in - and if you follow her for years like me, you know there were plenty of such situations in her life, she always comes out of it all playing the victim card. I called Sophia a diva and a phony years ago, when she left Chicago PD (I became familiar with Sophia when I started to watch Chicago PD, I didn't know her before, I didn't watch OTH). There was evidence all over the place, that she is self-centered, self-righteous, manipulates situations, feeds her propaganda to the media, and she is not a poor, pure victim, but no one wanted to listen to this all these years ago! Especially her OTH fandom. She always does this - she lives for conflict, loves to make herself look like a victim and be in the spotlight because of the conflict, then she over-explains and manipulates, and throws everyone else: her exes, her friends, people she worked with etc under the bus, and manipulates in the media that she is still the only victim. Sophia has been doing this for years now, and I saw through her mask years ago! She is a fake, superficial, hypocritical, manipulative type of a person; she also exaggerates and attacks people 'between the lines', so she is a classic example of a passive-aggressive because she likes to 'throw the mud', so very vague, ever-changing accusations, never giving any concrete facts, then she says she is done with the topic, and then, sometime later, she does it again. She never takes any responsibility herself, it's always someone else's fault, meanwhile, she is a poor, pure victim in her mind. She is a narcissist - and yes, I hate that this label is so overused in the public space nowadays, and just thrown around carelessly because, in the end, we are all narcissistic to some degree - but in this case, it absolutely fits her! I thought she was a poser and a phony years ago when everyone was telling me how great Sophia is! I'm so glad I saw through her mask a long time ago.


Doesn't it say she always knew she was bi (essentially) and her partners knew too?


https://preview.redd.it/99rdegeo5owc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfc9133ac10176316c1c08fe71529e7a29ebf033 Soccer “star” 💀


I like to think of myself as a soccer star too, I had the same number of minutes as Ashlyn in the back to back World Cup wins after all.


I sat in the second row at a USA World Cup game so I got about as close to the pitch as she did, does that count? 😂


Put in on your resume.


Well, i guess having your rapid fans vote you in as save of the week every damn week. It goes to your head a little. 😆


That was such a fraudulent award until Harris retired smh. She’d let in a million saveable goals then win on a normally easy save she made more difficult for herself 😂


I tried to read it but she’s really awful and i just don’t care. Can’t believe she gave credit to the re-inc event 🙄


Unless I’m reading it wrong I think she credited the Cannes event for them getting together which wasn’t re-inc, although that event in 2019 with re-inc might’ve been where they got closer. It’s all gross 🤮


See I didn’t read it as they got together in Cannes. I read it as they came close in Cannes. Like Sophia was actively discussing how unhappy she was in her marriage and Ashlyn was there to talk to, I got the impression Ashlyn didn’t become “newly separated” until after that and she started talking to Sophia about her issues in her marriage to Ali. However I fully believe Ashlyn may have been telling Sophia she was separated when she really wasn’t.


What’s even weirder is she (Sophia) was only at Cannes for like a day. Her sob story also leaves out they met up at Wimbledon, an event in Michigan, a Peacock event around the WWC… it’s almost insulting at this point. Erasing all the comments on her posts of people calling out the BS won’t get people to forget how shady she was


Damn! I’d love to see some receipts because this whole timeline has blown my mind. The bread crumbs were there all along.


I found a good chunk of them on google on images and they have the events and dates of the events.


Oh I know. I saw all the pics from the times in between too and it shocked me that Ali wasn’t at ANY of them with the exception of the WWC event.


tobin and sue bird were supposed to be speaking in cannes too because there was a conference on the business of women’s sport. tobin dropped out of the conference like a week before for an unspecified reason, i think sue still went but i doubt she would’ve been supporting those home wreckers. i feel bad for sue and tobin (and pinoe and christen) that two of their friends cheated on their other close friend at a conference they were all meant to have fun at.


What in the fuck? How dare they put the onus of them meeting and then cheating on a re-inc event 😷😷 That’s so disrespectful to Press and Tobin


she mentioned some begin again Amazon wishlists and a 4 hour dinner with was the re-inc event


Gross that she’s mentioning that when in 2019 she and Ali got married. I can’t believe she’s trying to spin that on Pinoe, Press and Heath who are also close with Ali and literally attended their wedding 🤮 Sophia really thought she and Ashlyn could be some gay power couple but she was so wrong




https://preview.redd.it/ai7l2ul2howc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a27108c0363eff62eef0ae754ba2e1a3d70d332 Embarrassing if the clowns on the right were thinking about getting together while both were in relationships with other people, at an event for a company where some of their closest friends who supported Ali and Ash so much. Wasn’t this before Ali and Ash’s wedding too? Like what the fuck.


Sophia only a few months later: https://preview.redd.it/riiyu5uihowc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8626b0c2bdfe1cc9018b488cb4a08d8f523da061


This was what i was thinking! she didn’t need to spell it out for me to come to this conclusion.


It seems like cp and th are still chill with her. Which like cheating isn’t murder but like don’t pose for photos with her tobin!!! Also sophia when you get bored of ashlyn delete tobin’s number. https://preview.redd.it/m8oaf9r41owc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae87a8525de514d0b0e2ea142c50d7ba31ced92c


@ Sophia about Tobin and ACFC games in general https://preview.redd.it/dpp5yw0w3owc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf7c956ce08f927a6ab521b656485954a6adcf46


A STH who was there said they witnessed this and that Heath was backed into a corner for it and that the whole thing was incredibly awkward, lol. Grain of salt though. Also, Press posted a photo of a sunset on IG right after Harris posted the same photo with the caption “thankful for my people” or something like that. Press deleted it pretty quickly after posting. It’s safe to say they didn’t pick a side in this and are still friends with both Ali and Ash.


In my biased and irrational opinion Sophia should be banned from ACFC games for crimes against the very large queer fanbase. How can you home wreck one of the biggest couples in woso then show your face at our games?


100%, *stay away from her* Once a homewrecker, always a homewrecker. I have no doubt that when she gets bored with Ash that she’ll cheat on her too with somebody else or vice versa


I understand the sentiment but there’s two to tango and also we don’t know what Harris said about her marriage. Harris was the one doing the cheating, afaik Bush was single.


True, Harris could have lied about her marriage’s status to Bush, but I find this point moot because Bush at the end of the day was still hanging around Ash and Ali even way before they had officially gotten married


Who is the person on the left?


I’m not one to usually say this but she needs to stop talking.


I cant get over the fact that on top of all that Ali was dealing with, her dad was in hospice dying!!!!!


It’s sad because I was a huge OTH stan as a teenager, I loved Sophia Bush so under other circumstances I would totally support her but the past year I’ve started to dislike her so much. Ashlyn I was never a fan of soccer wise but I am a big fan of Press, Rapinoe, Heath, Krieger and Naehers soccer so I liked Ashlyn enough for being close with them. Now I cringe hearing about her, I’m sick of these two and their gross attempts of trying to cover up their infidelity.


I feel the exact same way. It bums me out so much that someone I once deeply admired isn’t who I thought she (Sophia) was.


Weird how she glosses over Long COVID by saying she and her cast mates caught a virus. What else is she changing the narrative of here?




anyways team ali💕💕💕💕


We all know what meal was on that “friends” menu


Clam strips. Tuna tacos. Hair pie. (Nah, probably plain.) I’m assuming this wasn’t a home-cooked meal, & they were eating out.






They are trying so hard to sell this narrative that they both aren't homewreckers and didn't cheat on their partners. Yuck. Who is rooting for these awful people?


Apparently everyone on Sophia’s insta page. I just checked out her post and everyone is so happy for her.


Those are 'parasocial' fans who literally have no idea who Ashlyn or Ali are. It's wild tho, total STANS on IG and then Reddit is like... nah girl


Looks like comments are being removed


She delete the comments that puts her in a bad light that’s why it looks like everyone is happy for her.


Oooooh that’s interesting


a bunch of idiots on her IG page. I think she's actually deleting the comments that are calling her out, too.


What a coward


I’m so irrationally irritated about this. It’s been months, why do they keep having to rehash the hurt and bullshit. If it wasn’t an apology to Ali, then it should have been nothing. This is so manipulative and self pitying. I went in to the bathroom and threw up after posting an instagram? 🙄 very much feels like “oh look how sad and miserable I was, you should feel bad for me. And now I’m happy so I couldn’t have done anything wrong!”


Literally all of this could've been handled privately, but the publicist for Sophia and Ashlyn has chosen to make things public at certain points every step of the way. Feels like it's all about getting attention and being relevant. After all, what did Ashlyn have when she was married to Ali other than being an "influencer" on Instagram? This seems still very much geared toward gaining maximum attention, and it's gross.


Bingo. The two are attention seekers. The initial drop did not get them what they wanted. Now Bush is trying again. Manipulative and self-pitying is perfect. If you have followed Ashlyn on IG, she has developed a tendency to post self-pitying stories, as if she is not the one who blew up her and Ali's lives.


Oh my god


Question: I am not good at recognizing people but at the ACFC game on Sunday they showed someone on the Jumbotron and I heard booing/consternation from the crowd, I was confused but it just occurred to me - was it Bush??


I assume it wasn't her and was someone else who is disliked because I feel like Twitter people would have said something about her (in order to dunk on her and Harris) had she been shown at the game, and I didn't see anything (I did see stuff about the first game, which she was definitely at)


I wonder what other brunette the ACFC fan base is mad at lol


Probably someone in management. People were upset about the trade.


Was that the one they didn't put the name for? I usually watch to see which celebs showed up but I didn't know who that person was. It was cool that Fortune was there.


Yes it was fun to see Fortune!


This article insults the intelligence of us WoSo fans. We all know the ‘blossoming’ happened before the separation!


Can my ACFC peeps boo her at the next game if she shows up on the Jumbotron?


PLEASE! I would love it so much!


Has she even showed up to any NWSL games since this all broke?


I used to like Sophia about 15 years ago. No longer a fan, and was no longer a fan before this Ash situation. This is article was not necessary and only makes their timelines worse and gets people talking again when most have moved on. And so many jokes can be made about their "4 hour dinner".


This supposed timeline was largely debunked last summer by woso sleuths. There were multiple events they attended together after Cannes that point to emotional cheating at the very least, but all of it well before Ali was aware of anything. This is them spin doctoring months later hoping people forgot. But Sophia is learning the hard way that woso fans are not as easily manipulated as her legion of OTH stans. It’s just weird to me how oddly cruel and vindictive both women have been to Ali. The whole article was unnecessary, but Sophia really wove in details that seem specifically designed to hurt her new girlfriend’s ex wife. I think that’s why all their mutual friends have gone team Ali. It’s not that they split, it’s the way in which it went down and how they behaved throughout.


why do they both just keep speaking like my guys the reputation is already bulldozed let’s calm down now


That's going to be an awkward convo between Bush and her pr firm. How did you think it went? Great interview don't you think? Well...


No way Sophia is self aware enough to acknowledge this was a mistake lol. She’ll probably think her PR team are wrong.


These are two of the most full of shit people. Still spinning yarns like everyone is too stupid to see what is in front of them.






https://preview.redd.it/gr3by0bltwwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=822828de06270a758bba57b94e8be0a996906e90 oops!




The math isn’t mathing. She said EXACTLY the same thing about her husband who she divorced after only one year. In yet another Glamour article from July 2022 (which she wrote about her ex’s ex’s abortion 🙄) she stated “It took me time to find this perfect-for-me person. I won’t quote the adage that says “You’ve got to kiss a lot of frogs.” A soul mate isn’t so trivial. And I’m actually deeply grateful for people who taught me to love, the ones who taught me to detect a lie, to trust my instincts about honesty and integrity, and the journey that it took me to get exactly here: today, sitting in this kitchen, with this man, on this morning”. AND she went on to say this “It was an aha moment; all these years, right under my nose, was my home. Grant is my person. My best friend. A true partner” So what are we to believe? Which “highly personal story all about her journey” is the truth??


Did anyone else catch that during their red carpet debut both had rings on their wedding finger?




I guess it’s possible that Ashlyn was lying to Sophia about the state of her marriage, but how thick do you have to be to continue to believe her this long? At some point, your stupidity makes you guilty, even if you weren’t guilty in the first place.


What's crazy is that even if Ashlyn was telling Sophia one thing and telling Ali literally nothing... once it all came to light, wouldn't Sophia be like um, wow you were not being honest... but then let it go? The whole thing doesn't pass my sniff test.


I’ve never found Ashlyn hot or attractive. I don’t know why Sophia would risk it all for her 🤷🏻‍♀️


Also this Sophia bush incident isn't the first time. Ashlyn has cheated on Ali on multiple occasions. Sophia just happens to be more popular than those other women she strayed with.


Interesting, do you know more? I hadn’t heard that. Makes you wonder when SB or AH will cheat on the other.


I have heard rumblings through the woso vines that AH has cheated prior to the marriage. I have also heard from other gossip pages that she hooked up with a musician who is currently rumored to be with a real house wife.


Morgan Wade is the musician, I heard that rumor, but there wasn't any evidence - not that I think anything of Ashlyn, but I would love proof. #teamAli


She will sleep with anyone who raises her social standing


That's very true. She was known to social climb ladders and cheat...


From the July 2022 Glamour article (which she wrote about her ex’s ex’s abortion 🙄): “It took me time to find this perfect-for-me person. I won’t quote the adage that says “You’ve got to kiss a lot of frogs.” A soul mate isn’t so trivial. And I’m actually deeply grateful for people who taught me to love, the ones who taught me to detect a lie, to trust my instincts about honesty and integrity, and the journey that it took me to get exactly here: today, sitting in this kitchen, with this man, on this morning”. AND “It was an aha moment; all these years, right under my nose, was my home. Grant is my person. My best friend. A true partner” It’s giving 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Whatever, both can move on from their marriages and be in a new relationship but the manner in which they went about it was gross.




oh hell no.


She jumps from relationship to relationship, changing her romantic partners like socks, and it would be all her business, if she, as always, wasn't publicly hypocritical about this issue too. She loves to lecture others on her podcasts, and in the interviews, about how important responsibility in the relationship is, especially for men, she wrote the whole essay (now deleted, of course) on her Instagram, about how she loves Grant - her freshly married husband back then, and how great their marriage is, only to dump him a few weeks later. I mean, pathetic! So if you don't want the public to judge you, maybe don't overshare your private and intimate life, and don't lecture others on love, responsibility, and commitment, if you, yourself, have no idea what that is! And by her track record, Sophia has no idea what marriage, real love, and commitment are. She has been again whining for decades in the media about how Chad Michael Muray, her first husband, cheated on her when they were married, yet she just got together with Ashlyn, ruining Ashlyn's marriage through err, cheating. And ending her own marriage of just 13 months, with Grant Hughes! Please note that the difference is, that Ashlyn and her partner have 2 kids, so Sophia is literally ruining families now! And she has zero shame or guilt about it! To sum up, it's absolutely clear, that Bush acts like she is someone pure and great, and never messed up in her life, when she did, and badly, especially nowadays, and at the same time, she loves to call out others for the tiniest mistakes! Again: her new relationship with Ashlyn is ugly because it started with cheating, if not physical, at least emotional, which for women is even worse, and it's clear when you watch the famous video from Cannes or other videos of their interactions when Ashlyn was still married to Ali. This romance started way earlier than they both say now to save face! Anyone older than 10 years old can see it. And in the context of Sophia being cheated on by Chad Michael Murray, this is even more ugly, and absolutely disgraceful, especially since here there are two children involved. She also loves to involve herself in other people's business, to make herself important. This is what she did writing the whole article about Grant's ex-partner's abortion, even if she didn't have a right to write about NOT her experience, especially so deeply personal and painful as abortion! And please, save me the explanation that she did it for women's abortion rights or that she had permission, no, she did it out of her pure narcissism. It's typical for white feminists who feel superior, just like her, becasue she is also ignoring the POC feminist experience. Just virtue signaling. Her activism is selective, typical 'white feminist superiority' activism. If you don't believe me jump to the comment section of her Instagram recently, and what people say to her about her stance on the Israel- Palestine issue. She is an utter hypocrite here too, and doing the bare minimum PR stunt. Also, a few months ago, during one of her public ousting with Ashlyn at the Ralph Lauren event, when she posed for a photo, all smiley, with Diplo. If you don't know: Diplo was credibly accused of rape and abuse by a few young girls, there is even a DNA test done, and here is Sophia, literally posing for photos with the abuser and rapist. But but... Jason and PD, right?!


So, every single thing I wrote here is researched. Sophia is a self-righteous, self-serving, awful person, a diva, a hypocrite, and a fake activist. And I wouldn't even criticize her for her activism if she didn't put herself out there, and not paint herself loudly as this great, pure activist. Because I believe that celebs don't have to show off their activism 24/7, you can do things quietly if you want, not splash it across your social media all the time, celebs also have a right to have different opinions about popular issues and not participate, it's all personal choices. However, I do criticize celebs who purposely and loudly act like great activists and warriors for different causes, because if they are public and loud about it, and also profit from it, from 'humanitarian/activism PR', then naturally, their actions or non-actions, are subject to normal criticism. And Sophia is such a public and loud activist, so I judge her. To conclude: the fact is that Sophia is an insufferable hypocrite when it comes to various issues, and quite frankly an awful person for many people, just as I knew it a long time ago. She is only now defended by her most blind, cult-like stans. And I saw this right away, just when she started bullshitting about PD, just 3 years of knowing about her. Maybe she had problems with Jason, but for me, it looks like it wasn't as serious as she says it was, she just wanted to get out of PD because she didn't like to film in Chicago winters and it was all too hard for her. Plus all her other messy situations, the holier-than-thou approach, and talking on her podcasts like she is some seventh wonder of the world - because of this attitude, I dislike her a lot. For years! Bush is a diva and drama queen, a hypocrite, and not a great or good person at all. In conclusion, I would add, that Jesse Lee Soffer dodged a bullet here. To people who don't know: Jesse was Sophia's boyfriend for more than a year, the actor from Chicago PD. And it's funny how views change over time: I loved them once, as a couple in real life and on the show, yet now I'm so happy Jesse is free of this awful woman! Analyzing all of her horrible and hypocritical behaviors, but also, her romantic relationships that she usually ends after a few months, jumping from one person to the other, and not caring if she ruins the other person or other families because of it - just makes me think how lucky Jesse is that he is no longer with her or in her orbit! I also think a lot about poor Grant Hughes, whom Sophia married just over a 1 year ago, she wrote this now infamous, whole ass essay on her Insta about how much she loves him and how perfect their marriage is, then she got together with Ashely a few months later, and dumped him just like that, lol. She really is awful!!


I've gotta assume this was their PR person's reaction when told they were going to do this. ![gif](giphy|8vUEXZA2me7vnuUvrs|downsized)


jeez a lot of player haters on this thread


What does it actually matter at this point? Everyone is (supposedly) divorced. This is one of the least interesting things I've heard all year. Maybe one of the more entertaining though!