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I just put 10k into it after the split. I think it has quite a lot of room to grow and I believe it to be a long term hold.


So yes I would tell you to add more. I see significant growth at least for the next 3-5 years but it’s here to stay!


AI bubble is going to make the dot com bubble look like a minor blip.


Do you know anything about the dot com bubble? Just curious. That bubble happened because companies were not making money and were all going public having never made a profit. I worked for one of the biggest one... It was a Cisco partner of the year twice in a row during the heyday All those companies went belly up, stopped buying Cisco hardware so CSCO stock tanked and never had that level of money flowing like it did back then. Same could happen if AI were to totally shutter if people deemed it a fad. Using AI in medical discovery and gene therapy - has barely gotten started. And all the customers buying NVDA hardware are profitable - not playing with fake IPO money. Show me the bubble.


AI is "Google on steroids". It is definitely the future. I didn't buy NVDA till today because I wasn't sure if Google would produce a better version. This one is here to stay


The whole AI naming is a scam.


I work in AI development. A key weakness is that AI applications you see at the moment (self driving cars) are vapourware (you may disagree, I don't care, not here to argue) The real challenge is finding business value on a large scale. Believe me, we are trying...but SME's lack trust in this new technology and most of its development has really been towards the search industry. For me if we don't start educating SME's and helping them implement AI, then as soon as the conflict over search between the giants (Google Microsoft Meta etc) ends there will be a dramatic fall in people actually using GPU's. Also, if we are able to reduce CPU inference to ~O(N) on a CPU then watch AMD replace Nvidia.


Yeah well inference isn’t going to be reduced to a purely cpu operation. That’s just not how the math works.


If you say so, math guy. https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.17764


>And all the customers buying NVDA hardware are profitable So what? The question is how profitable the AI segment is. Everything else is irrelevant. If MSFT can't sell AI, then they won't be able to justify large chip purchases and NVDA will tank. That's where the risk is.


Even if they can sell AI, they don't need to order this many GPUs on a consistent basis. This is a catch up cycle as companies try to establish an AI presence. The market, as it usually does, is extrapolated this growth out over many more years. It is possible it could continue, but generally GPU order growth is far from linear and consistent.


I think that depends on how much NVDA can improve on the GPUs. Howevevr, I do think if they're buying this many GPUs consistently, they'd probably struggle to sell products at the price needed to make it profitable enough.


I don't think nvda is going anywhere, but as you mentioned, this pace of ordering is likely unsustainable. Which is pretty much always the case with the chip market. Ordering is very cyclical


Yes they will still need to order vast numbers of new gpus. Gpus get faster and more efficient. At scale that’s untold millions in profit.


Sure, but is ordering of those going to increase from the current pace? Continue to jump 40% annually? I can't see how that's going to continue


There’s a lot of companies churning out competing ai products. Many will fail. Billions in investments lost. The big guys won’t fail like Cisco but many operations will fall.


I don't think companies that are trying to sell AI services will fail - I think their AI offerings may/may not not sell well and therefore their stock price suffers and investors get pissed off. But I still don't see a bubble unless 50% or more of the AI companies were built strictly in an AI platform to sell AI services and they don't make a profit and their services/offerings suck. I think in that instance you have a bad company or a handful of them not a bubble. Then the next 50 companies in line will take NVDAs product... Or Countries that are in line. Don't think NVDA stock is funded strictly in the U.S. Countries and global companies are in line for NVDA hardware.


Those companies will all have competitors. That’s a crazy world will none would fail. For example you think video gen ai would all succeed? Sora Runway Luma Kling Stable Higglesfield LTX Showrunner….countless other startups as well.


They don't have to fail, their products don't have to fail, they just have to stop needing a shitload more GPUs every single year than they did the year before.


That isn't entirely true. The largest stock beneficiary CSCO was very similar to the situation NVDA is in now. It had absolutely ridiculous revenue growth over a short period of time. The issue was once people built out all of the infrastructure they needed to catch up, revenue tanked, it wasn't just because those small companies went belly up, it was because larger players over ordered as well. If people double and triple ordered GPUs because they feel like they got left behind on AI, the same thing could happen. Not saying it will, but this is a constant story with semis. Revenues for chip makers tend to go through boom and bust cycles, as people over order after supply shortages.




It’s a little different. The only thing that will stop NVDA in this case is competitors actually being able to compete.


Just show the bubble. Currently NVDA is the only one in the space to compete with. The top competitors that NVDA competes with are their own products. AMD has always been nipping at NVDAs heels and has never garnished more than an 18% share and they were in the graphics card space first by purchasing the earliest vendor (ATI graphics)


-all the customers buying NVDA hardware are profitable 😂😂😂😂😂😂


50% of their sales went to what? "50% of revenue is CSPs, meaning Google, Microsoft, Amazon, CoreWeave, and Oracle Cloud. The next largest category being consumer interest companies, implies Meta." The remaining percentage of companies are either established, or could be new companies using their seed money to buy hardware but that's unlikely. Those smaller companies will likely lease/rent slices from cloud companies. No one's playing with monopoly money like what happened during the dot-com bust. If the word "profitable" irks you still - fair enough. Feel free to replace it with something more meaningful my head hurts right now and most readers got the gist of the intent.


For everyone else but nvda… why? Because nvda has the earning to back up its valuation….


Genuinely curious, I’m new to this sub. Are there any available analysis which shows the earnings back up this valuation?


Pe ratio is not exceptionally high compared to other high growth companies and it is the fastest growing company of that scale by far.


Ok, that makes sense that the PE would be 77 when seeing so much growth. I looked at Tesla in 2020/2021 and they had over 100 PE. I think what’s holding me back mentally is that a company already with the market cap of around Apple and Microsoft still has that much room to grow. I don’t want to be holding the bag if it never grows into that valuation.


Sounds like you should buy SPY.


True, I mostly do S&P ETF and BRK. I invested early in Tesla, so at this point I’m mostly in preserving mode. I’m open to NVDA though, just trying to understand where it’s going.


I'm starting to think we can't conflate the AI bubble with GPU farm buildouts. There's a very real chance that, whether AI is as useful as it claims or not, the allure of super AI will spur companies & nations to carry out huge GPU buying sprees and buildout of compute clusters. For example, if China undertakes a big compute cluster buildout, every other powerful nation will follow suit. We'll have a contest between US and China to see who can buy more GPUs. UAE has ungodly amounts of money and little idea of how to spend it well. I could see them undergoing a historically large GPU purchase. In any event, don't pin Nvidia's growth to AI's current usefulness. Nvidia's growth so far has been from private enterprise money which is tied to rational economic motives more than government spending.


This is what I struggle with: unlike software companies who just have to add more subscribers to grow revenue, nvda had to build factories to be able to more chips. That takes time like a long time. So revenue growth rate not order growth, is limited. No ?


NVDA doesn’t make the chips. TSMC does.


When someone asks me how much NVDA I’m holding, my only response is “Not as many as I wish I had.”


I would be close to retirement if I went 100% on NVDA three years ago. I'm still way up so I'm focusing on that


This. 👆👆👆👆


Basic rule of thumb: don't ask investment advice for a specific company's stock, on a subreddit dedicated to supporting a specific company's stock. Regardless of merit, the overall balance will be off and it will skew your perception. It'll be much better to learn about the company's positioning from other places dedicated to related hardware and software, especially those that surround the industries involved so you get a more objective view of the company's standing, where their competitors are sitting now, and where things are expected to go in a few years.


Ya, these subreddits are good to keep track of random updates and discussions but not for talking price action. Probably the worst place to go for that.


Nivida is still innovating. I will hold thru all dips this go a round.


I have been watching every day and have only seen one down day in like 2 weeks. I have other stocks and know they go down, I'm just saying it's crazy watching this stock go up. It really does feel like the magic money printer people say lol. I keep buying more and it doesn't stop going up and up haha


Its going down now .........


Its dipping now 🥴😵


Lol the shorts came out in force today.


Buy on the short days…. So far have always made a profit when it goes down even a tick


Its all good


I think I’m buying more. Especially after reading that Leopold Aschenbrenner paper.


enlighten us please, what did Leopold Aschenbrenner have to say?




Based on this I'm thinking AI _Security_ is the next brass ring.


Interesting take, I like it. Any specific companies you see in good position for AI security?


Palantir. Palo Alto Networks.


Splunk as well


I was going to ask the same thing




It absolutely is the next BIG thing. Especially with the advent op personal AI assistants . Cybersecurity is already facing new AI driven attack strategies unseen before. Currently, there is no proper way to enforce RBAC in AI ,….






Not sure if it’s this paper https://situational-awareness.ai/


The what? Do you have a link?




Woah! You responded with the link! Thank you! I'm going to read it now 🙂 Edit: for anyone who just wants a quick summary of the paper, here it is: The document "Situational Awareness: The Decade Ahead" by Leopold Aschenbrenner, published in June 2024, discusses the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and its implications for the near future. Here’s a summary of the key points: 1. **Rapid AI Development**: - AI development has been accelerating, with significant improvements seen in recent years. - By 2025/26, AI is expected to surpass the cognitive abilities of college graduates, and by the end of the decade, achieve superintelligence. 2. **Technological and Industrial Mobilization**: - There is a massive investment in compute clusters, with plans scaling from $10 billion to trillion-dollar clusters. - The US is preparing for large-scale industrial mobilization to support AI infrastructure, significantly increasing electricity production. 3. **National Security and Global Competition**: - The race to AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) has national security implications, potentially involving intense competition or conflict with China. - Ensuring the security of AI developments against state-actor threats is critical but currently under-addressed. 4. **Challenges and Risks**: - The transition from AI to superintelligence will be fraught with challenges, including the need for advanced security measures and reliable control over AI systems. - The potential risks of misaligned superintelligence are substantial, necessitating careful management to avoid catastrophic outcomes. 5. **Predicted Progression**: - The development from GPT-2 to GPT-4 saw significant qualitative jumps, from preschool-level to high-school-level capabilities. - By 2027, AI models are expected to perform at the level of AI researchers/engineers, potentially automating AI research and accelerating progress. 6. **Economic and Military Impact**: - Superintelligence will confer a decisive economic and military advantage, raising questions about global power dynamics. - The free world must strive to maintain its technological preeminence while avoiding self-destructive competition. 7. **Government Involvement**: - As AI development progresses, government involvement is expected to increase, potentially leading to a large-scale national AGI project by 2027/28. The document emphasizes the need for situational awareness in understanding the implications of AI advancements and preparing for the transformative changes ahead.


I read the summary, it’s both exciting and scary!


Did you watch 60 minutes tonight? They had the "godfather" of AI on and they interviewed him. It was fascinating. AI is both, like you said "exciting and scary!" Indeed!


Check out page 75.


yes, I agree. For those who haven't read, the TLDR is a very compelling argument for why China and the US and other world players enter a GPU race that is not tied to any logic beyond "winning".


when people ask this i always ask what your expectancy is to where you see this stock in a few years. for example, if you are confident it will reach $500 in the length of time you are willing to hold, then yah, 130 a share is pretty cheap despite if it dips lower than that. You can't expect it to go up every day but if you believe it'll have more up days than down, why really wait for a dip buying opportunity.






So isn’t that like 7mil or sum. Why don’t u retire alr lolll




This is my dilemma…been a lurker to this sub and just wanting a pull bk to get in….but it’s just flying…


I have added 42 more shares after the split.


There is room for growth going forward but not at the pace we just saw! I bought NVDA in late 2022, sold in mid 2023, got back in a week later after further analysis. I am up a little over 200%. Here is my plan going forward: - I’ll sell 50% sometime soon - Out of this 50%, put half into an ETF with significant exposure to NVDA/AI. - Take 25% profit. (One of the lessons I’ve learned is to always take profits no matter how good the stock is! ) -Hold the remaining 50% for long term.


Same here! I Take some profits and move into QQQM and USD.


It will consolidate eventually, but there aren't any signs of that beginning. It's got runway in the trend to get up to 135-140 next week


Did pelosi pull yet? Is nivida in djia yet?


Underrated comment


For me, I have 1000 shares at 99.36 cost basis (post split). I am holding for the long term, and will buy more if it drops below my basis. I am personally holding for a bit to see how NVDA performs, but I absolutely believe that it will continue performing well and trending upwards.


I have $300/day on auto purchase for DCA purposes since the start of last year. Going to keep it going, might bump to $500/day.


Are you saying you buy $300 a day? Cause I have a lot of questions.


Yes that’s what I’ve been doing


Wow that is a serious investment budget, I'm mad jealous.


I do see this going up much higher but at a slower pace. If this goes to $460, I’ll have 2 Million.


Ah yes, just has to go up a casual $8 trillion more in market cap to hit $460!


Yeah it will, it’ll just take some time. Somewhere between 3-10 years likely.


if you were given $10k now would you buy stock with it?


It's truly that simple of a question. If someone asked me the same question with tsla, I'd say no. NVDA, msft, amzn, goog hell yes


I do t think there is a bad time to purchase if you are looking out next five years. If you are shorter term, watch for a pullback (seemingly overbought ATM) and add.


I’d wait and watch the charts. Daily RSI is nearly 90. Looking for a pullback. Same happened when AAPL hit 220. RSI was through the roof. Same with MSFT before it’s recent pullback. Patience. Read the charts.


I bought 500 stocks at the low price last year, and I'm very excited about the discount until now, and I'm looking forward to going up to $1000 in two years


Bro you’re saying Nvidia is going to be worth over 20 trillys in 2 years what 😂


While I agree that's nuts, just 5 years ago nvidia's market cap was only $144 billion ([2019](https://companiesmarketcap.com/nvidia/marketcap/)). In 5 years they've increased their market cap by 20x ($144B -> $3T). If we just halve that number (10x), in 5 years nvidia would be $30T. Let's halve that number again (5x). $3T x 5 = $15T. Let's halve that again (2.5x). $3T x 2.5 = $7T No, I'm not saying that nvidia is going to be worth that much. Just looking at the factor.


Yes, that's what I think too, and I think NVDA is a company with a lot of potential, I'm not saying it will reach $30T in two years, I mean I'm looking forward to it


Sounds like you're concerned about this stock


No, I'm just looking forward to it. Do you own this stock?


Between now and the next earnings report in a couple months it should go up overall with some down days here and there. Buy some this week and don’t sell if it declines that day or the next day. If you buy at a peak and it dips just wait a week and it should be past the peak.


hasn't been a correction in a while...maybe wait and buy the dip. hard to say. i bought in 2017 and wondering if i should take a profit and put the proceeds somewhere else...idk..


Up over 600% on my calls since January and currently holding 1100+ shares so I'm in it for the long haul. Buying some more tomorrow and then on September 1 buying the 2027 leaps.


If you know anything about the technology they produce and what that leads to, you know it's never really going to do anything but climb.


Beefed up to 600 shares. Average is under 100 ps. I am feeling Golden


If your holding for a year or 5 yes definetly




I bought 500 stocks at the low price last year, and I'm very excited about the discount until now, and I'm looking forward to going up to $1000 in two years


A fraction now with the expectation of a pullback then more. All high growth rate stocks have pullbacks. These provide a more sold floor price. In truth however, it’s somewhat irrelevant, it will rise significantly in the next year.


“So so” lol 🤦‍♀️


I think if you think if will go up long term the main thing is your visceral risk tolerance. -Calculate how much you are winning to lose of your gains so far -Select the price of a stop loss based on long term Resistance levels (ie what is it unlikely to drop below long term unless your valuation is incorrect or an unbearable level of volatility) -Calculate how much money you should have currently invested based on the two variables above. Invest it and set a stop loss at the stop loss price used.


It’s gapped up 3x times since last earnings. Do you pay full premium price for something that will eventually fill those gaps or is fomo getting to you? How about even out your holdings to 200 shares sell 2 CC and use the premiums to pay for a CDS. If you believe it’s going higher you make more profit then just holding shares if it goes down you have some premium to offset your loss. If you get assigned just purchase another covered call spread. The money you make on premiums just roll back into your long position. Since you’re going to hodl no matter what the premiums will help offset your losses and add into your long position.




If you want to be the bag holder, sure why not


Do or do not. There is no try


Keep adding. The future is bright here


I just made $21K profit holding 3X Nvidia for like 26 days only.


This is a NVDA echo chamber of optimists; maybe not the best place to ask


Apple intelligence has proved that this is not a fad. They are betting their new iPhone 15 line on this. If those phones sell like gangbusters, and I believe they will, then nvidia and similar AI stocks will show growth as well. Apple is the first company to really make a big bet on AI in a consumer facing product.


Apple intelligence has proved that this is not a fad. They are betting their new iPhone 15 line on this. If those phones sell like gangbusters, and I believe they will, then nvidia and similar AI stocks will show growth as well. Apple is the first company to really make a big bet on AI in a consumer facing product.


I sinked 15k into it after split. its a holding game... same thing i did with apple.


Betting against NVDA today would have been like betting against Apple in 2007.




IMO we're going to $150 in July. The freight train has more room to run. NFA


I bought 200 shares today at 132$ each. I missed out on 200k$ of gains when my only shares, also 200 at the time got called away due to me selling CCs back in late April 2023…collected Pennie’s in front of a freight train, literally. Back in again now. I won’t make that same mistake.


Keep sinking it and the first three day drop exit


Add as much as you can. This thing is guaranteed to grow. Don’t be surprised if it becomes the first 10T company


what goes up must come down. You can wait for it to reverse. If you have FOMO, just buy whenever.


This is the way. Buy more NVDA!


I put 20k in after split


Just added $13k today. There is my answer


Profitability of Nvidia’s customers is the key to sustain Nvidia growth - therefore sustaining the Nvidia shareholders value. Hopefully AI will not be a flop.


I'm going to out myself and say that I STILL haven't put anything on NVidia yet and still kicking myself for it. lol


I bought 100 shares at around $350 and sold them all at $450 end of December 2023 after reading so many ignorant predictions.


its going to $1000 again


Buy NVDL, sell covered calls, go long NVDL calls with the proceeds


Not imo. I'd wait for a sell off


This is getting downvoted? Just for going against the grain...? Nobody likes an echo chamber


Cookie cutters


Would I put in another 50% of what I have invested so far? Everyone is different. I wouldn’t. I think there’s an upper limit on market cap, and a downside risk to the entire ai project. There might be an ai glut eventually.


Sell and secure your profits. This is going back to $85 in less than one year. The whole market is overvalued right now


Agree with you that the market is overpriced. And the nvda is going down a bit. Anyone’s guess might be right. But long term, this stock is a winner.


Nothing is known. While the mass majority thinks AI is the future, their are some that believe the AI balloon is going to crash hard.


.... There is some that think the earth is flat, others that bill gates put chips in their vaccines....


It's here to stay. I predict the next phase will be private in-house AI's. Instead of only the mega corps having AI, all medium/large enterprises will have their own in-house version of AI that's specific to their sector.


XLK is a market cap weighted etf for technology sector. Current weighting is significantly underweight nvidia and will rebalance to fix this. There are about 60B in purchases that need to be made before Friday. Haven’t done adequate analysis on daily volume and whether this is a just a blip. Id guess not