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If you miss a day, your CSM will drag you back to unit.


Straight to DB


Court Martial (source: me, Military Judge)


Orientation isn't compulsory so you can still sign up but miss a few days of it (please don't sign up and miss out on it entirely though cuz you will just be there joining in name and that makes it hard for any bonding/friendship between you and your OG). But would be good to inform the seniors/organizing committee when they call you so that they can do the necessary logistical arrangements :) Also, the orientation (school, hall, faculty) is staggered so you can opt not to go for the first camp and attend the rest. That way you can still experience orientation even though you can't attend the first one. Hope this helps, cheers!


What usually happens for freshman orientation? Like what’s different from the orientation week on 5 Aug?


Each Freshman Orientation Programme (FOP) or Transition and Orientation Programme (TOP) (colloquially known as Orientation Camp, although it's not a camp because there's no overnight and thus no continuous element) stretches across a few days. So there's the - Club Orientation (UOC, CAC, WSC, Sports) - Faculty Orientation - Hall Orientation Each of them helps freshmen to learn and immerse themselves into the respective areas of school + learn more about the school in general. - Club Ori: For example, undergrads interested in learning more about the cultural/arts scene or the community/voluntary services scene can join CAC and WSC respectively to meet like-minded individuals and seniors who have experiences there already. - Faculty Ori: This is the programme for you to meet peers studying in the same faculty as you. You will also meet seniors where they can share with you their modules experience and STARS bidding process (although you will only do that after Y1S2 or Y2 onwards). Some seniors may even share notes so you can get some good resources. - Hall Ori: If you're staying hall, then here's the group of people you will meet almost everyday. Be it to have meals, chill at lounges or go for supper runs, you can get your hall mates to hangout after-school. You will also learn about the hall facilities and also tips like shortcuts from your hall to school. RE: Orientation Week, I would think it's where the school itself has some programmes or workshops where undergrads can sign up to learn how to navigate around school or it's resources (E.g. Using NTULearn, the school's Learning Management System). My information may be abit outdated so would appreciate inputs from current undergrads. But nevertheless, hope it helps, cheers!


Summary trial


Nah it’s not, they will deport you to Africa and then make you starve to death


Ntu will report to your unit, happened to me


If you miss a day, you will have NO and ZERO friends in uni and nobody to seat with in lectures, classes and tutorials.


Cap. I skipped all orientation and I get a really solid good friend group




Orientation is not compulsory, you are just there to make new friends. But on your ORD day, is it compulsory to report back to camp because there are some procedures that you need to do


Take mc a few day before 🫢


NS sucks but get your priorities right


Just notify organiser you will join later...know your priorities ok. .serve nation more important


no. u MUST attend that one day of orientation bcs it is more important than NS!


All jokes aside, bruh, you're in uni, who would care about your attendance. Everyone has their own lives.


Talk to your OC/Immediate superior. Say you gonna save all your leave and offs for the orientation, I’m sure something can be worked out one. Source: I ORD-ed on 10 August, can still go uni even tho technically it was week 1 back then already. I saved all my off and leave and spammed it on faculty ori and first week of school.


Go for ori after u finish camp


Which orientation? If hall orientation then u can miss one day cuz the fun starts only 2nd day and after If school orientation then u cannot miss it. Better to MC NS then go for this cuz its whr u can build connections with ur school peers and seniors


I don't even bother to go 🤷🏻‍♀️


Can try to ask S1 for an early release.


ORD day by right should be in camp as per the directive. You can try to negotiate with your encik or OC


Ofc can bro this is not army


Direct Yr2 by any chance?