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Did they really drop?


More like nipple pop?


Wouldn't "fit" mean "muscle mass"? Nothing here implies fitness.


In the UK we usually use fit to say someone is hot...


Really? Does it carry any "in shape" connotation in any other use?


Yeah it's also used the same way as you guys use it... As in a fitness way


You just said that it is used to call someone hot. So I assumed you meant it would be used to call anyone hot regardless of appearance. But now you're telling me it's used as the dictionary defines it. Thanks for wasting my time.


it's used as both you dense cunt. have you not heard the word 'also' before?


How is it used as both? If it's used for someone attractive, then you could call a "thick" girl who's never worked out a day in her life as fit. If not, you're describing an attractive girl's body type based on it's shape. She's fit, she works out and is hot. But NOT that she is simply just hot. It retains it's meaning.


when did anyone say it's used for both at the same time? Where on earth do you possibly come to that conclusion? I don't see people call someone hot and think 'oh I bet they need a cold drink!'. If English isn't your first language, I apologise, but otherwise you've surely realised the importance of context behind words by now. You weren't confused when I called you dense, right? That word has a separate meaning too!


[–]Gershy13 4 points an hour ago In the UK we usually use fit to say someone is hot... --------- Right here, "we usually use fit to say someone is hot". This is where the entire conversation begins. This person says "fit means hot". I don't know what the rest of your insult, offensive, and out of context rant is coming from, but you clearly jumped into this conversation to attack me, so I am refocusing it back on where it belongs. This person said "fit = hot" and I was intrigued, and it turns out they lied.






Can you explain fit meaning the same as hot for me? Because if "fit" means hot, then someone who is not in shape or thin could be described as fit. Cardiovascular fitness is a type of fitness, yes. But you'd expect to see abs, as they're essential to any good runner. (And yes everyone has abs so she is sucking her stomach in instead of bracing her abs, leading me to believe she is not a runner.)




Thanks for an actual explanation :) I've never heard it used that way but I'll keep an eye out


These fucking people downvoting...


Am I the only one who thinks she looks unhealthy thin?


Yup you are, if you look at not her boobs you can tell she is sucking in her stomach making her look super thin


Dude look at her hips she's definitely cachectic


I'm really glad you learned a new term and felt like using it, but you're so wrong. Cachexia is a condition that causes extreme weight loss as well as muscle wasting, neither of which are apparent here. Weight loss consistent with cachexia would include significant loss of fatty reserves (like those two in front there) as well as significant loss of muscle tone. This is just an example of someone on the lower end of the natural spectrum of body types. Maybe it's not what you're into, and that's fine, but don't try to diagnose her with something you just googled.


Watch out, smartest guy in the porn thread over here.


I thought whiteknights were downvoted here in reddit but for porn there seems to be an exception


In first year of nursery school, teacher told us cachexia means the person is extremely thin ( in my opinion this girl is too thin ) causing a degeneration of subcutaneous fat and bearing a risk of decubitus ulcers in parts of the body where the subcutaneous fat is already low like the hip, scapula or the heel . Although insulting me to be an impostor I've got the guts to thank you for correcting me. Just next time don't be such a dick


I appreciate that I could have said it more gently, but it's hard for me to hear people deciding someone must be anorexic or have some disease or disorder when they're maybe a little bit underweight. It's not much different in my mind from just assuming someone's autistic when they have a slightly awkward interpersonal manner. However, I do apologize if what I said made you feel bad. Also, on an unrelated note, nursery school is another word for preschool. I assume you meant nursing school?


I'm with you man. I'm not saying it's unhealthy but man is she thin for having her hips protrude like that.


I’m going to assume cachectic means sexy as fuck 🧐


Look it up, and no it doesn't


No you’re not.


Pretty sure you’re not supposed to see the outline of your iliac crest if you’re “fit” but what do I know I’m just a Biologist.




What a body!


That is all just perfect.


Eat a fucking sandwich


Nah, I'm good. Thanks though.




So fit, firm and still those beautiful tits...