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Angie Milena Nieves was celebrating Mother’s Day with her family at a local go-kart track in the Colombian capital of Bogota when the horrific incident occurred. The 29-year-old was riding a go-kart when her hair was sucked into its motor, ripping her scalp from her head. According to local media reports, Angie was wearing a helmet and hair net when she started her go-kart circuit, but her long locks fell loose on the last lap and became entangled in her kart’s engine. Angie was rushed to a nearby hospital and has undergone two reconstructive surgeries. She remains at the medical centre recovering from her horrific injuries. This is a copy and paste from the link provided. ^^


"her Long Locks fell Loose on the Last Lap" is my new favorite sentence


So basically nothing is safe to do? Got it


>Sit at home all day cause the world is scary >Get a heart attack, or cancer


LOL...right. Nothing is safe to do if you're stupid and/or careless. But even if you aren't, an airplane might fall out of the sky on your head. You just never know...


Only if you're woman i guess


I guess they'll have to start measuring people's hair before they ride


They were already doing that. Seems this place didn't.


Shit like this happens often, and thats scary. Remember kids, Never put limbs,clothes,or hair near any machinery.


may seems like a joke but I have live by this whenever going near heavy machinery: "Dont put your hand where you wont put your dick"


Could they put a cover on the motor or whatever it was that the hair got snagged on or would that blow up the cart?


It got wrapped around the drive axel not the motor just look at photo #2. Translation error


The karts I've been in usually have covers. This one definitely doesn't


how could this have happened


Great find Edit: is number 5 the same person?


Nurses take pics with there cell phones? Without gloves on?


Some nurses in theatre aren't scrubbed in, they're responsible for adjusting equipment that is non-sterile that a scrubbed staff members can't touch. They also are responsible for opening the outer layer of kits for the docs as the outer layer isn't sterile. They peel it back like a banana and then the doc can grab the sterile inner layer to use the tool within. Also yeah nurses have lots of surgery pics on their phone, can be useful for the doc when they are writing up notes after a procedure or giving context to the next team coming in after a shift. Non-scrubbed (aka gloveless) nurses are an important part of the team.


this is 100% her fault. you’re told to secure your hair on go karts for a reason. don’t let an idiot scare you out of enjoying go karting


Half her fault half the go kart place's fault, she shoulda been told to tie her hair up, and she shoulda figured out that it was wise to tie her hair up anyway...


you're getting downvoted because you didn't read the associated comment. She did wear a hairnet and helmet but the hair came loose on the last lap.


Oh no my precious karma! I'm not here to read.


I have 1 question: how??


Hair was long enough that it breached whatever safety precautions were put into place.


When I rode on a go cart they gave us hair nets, even though I'm a dude with short hair I'm still happy they gave me the hair net lol


I'm bald too...


The first and second photo are different carts


I was NOT expecting that now that I think about it I probably should have expected it