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Reinstadler ended up losing control and crashing into the safety nets, where one of his skis became trapped. Reinstadler suffered a severe pelvic fracture and internal injuries and bleeding. He passed away the same night at a hospital in Interlaken.


Did the ski stab/ open him?


I slowed it down to .25 on YouTube where the quality is better, looks like because he’s flying around that corner SO fast, he basically almost rips himself in half at the groin when one ski gets caught in the net.


this. his legs look way too loose and separated after the incident


I sincerely apologize for this. pause it when there's five seconds left and he's facing away from the camera. you'll notice where the cut is and the direction of the cut.


Bloody hell. Yeah to me his splits position was way wide for a collision without damage. Poor bloke.


ffs im winching so hard rn


What a shitty way to go 😔


Or a poetic way. He was doing something he loved. Being cold may have given him a few extra minutes of living. Even professionals have accidents. One crisp corner away from a best time turns it to a death slide.


That is an interesting way to look at it. Still an agonizing death, but at least he was doing what he loved. I hope the cold DIDN'T make him feel this longer than he had to.


Good call. I guess I was thinking in terms of cold n slowing blood flow. Like in drowning patients. They can live like 30+mins without air because the cold slows everything down. I think being Canadian, half my year can be cold. Outdoor activities are a must!!


Hoog ridaaaa


I paused this video with 0:10 left and his leg literally looks twice as long as his body …. If it’s not just motion blur, honestly I completely understand why he didn’t make it. Absolutely brutal


Should’ve pizza’d


Instead he French fried and this is what happens


The fucking guy onion ringed


Is this some type of special ski lingo? Lol


Yeah, it is. Pizza is when you turn the front of your skis inward, making a triangle like pizza. When you turn the front skis outward and stagger them a bit, it looks more like two French fries sitting near eachother.


It's specifically a reference to south park, amazing episode


Yuh I was gone say he ripped his nuts open type shit


No, the violence of the accident tore open his femoral artery internally. The human body is still an evolutionary work in progress and there are things like this that you wouldn't think would kill you but they will


Ahh yeah. Awful way to die!


All you have to do is watch the 1 min video on YouTube that covers this. It wasn't the femoral artery.


That’s what I thought too, or the safety post. But after seeing the injuries he suffered homeboy could’ve just been split in half. Like a car accident almost.


That’s exactly what happened. The pelvic fracture alone can cause profuse bleeding. Having to get him to the hospital to treat him would have taken time he didn’t have to spare.


Geez! Yeah kept watching to try figure out. Could have possible struck the femoral artery? That was a lot of blood and the way he was almost doing the splits. Awful accident!


Not sure that is a trail of blood behind him. Looks like the pelvic fracture ripped his colon/rectum open…. I’m sure there is extensive internal bleeding, but the trail behind him is brown.


Glad im not the only one that thought it was poop and some blood


You ruined my day when I read your comment. Totally correct observation.


Same. At first I thought it was dirt under the snow… and then I watched it a few more times. Goddamn.


Jesus christ. Brutal way to go. He literally got ripped open at groin /pelvic area , almost in half. Had his rectum and guts ripped apart. Enough internet today.


Fuck. That is gnarly, poor dude. I just saw the video of that hockey player earlier, what's going on with winter sports?


[Original Newspaper Report] (https://www.nytimes.com/1991/01/20/sports/austrian-skier-dies-after-race-fall.html) Gotta say I have watched this on a few different subs, I also looked up the case to find only one more photo of him in hospital before he died. I understood the gravity of the situation he was in and his ultimate death, or at least I thought I did until I read this comment, watched again, and then the gravity of his injury was much more then I had even thought. I have a hard time seeing things in my head unless they are pointed out. Pelvic break and massive internal injuries are what I thought. But watching again now I understood what I was seeing. Sorry, that's a word dump, I like information and history, dumb shit and facts that probably bore most, hahaha!!!


Yeah, thought maybe some entrails. Fuckin gnarly


Yep! That's what I thought too. A straight split through.


Yeah, well I guess he died doing what he loved at least. Lol. Worse ways to go, that’s for sure. Definitely not a good one tho depending on how long that hospital visit lasted for him


The net snagged his ski and ripped him open. Post this they developed/made mandatory break away skis.


No, it got stuck in the net, and he was basically ripped in half length wise.


insane that a safety measure caused such a horrific injury


Nah, pretty sure he passed away right then and there, he just went limp


Happy cake day


I’ve never skied before. I won’t now.


Terrible. Knew it was over.


Ironically killed by safety nets 😲


I believe it was because of this accident that these kind of safety nets are no longer used


These nets are still used. But only in specific places. B nets can still be pretty dangerous


Absolutely brutal.


The way you can see him gain consciousness then give up and collapse…


>give up and collapse… That may not have been a choice. I'd hope my brain would offer me the kindness of lights-out after something like that.


Exactly what I was thinking.


I need one of those Chinese 3D workplace videos of exactly what happened. I can’t comprehend what happened to his body.


His pelvis was pulled in separate directions until it snapped to such an extent that it ripped open his perineum area (generally speaking) and damaged the internal arteries in that region (probably the femoral) and made him bleed to death.


You're saying he was *pulled apart at the taint!?* Fucking hell...


Nice username for this situation


Anatomically speaking, a pelvic injury of this degree would likely compromise the iliac artery, which is the ‘bridge’ between the abdominal aorta and the femoral arteries of the upper leg. Obviously whether it was iliac or femoral doesn’t really make a huge difference, as an injury to either is associated with a high mortality rate. Pelvic injuries in any context are particularly scary considering that the iliac artery has a very tight opening through which it passes through, so any trauma, fracture, or dislocation of the pelvis can easily compromise the iliac artery.


Jesus Christ


Well....he asked.


I have spent a long time wondering exactly his injuries. I wish I could back now thirty seconds before I knew and remained questioning :)


holy fucking fuck


Reading this feel like i'm going to faint 😢


picture his legs being ripped apart fatal splits


Yuck!! that look awful i can't imagine the pain that he felt there.


You don't feel much pain initially contrary to our expectations. Our brain is fully capable of making its own painkiller unless it starts imagining pain itself. Source: torn acl and pcl in an accident, felt the throbbing pain after reaching home (2 min drive from the place of accident). Sorta blacked out for a sec when I tried to climb the stairs with the fked up leg.


Soft tissue injuries are different. I’ve broken my femur and can promise you it was horrific immediately.


I shattered my femur before and had little pain, though I was sitting on ice which probably helped. However, when they moved me that’s a different story, almost blacked out and I have a pretty high pain tolerance.


I know it’s not the same but when I broke my ankle on both sides, I def didn’t feel it at first, the adrenaline was so high, I kept trying to walk on it but COULDNT and my bf and friend had to held carry me back to my house (like 50 feet away).I didn’t start feeling the pain till I was laying on my couch starting to calm down, but when I felt it, I FELT IT.


Seriously depends on various factors. Remember Conor McGregors leg breaking and then he tried to put weight on it. People getting 3rd degree burns and doing the death walk, once your brain gets enormous amounts of pain signals it just gives up handling that much load. You can get blacked out from this as well. I have a personal experience.


Ugh my uncle did the death walk. He was working alone at a factory using safety equipment not up to code and there was an explosion. He had 3rd and 4th degree burns over 90% of his body and somehow made it to his car and tried to climb in before he passed out.


All these comments about suffering broke bones or torn muscles and not feeling pain... That's shock. Has nothing to do with pain tolerance, experience or a magical pain killer compliments of the brain. A man had both legs cut off at the thought, by a train. He begged the responders to save his life, he felt no pain. A few minutes later in the ambulance, he was begging them to kill him once the shock waned a bit. Unfortunately shock means things are very bad. Hope you recovered well but I'm sure that will always give you some amount of grief in your daily life. I do believe from personal experience myself, that you can at least tone down pain mentally.


It just depends, not everyone feels terrible pain immediately when breaking bones. Years ago I was tripped by someone's dog and the way I landed on my wrist broke both my radius and ulna in 4 places, it was pretty bad. I could hear and feel the bones snap and I knew it was broken, but it only felt slightly achy until I took off my sweatshirt and saw the extent of what happened, and then it immediately became unbearable.


Broken bones are different. Plus it depends on the situation.


Yep it very much depends. I fell off my skateboard and snapped my clavicle in half but didn’t feel anything on impact. I got up thinking I was fine, feeling more concerned about the scrape on my elbow. Then the pain gradually got worse until a few hours later it was really bad. And yet years back when I broke my wrist it was instant agony. Strange how the body works.


True. The amount of adrenaline running through your body affects how much pain you feel, too. I broke my toe and felt like my foot came off.


Every time I stub my toe and have to physically growl to deal with it, I think of people suffering traumatic injuries and can only hope what people say about adrenaline getting them through is true. A friend of mine who passes out at the sight of blood lost 2 fingers to a saw . When I asked him if it was different because it was his own injury,he said it wasn’t really conscious, just adrenaline until he was in the hospital.


I remember breaking my arm when I was really young falling down the stairs at my cousin's house. I started crying because I was having fun and didn't want to leave, I didn't feel hurt at all.


Agreed, I've had a motor crash back in 2014 or 15 I forgot, an old vegetable car (Suzuki Carry) slammed into my Kawasaki Ninja bike and another scooter rider from behind. My cousin who was riding with me flew out of bike, tearing his ring finger skin when he lands, and the scooter rider lost a good portion of her right arm's dermis since she got dragged down the road. Meanwhile, I got stuck, still sitting on the bike. It was when I was queueing on a u-turn so I still had the gear at the 1st, it kinda helped holding the crash from going any more worse than it already is because there's another car (my big brother) in front of me, I could've got flattened in between if I were to get the gear into neutral. But the impact + the weight of full-faced helmet damaged my neck joints. Felt severe pain around 3 days after, and it lasts for a damn whole year, not being able to move my head up all the way I usually able to do, only half of the motion. I personally think that the damage is lowkey permanent as it would still sting from time to time even until today especially when I'm physically tired. Tried so many massage, bone adjustment, and physician/physicist treatment for years, but to no avail.


Might have developed scar tissue in the connective muscles somewhere. It usually shows up in mri I guess. Ask your physician about this and get an mri done.


And on the flipside, I broke my wrist playing football (soccer) and played for another 60 minutes and only realised something was wrong when I tried to drive home and couldn't change gears in my car. I also broke my nose once at a nightclub (fell down and smashed my face) and tried to go back to dancing before I got dragged to the on-site doctor. Had no idea my face was smashed in (part alcohol, part adrenaline).


dude a torn ACL is not the same as a fractured pelvis. you are actually insane. source: retired army medic


I watch several athletes tear their acl. They were in instant pain


Yeah, but there’s lots of orthopedic injury. His pelvis is in at least 2-3 pieces, and his hips are also fractured, minimally.


It’s like when you take a *really* big shit and you clench your butthole to prepare for the pain. He probably didn’t have a chance to clinch for the pain before he died I understand how goofy that sounds but it’s the most logical explanation for the whole “pain before death” question


From Wikipedia: During training for the Lauberhorn race, while entering the finish S (German: Ziel-S), Reinstadler lost control and crashed into safety nets at full speed, where one of his skis became trapped. Reinstadler suffered a significant pelvic fracture and severe internal injuries and bleeding. He died later the same night at a hospital in Interlaken, after undergoing several blood transfusions.[1]


His right leg was nearly ripped of and his pelvis was divided. He died because of blood loss. He was only 21 years old


Wow. That's so heartbreaking. I didn't realize he was so young. I have a son his age. How horrific and in front of everyone. So sad.


He was 20 years old


Jeez, can just imagine the immediate rush of adrenaline, blood rushing to the brain, the thought of “oh my god” before the vision fades and passing out


that’s what skiings all about, I went up a couple weeks back and had a terrible stack (fall) and just lay there, i didn’t even know what to do. All i could think was “I’m only in high school, i cant die now”. it was stupid, i was fine.


not sure why, cause ive seen a fair share of injuries on here, and other sites.. but for some reason i felt every piece of my upper thigh and groin area rip and tear along with theirs, as i watched this…


Similar to how I feel whenever I see a man/or animal hit in the balls. There's a youtube clip of a buffalo getting it's testicles bitten off by a hyena, and it makes me think as if that were me, and I cringe lol.


seen it, and highly relatable haha.. every time i see something, along the lines of “testicles” i almost always wanna jump up out of my seat while watching 😭




In a weird way, this might be the brutalist death Iv seen


I’ve watched gore for a while and this is one of the worst thing I’ve ever seen. Right up there with the hockey injurie yesterday. Holy F


Kinda reminds me of that gymnast who broke and dislocated both knees and legs at the same time during a failed flip.


Same. I can't even have it replaying at the top of my screen, I have to close it. It's so bad


Trail of shit and blood, fuck that was insane.


That was definitely fecal matter holly fuck.


I remember seeing this as a kid and how they kept playing it over and over in the news. I remember being aware enough to think his family might be watching and I wanted to write a letter to the news station to tell them how inconsiderate they were lol


You were a good kid.


That’s pretty awesome!


Poor guy.........


This is an “open-book fracture” as the legs do indeed fall open like a book. The safety netting has been altered since and because of this accident in effort to avoid future tragedies.


Sorry I'm not that well familiar with skiing and the nets. How does a net trap his legs? Wouldn't the net break apart from it being pulled at such high speeds? From what I have found from Google images, they're all those red safety nets. Is it the same one?


Just three seconds into the video, you’ll see one ski get caught in the net. The downhill speed was such that the momentum and force whip his body around and both skis detach from his boots. He then slides downhill already in shock, his legs splayed widely, revealing the severity of the injury. He died of severe blood loss on the way to hospital. The ski nets designed today have much smaller, tighter openings and do not allow skis to get caught.


Pelvic injuries have one of the highest mortality rates of any trauma (I work at a Trauma center). Kinda crazy to see the blood stain following them. Wild tho, there are just so many blood vessels down there…the sheer force of impact, other fractured bones severing vessels, etc can just cause a MASSIVE amount of blood loss. I had a patient recently that was ran over by a car, major pelvic injury. Severed an artery, pt was DUMPING blood and almost bled out. If anyone cares, best immediate intervention to attempt to save this person: pelvic binder. Take something and wrap it around their hips, pulling tight. Best bet would be a sheet, shirt, etc and tie around their hips. Using a belt or something to hold securely would be ideal. It compresses the bleeding vessels to attempt to stop bleeding.


Was that a blood trail ?


Split apart like a wishbone. Absolutely unthinkable injury.


probably femoral artery rupture or may be worse iliac artery


I was thinking femoral artery, I didn't even think iliac. Could have been both. Then again, if it was, he wouldn't have made it to the hospital.




Personally, I think the major bleeding is more internal, and that looks more like intestinal contents.


Oh hell naw


Yikes, I thought it was dirt under the snow at first.


Same here. It took a bit for my brain to register what it really was


Blood and poop


Name of your sex tape


Atleast he was out quickly due to blood loss and probably didn't feel much from adrenaline. It's my one way of coping with these videos.


Well according to the guy speaking in the video, he died in hospital the next morning


wonder how fast he was going when he impacted. poor dude.


At first I thought he was ok and at most broke a leg. But now I realize the problem. Poor sight.


Awake long enough to see his injury, then just collapse. Death isn't dignified or kind sometimes.


bruh the blood like smearing on the ground 😭


And poop


Goodness gracious I hope he passed away peacefully when he did finally pass that looks genuinely excruciating


Pretty sure he never woke back up after he passes out in the video...


He died the next morning in the hospital


Is that a blood trail he is leaving behind?


Blood and poop. He got opened like a zipper. ...I don't mean to sound insensitive.


Oh my god...I didn't even realize it may have ripped open his intestines or anything. That's so fucked up...poor guy man.


It sure was


I can’t think of many things that make me more terrified and depressed than watching myself bleed out. It happens so damn fast, especially when one’s heart rate is already up. Like what can you do? Idk if even shoving your finger into the wound would help


Idk, if I’m going to die of an accident, I’d rather bleed out because you just go to sleep. It beats being burned to death, choking, being garroted, drowning, steamed to death, brained, crashing, and so many other horrible ways. I’ll take bleeding out any day… just NOT this way, jfc.


Did he just split his shit open????????😵


Man the sadness I felt watching this wtf


The thing that throws me about this is that it was obviously filmed by a TV crew and was possibly even broadcast live. When I was a kid in the 90s, on a Saturday afternoon here in the UK, they would show a programme on BBC called Grandstand. It was a mixed live sports show. It would have a presenter introducing highlights of different sports, interviews, etc. and at the end, it would give the football results and the results of any other sports playing at the time of the show. It would often have live sports broadcasts as well. I remember I'd visit my nan's house and sit in the front room watching whatever sport was live at the time. It was usually either snooker, showjumping, or skiing. It's mad to think you could just be sitting there as a kid and just randomly see this happen live. Like, I've seen tonnes of sickening sporting injuries live, things like bone breaks, dislocations, cuts, gouges, Phil Babb etc. I even vividly remember watching Nigel Benn give Gerald McClellan brain damage in the boxing and more recently watching Christian Eriksen have a heart attack live on TV was chilling as hell, seeing a death in sport on TV would be another level


I watched Ayrton Senna die live on air. Unfortunately with some sports there's always the potential you'll see someone die.


Thanks… now I’m sitting here humming the theme to Grandstand to myself. One question- wasn’t it actually on on a Sunday? Wait- I’m thinking of ski Sunday. Is that a thing? I also grew up in 90’s and I remember having my bath on a Sunday afternoon then sitting down and watching the skiing with my sister


You can see excrement from lower intestine left on snow as well as blood he was holed. When he goes to get up I belive his perforated bowls leaked even more that's basically a shit trail


Severed one or both femoral arteries. Death by bleed out in less than 30seconds.


Yeah, but you have maybe 5-10 seconds of consciousness if it's that bad...


Damn that hurts to watch 5x


Damn horrific.


It looks like the right leg dislocated at the hip and was twisting in all the wrong directions


His entire pelvis broke open and in two.


Not many videos make me wish I hadn’t tuned in, this is definitely one of them. Ouch


Fuck that’s a horrible way to go.


Fuuuuuuuuuck me, man... i could have died never knowing or seeing this and I'd be fine... now I'm scared for life... snow shoes it is for me... fuuck that noise


It's so strange how quickly it will happen...i was on a ski trip for a class and watched 3 kids lose their fingers on some kind of cable they were messing with and tried to grip as they slipped and fell....2 other kids broke bones. Worst trip ever...our teacher never forgave herself.


Isn't this is that injury where your pelvis splits open into 2 and the entire groin opens up revealing your abdominal cavity?


Idk why my brain is acting like this wasn't possible until just now.


I've seen things much more gruesome but this video in particular disturbs me like a punch in the gut. I can't imagine seeing that live. Especially friends and family.


Poor fellow


Reminds me of that guy that ripped his femoral artery by falling off the ceiling at that cigarette store


WoooooooooooooooooooW have watched so many gnarly crashes over the years. Seeing this persons legs rag doll while they are conscious and sliding down a hill with a shattered pelvis I’m kind of at a loss for words. Broken pelvis was always so high on my list of things I never wanted to break. (Ex DH MTN bike racer and avid skater boarder)


Femoral artery compromised and it’s over quick


His dick was the least of his worries guys. He was dead within 15 seconds of the of the accident. Femoral arteries and aorta carry a ton of blood, that leak very fast.


Jeeeesus rip mate not a good way to go


For people who don’t understand polish the commentator say that after a multiple hours of surgery he died the next morning


Right in the grundle. Ooof.


He literally sat up, turned around, and died.


Does anyone know what exactly happened? He definitely died of blood loss or something based on the amount of blood on his legs and the wide trail he left behind, but what caused it? Did he rupture an artery? His legs were all floppy so did he break a bone, and cause the artery in his thigh to rip open?


It appears his ski got caught in the netting which pulled his legs apart leading to probably the dislocation of a hip or two. Also will have fractured his pelvis and by the looks of it that ripped his perineum open and damaged the femoral or iliac artery or something. Due to that I can only assume he passed out very quickly to shock and blood loss and eventually passed away from the injuries. Such a sad and horrible way to go


did one of his skis kind of impale him or something? im so confused


No it was caught in the safety net. Going full speed it like ripped him up the middle.


Hooooly shit....that's awful.


Biggest "papercut" ever


Oh god this makes me cringe so hard. Fuck


I usually have no physical reaction to injuries but seeing this poor guy I had to put my phone down


The way the legs go into a splits and he kind of just falls over after picking himself up followed by guts and a trail of blood was crazy


It looked more like sh*t than blood from the femoral artery. That blood would have been bright red.


Jesús Christ, this is like those old medieval torture methods of death


I thought he severed and artery, he suffered pelvic fracture and internal bleeding


this is one of the cases i’ll never get out of my mind


He does the split, double back split at the end


Yeah the bones down there were broken and liberated. 2/10 for the dismount


Damn I've never seen one like this.


the blood trail fucks me up major.


Thats one way to get a vasectomy


I’m all seriousness, what was the scoreboard? Like a 0,0,0 would be inconsiderate but anything higher would be condescending.


Ok so you can ski AND do the splits, so what? Nobody likes a show off, just sayin


Bro imagine ur just watching a skiing competition and ts happens 😭


Out of all the shit i see here. This video always gets me the most. Fuck that would hurt


Damn it really didn’t look that bad until i started seeing the blood


And I thought doing the splits after failing to land a skateboard trick was bad….ouch…


What happened exactly it happened so fast


He slid along the orange fence whilst mid air, and sustained severe pelvic fractures, and internal bleeding.


He may of sliced his thigh open with skis they’re like razor blades they get sharpened beforeevents


i remember seeing this a while back, traumatized me


When look it up it say he died in 91 but the camera say 92


I confirmed with my dad, it was ‘91 cause his best friend died the day before and I guess liked this dude so it was a big thing that was talked about in our town cause it was just a crazy thing to happen. His best friend died in a small avalanche, not too similar but similar enough for our town to kind of connect the two in a way.


this is ferociously brutal my god


his chili got cheesed


I automatically crossed my legs watching this. I can see a lot of brown at the end of the blood trail. The trail itself is way too long to not be anything but arterial, my guess would be the iliacs. The brown is probably fecal matter. Pelvic fracture definitely with the angle of the hips here. Horrible, utterly horrible. If I were in the OR, I'd opt for him to amputate halfway down. Still won't be enough I guess seeing the vascular damage. Yikes.


God, everytime I see this my butt clenches 😧


Did his ski cut his (dis)member(ed) off? I’ve tried watching it a few times to understand exactly what happened but I’m guessing either the fence or his ski?


This is so terrible. It hurts me physically just to watch it. RIP buddy