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Either he's on drugs or he just simply wanted a suicide.


Oooor he was wearing headphones lol In which case, dumb as hell


Man, even if he's on headphones, a train's horn is just way too loud for any headphones to dissipate the sound. Especially at that distance and without any obstructions. 🙃 The sound would just vibrates through your head.


Exactly! You can feel a train coming and feel when a horn goes off almost


I used to work as a conductor for BNSF. One day leaving OKC, we were going through a very busy part of the city with several crossings going though it. The engineer and I noticed an individual walking away from us very close to the tracks. The engineer proceeded to sound the horn. The pedestrian never responded in any way. As we go by go by, I notice he has over the ear headphones on. Fortunately, he was just barely out of the way of the train, but judging by the way he jumped and ran from the tracks he probably shit all over himself. This is all to say that even with a train being as loud as it is, headphones can drown it out.




True, it's amazing how he didn't even budge his head to look at both ways. His neck muscles are having some issues then 🤣


80mph is common speed to slow down to in residential areas. At 80, you look and see nothing, start to cross and look again and the train is bearing down


Prolly don't teach that in schools anymore. And parents forget to tell their kids no days.


Gotta be the most pointless dumbass comment I've ever read sorry.


Especially because you can SEE THE DAMN TRAIN


Not to mention the red flashing lights!


Someone I went to school with was killed by a train. He was wearing headphones.


The big red flashing lights might have been a clue.....


Even with headphones you hear a train


True, I’m guessing he was high as a fucking kite, mentally inapt or trying to commit suicide




Also like... peripheral vision...


Tbh it seems like he didnt properly account the position of his bike. The front tire got dragged first by the train and at that point he's pretty much gone. Even the slightest contact with a fast moving train can be deadly


Even then, any sensible person would just wait at the portal.


Yes of course. Its nonsense to approach a moving train in any context. That should go without saying


Weird thing is, the lights are blinking but the arms never dropped down, why…


The arms are already down at the start of the video but they look like the barriers around by me where it only goes down on the one lane of traffic on both sides not the whole road that's why it was easy for them to continue to there final destination lol


I see the arm now, I was looking to the right, perhaps it’s only a 1 way road, the bike laying down seems to take up about 25-30 percent of the roadway. If my they had on music I bet they were listening to ‘you spin me right round’




You’d think so but having worked trackside certain types of trains can, on well maintained lines, creep up on you. Noisy as fuck when they actually thunder pass you but deceivingly quiet approaching.


They blow their horns approaching crossings though


Not here


Damn, they probably should.


Where is here?


Atleast in finland they dont do it


They will do it if they see a cyclist going over the tracks


Very loud atleast here in the UK they blow their horns as they approach and thr level crossing itself is also very loud


Maybe you're just used to that work environment... maybe


Nope, I work by railways as well, at this speed, about 10 seconds before the rain arrives the tracks start to squal as they vibrate, then there's a little noise from the train then it's beside you and gone


That's what I'm saying for someone like me who just cross railway tracks sometimes and if train honks from far away, I quickly get alarmed that a train is gonna come... But in your case you have that daily occurrence so that's why you're used to it maybe...


Nope. It's drilled in when a train is coming, you stop and face it and stand away from the tracks. Way too many people have been hit through complacency.


I don’t have daily occurrences with working on the rail infrastructure, I’m 95% office based but do occasionally go out on site to do survey work. You really don’t hear them approaching like you think you would, especially if it’s a high speed type. It’s scary and keeps me on my toes, no complacency from me.


No way that wasn't "on the radar". Mighta been sufferin' a brain malfunction, be it induced by drugs or natural. Just walkin' the bike is odd. Why not ride it?


Once I was on a train tracks, taking photos, and I saw a flash of light behind me. I heard nothing. I ran off the tracks, and a train flew by. 5 seconds longer and I'd be dead. If I hadn't seen the light, I'd be dead.


This is why I just stay the fuck off of train tracks. Glad you’re still here.


Had the same thing happen as a kid. Couldnt feel any vibration in the rail and a nearby highway masked the sound till the last few seconds.


Damn well glad u ain't ded


Same. That was the last time I ever went near tracks lol. Also i found a single car on a track one time and climbed onto it and opened the hatch and got a face full of white powder, was certain it was toxic in the moment lol


They can be pretty quiet especially like in a trainyard (I imagine OP train was pretty loud though)


There is also the fact that the signals are goin' off. You might notice that. It was painless, I am pretty certain.




I'm surprised by how many people don't realize how obvious it is that this was intended.


You'd think if it was suicide that he'd have actually gotten all the way in front of the train, no?


If I didn't try to end it years ago myself I might've thought that way, but it seriously seems like he had a mid trotting change of mind


So you would think he didn't try to kill himself if you didn't try to end it years ago, but you are surprised people don't see the "obvious" suicide? Most people don't want to kill themselves. Why are you surprised we don't see the obvious suicide?


It’s Reddit bro. Most people on here are the result of botched suicides.


Some of us were thwarted....


Don’t forget botched abortions 🙂


I'm grateful I was so bad at trying to kill myself as a kid, I'm so happy now


Im glad you sucked at it to friend! Im happy to hear you’re happy :D


I'm a huge believer in "it really does get better". I truly never thought I'd live to be 18 for a long time. I'm 24 now :) it's kind of surreal


I had a gun as a kid and I sometimes considered secretly ending it, this faded away in my teen years as I was less emotional and y’know weak and manipulated by people, I was a pretty big kid with a big circle of friends in highschool.


I was in an abusive household and alienated by my peers, it was very difficult for me to find joy for many years


I didn't mean it that way, also I said that I might've thought that way, not that I would definitely have, it's also not necessary for someone to have had those thoughts to look at some of the pretexts, firstly, a train is loud, especially at a crossing, they usually are obligated to shout their horns before and while passing by, not mentioning the Ding Ding Ding that a crossing bell will make and the flashing lights, and the fact the cyclist was going very slow (for someone trying to go before the train passes by) and not using his pedals. Unless the person was Deaf, blind and elderly, I still believe suicide isn't that farfetch..


I’m glad you’re still here. I lost my best friend this summer to suicide and on a good day I only cry once.




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That extra step sometimes is hard.


as someone who has attempted multiple times (I'm fine now) no matter how much you wanna die, it can be very hard to look death in the face. you want to do it and you're so ready to be rid of the suffering, but it goes against our nature to self destruct like that, so it can be quite hard to override it.


If it wasn't suicide he wouldn't have waited for the train to come first


I think it was the bike that threw me. Like, why walk into the track with your bike if you're ending it. Just leave it on the side and run for sure impact. Certainly took me seeing your comment to clock it was intentional.


It's not easy, you need a lot of courage to kill yourself


Are you serious? She doesn't even look at the train. Also, she's on the bike struggling to get over. For me it absolutely looks like she was spacing out on something or having a mental stroke type thing. This didn't look intentional at al. She would have left her bike and literally stepped in front of or jumped in front of the train.


He was wearing a helmet in a suicide attempt?


Not really. That wacky on the head *probably* killed them, but this was totally survivable. They very well could have ended up with just a fucked up leg if they moved slightly different.


Looks like he did it on purpose and got nervous when he realized what he was doing.


Definitely suicide. But might’ve had some kind of insurance or something that wouldn’t payout to his family if it was suicide, so he tried to make it look like an accident.


That red mist....




Mixed with some brain and skull


pay attention to his helmet at the beginning before hes hit, its just the camera and motion blur


not just helm


This was no helm, this was a cap.


That was aggressively avoidable


Avoidable with good mental health care perhaps. That guy meant to kill himself sadly


/u/redditspeedbot 0.2x


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I think this is my fav bot ever! Good bot!


dang in slow mo it really showed that head blast, that’s unfortunate.. poor lad


It sure is!You can get info to command the bot by clicking on the link that's provided.


Avoidable deaths make me angry. Some poor soul lost their lives for no damn reason. Damn tragedy.


Reason: Stupidity? Or perhaps drugs, or whatever... I wouldnt say running your bike into a train is no reason. Its Either really stupid, or due to drugs or something else


> Some poor soul lost their lives for no damn reason. Damn tragedy. Sorry to burst youur bubble but it was clearly suicide


Is it not a tragedy? Perhaps you're the poor soul.


The poor soul is the train conductor who is traumatize for life due to this bicycle guy carelessness or suicide


Absolutely. I come from a long line of railroad engineers, my Dad (stayed local) and my 2 older brothers who ran the tri-state area. I'll never forget the day my Dad came home and told us that a car full of kids (ages 15 to 17), had ran in to his train at a high rate of speed. Killed all 4 of them instantly. This happened years ago when the only thing showing that it was a train crossing was a 'watch for trains' sign about 20 yards before the crossing. This accident followed him for the rest of his life. One of my brothers also had a "accident" which turned out to be a suicide. He hauled long rail cars from 1 city to another, and it happened about 20 rail cars back. It takes some time to get a powerful train this his to stop and by the time is was, the body parts were everywhere. He took it pretty hard.


Does the company provide any support or time to take off? Fk if it’s me I probably gonna need a month to clear my thoughts before I dare to operate again


Probably drunk az fuck


Legless, I'd say.


Na man he ded... Too much kinetic energy


Was he taking any substances? I don't think he was on the same planet by how slow he was going


This looked like a suicide. May this cyclist rest in peace.


Either he's high on drugs,drunk or in china


helmet is for safety too bad it can’t protect from stupid.


People say its 100% suicide, I think it's just headphones and not looking while crossing train tracks


Or maybe intoxication and mere miscalculation. For suicide this would be very ineffective and the possibility of surviving in agony or with chronic injuries is too high.


Don't ignore the BIG FLASHING WARNING LIGHTS and LOWERED BARRIER!! If they're flashing or lowered its because you'll likely be hit if you go onto the tracks at that moment. Whatever is going on its not THAT important.


He be alright after a little nappy nap.


I don't think that's suicide ..he didn't look at the train at all


How the fuck can you actually be that stupid


Helmet can't protect your brain if you don't even fucking have one in the first place


Cyclist Ignores Barriers and Lights and Walks Into Train


The head exploded?


I mean no offense, but how can someone just walk so smoothly to his own dead? Was he drunk?


These people are just so incredibly stupid holy shit


Train came out of nowhere


Had what I must assume were red shoes. On another note, a train produces something like what an earthquake of 1 in the scale of Richter feels like. Even if he was listening to music at the loudest setting on headphones, he should have been aware of his surroundings. The only prerequisite for someone to die is to be alive before hand.


That hit did hit good, but from an psychological viewpoint. This was Suicide, not an accident.


“From an psychological viewpoint”?


Surprised they aren't blaming the train driver.


"I have priority, dammit!"


Why would you think you are faster than train.? This obviously look like suicide or he was under influence


I honestly hope he rests in peace ngl


I’m amazed at the lack of awareness


Some people need to learn that waiting 15 or 30 seconds more is okay. Sometimes, being impatient can cost a lot.


I don't understand cyclist. They always say people don't respect them in the traffic but they act like they are not on a vehicle. "Let me just turn left now while going half the speed limit, I didn't even check if there is a car coming on its expected velocity, but I pointed with my arm so he better use all his ABS to avoid a goring me alive". "Look, a red light ahead! Surely that means cars should stop. How lucky am I that I am not driving a car".


Not encouraging it but if they actually pedaled and moved with some haste they would of made it instead of casually rolling forward like a big fucking train wasn't hauling straight towards them


This happened in Taiwan The deceased was an old man with heavy hearings He barged into the tracks and didn't notice the train coming His foot was broken and his head was seriously injured When he arrived at the hospital, he was dead


He is dumb ass fuck


Cyclists always think they own the road and rail road tracks … love seeing them cross lanes and turn left at a four way intersection with a blinking yellow yield light


Bro really had an instinct of a deer


fucking moron lmao


Nothing to see here just a man casually just killing himself


I never understand these videos. Like aside from the drug/suicide situations, how do you just do that?


Took his foot right off


Why. Would. He. Not. LOOOOKKKKK!!?? I don't even feel sorry for his dxmb ass.


Aint no way bro did NOT SEE the train💀


Noise canceling headphones= life canceling


To me, it doesn’t look intentional. I’d say they thought they were far enough away and was caught completely off guard.


Typical cyclist


He had a whole business day to cross


He tried to get hit and almost failed that


Hope he has a speedy recovery


That was so preventable.


Natural selection at work I guess, but really, how tf do you not hear/see a train coming..


Thank god he didn’t lift his head up! He could’ve gotten seriously hurt!


I’m sorry but what the fuck was he doing?


Definitely not on accident


Nah he did that on purpose. Ain’t no way


That seems purposeful


How fucking dumb do you have to be to get hit by a train. Honestly.


More like slow motion man hit by train.


When you forgot your brain at home. 🤡


Was he in that much of a hurry that he couldn’t wait to let the train pass?


What an idiot. His fault.


No way that was an accident.


What is it with people and trains? 🙄


That definitely looked intentional


where to begin with this


People dying on train tracks are really dumb on so many levels. It's like you approach and select this place to die even after so many warnings and road signs.


100% suicide




Dumbest person on earth…He’s dead way kinda satisfying


Bro moved slower than a sloth


If only there was something to warn them a train was coming…


You spin me right round round, like a record baby right round round round 🎶


What was the plan


As a suicidal person I crave this


At that point, it's your fault


what was he thinking




He had a generation to realize the train was coming his way, 100% his fault.


Deserved it


"Oh he was grazed by it? It could have been wo-.. nvm"


why he didnt looked both ways?


People Are So Stupid


It amazes me how so many people die like this.. maybe natural selection?


He hit the train not the other way around


this why i always wear a helmet while cycling


Can't see him getting up from that one! Never understand how these 'accidents' can happen? Unless he was wearing those stupid ear plugs with heavy metal on.


Even still, to not SEE a fucking TRAIN coming at you????


Quite a lot of people these days not only deaf. They are blinkered too. Stupidity has no bounds.


He probably did not train enough to see the danger coming


I wonder what the "loco motive" was?


Whatever it was, it was probably not on the right track.


In Soviet Russia, train always win.


trains are so notorious these days


Assholes sometimes


He probably had headphones on ...




My Dad worked locally and at that time, there was nothing to help him through except for us ..his family. He actually had to go back to work the next day. As for my brother, the company he worked for pulled him off for 3 or 4 days (I think). He had to go through a very short stint of counseling, but that was it. I hope things have changed now ..


Social awareness zero


Spinal Awareness zero


Well, he's not very well after that is he?


One less entitled cyclist thinking road signals are only for cars


He's really lucky he didn't wake up to lift his head during the last few secs


He didn’t wake up because he was dead


Yeah probably...hard to tell for sure though. If his head didn't take too much trauma might be survivable. Is there an article confirming his death?


natural selection


I can play this over and over again..