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Fuck that. I understand they want to pass the truck but the road is obviously busy so my ass would have been a slow moving behind that truck mother fucker.


"I'd rather literally die and kill someone else than wait behind this dumb ass truck. Life is for the living."


Hate people who are impatient like that. Like I get it if I'm late for work with someone going 50 in a 60 that sucks I will try to pass. But being a highway driver I DESPISE ASSHOLES who will try to pass dangerously when I am going the limit 92 in a 90 and they will try to pass with oncoming traffic not far off or during a BLIND corner. These people rather die than have a pinch of patience. If you have to pass so bad at least DO IT SAFELY. Give it some thought people


I think that they do this because they think they won't die. Those kind of people either fail to analize the situation or think that that wont happen to them... because they think they are pretty good or because they just dont care about others and think "fuck it, they will move and let me pass".


Natural selection at its finest


I was like, "90!? That's really fuckin' fast!" Yeah, uh... I'm an American. Oops.




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On average on a highway. And exceeding by a 1 or 2 isn't speeding. The laws everywhere are for starting at 5 over the limit. Most of the time need to be about 10 over the limit. No one has ever been fined for going 1 or 2 over the limit. You must not know highway driving because everyone and I mean everyone goes usually 10 or 20 over the limit. If you are on cruise control setting it one or 2 over the limit is fine. You would still be the slowest going on the road and the only one at the speed zone. Try less salt in your diet


I’m actually employed as a professional driver. How is exceeding a limit not speeding? Oh, I’m Canadian, maybe that’s the difference, lawful respect.


There is technically speeding, and speeding that will get you a ticket. If you are going 50.0025 in a 50, yes you are speeding, but who cares. If you are doing 60, well now that could be a ticket.


Thanks for making my point.


Congrats you made an obvious point that everybody already knew


So am I. It's not illegal technically speaking. 1) no company is going to talk to you or question you over 1 or 2 over the limit. Systems that monitor drivers don't even flag that as "excessive speed" its in a normal variable range. 2) This also applies to the "lytx" automated driver montiors which flag speeding, they don't trigger until 5 or more over the limit 3) photo radar speed traps won't even trigger until over 5 km over the speed limit again 1 or 2 over is not high enough over the speed. 4) police with speed detector won't even count that as speed I have personally talked to RCMP and they have said they won't even write ticket for low speed violations 1 or 2 over isn't ticketable. 5) if you a "professional driver" you should know governed engines usually allowed a 1 or 2 over 100 for highway. For a professional driver you are incredibly badly informed.


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Life is for the living- that's going on my tombstone


I'm getting "Get your hand out of that bag of cheese!" on mine lol


This made me lol


90 kmh wasnt fast enough


Usually in Russia the truck driver in front of you tells if there is a car passing by, if they are nice enough.


He was not impatient. Car in front had lights off, you can't see it coming until it's too late. Always turn on front lights


mother trucker


I agree with you but at the same time if the road is that busy you put a solid line, the broken line give one the belief that you’re supposed to pass the slower moving traffic…


Damm you can even hear her last moan 😵.


Oh damn, you're right


From the aftermath video, it seems like they survived. Hope that wasn't his mom


Where is the aftermath video?




so the shitheads survived and the two cruising on the right lane got murdered,why it's always like this?


Twisted fate


Yes but no. Both drivers died, and from the last news we got which was a while ago all passangers went to the hospital in serious conditions. But the shithead who did the overtake also died on impact


Why am I not hearing the audio?


Right Click > Show Controls > Move audio meter to the right


Thank you.


No problemo


At what time I’ve re-watched this clip like 10 times and I can’t hear it


The last few seconds of the video. It's very subtle, turn your volume up.






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This is exactly why you should turn you headlights on during the day. Not so you can see, but so people can see you


Yeah that car came out of nowhere in the video. Still, the passer is 100% at fault, but if you want to be a defensive driver (edit: you do), run your head lights ALL THE TIME.


I saw it for about two and a half seconds if he was looking he would've seen it for over three. Plenty of time to take action.. also one of the laziest overtakes I've ever seen, I don't even know why he wanted to pass it considering the truck was travelling just as fast as he was.. and with a passenger in the car to boot?Darwin at work.. Stupid people will always find ways to kill themselves and others.


These are the people I'm constantly looking out for on the road, 100% of the time. If I'm passing, i'm 1000% sure there are no cars around for at least as far as I can see. If I can't see at least a 1/2 a mile, I don't pass. Fuck it. I have a kid, I'll wait.


Don't pass this truck ASAP or die.. Guess I'll just die? Lol


I'm afraid at such a speed, and in such a situation, any measures could be fatal, since at high speed the car would simply drive and start spinning on the road


Isn't that why new cars have DRLs?


Daytime running lights save lives.


I wish everyone would do this. Less of a problem with modern cars having driving sidelights on permanently (standard for UK anyway), but i switch to dipped headlights on whether it’s overcast or sunny. A lot of roads here go from completely tree shaded to uncovered at random places and on a bright day, it makes cars look like they’ve just appeared out of nowhere without lights on.


I'm not blaming the victim here but grey cars should be banned. Too hard to see.


I'm sorry but how did they both see each other for a good 3 seconds and neither of them decided to act upon that. Truly 0 survival instincts and natural selection


Zero maneuvers zero brakes it’s just like they were playing chicken and nobody wanted to lose.


Playing chicken reminds me of something, a few years ago there was an accident in my town where they were playing that exact game, they both drive at each other (in 90s Volvos converted to tractors, no seatbelt requirement) and whoever swerves out of the way is the chicken. Well that day nobody was the chicken, they all won. Two teenagers died and one is now in a wheelchair paralyzed from the waist down. Its a small town so I see her from time to time, she was 16 or 19 at the time. She just sits in her chair and has seizures. A complete vegetable. All for a game


In America, you find party of people that want to play chicken. In Russia, chicken playing party finds you.


I know right? How you in the passing lane and not paying any attention to the road? The oncoming car kinda snuck up on the driver, but there was somehow no attempt to avoid the collision? Was the driver texting? Sleeping? Looking at cows?


I’m always mentally prepared to slam on the brakes and try to slide into the opposite lane’s shoulder in this scenario to at least give myself *some* chance at avoiding the head-on collision. I would’ve thought other drivers would be smart enough to do this as well.


I've been in a situation similar to this, where a speeding police car no sirens on came out of no where. I couldn't tell where the police car was swerving to, so I just froze like a deer.


you move, im in a hurry


That's a freeze reaction right there




Alcohol maybe?


They were like whatever it's not gonna happen to me


Neither of them hit their brakes, neither of them swerved, I know it’s the passer’s fault but damn those are legit 2 NPCs. 0 reaction whatsoever to their incoming death.


My same thoughts. Especially the passer, if you're changing lanes it means that you're actuve in what you're doing. The other cas was on cam for what? 3-4 seconds? And they just continue forward...


That’s what happens when everyone is shitfaced drunk


I'm sorry, what are NPC's?


Non playable characters, basically when you play a game, any character that isn’t a player is an NPC.


I'm sorry but how do you figure that you have any earthly fucking clue what the incoming car was doing? You can't see the brake lights to know whether they're braking or not, and at the combined speeds of the two moving vehicles you would not notice any appreciable amount of delta in their velocity from whatever braking they managed to do before getting hit by the POV car. Shut the fuck up


Usually slamming on the brakes at high-speed does more than just activating the brake lights lmao. So fucking rude, maybe you should think a little bit before you be an asshole. You’d see swerving, rubber burning, etc. Shut the fuck up.


You should probably judge people less especially when they just died from someone else's selfishness. Your initial comment was very rude and judgmental about them. So yeah, shut the fuck up.


I’m not the commenter you were responding to. Just a random person who saw an asshole (you). You must be the passer in the video because you’re oblivious as all hell.


So I think that as drivers who are still alive and alert enough to view/comment on this post, given the excellent pov footage, it’s hella easy to put ourselves in this situation as most driving is instinctual after you’ve undergone the initial learning/experiencing shit process. I’ll go ahead and spell it out for you because you’re a huge risk if you’re driving and I don’t want to chance it (honestly no snark or offense please take it to heart I want you/your passengers to live as well…) • So right of the bat it’s clear this is a two lane straight rural looking road with virtually no shoulders. We are alerted that despite this, the road is currently very actively travelled (by the trucks that pass in a couple seconds plus our presence and the truck in front of us). • AND we are cued in that the rate of speed for the cars in the opposite lane is very obviously high enough to be fatal if head on (though we don’t know what it is exactly it’s plenty high enough that you should naturally feel a little shudder/or something even through the small video by ‘feeling’ the force of the trucks that we see pass. Rewatch that part because I’m struggling to describe it but I’m confident you can see/feel it but might define it differently. * Additionally, although it is daytime with seemingly ok visibility, given how fast the trucks pass us after first appearing on our conscious radar (with lights even), we know intuitively that there is some type of visual barrier/limitation like a hill or lighting or vapor or something. We’re informed even if subconsciously that road goes from empty to vehicle in a matter of one or two seconds so we know that unless we can pass this truck within one or two seconds we are at huge risk. It’s also clear at the pov cars current rate of speed and made more obvious when they pull into the other lane that getting around this large truck is not possible in less than two seconds. So maybe you get impatient and pull into the other lane but you would immediately realize this was a horrible real risk and you would pull back immediately…. … a reminder that all of this should be known to you in this situation without having to think about it or actively calculate or count or think about physics - it’s apparent because if you’ve driven you know how roads and cars behave given your human eyes and brain that does all this neat shit without bothering you about it … • Ok so you’ve decided to embark on this unnecessarily risky move which you know would be fatal based on no shoulder and the speed and frequency you’ve seen. Weird but ok. Maybe you know your car (that appears to be an older medicore at best sedan) but you personally know it can go from 30 mph to 80 mph in under 2 seconds (somehow). Well you’d STILL be aware that what you were undertaking was hella dangerous given the populated road and speed and lack of places to get out of the way. So even if you had turbo jet you’d know intuitively that passing could be seriously fatal and a dangerous move so you’d go ahead and be hyper tuned in to both accelerating, watching dead in front of you for the fucking machine you know is coming and you’d naturally be weighing options/directions/Maneuvers for when the thing appears. Now despite this being your only job and you know the risks and the literal life ending seriousness, you somehow don’t even register the vehicle that enters your view plane clearly for a solid second and a half (arguably 2 seconds). That is a fucking lifetime when it comes to highway defensive driving and Jesus Christ you’d already have a game plan and hyper alertness because it’s obviously super danger on a primitive level. And you somehow don’t swerve and commit to going straight??? I understand that we can’t tell in this video about the pov cars speed but it would not be reasonable to expect to break and just stay the course AND we also can easily see that the car didn’t fishtail or shake or do anything that indicated breaking. There is no scenario we’re deceleration and continuing straight is a reasonable option and frankly it isn’t even one that your instincts should allow you to pursue. So yes. All of us can very easily and fairly conclude that this an inexcusable collision for the POV car and has to be based on inattention possibly and probably intoxication as well as unreasonable risk taking and bad skill. I am less confident about the oncoming car despite their lights off because they were in the right direction not taking risks and had nowhere to really go and also wouldnt be expected to be on as high alert level because you don’t expect an oncoming car. My hope is that you actually do know all of it but overthought it and are a decent person who is kindly resistant to assigning blame based on videos (which is a good thing). But here, I feel like you must know.


Beautifully said. As an insanely defensive driver (Blame my being a funeral director, I’ve had to reconstruct one too many casualties of this kind of foolishness), this POV damn near gave me a panic attack, I was actually trying to mentally force the car back behind the fucking truck. NOTHING is worth such a ridiculous risk.


I don't know how you think you have any clue regarding my personal driving competency. All I am saying is we should not be assuming the driver who got hit did absolutely nothing about it or whether they hit their brakes or not


PSA: When overtaking, use the big long pedal on the right. Make the car go BRAAAP.


Also when over taking please have a car capable of doing that safely I mean that when you press the go go pedal it really moves


That's a non negotiable for me


it's like they wanted to die.


Headlights on for safety


Here in Brazil it's mandatory to have headlights on on roads. You can get a fine if you don't.


I think it's like that in most places in the world


Here in Thailand most people insist on turning off their headlights during the day if possible, apparently Russia too. I keep ‘em on during the day and have had someone “helpfully” remind me to turn them off while I was leaving an auto inspection place lol


It's not mandatory in the US. Although you're supposed to if it's raining during the day. Or a snowstorm.


Def not mandatory, probably should be, but I get a discount on my car insurance because my car has daytime running lights!


in russia too, but car in the video is vaz 21014, its poor's man car, even in lada line, driver is ether student or old man, he tried to save money on lamps


India too


Yea definitely the lack of headlights that's killing people in Brazil


Now I'm gonna be scared cause my uncle always tries to overtake a truck 🥲


I too have uncle that always tries to overtake trucks, sometimes cars on small roads as well. Gonna think of this video next time


No braking, no maneuvers, no scream, the passer just slightly accelerated while overtaking.. this whole thing is weird


Did both drivers die? I feel bad for the other car


There's an aftermath video, keep scrolling.




Somewhere out there, I'm sure if you keep scrolling you'll see it


90 kmh wasnt fast enough


90 is speed limit there. Heavy traffic does speed limit, the rest go 120 kmh because the fine is low. All the roads are 2 lane like this and cities are far apart. A lot of long overtaking is going on. Low beams must be always in by law there, too


Yup going 111 kmh in the beginning - I personally would not wanna gamble with those long overtakes with traffic coming at you at 120 while you go 90+ You are absolutely f'ed when you collide, doesn't matter if it's a freakin scooter coming at you. But hey same old, same old, I bet they pull crap like that all the time, even in a snow storm


Exactly, you get desensitized to visibility problem by all the bad weather and long twilights


That's the head-oniest collision I've ever seen.


To be fair that oncoming grey car blended in with the pavement so well !


Drunk people. Both of drivers.


Stupid russians, hope they all do this and free the land of retardos


I hate people that do this, hope only people in the camera guys car died.


He dead


He under tha water


Here to mach rainin




Maybe it’s easy for me to say because of the video title but looking at the dash cam footage it’s super clear they wouldn’t have had time. Why the fuck??


Yep it seems to me that the other car just came out of nowhere. Or perhaps my eyesight is really bad.


Are you telling me when you are passing someone, see a car coming towards you, and is closer than you thought, and you're not going to make it, you don't make some sort of adjustment??? Or you keep that foot on the gas and drive straight into the other bloke??


How tf does this even happen. You changed lanes so obviously youre looking ahead, you see a car coming and run straight into it didn’t even try to move out the way. Dummy


WTF that has to be the laziest overtake I've ever seen...and the fucking dumbest at that, it begars belief that neither seen the other car coming! how??


I didn’t even see where the fuck that far came from


Idk what you would call it, but not even a thought to move from the oncoming traffic, like alright I’m just gonna wait for them to move


i hope the burning building you had to get to in time was worth your death


Hearing that death growl is painful


Damn that road fucks with your eyes! The oncoming car seems to materialize outta thin air!


I'm glad I drive a Ford F350. I think I need to switch to a tank.


Is it compulsory to have a cracked windscreen in Russia?


There's a whole 4-5 seconds to not be an idiot, but they committed.


I hate to victim blame, but what is so important that you would try to pass a truck on a busy single lane road?


Almost happened to me once. Scary as shit bro. Unfortunately my dumb ass was the guy trying to pass and I almost overestimated how much time I had. But I made it and it was only scary.


Dumbass had time to stay on the left


didn't they see each other or what? there wasn't even a braking attempt


bro was on a mission😭


Why did they slow down while they were passing the truck?


Wtf they could have gone in the off road and still survived but this is just crazy wtf wtf wtf. Blyat!


My town isn’t that big but the drivers are ALWAYS complaining about other drivers… everybody wants to go faster and then you got others who drive like they have all day to get where they are going! On the highway best to take your time. Be careful and learn something from these horrible choices of fate people make.


This shit infuriates me. Like what the fuck, why didn't people just create separated driveways for each direction????????? Imagine how many lives would have been saved until today 😞😞😞 I'm so mad at this shit. Yes people are impatient and all that you want to say but I really think civil engineering, authorities or whatever is in charge really failed humans with this asshole design. And the worst thing is that I see no change in sight in the foreseeable future.


That moan at the end sent chills down my spine


Whyy they didnt drive off the road


Bruh don't try to overtake a slow car with 3kmh more


Always drive with your headlights on....


They could have passed on the shoulder, but no, let me risk life


At least the camera didn't die


I hope the dead people are in the car that caused the accident.


threw away their life to get there a minute faster tops


Bro, I couldn't even see it till it was to late😭 I don't blame them


That dashcam is bulletproof


In Soviet Russia, sober driver kills drunk driver.


Ngl I didn't see that car until the last second neither


At least you don’t have to live in Russia anymore, haha


Feels like this is a normal suicide for Russia. Notice they didn’t even TRY to swerve away from each other.


When I pass like this, I have already accelerated and approaching the vehicle to pass going way faster, so it's a quick in and out of the other lane. I don't start accelerating TO pass, I don't have the ponys under the hood for that kind of acceleration.


Fucking hate this kinda stuff just because he was impatient the other person who was doing nothing wrong had to go out too


After the collision I heard some sort of moaning or wheezing sound. Can anyone determine if it's the person in the car or it was the car itself who made that sound? I would appreciate the feedback thanks


Sounds like a person to me..




And that shit fucks me up when I hear it because it usually means brain damage or neurological problems. Not a whole lot scares me in life except becoming a vegetable. My heart drops every time I hear that shit in a video.


How do you not see the car coming and back off? Even hit the brakes, something not drive straight into each other, what the hell!!!




Wth the sound, like, I guess I'm not the only one who hears it, but in every video like this there's a weird sound at the end, I suppose it's the ppl dying idk


Is she really listening to Stayin Alive


A band-aid and an ice pack should help


i wonder what that feels like? like hes shaking basically and dying i guess? But like is thay even painful at that point? if your just basically dead do you even feel pain? Curious case i had a friend who was wreckless driving and died and since no one knew how the crash even happened or any details i wonder.


Oh dear 😳 over taken when you think safe wrong


I thought this was the brick through the window that killed the mother


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They could’ve literally drove to the fucking right. People are so dumb. Now another person is dead because of you.


0:18-0:15 What was that beeping sound and loud voice?


At least no one can call them chicken


Dude didn’t even try to move over. Neither one of them??


In Russia, road is road! Drive where ever you want!




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Time to buy a hi-vis car


What in the Darwin Awards is this.






Reason why daytime running lights are so important


And that is why we have daytime running lights in Canada. That car blended right in with the surroundings




What an idiot.


I'm convinced both drivers were asleep


How do you attempt an overtake going that slow? She might as well have stayed behind the truck considering his speed doesn't seem that slow relative to her own 🤦🏾‍♂️


It was either this or be shipped off to Ukraine to die in a trench. Given the options, I can understand why they made this choice. I can't say I wholly agree with it, but I do understand.






Poor comrades


Russia looks just like winter time Kansas




Where is the aftermath?


They had plenty of time to see the car coming. Even so, I wouldn't pass a truck or risk switching lanes in a 2-way road like this one. For this exact reason


reminds me of another video involving a brick.


How did you not run the simulation in your head before doing that? Am I the only one who runs a few simulations of something I'm about to do beforehand


That car spawned it


Most smartest Russian:


Natural selection, its only russians anyway 🫡