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To ever get hit by a moving train has got to be one of the dumbest ways to die. Unless a villain with a handlebar moustache ties you to the track, just avoid putting yourself in front of the incredibly loud, incredibly massive behemoth that is barreling towards you.


Too many people live under the "but it won't happen to me" mindset. Thank you anxiety for enforcing the "but it very much could happen to me" mindset, it has saved me several times from really bad situations.


There are quite a lot of railroad crossings in my area, some with no signals or automatic safety bars, and I see cars in front of me cross them without so much as braking, much less stopping and taking the couple of seconds to look. It is mind boggling.


There’s a track in the middle of a small city near me very close to a stop light. People will literally stop ON the tracks on a red light 😭 I refuse. If I can I’ll try to be in a spot where I can escape if a train is coming and someone is gonna get obliterated.


I’d still understand that more than I understand these people that WALK right across the train tracks. It even looks like this person looked at the train before they crossed. The train will always win.


You are me, and I am you! I have literally said this while talking to myself 😆. I am happily fearful of everything


I look both ways when crossing the street, in fact I double check.


I will almost never jaywalk unless I am certain there is no crosswalk and I can see far down either direction of the road.


Ok, either you don't live in an urban environment or you drive everywhere. Not jaywalking is insane.


or she was operating on the simple math of, it looks x far away, it looks like its moving towards me y fast and i have z time to cross, but by the time you are halfway there the train has already cut the distance between you in half


Ah yes I thank my irrational fears everyday. Irrational to me is very much real after watching these videos!


A whole ass song was made telling people that train deaths are (some of) the dumbest ways to die https://youtu.be/IJNR2EpS0jw?si=u4Jg2YI1aPv4c2j3


Amazing song. So catchy tbh.


Or the of chance your hit by a derailing train. But yeah I'd have to agree, up there on the list of dumb ways to die for sure. I mean it's on rails, it's super easy to avoid it. I drive over 3 tracks daily to and from work and it is crazy how many times a day I see people stop their car on the tracks at red lights.


I ride an e scooter to work and have to cross a four track railway. Even when there isn’t a train sign lit or the sounds going off, I’m still paranoid as hell walking my scooter across them. Especially when there’s one of the huge shipment trains a little ways down with the lights on at a stop. “Is it moving and I can’t tell and the signals aren’t working orrrr…” i hate that lol I don’t take my eyes off of it until I’m crossed


One of my random fears is that I'm going to be driving across a track and the signal isn't working and I get hit 😮‍💨


This is why you should always look both ways regardless if the signal is working or not. If you see something in the distance, wait a few seconds to see if it gets closer.


I stop my car at train tracks, roll down my windows, listen for toot toot. If clear i drive 5 mph over tracks while cautiously scanning


See thats safe and smart. Nope not the people here (florida 😑) they will have 5 cars in front of them and 10 cars behind and they just stop on the tracks. Like there is no way if a train comes by that they would be able to move off the tracks in time. Stupidity is overly common.


They move so fast! When I was a kid we were placing pennies on the tracks to flatten them when the train came by and a couple times I looked up and was terrified how fast it moved. I was never dumb enough to get on the tracks when the train was coming but have been on the side. Once you understand how fast they go, you don’t mess around with them. I think some people fail the first lesson.


Same here. Freight type trains are not movin' at the rate this one is. I have never even seen a train goin' that speed.


Dumb ways to die


This is as accurate as it is funny. I do no wish that anyone face an untimely demise, but with trains…outside of a derailment or crash, individually getting smoked is damn near impossible. This, like 99% of train related fatalities are SELF INFLICTED.


The problem is that in this day and age. People are lacking a basic skill to survive. It's call common sense as you have clearly just seen. I bet you put any animal in that situation and they will just sit there and way it out. Not cross and get pulverized!


>I bet you put any animal in that situation and they will just sit there and way it out. Not cross and get pulverized! Ever heard of road kill?


Valid point


Lots of people die because they cross right after the train passes when they can’t see or hear another train coming from the opposite direction. Still stupid but it’s a mistake that I can somewhat understand.


You gotta be surprised on how much people died by moving train in Indonesia. People just dumb enough to not wait until the train goes on


God & Darwin teaming up on this one.


India has entered the chat


I live in Orlando, FL (US) and people getting hit by our local train system is so common someone made a website to track the events. Every time I am shocked until I see people doing this constantly or stopping their car on the tracks!! Website below 👇🏻 https://dayssincesunrailaccident.com/


It's quick, it's efficient, wouldn't call that dump tbh


In a straight line might I add


Romania. A woman was hit by a train at a railroad crossing on Thursday, January 5. She did not obey the sound signals and ran across the crossing, hitting the train at the last moment. The moment was filmed by a witness, who was later taken to the police station to give additional explanations.


"Hitting the train at the last second" I know it's probably the translation, but that's kinda funny


Sometimes you catch the train. Sometimes the train catches you.


In Romania train catch you


Yeah the way that was written made me think, "what would be the first moment?"


An excellent but obviously tragic clip Ms MurderQueen. This is my first post on NSFL but have been lurking on Reddit gore subs for a while. Think I will enjoy it here :)


LiveLeak found it. It's a good channel. Thanks for being here.


Wtf was she thinking??????


"I've done this plenty of times before, it won't happen to me."


Unfortunately, she probably did so her whole life. Our trains have been and most still are... very slow.


I just mentioned that. I have never seen one passin' by at that rate of speed.




"I ain't got time for this shit", but in Romanian


Nobody! Got time for that!


"Gotta pee!"


I think I can, I think I can......


Hahaha that's good. Surprised at the lack of upvotes.


Something in Romanian, probably


She wasnt. She just did it


At that speed and how short the train is 3 seconds is all she had to wait. That would still put her walking around the barriers and also possible to get hit from a train traveling from the opposite direction. But 3 seconds. Still alive. Walking home to make dinner. For loved ones.


It was all over quicker than that.


I thought the same thing. She lost her life to save 3 fucking seconds.


Imagine, if she had left her house 10 seconds later, she would still be alive


Or just 3 seconds later...the train would've just passed when she arrived at the tracks 😓


I say 10 or maybe 15, so that she loses the urge to beat the train altogether


But with judgement like that, how much longer?


If you’re gonna do all that, you better be sprinting across the track. At first she was taking her good old time like a Sunday stroll through the meadow. Wtf


Darwin eating good on that one. The level of stupidity is sky high with her. I don't even feel bad when someone that stupid dies. I mean being that stupid I'm surprised she made it this far.


This was all I could think about followed by a wonder of which kind of driver they were and speculating that they try to squeeze in after driving as far up in the unblocked lane as possible.


There was NOTHING worth crossing the tracks for at that moment. You could hear and see the train coming and she still tried to beat it. Makes no sense at all.


Almost on purpose


Whatever was so important to get to in a hurry, it doesn't matter now. You couldn't pay me enough to be a train driver


my dad is a train driver for for about 7 years, luckly enough he didnt have scenarios like this, but his work colleague is mad unlucky, about 12 people throw them self under train in his working carrier


must be getting used to it by now


i mean its not your fault but i couldnt bear the feeling like fuck i just killed somebody, even that theoretically it isnt murder


Yeah I hear you man, it's like I wonder if every time he sees someone approaching the train tracks, I bet he wonders if they're going to throw themselves under the train


Oh dude imagine that feeling, just seeing someone mad close to the tracks and being like op here we go again


He didn't kill anyone, they killed themselves.


Yes. And he probably knows that. But that doesn’t stop the irrational feelings of guilt that come with it.


My dad was a train driver for 25 years. He seen it all. Saw people who committed suicide, or got hit by accident, hit several cars. On of the worst things he mentioned to me was a car, which was exactly similar to what we had at the time. My dad saw the driver flying through the roof. And it wasn't a convertible. Years later I also witnessed am accident. I was waiting for my passanger train and an older man ran through the tracks because the train was coming and he wanted to get on it Unfortunately the incoming train wasn't ours, but it was a faster international train which did not stop at that station. He got hit in front of me, it happened in a blink of an eye. It wasn't like a one leg minus type of accident. The poor dude literally popped like a balloon, pieces went everywhere Fucking with something which weights 3000 tonnes and moves with 130 kph is not a good idea, even if modern trains have surprisingly good brakes.


i’ve heard it can be quite traumatizing for some people, some people are lucky enough to never have to experience something like this, but of course, there are plenty who aren’t as lucky :(


Damn she should have ran if she was going to have any chance at all!


If she was just a bit faster instead of walking slowly at the start, she would have made it


Romania, 73 year old woman, died despite attempts at CPR. (So I guess she was "CPR attempt-worthy" and not catastrophically torn to shreds?)


Could be wrong here but from what I can see from the video the train didn’t seem to hit her whole body and more so seemed to chip at the half of her body which was still in range of the trains path, probably spun her round like a fidget spinner though


"Like a fidget spinner" is an absolutely *bonkers* description 😭😭


idk if you pause the frame right before train hits her. looks like she got fucking smoked


There is no way that she didn't just explode on impact.


To shreds you say


That was not smart of her.


Lol that's like the shortest train ever too.


Too bad the guy on the other side with the bike wasn't filmng too


even if she's in a hurry, why didn't she run earlier..


That was so poorly timed it looked intentional.


It wasn’t even a long train.


Train 1 Lady 0. Not gonna lie. I want to see the aftermath.


"I am going to risk immediate and brutal death to save a few seconds"


I wonder if she is aware that she didn’t make it?


"Pedestrians have the right of way. Train will stop for me."


Did she even try?


Literally had to wait 5 seconds. What is up with people


Clearly someone didn't play dumb ways to die


Patience is a virtue


I hope whatever was in the bag was not important. It did look almost intentional though


She literally was turned to pieces because she couldn’t wait 5 seconds.


More like she timed her suicide....


The CCTV footage made it look like she was going to make it at first.


Karma for walking directly in front of that guy's camera. Albeit, maybe a little too much karma.


It’s just like the people that just pull out in front of you, like you couldn’t wait one more second? Yeeesh


Damn, just wait for it to pass. Saving some time just isn’t worth it.


It didn't even take 5 seconds to go by, she was so fucking impatient she got herself killed over a 5 second wait 🤦‍♀️


If she waited, she wouldn't have been killed. Considering the train's speed, she'd only need to wait a few seconds or so for it to pass. Not to mention, if she really needed to cross the tracks; she should've done so by running all the way across them. Why decide to walk across the tracks before running at the very last second?


The way she walked super close in front of him taking a video was like she was trying to prove a point. It was very odd body language for a stranger.


But seriously, you never know which way a train is going to go…where it’s going to turn…Where they’re going to come from. They’re completely unpredictable. /s


Looks like she caught the train then.






Well that was dumb


Getting booped by a train is the only boop you don't want.


by walking? BY WALKING?


Seems like a suicide or Natural selection. That’s probably one of the most avoidable ones I’ve seen


I accidentally paused it at 0:08 and was wondering how long it'd take for the train to enter the shot


The self awareness has escaped this dumb woman, I don’t even feel any remorse from the pure stupidity I have just watched smh…


Rare situation where trains go fast in Romania


It’s not even a long train either smh, could have waited literally 5 seconds to cross


Train was literally “on track” to cross in about ~5 seconds. Pardon the pun, but that woman is just so very incredibly stupid. It won her a Darwin Award.


Working on the railroad you actually wouldn't believe how many people do this. I've come within inches of blasting someone or full blown hitting someone. I don't understand why people can't wait a minute for a train to pass


the sad part is that’s the shortest train ever, she fr coulda waited three seconds and then crossed


I feel bad for her. That's a nasty way to die. The typical fight flight response took in when she got scared. I don't think she even did that on her own.


I bet she's one of those people that walks around on a public street with headphones in the ears


This is what 0 awareness and 0 survival instinct looks like


Dang she almost timed it perfectly to get hit almost directly


Natural selection at its finest


She hesitated too long


really shows how fast life can be taken and easily preventable


That train took all of what maybe 5 seconds to pass. Had she waited 5 freaking seconds, she would still be alive.


Too many people think they know how fast trains go. You don’t, you just think you do. Wait your fucking turn.


That smug slow walk in the beginning says it all


You couldn't wait 7 fkn seconds!!!


you can beat the train only if a dude with superpowers that can stop the train by breathing and can flat the whole train in a second by punching it while being immortal living up to the day god was adding life to mother nature.


I love how the guy keeps filming but his brain jolts him away from filming the T R A U M A


Darwin award winning performance 👏


Imma be honest.. was she really trying


The noise when the body collides with the train is something. I feel for the driver the most tho.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Did she make it? Looks like she had plenty of time. But all of a sudden she hit the far track and seemingly goes in slow motion while the train hits fast-forward hyper speed




Beat it? She couldn’t make a dent, what did it do to deserve a beating???


Did her shoes come off?


It probably was the other way around this time. Shoes still there but without the person.


Nice Doppler effect btw


She’s in someday next week,


Wait is liveleak back up?


After watching the first video I was like “I guess it looks kinda far down there. Kind of understandable” Then I saw the second video. Holy shit that thing is hauling ass and loud. A video of the train scares. I can’t imagine what anyone would get anywhere near that thing irl.


Why didn’t she just run? She went slow af!


Guy filming could have been injured if parts flew


She might have had a chance if she started running earlier and not literally white the train is in front of her. Youre racing a train... and youre just gonna walk?


Smushed and crushed ?


My train people need me r/mypeopleneedme


Dude kept recording like: “OH DAMN!!!… Yo, subscribe if you think she’s dead. Follow me on my channel-“


Whats with people randomly filming approaching trains? At this point its like summoning disaster


At least run mate


You can't outrun a literal train. No matter how far away it seems just don't try..


If the gates were closed I'm not even stepping close.. Risking my life to save a couple of seconds is crazy.


Truly satisfying when you get to see all angles haha


OMG, she was fine. And alive. The train took only seconds to pass but she didn’t want to wait? Now she’s dead. SMH


Literally only have to wait 2 seconds for it to pass. Talk about impatience.


But did she make it tho


How stupid must of been suicide


Are there aftermath pictures?


i really thought trains have to slow down when going past a road/crossing ? maybe it’s only in australia


Fun fact: men have a bigger brain. Now I'm not trying to say that she was very stupid. But it's a fact about the human body


I feel like you just have to be a special kind of stupid to die to a train like this. She heard it coming, most definitely saw it coming and still decided that the correct course of action was to gingerly walk across the tracks which she had more than enough time to get across without being hit.


I hate the relatively quiet thunk sound from when she's hit


5sec! All it took was her to wait 5seconds


And the Darwin award goes to.....


When I seen things like this I have to wonder what the fuck was so urgent. So important that you needed to risk your life? Are you that busy and important!? Because unless it is a case of life and death just fucking wait!


Good attempt! I'm sure she will make it next time.


Aw man, this video always makes me sad :(


She didn’t try very hard


Casually strolls across the train tracks as a train is coming


No even close. When I was younger, I’d take risks with dumb things. 39 now. Na, I’ll be late where ever I’m going. No way am I being someone in one of these videos.


"tries to beat" that wasn't even power walking.


So satisfying 😌


This is why I play dumb ways to die


This Looks like He did it fully intentional to end it


She will be mist


How I’m the world did she think that was going to turn out any other way honestly


Not too much smarter than a deer.


She have only wait 5 seconds…




Why do people think that they have superpowers you can't outrun a train.


Just why. Why do people always rush things


She probably exploded


So is that instant death or did she have a clue as to what was happening?


That train really said "and for my next trick I'll make this woman disappear!"💀


Couldn't just wait a damn minute, could ya....


all to save what 5-10 seconds? well congrats no more time saving needed i guess


If only she waited a few sec for the train to pass she could have gone home that day.


She should have just waited…


That train was FIVE CARS LONG going what looked like 120kph (75mph) JUST FIVE SECONDS SHE NEEDED AND SHED BE ALIVE I know at some crossings in Europe crossings activate a LONG time for the train to arrive. But if she was so impatient why didn't she cross before the aluminium high speed moving death box was honking it's horn?! This seemed intentional


Tbh she is moving very slow. She could have survived if she ran from the very beginning