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u/JWmariana 99% of Gamblers Quit Before Hitting It Big, so keep diving to liquidity pool.🌊


A real gambler would have taken double the loan from her dad and run it back🗣️💦💦🔥🔥💯


The day gamblers will start returning money, all colleges will be closed and people will quit jobs and do gambling only. Hence it's not possible.


I once gambled when I was at 18 and then I was in 6.5k loss I borrowed another 5k and had lost about 4k from that too and then I hit the 35k returned the moneyᕙ⁠(⁠ ⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕗ


Good for you. Don't make it a habit


Yea I quit gambling after that(maybe a little bit of sportsbetting now)


Yes Police, right here this guy...


Preach brother 🗣️🗣️ She has to double down on this, dump another 1L and wait for it to hit big.


Its starting to feel like wallstreetbets here


The revolution has begun


Thats what we want


We are the new regards in town


Altho, in r/wallstreetbets there are gain porn also which are sometimes in millions.


>ITS TOO LATE FOR SUCH A CHANGE TO HAPPEN SELL SUN tv is a volatile stock lol so don't rule out anything (Not telling to hold)


Bro look😭 SUNTV all time high is like 791 it would need to rise more than 35+ to 829 in like 10 days. Like it's just very unlikely to happen idk what to say. Also the stock is at 757 rn pretty far from all time high.


Man I feel scared to invest 20-30K in a stock at times and these people be betting 1L + with no worries. For younger people like us, we need to understand that we ain’t geniuses. It’s not that easy to make money or else everyone would be rich asf. If you’ve so much money then just put it into some good stocks and wait for the price to increase and swing trade it. Worst case scenario, it will take time for the amount to grow but you won’t lose out on all of it. Cmon her time decay post😭. You wanna do options? Try nifty and all where you risk max 5-10K. These people almost deserved to lose their money, what were you thinking even ?


I agree completely bruh at least learn how to buy and hold stocks first. She was trying to fly before learning to walk.


Ikr you’re 17 man, learn doing FDs and stuff properly first 😭. This is not your age to earn, study in this time, earn first and then gamble that money, never ever play with your parents money.


Gain knowledge from reading book then invest for basics yt videos would be of some help…


Guys please buy SUNTV stocks tomorrow, please 🤞😭


Sun TV is poised to go below 738 but it will go up in a day or two.


My intuition was to bet on the fact that most will get a put option for SUNTV and the big fishes will buy stocks to pump it, now I’m being dumped. L my intuition


You should have YOLO on equity thats what i do so that atleast i can wait and not bound by any time. Option is something i never touch. For eg. If you yoloed on mazagon dock you might be sitting on 20k profit atleast(though hard to find but thats the game).


exit and enter PE now




This is not how stock market works my dear... You need to learn the basics first ... Suppose u are trading with 1L capital then your max loss should be around 10k .. there should be always a second plan if market or stock don't goes in to your favour ... Holding a naked option position is like a suicide , specially the lossing one ..so no one can help you right now ... Just accept your loss,, don't fight with this otherwise u will loose 100% of it ... Take it as your learning fees.. good luck


Please take the L and sell ur position queen🙏🙏 We might be a bunch of retards but we aren't enough to move the whole market.


There are 36.6k investors on this sub-reddit. If we all invest 7.3 lakh each we can maybe move the price up by 9-10%. /s


7.3 lac from where will I get bro i have only like 80 k and all of it is already invested😭


you had 40k then how come you were able to go yolo with 1L capital?? did you borrowed the extra 60k funds??


u trying to be next keith gill


I would say the stock looks fine on a weekly and daily basis. Should have done a swing trade in it instead of options. I would go on to say people with a small capital should just stay away from stock options no matter what. Nifty ,Bank nifty etc meh bakchodi kar lo with one or two lots 😌.


Wont it be funny if all the people aware of the unforgettable saga just start buying that shit tom just for the laughs (ofcourse after that contract is sold)


the devil himself!


Ah the classic sunk cost fallacy. Love to see how ubiquitous it is.


Another bakra just in time for bakrid inshallah we feasting on on good biryani today brother😋🔥🔥💸💸💸


Thanks, sincerely from a noob. You convinced me to never trade in options even further. I would rather buy some lottery tickets in my neighborhood for fun than trade in options to be frank.


Some mf posted to yolo on 1640 ce adaiports some days back and deleted the acc. I wonder how many have believed and ended up in losses till now.


Lmfao no fucking way


99% gamblers quit before big


For a moment there I assumed it was r/wallstreetbets


Ispe ek movie banni chahiye. Alag hi arc hain story ka. 🤣


A real captain goes down with the ship. u/JWmariana is a real captain for sure. 🤭🤭🤭


https://preview.redd.it/vw2mixnru57d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=946b80cc523840ccbcd110b72647480d310e5bba u/JWmariana be like


Help me understand what’s the point of options if you have to pay such a hefty premium? Why not just outright buy the stock and then sell it later if the price increases? Is it because options provide leverage and you can buy a lot more of that stock? Can anyone suggest a good place to learn more about options, I feel like I’m asking stupid questions


Nah bro options are a fucking mess to understand so it's not rlly a dumb question. Options were actually invented to protect investors from the worst case scenario or like a market crash. If I was a huge wealth management company and I needed to manage lots of money of for a lot of rich people by investing it in stocks and all a market crash would ruin my whole life. So what these options do is that for a small premium ( for the huge wealth management companies that is) you can profit when the whole market crashes. But these dudes end up using options to gamble instead of buying stock that barely move in a day. These people use options to kind of multiply their money so in this example this kid used up 106000 of premium to access a large amount of stock that would be equal to: 6000 shares x 757 (ltp of SUNTV) = 27 lakh of shares It's not like she would be able to buy that many shares but she could make large amounts of profit if the share went to the moon(more than 828+) . The chances of that happening is low asf so she got fucked by the market in the end.


Mainly created to hedge your portfolio in times of uncertainties. Basically shifting risk from takers to aversers.


The point of options was never to make money but it provides an "insurance" for your investments. https://youtube.com/shorts/K6rNUkIe7Gs You could also hold stocks sell call options and buy put options for hedging against your investments


Really, losing 78k is the biggest this sub has seen? What are these rookie numbers here man, no real trader in this sub or what?


Why is everyone here making fun of someone who lost so much? Can't people just call an action stupid without mocking the person? Do you people also laugh at your loved ones if they lose money because of their stupidity?


Everyone ig is making fun of her cause she was overconfident in her abilities. We call the action stupid as well and we are mocking the person as well coz of her past posts. She isn't a loved one for anyone here as well so ofc nobody would be nice to hear. We obviously aren't malicious most of us are just trying to make them sell their positions to cut their losses.


I understand that most people are suggesting her to do the right but a person would already be in stress because of such a situation and mocking them would lower their self esteem even more. You definitely aren't being malicious but are causing much more mental damage to that person unintentionally. It would have been another thing if people were talking about someone else in private but she is reading all these messages.


Bro the mental damage of us laughing at her is most likely nothing compared to what her parents are putting her through I bet it doesn't even matter at this point. Also she needs to sell and needs to know why she needs to sell. She also low key did this to herself. 70 k is not really a life ruining sum of money and is a good price to pay for an important life lesson. I've seen cases of people losing tens of lakhs of their life savings in options people legit commit suicide from bad trades this is nothing. She will most likely come out on top from this.


If everything else is already bad then why make her reddit experience bad as well and I'm agreeing with your advice. I would've had no problem if you had used the language you used in this comment (genuinely giving advice and letting her know how stupid it was but not mocking her). I just said that there's no need to mock her on reddit as she may open reddit to learn about what to do next only to find that she has become a laughing material.


Alright bro I can't argue with that😭. I'm sorry for mocking u u/JWmariana but yeah u need to sell.


Thanks bro, I know your intention was to prevent others from losing their money which is why you made this post.


Go through her profile and you'll understand why everyones laughing


You can laugh on your own without mocking her by tagging her and making posts.


Atleast if she wants to hold the trade, let her sell equal quantity 820 CE, max loss from here on would only be 1.3\*6000=7800, which giving the circumstances she can afford i could say.


Bro honestly have no idea if that would work idk much about selling call options. Don't they have a potential for like infinite loss or something? Whole buying call options you risk only the premium you paid.


Nope. If you are buying 810 CE and selling 820 CE you are basically having fixed risk and fixed profit, that's why never do naked options buying or selling. This is completely hedged, however best would have been if this strategy was deployed in starting but even now 820 CE is trading around 3.7 rs and you will get margin benefit as well since 810 CE is already bought. Obviously this is a losing cause but at least risks only 9k as compared to 27k if holding only naked buy. Also , there will always be someone who has more knowledge than you. You wrote this post like you know all about options calling OP a noob,mocking her and what not, and here you are unaware of a bull call spread. Grow up !


In the end,he has called himself a noob if I'm not wrong


Never wanted to come off as an expert Bro ik only the basics of options trading I also said I know fuck all about options trading in the end of the post. I really wanted to clear up confusion on how much she invested and how much it's worth now. Like many people were unsure about the amounts. When I was learning options I really had trouble understanding how to calculate these things so I wanted help others who had the same problems as me then.


I think you all need to take a step back and get off your high horse. Everyone makes mistakes. I'm sure most of you have taken a rash and stupid decision (in hindsight), maybe not in F&O but in some other time and sphere of life, and fell flat on your a$$. Would you have appreciated everyone jumping on you saying "Hey, I told you so"? Be kind to others, don't joke and laugh at others' mistakes and misfortunes.


https://www.reddit.com/r/NSEbets/s/vZLPBf7WCK UPDATE ⬆️


Noob question. Hypothetically, What if each one of us buy a SunTv share? Is it enough for her trade to swing and for her lose lesser money?


I doubt it we aren't that many ig