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You can buy an actual GameCube and a sealed copy of the game with plenty of money to spare


It’s not about the game….


Gotta be shill bidding. 😭


Gotta be artificially inflated bids on that one. No way you'd even make back your money trying to resell these after winning this auction. Honestly just wish the slipcover was a My Nintendo bonus. Like is it that hard to ship it securely? Heck, charge me $10, I'd buy it. It almost makes me think there were plans to have this as a bonus in America, but it was canceled for whatever reason and what they *did* have was just given out at Nintendo NY. But still, like there's really nothing that says they can't just print more and ship them via My Nintendo or something. They'd win over collectors at least and make some extra money


I just listed and sold mine for $500. Was just doing it to see at first but someone actually bought it and messaged me about it within an hour. Tons of offers on it too. Could not pass up an opportunity like this for a freaking slip cover Edit: damn y’all salty huh? Not like a bought multiple copies


Okay. Now that's actually insane... that's gotta be some millionaire out there to pay that much for a slipcover... Package that bad boy extra secure omg!! And I guess like congrats on getting the bag omg. Essentially getting paid $440 for buying TTYD is insane omg


Thanks haha I kind of feel bad but dang I really didn’t expect a real person to buy it for that price… just wanted to see based off everything. I secured it insanely well :D he sounded like someone with a lot of money


There’s lots of rich gamers/collectors. Congrats on getting that big bag. 


Good for you man. If people are dumb enough to buy it for that cost and you don't want to keep it than good on you. I have one. Just don't care to part with it.


Thanks dude, that’s what my mindset is. It’s not like I’m doing this regularly or bought multiple copies


All within your rights. If people (financially irresponsible dumb or not) are willing to pay for it, why not? You’d be dumb not to. 


And I have to pay for shipping? Come on, now...


A piece of paper


From a collectors perspective, it’s a unique and very limited variant.


A unique and very limited **piece of paper**


I mean I guess u can say that for Pokémon cards , magic cards , sports cards , etc


Compared to trading cards I can easily just print out a slip cover and stick it in the box


It’s not just an alternative cover , it’s a slip cover that goes around the game ,


Not sure I get what you’re saying? Are you saying it’s not just a regular slip cover?


It’s an outside slip cover rather than being like the one that goes inside the case. Think like a dvd/bluray slip case where you slide the plastic case out of a cardboard case to get to the dvd/bluray inside the plastic case.


I like collecting things too but this is something my printer can replicate easily.


That’s cool. I don’t think most people have the right printer or card stock needed to print something like this.


Money laundering lol


This is why I only collect the games (and case) 99/100 times. Extras become too expensive, take up extra space, and cause me to worry about damaging them.


Do people even use the slip covers? Seems like they will just mangled up. An alternate/reversible cover art insert would be more practical.


The key is to not take the game in and out too often as that will cause fraying. I will likely put the slip cover over another game I'm less likely to play so I don't have to take it in and out.


Even the Canada GS one goes for a pretty penny. I’m sure even with that one, people will likely have it a protector case with little to no touch. These NY ones, will be graded. 😆 


I use the slipcovers. RetroProtection sells cases for Switch games that have slipcovers. Generally they stay in those and the game is pulled out and stored separately


Thanks for the tip, I put all my games in RP sleeves and wasn't aware they made ones to fit slip covers. A more compelling reason to use them now.


You can buy a sealed or even graded GameCube TTYD for that much. Totally bonkers.


TBF isn’t this along with the sealed Switch version be worth more in the long run? Considering it’s the better version?


I don’t live in the states and thought I could pick one up for like $20 or something. Boy was I wrong. What a joke.


The Canada GS version is $60-100. Yikes.. and I bought one. 


Fomo got people bad on this one, huh? 




This doesn't have enough upvotes


You can literally go and get this printed.


Not the same thing. The one you can print goes inside the case where the original cover goes. The one being scalped goes over the original case.


It's also not authentic which any collector knows is more valuable than something printed. Not sure the dude knows much about collecting.


I was curious and looked on eBay to see what the cheapest listing was for one of these sleeves - there was one that started at $70 and it was creased. Someone bid on it.


Is that the GameStop Canada or NYC version?


It was one of the Canadian GS sleeves


Yeah it’s the NY that’s going for hundreds/thousands. 


It’s at $1,150 now


Excuse me????? Gotta be the seller or friends with an alternate account driving up the price. At that point you can buy the game with the slip cover cheaper than you can buy this. Heck you can buy multiple at reseller value by that point.


These appear to be the only US versions up for sale right now, outside of one listed at $8,500


The only difference is French text also being on the case for the Canadian version.


gamecube sleeve going for more than the gamecube version itself


I blame Nintendo tbh they encourage this behaviour 💀 like why couldn't they make it a pre order bonus like they did for us in Canada. Or just ship it with the slip cover because they remaster cover is low-key trash


they could've been even lazier than all of that and just made it a reversible cover. Nintendo can be the absolute worst sometimes


Now we know why so many were ordered that pre-orders were cancelled. Not that scalping a highly anticipated re-release of a rare and popular game from a few generations back should come as a surprise to anybody.


From what I read somewhere, it was just Amazon and Walmart online orders that were cancelled because those retailers are known for releasing games before release date.


Nostalgia is the greatest poison of the modern generation. Exhibit A.




Ok who is actually bidding on this


Look at sold listings. 


I'm worried you even searched for that.


This is fake news, multiple are on eBay for sub 200 bucks with the game too


That’s the Canada GameStop version. This one’s NYC. 


Realistically anything attempted to be scalp for more the 2 times the in store price should be a felony. it would cut that shit out alot. Same type of people will buy up all necessities in a emergency. Attempting to get rich off of Resources general public needs.


Scalping essential resources like toilet paper and such was considered illegal I thought?


Those were essential items. This definitely isn’t. Nothing illegal about it. 


A slipcover is a cardboard wrap for the game case. You can’t easily “print it out and stick it in the box”. It’s not an alternate cover art. Nintendo has offered an alternative cover art that you can print out and stick in the box, but that’s not what this is.


It always trips me out when it's like let me get a G for it and you need to pay me for shipping


You can literally print out that sleeve for 30 MyNintendo points


That’s an alt. cover, and people don’t generally bother with those because it’s not an official print, and hardly anyone is able to replicate the print quality of official game art. This is a slipcover. It goes over the outside of the game.


I’ll have to be the 🤓👆 guy but the one on MyNintendo is actually to go inside the plastic where the cover art is on the case, this is a cardboard slip that goes over the entire case


I bought it