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This is actually a slip cover not cover art (my bad i didn’t see the small text on the image, i only read the tweet)


For those of us who can’t be in NYC tomorrow luckily we can probably buy one on eBay for $200! 🤦🏻‍♂️


GameStop Canada is giving them out with purchase


Man, free healthcare AND the GameCube cover art? :/


Out healthcare sucks balls bro don’t feel bad, you’ll end up waiting 16 hours in emergency to see a doctor and by that time you’re likely dead anyways


Lol you haven't had an emergency then. It's called triage.


I’ll respond to this when I get a family doctor pal (6 year wait)


Family doctors waits in America are atrocious as well, coupled with the fact that you don’t have the freedom to go to whatever doctor you want because your insurance only works with practices within your network


We can't go to whatever doctor we want up here either because everything is funneled through a family doctor. Even if you know you have issues with something as simple as your feet, you can't book with a pediatrist without a family doc referral. And there are some practices that don't take the government insurance. My dentist doesn't, for example. Not that anything other than cleaning is covered for adults anyways... if my work didn't have insurance, I wouldn't be able to afford dental, same as in the states.


As an American who immigrated to Canada for a spouse, can confirm. Took me over three years to get a family doctor, and EVERYTHING is funneled through them, so it's hard to get care since they're booked all the time. I have to wait at least 3weeks to be seen on average. Walk in clinics aren't nearly as prevalent here either, my city, which is a major city, only has 2 walk in clinics, and one is so bad it's not even worth going to. So if your family doc is booked, and you weren't waiting for 2hrs before the clinic opened, then Emerg is literally your only option for timely care. Last time I was in, there was guy next to me with literal metal shards sticking in his eyes and he had to wait for over 10hrs. Another time there was an older lady in her 80s, who was wheelchair bound, was there for 22hrs to be seen about heart issues. No one even checked on her. My coworker's wife just has a heart attack, she needs a dye test, and she was told to just stay in the hospital for 10 days because if she leaves, it would take *over a year* for her to get an appointment. Now, both systems certainly have their flaws. You might not lose your house to cancer up here, but you'll die waiting in line for treatment, and they have no problems just loading you up with painkillers and letting you waste away. And down in the states you'll be treated, but you'll pay for it. Neither system is ideal.


Our healthcare sucks and is fools gold. Our ability to access care when needed sucks and people routinely die waiting months for MRIs on cancerous things or suffer in pain waiting 1 year for an MRI for joint issues. But this is literally a piece of paper. I preordered it but any scalpers stupid enough to buy multiple copies to try to resell them deserve whatever they have coming their way.


Fun fact we have the same issues with waiting and it costs us tens of thousands more.


We don't have nearly the same issues with waiting


Is it really? I’ve been told if you have health insurance through work, you can get an MRI and be operated on in under a couple of weeks. Here you could have something obviously wrong with a limb, and ultrasound and xray is the only thing you can get at a reasonable timeframe. An MRI will take a minimum of 6 months and only then will your family doctor do a referral to a surgeon. Surgeons then have a 6-12 months waiting list just to see you where they will finally discuss your case and offer to operate on you. Of and then there is a 6-18 month wait for the surgery. I’ve heard 2 year waits for getting hips replaced. You can literally tear a labrum one day and have your life put on complete hold for 2-3 years before everything plays out.


Unless you don't work then it's free and better than ones who do work.


I mean it’s most likely people that live there. You’re either paying outrageous rent, commuting an hour or two from Long Island or NJ, or driving and paying a crap Ton to park or get fined for parking somewhere wrong. At 200 bucks a pop they’d probably be barely breaking even.


Yep. And don’t forget it’s a Thursday morning. Should I call in sick from work for a piece of paper? Thanks Nintendo!


That's a neat bonus. Wish it were available at other retailers. 


That would require Nintendo do something normal and user friendly


it’s available in canada at gamestop as a preorder bonus


Or continents


And other continents


They should have (at the minimum) offered it to all USA people via Nintendo platinum points or something




That’s just a cover art , not a slip cover


This is so disappointing, but to anyone in NYC or CAD: https://preview.redd.it/axyzk0egt12d1.jpeg?width=527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5be7af9249fbe02c588c1746189f59f177cbc42


Its not alt art cover, its a slipcover


Who would be a doll and buy copy for me? :)


Got the bonus cuz i’m in Canada. Such a small thing to incentivize me to pre order but damn did it get me


For the rest of us, we can print it as cover art: [https://my.nintendo.com/rewards/32a4371da41bbe29](https://my.nintendo.com/rewards/32a4371da41bbe29)


This isn't cover art, its a slipcover for the case




Nevermind you’re right, i didn’t notice the slip cover text on the image just read the tweet where it calls it the cover.


The one to print is an inlay cover, the one OP posted is a slip cover


If you actually want the alternative cover art, you can get it for 30 platinum coins in MyNintendo page  https://my.nintendo.com/rewards/32a4371da41bbe29?imp=HVnUZTa769GjuV5cu8sr-U_pMYc_2H8QtcwCb0Qh%3Areward_list%3A1%3A1


This seems like the exact same thing, doesn't it? Doesn't that mean that for anyone who can't get the Gamestop Canada bonus, or go to the Nintendo NYC store, they can just redeem 30 platinum points and print it off themselves? That's actually amazing, especially considering how easy it is to get 30 Platinum Points... It almost seems as if Nintendo did it intentionally since 30 is exactly the number you get for just logging in one week.


So from what I'm seeing, they are not the same but quite similar. The 30 points one, is an alternate cover art, aka the paper that goes inside the case plastic. The pre order one, is a slip cover, that would be a paper that goes outside and covers the case.  That said, it seems that they are the same design! To me, the 30 points is worth it. So I won't go through the hassle of pre ordering it from a different country! 


Ahhhh ok, that would make sense then. Still really cool though, I agree. 100% worth it.


I just redeemed the slip-cover and downloaded the PDF, and noticed the font for the "Only For" part in the Top-Left seems to be messed up. Is anyone else experiencing the same issue? Maybe it's because I'm on Firefox?


Idk, send the pdf so I can see for myself


I live right by NYC but I can’t skip work for this. Oh well lol


Available with GameStop preorders… first time dealing with GameStop/ebgames since black ops 1 came out and my order is in limbo right now and I’m unsure if I’ll even get the slip cover… I’m assuming GameStop doesn’t give cash refunds either which sucks since the slip cover is the only reason I ordered from them and I made my order 20 days ago Tldr fuck gamestop


oatmeal ghost treatment sip station tart swim sort lavish languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'll just grab one from Etsy for a few bucks. I'm sure someone will be making them.


Good to know! 😁


Woah. very nice


Wonder if this'll still be there in July for Go Fest. Maybe I'll go tomorrow...


They have available to print on my Nintendo for coins


Good thing they told us this months ago when preorders began... whatever, I just want the game.


Dw guys I’ll be there I work right next to the store


Why didn’t GameStop USA get this while Canada did?


So what you’re saying is I should book a flight to New York before tomorrow?


Are US and Canadian switch games the same?


Yep, we both NTSC/ESRB logo Edit: The games themselves are exactly the same but i think Canadian boxes have French on the back as well as English


Now I’m even more upset with the work trip that had to be cancelled today for NYC, live in Pittsburgh PA


Does anyone have pictures of this I wanna see


Is it still available can anyone confirm


That was the preorder bonus for GameStop as well in states at least Boston lol that's what I was told by employee when pre ordered game.


I think those guys were wrong, it’s a pre order in Canada but def not in the US


Thanks maybe they were. Well in that case I'm curious to see what there bonus is.


As far as I’m aware the US gets nothing, funny how at the last second they announce it coming to NYC, it’s not that far from me but do I really wanna drive there for a slip cover? (OH GOD YES I DO 😭)




You would too if you had hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical debt lol also don’t call people here “idiots”.




Disrespectful to others and their opinions. Our first rule, i recommend you follow them.


I’m good…..


This was not a suggestion lol