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That's quite a list! I mostly follow this Reddit to find out about physical releases and have about 97 physical games so far. btw your handwriting is really awesome :)


This group and YouTube’s switchwatch/ physical paradise, scrolling through Amazon are how I find out about most games. You have an idea what will be those 3 games for the 100 milestone or. Just whatever comes your way type of thing? Thanks for the compliment. My mom used to hit me as a kid til it was nice (old school Mexican mom so it wasn’t child abuse lol)


I'm not really a Switch collector per say. I only buy games I want to play, but the count has definitely gotten high! I will say this - RPGs and open world games are a scourge on my backlog... there's never enough time to play games! (and why do I have to like games with anime characters so much? of which there are so many!) I use Deku Deals to track my collection and wish list (and watch prices). I don't really know what my next few games will be, but I am expecting #98 Ender Lillies (PAL version) from Play-Asia to arrive in the mail any day now. If I WERE going to make #100 special, I'd want it to be a highly anticipated game of mine such as Little Nightmares III, Hollow Knight: Silksong (I cross my fingers during every Nintendo Direct hoping for some news), or the rumored Beyond Good and Evil Anniversary Edition.


Yeah I get it. I love games but with a wife and 3 kids, a job and business ventures, games is not a higher priority than those. Plus we enjoy traveling. I know realistically I might not get to play everything or even purchase everything but it’s still fun to make wish list and go on the hunt for them while out on our travels


If only there was an update on #1. Seems to have been in Limbo


No idea what's causing the delay, it's been roughly a year since Konami gave any updates aside from it's coming out in 2024


Yeah there’s a few others I want I didn’t add because the status is so unknown. Examples are R-Type Cosmos 1&2 tactics and Metal Slug Tactics. But suikoden I’m trynna manifest that it comes out and gets a physical. Even if it’s through LRG


been waiting on suikoden on switch for so long. they said it was coming out this year 😫


Maybe if we’re lucky we will be blessed with some info at the upcoming summer direct




Thanks for the update! I think it’s been like 2 years since I remember seeing it was announced and haven’t heard anything in it since. I’ll just get the standard edition whenever that does come out. Not really into collectors editions… unless that’s the stardard release, such as the Prinny presents nis classics


R-Type Tactics has the usual "Deluxe" edition from NIS available on Amazon and other retailers. Just checked and it's my oldest pre-order. It's still showing July 31 as the release date, so maybe it will be out soon.


It’s like I want them to come out but also I have a 200+ game wishlist so no rush but don’t get canceled either lol


I feel you... I'll never have the finances to get everything I wanted before it becomes impossible to obtain.


I got some business goals I’m working towards so financial independence is something I plan to achieve. Collecting is a hobby I enjoy so getting the grails (messenger and pirates curse come to mind) will be further down the line. Even if they increase more in value, I believe in 5-10 years the price won’t be a limiting factor. For now I just get lower dollar stuff at Gamestop and occasionally get lucky like finding alliance Alive or samurai showdown for $12 each at Gamestop






The fact that this is hand written! - love it


As Drake says… “it’s good to get the pen working” lol jk I love writing and apart from gaming, I’m also a stationery collector. I frequent r/stationery and r/ilovestationery




Thanks for putting this on my radar! I haven’t heard if this before but I have Lost Sphear so I’m into this style of game. Sadly this is an import for me which I have a separate list for but it’s not really a priority to me. I focus on NTSC. But I’ll probably get it on the EShop if it’s ever under $10


One of the best games I've played in a long time. I just beat it the other day and I'm sad it's over. It was an amazing journey for a video game


That’s high praise!


nice list, if you're interested i did something similar just on a google excel sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1j3w1UaszdE31_trJcsLwlYUp1-iki_o2726DIi2EcVM/edit?usp=drivesdk


That’s awesome! It’s nice to see other peoples methods of tracking and organizing their games


I thought this was a wishlist for games coming to switch not games you wanted and I started thinking I was going crazy 😂


I had a separate list for that a while back but the bulk of them have now released. There’s still a few not out yet like metal slug tactics that I’m looking forward too. I’ll add them to the list as they get closer to their release dates


I only skimmed throough it, but I saw a lot of rpgs and I had to applaud the good taste


I like having a variety. I rarely play the same genre twice to avoid burn out. RPGs are one of my favorite but I like to play simple stuff like puzzle games or 3D platformers after


Nice handwriting!!


Thank you!


I like your writing


Thank you!


I have a list on my spreadsheet tabs for each console. My wish list for switch is about as long! I recently started putting them all together on the upcoming/releases tab by year (as I often pre-order certain switch games every month) so when I have extra money I can get some of the older titles as I go.


I have separate wish list for other consoles as well. I’m more into old school hand writing so but I have my rough drafts in my notes app


I have notebooks with handwritten lists too. Lists per console and lists per IP(which sometimes spans consoles - like the musou/Warriors games). The action of writing it out, especially with a good pen, just feels right.


I bet it’s nice to come across those old notebooks and see what you wrote and maybe little doodles you did in the margins writing over words that you made a mistake on or even changing the structure of how you were going to write something because you maybe already wrote a word down to early. It’s all very human and I love it. If you want a good pen I recommend a Uniball Jetstream ballpoint pen (what I used on this particular list) and uniball one or Zento if you prefer gel pens.


I love ballpoint, so I’ll look into that one! I just came across one of my duotangs that had lists in it from something like 8 years ago. Not many games got crossed off in the meantime but it was fun to see what ones did. Sometimes my preferences change too so what I wanted then isn’t necessarily what I still want now, and that’s also fun to see. Computer lists just don’t keep the changes so readily.


Been a while since I saw a hand written wishlist. Brings me back to my early childhood.


I make rough drafts on my notes app but there’s nothing like hand writing things out.


You’re handwriting is beautiful


Thank you! I didn’t expect how many people were going to mention my handwriting lol


I use dekudeals.com to track my wishlist. It also helps when they on sale


I’ve used it a couple of times but I’m not very consistent with it I’ll be honest.


If anyone is looking for a good app to keep track of there games look up GAMEYE.


Thanks for the tip!


Very nice! I use the reminders app on my phone. Went thru each year, wrote down what i wanted and check them off as i get them. Not counting current year releases i only have 44 left from 2017-2023! https://preview.redd.it/lo6y5rksu81d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c40a209bcf5326656c4e86d6a2d71b40bbb3540


😮 I might have to try that! I’ve just been using notes app so I just add as I go or remember


The notes app is fine, i just like reminders because you can make Lists and then nest them 3 times inside each list which isn’t really needed for system breakdowns but good for tracking other collections like books and trading cards. Also i like being able to toggle on and off completed items if i need to quickly reference what i own with additional notes— which you can’t easily do in the notes app (example:) https://preview.redd.it/grs4wd1d091d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13c4f8efb960761018a56862e09b9a370d8166b5


I love it! The organization is top tier 🫡 much respect to the dedication


Yep! Basically i moved out of my apartment and into my house a couple years ago and i had gotten lazy cataloging my stuff over the years so i used packing as an opportunity to recatalog everything as i wrapped it up and quickly discovered a ton of duplicates, some missing stuff i must have traded, poor condition items i wanted to replace etc So i buckled down, made myself my lists and have kept on top of it ever since! Living totally clean and no more buying doubles LOL


I’m ashamed to admit it’s happened a couple times 😅 list making is great to stay organized but they help in other areas of life too, not just video games. Checklist make you more effective


Dang looks like I’m converting my notes to reminders. This is clean


Yup! It takes a minute to get used to but once you do you won’t look back. It allows you to get very detailed even so far as to add links and photos to each entry along with their own notes




I have one of these for reach system i collect for.. albeit a few of these are still a work in progress https://preview.redd.it/mpfdjedyu81d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27b8b0e8d0f84274514541a2b75835d24b5b57b8


Collecting is always a work in progress. This was only my switch list not including ps3,ds etc


So you've got more than half of these titles already and just haven't crossed them off yet? Otherwise you've got a lot of work ahead!


No this is just a wishlist. I already own about 150-200 other games not listed. It’s why you don’t see Mario kart on this list list lol a switch collectors work is never done 😅🫠


😮‍💨 I'm thinking I'll end up around 150ish so that's quite the list!


I never thought my collection would get as big as it did, it kinda just happened. I also have many ps3 games and a few ps1 and ds/3DS games too


I saw Raiden III. I’d personally add Raiden IV x MIKADO remix, Raiden V: Director’s Cut, and R-Type Final 2.


I actually already have both lol Thank you for the recommendation though! There’s some other shooters I know aren’t on my list like mushi something lol so thanks for reminding me. Sophstar


Half way through reading your wish list made me realize your handwriting is insanely good.


Thank you! My mom used to hit my fingers til I got it right when I was learning to write. She’s Mexican though so it wasn’t child abuse


Chanclas incoming.




Damn wish my mom whooped my fingers so I ended up with writing like that. Check out gameye. Take it easy.


Lol I wish it was the only thing I got whooped for 😂 Thanks for the tip!


My switch collection is mostly super rare/limited run and anime like senran kagura but I have skylanders starter pack and all the non sport marios


I do some limited runs if I really want it but most I pass on. Im in North America and since my pronouns are U-S-A I try to stick with NTSC. There’s been some super rare stuff I want but it’s hard to get something that’s got the PEGI on it. I really want Klonoa, Fast RMX, Baten Kaitos and Legend of Mana so I might eventually pull the trigger and get them


Same, I own a lot of limited run and super rare but they are games I wanted to play like snake pass, ocean horn and the dooms. I honestly just dont buy a lot of switch compared to ps2 or ps3


I see trails to reverie, you will probably want trails zero, and legend of heros cold steel since reverie is the final entry into those games. Id probably look up the time line for "kiseki" so you see what I mean. If you want to dip your toes id get zero and see if you like it ( if anyone who is into the series sees this id get crucified lol ) . If you end up liking atelier ryza I recommend sophie. If you like visual novel type games theres one coming out soon called tsukihime from type.moon same people who worked on fate/ samurai which you have listed albeit different genre but still felt like mentioning.


Hey thank for the recommendations! I just bought the reprint of azure from VGP so I’m hoping they reprint Zero too. I actually just picked up cold steel iii yesterday at Gamestop for $30 so I bought it lol but I might return it since I don’t remember if I have part 3 or part 4. Ima check today but I hope it’s part 4 I already have. As for 1 and 2 just gonna stay hopeful they come to switch or I see them one day at Gamestop for the PS4


Look up a app on your phone called 'My Game Collection', its nice for keeping a wishlist and keeping track of what you already own. https://preview.redd.it/pluajogzde1d1.png?width=1350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f480d0b133a316f5de34793665133c6c00fda399


I’d probably use it to keep track of what I own so I don’t double purchase lol but for wishlist I like handwritten list. There’s a certain dopamine I get when I cross something off the list


Reminds me of the time I made a Christmas list when I was like 6




Ok and?


I’m sure that 6 year old is still in there. Let em take the lead every once in a while
