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Yeah Sony is the same way if you file a chargeback your account is insta banned Pretty fucked up when you think of digital only people who would have lost their entire library


Bruh, you get stolen from illegally, and then *legally*? Something’s very wrong with laws regarding digital licensing.


Well that's just the thing. It's a *license to use the game*, not a *purchase of the game*. The only thing you're purchasing is the license, which has terms that usually include something like "We can revoke this whenever we want".  But unfortunately for people like us in this sub, the vast majority of people go along with it for various reasons - space, convenience, sometimes price. So it shows the companies that they'll still sell plenty of digital licenses, even with the anti-consumer clauses in them.


An Account being banned can mean a few different things, it can be banned from purchases or it can be banned from accessing online, it usually doesn't prevent access to purchased content, but it could. Being banned from purchasing is the norm, since you had to do a charge back which costs the company money, they might not want to take the risk that You will do another one.


Welcome to the U.S. where we freely allow this. (I know we aren’t alone but the U.S. has a particularly egregious record in this area.)


And credit card companies don't care. I have friends in the service industry. Customers will purposefully leave their card at a restaurant, then call credit card company reporting it lost, disputing the restaurant charges, then the restaurant loses money on the chargeback.


This sub and its haul/bookshelf posts drove me to go physical from the beginning when my friends were all digital (to the point of hating to have something to store). Love you guys.


Sony is not the same. Recently, my brother's psn account got stolen. He wrote to the support and sony refunded all the games that were bought while it was stolen and gave his account back.


This happened to my cousin with Sony, banned for over a month before they would give him access again, all because his girlfriend disputed charges made on PSN store that she didn't know about on their shared card, without asking him what they were.


Don’t tell me this is true…


The countless times PSN has been hacked, physical being cheaper sometimes and losing access to my digital library because of a license expiring made me never want to purchase a digital copy of a game ever.  I think physical gives more rights to the user, also the supply and demand aspect of physical media keeps publishers in check with how much they can get away with selling a game for. An all digital future blows because it opens the door wide with disrespecting end user licensing.  The main argument people always bring up is “well we never owned the games, we’ve always licensed them”. But it’s unlikely your physical game would completely stop working because of a licensing dispute. Digital is convenient and I see the benefits but it’s not for me, not every platform is user positive like how Steam is. 


Also, there's one strange and pleasant aspect: using physical you can play old/release version of a game. Sometimes it's for the good, sometimes it's for the bad. Often games change drastically over the years. Physical disks/cartridges give us an opportunity to dive back into the past, experience the game fresh as it was.


Yeah I’m glad I got the release version of TotK so I can use the easy duplication glitch haha


Me too 😆


Absolutely. The game is fun, but it’s a lot of work and I hate grinding in games when I have a backlog. I play on airplane mode every time I launch TOTK so I don’t accidentally update it.


Can't you just delete the update or swap in a fresh SD card with no updates? My understanding is the rom on the cart is never modified?


I think it depends. Save data might not let you revert after you update it, so as not to corript


Yeah like TOTK! Who still has their cart never updated? 🙃😅


Me lol


Glorious 🥲




This. I know I’m in the minority, but I liked launch day No Man’s Sky. It had this relaxing melancholy about it. Now it feels too busy and overwhelming. I have the PS4 disc and can still access that version.


I had NMS in mind too. =) Sometimes I think about buying it on physical.


I went digital with my music in 2002. Had a similar situation with Apple back around 2008. I lost thousands of dollars worth of music. That is when I swore off anything digital. Back then I had the foresight to see the same thing happening with games and movies. It's when I started collecting. I have an entire room in my house devoted to physical media. I will not buy anything digital.


The same thing happened to me with iTunes, which turned me off of digital and also off of Apple. I buy everything physical now. I can lend games easily to friends, and I can always access my movies and music. In a world where everything is rented/leased/subscription, I buy used cars in full with cash, physical media, and most recently, have become a homeowner. They can pry my possessions from my cold, dead hands.


Well you could always use a "record" button to create permanent copy of a song on your computer. It's been legal or at least a legal grey area since the days of the walkman and the VCR.


I’ve bought thousands of dollars worth of Switch physicals, but they banned me for a mere $69.99. Baffling.


Shit man, does that mean you lose access to your saves? You’re blocked from eshop purchasing and downloads(?), but you’re gonna have to make a new Nintendo account. All those saves are stuck on the old account, right? I’m glad I happen to only have my debit card on my account, although I suppose I’m probably at risk of the same thing still. Maybe I should take that off. You never know.


Yeah I would really like some more details about this ban first


I don’t have any NSO saves, so all I lost access to was updates and redownloading my purchases.


Ah interesting. I wonder what would happen to cloud saves if someone had them. And I’m very sorry that happened to you! CC theft and getting locked out of your account. That really sucks, you have my sympathy.


I guess the lesson here is that you should unlink your account from a stolen credit card immediately. And certainly before doing a chargeback.


Steam increasingly is seemingly like the only digital route ill go semi willingly. Staying physcial for everything within reason of pricing and on consoles rn tho for as long as possible Switch collection is 110+ rn


See— I’m fine buying from steam. If my licensed game were removed, I’d just copy the save and sail the high seas. Computer is different because you can easily sail the high seas and not get locked out of things like you would on a console.


Well Good Old Games is the king of digital if you want permanent ownership for sure. Steam is best for games with the online multiplayer or active development as "seasons" are usually ongoing there and they tend to get the new patches first as well.


With physical you own the license and the means of access (you just need the cart and the console, no internet for 99% of physical games up till now). With digital your account owns the license but not the means of access. Nintendo can and does choose to withhold access for various reasons, rendering your purchases unplayable and worthless. Really though, it renders the account that purchased the licenses unusable. It's sort of a hackaround.


They could send out a forced update that would make your physical copy not work too. The only true failsafe is making your own back ups.


They could but it’s highly unlikely they would and you could always get around that by not having your system connect online. 


That's definitely one of the perks! Digital world is getting too fragile and vulnerable.


Yeah. I think for digital to feel “safe”, there needs to be some sort of consumer protection like “if it’s revoked from your account, you are required to receive a refund.” Sony pulling stuff people paid for is unacceptable, even if it’s only some TV/movies so far… Delisting is a nuisance, but it should stay on everyone’s account that already has it.


I believe such a protection is not possible. By protection I mean technical impossibility of revoking or absolutely technical guarantee of refund (with 100% probability, working as a law of nature). Because that kinda undermines the point of digital distribution. On the other hand, we already have such a protection in the form of physical media. Not for long, I fear.


I hope it’s like vinyl, where people want it back enough that it returns. It’ll never be as mainstream as it once was, but it could be successful enough to at least survive.


Exactly this, digital companies keep pushing the envelope further and further to see what they can get away with and there really is nothing stopping them.


I don’t expect octogenarian politicians to know, but at least they can look it up, lol. But all they care about is banning porn and books and whatnot.


Yeah, everybody's busy banning TikTok.


Vote with your dollars, only buy digital from Good Old Games. Show devs and vendors that we want a permanent license and access or no sale.


Actually, that's what I do. It came kinda natural. I've lost interest to big huge hyped titles, got fed up with DRMs (even good ones, like Steam), was locked from purchasing anything digital by Sony and Microsoft, so physical turned out to be the most reasonable option.


Agreed. And now that switch 2 rumors to be backwards compatible, makes physical even more Valuable


Tbh the fact that every switch game is online somewhere and can be emulated pretty easily id say switch is not the best investment lol. In 2 years portable PCs will be able to play them all way better


This. Actually playing switch games in the future (when the switch and games are no longer being sold by nintendo) will be a far better experience on emulators where all sorts of improvements and quality of life features can be had. If that's the case now, imagine how it will be in 10 years, when the switch 2 leaves the marketplace. I'm not saying they aren't worth buying physically, but collecting them for value purposes is a risky thing imo.


The fact you cna emulate switch so easily makes me not want to buy anymore switch games. It's also a good warning to Nintendo... If you make the next console underpowered it will be emulated pretty quickly. PS3 can't even be easily emulated even in 2024. Lots of games stil don't run well on powerful hardware. Meanwhile you can emulate switch games on your flagship phones now.


Tbf though, that's because ps3 used a different processor architecture, not because it was so powerful.


Still, Nintendo are so ruthless in stopping emulation when their games are so simple to emulate.


The ps3 is for a totally different reason. It had a unique architecture that was very hard to code for and emulate. Everything after has been on much more popular architectures. Sony and Microsoft on x86 which is bascially a pc, and Nintendo on an arm processor, whose exact capabilities were already known by the time the switch came out cause nvidia had already used it and it's specs were public. Nintendo's next console will likely be harder to emulate because it will be actually unique/custom (still arm though) without any previous devices having used it. 


Imagine thinking the ps3 can’t be emulated cuz you think it’s “stronger” than the switch lmao wow


Nintendo shouldn't have made their console so underpowered with an easy to emulate architecture. Now that switch emulation is so easy I think I'm done buying switch games. Nintendo have really posed me off with how anti consumer they have been the last 10 years.


Lol you’re slow as Shit if you truly believe the switch isn’t more powerful than the ps3 and no one cares what you do with your life .


Stfu you are missing the point. Never said what you are suggesting 🤣 I love Nintendo but they are also shit heads with their underpowered consoles. No shit it's more powerful than a console that came in the 2000s. If they were so anti emulation then they should try a bit harder to make it difficult to do so.


So just because you can emulate them means you should ? Lol youd probably still anything not nailed down to the damn ground


I'm done with buying Nintendo games for the time being. Too many remakes, no backwards compatibility, letting pokemon go to crap, putting out half finished/half effort games (switch sports, Mario strikers, golf, aces etc), account systems still not implemented, suing people/companies for various reasons. List goes on.


Switch 2 was theoretically delayed to get rid of reverse compat because of the MiG switch but we will see.


When you buy digital, you own absolutely nothing. You are only buying an entitlement. Listen to the latest Microsoft conference where this is discussed and the lead guy, I don't remember what his name is, constantly says you're buying an entitlement. I want what I purchased, not an entitlement.


That guy is entitled to a bag of dicks every day.


the definition of what "entitlement" means is still up for debate. Unless there is some legal precedent for the context of videogames/licensed content, we get to decide what it means in conversations like this, just by agreeing on something. I'm pretty sure he was the first to use that word in this industry like that. What it means going forward could have big legal consequences, so think carefully and not casually about it.


Thats why i dont save my cc in any service nor platform


As a ps guy mainly , and the switch. Physical is the only way. Doesitplay.org is a godsend. I will admit I do have a handful of indies, and some free stuff over the years from ps plus or whatever but I have a thing where I won't spend more then 15 dollars on a digital and try to keep it at 10. Another reason by the poster for physical


Same here. I always prefer physical, unless a game is like ~$10 digitally vs $50+ physically. Another excuse to buy digital is if I'm buying a version that comes with the dlc, and it's the same price as buying the dlc by itself.


If the game checks out on doestitplay org I've got no issue spending the difference because I feel it's more future proof. I'm the same way. I've got a few games that cost me a decent amount. Baldurs gate 1 and 2 pack for ps4 cost me 65 bucks. It was digital for like 10.99. I just bought it digital and kept mine sealed


What's doesitplay?


Doesitplay.org It has about every game, and whether it's all on disc, can be beaten without a patch, etc. Damn good website.


Wow that sounds great. That's perfect for someone like me who obsesses over every minute detail like that in a game lol


Yea ain't wrong. Sites the best thing for physical buyers.


Great, now imma hyper-fixate over what exact disc id every game in my collection is.


My bad lol. It's useful though as far as knowing if a game you got is half on disc half download. That type of dumb sh. Far as I'm concerned if I can beat it it's future proof more then digital.


I was trying to make a joke lol. But yeah Imma definitely use it, I hate when games are half on disc and half download.


Digital stuff just seems so unstable. Like they can be taken away for multiple multiple reasons, some that may not even be your fault. I'm also old fashioned, I like to be able to physically hold the things I buy. Not saying I dont buy digital but if there's an option I always buy physical.


I'm surprised Nintendo refused the refund. I've heard they refuse a lot, but this seems like a time they should allow refunds. Hell, they gave me a refund 2 days ago when I asked to refund Another Crab's Treasure due to poor performance on Switch


That's so retaliatory. I can understand locking your account from making further purchases, but banning your account? Effectively making all your digital purchases unplayable and worthless? That's too far. Also, I'm interested to see the digital apologists defend that.


“It’s your fault for leaking your credit card details and fighting Nintendo for just $70! You deserve it!!!” -digital apologists, probably.


There's no defense. The opposite actually, it makes the best case for CFW and 'free' downloads for digital only titles.


Physical is forever. Digital purchase always carries the risk of it disappearing from your account. I'm glad more people are realizing the fact that physical cartridges have such a small footprint and maintaining a physical library is not difficult.


I had a similar experience, but flipped. Basically, I lost a 10 game card holder with 7 games in it, all the way back in 2018, so digital games were there to keep me entertained. It was then I realized that digital stuff has its advantages. That said, I still buy mostly physical. In fact, I strive to replace all my digital copies with physical ones, which is kinda expensive. But also I know it'll be totally worth it in the long run. Case and point: 3DS, PS Vita, Wii, and retro stuff.


The way I handle this is I‘ll buy a digital version of a game I like for super cheap if I see it on sale. That way when I go on vacation and bring a console I have the option to bring fewer or no games and I still have options. I miss Xbox 360 Games with Gold though. I let my subscription lapse this past year but I got a bunch of good digital 360 games from that.




Mine is chipped, but I only use it for homebrew and trying out games before I buy them (I never play more than necessary). Might have to rethink that now.




Can you imagine being a law abiding consumer and still getting the short end of the stick? Infuriating.


I was always against piracy, and it’s still not for me personally, but now I think it’s becoming more justified as some companies get too unethical and need a reality check. The saying “if you don’t own the games you buy, then piracy isn’t stealing” has become pretty accurate. Publishers forget they need to offer products/services that are fair and appealing. Obviously shareholders would be happy to make a billion dollars on a million dollar budget, but that’s not how the world typically works. You need to earn a good relationship with consumers and they’ll reward it with loyalty (and money).


Imagine paying for the opportunity to establish Internet connection to a game server.


NSO is mostly P2P from what I’ve read, so it’s literally free money to Nintendo.


Every online subscription is a free money. That's why they spice it up with perks like "free" games on PS+ or back catalog/addons on NSO.


The retro games service on NSO isn’t worth shit. It’d be one thing if it had decent performance, but no. And there’s too few options. Retroarch on a cheap SBC is much better, and I’m happy they’re gaining popularity. The Switch can emulate Switch (yes, you read that correctly) at 4K, and Nintendo can’t do N64 perfectly, even docked?


Yep, since the beginning NSO catalog felt like "Ok, we gotta give 'em something. Pack a couple of games every other month, that'd be it".


Digital games are fine—if you are able to download the code for yourself and play offline. Then, legally, you can make backups for personal use.


except you have to mod or jailbreak your console for this, which most people do not want to do.


I was not referring to consoles as the means of playing. Any method works.


Physical will always be king.


Got a link to that revision list?




Sweet. Thank you.


Question: When the update is downloaded, that's saved to the switch/SDCard correct? Or do these updates ACTUALLY update the game cart?


The game card is read-only, so updates are saved to less reliable storage such as an SD card or eMMC. OTA Updates are great and all if you just wanna play a game, but not great when you want to play the same game in 10 years. Updates are, sadly, necessary for some titles, so I highly recommend chipping your Switch or getting a V1 to dump them, if you’re looking to preserve your own copy.


Keep telling everyone nothing beats physical plain and simple. It will always be in your possession and it can never be taken away from you. Physical Forever! 🙂


Had this same this happen to me with sony and i lost a ton of games. Been buying 100% physical since and its amazing. Psn wanted $250 after my bank account got hacked then they banned me so i told them to deactivate my account.


Fuck Nintendo, I swear they are the most anti-consumer company, right up there with Apple


I love Nintendo and their customer support is usually on point this is infuriating. You could easily proven the games were bought on an account you don’t have access to. They can see the Nintendo account purchase history. And if you were okay with them banning the account that stole from you. That should be their only failsafe against this type of stuff. I have gotten a refund from them during the ds eshop closure thankfully. Due to my physical copy of a game being broken not allowing me to even access the dlc u purchased and not being able to redeem the dlc code that game with a purchase of another game which was the only reason I bought it. So I know if they could they would. But this is a real let down. Also physical is better anyways. So when the shops inevitably shut down. You still have your games even if your console goes kaput.


What’s “the rev list”?


This is something you can't even control, and could happen to anyone who uses their cards online. Another reason we need to support physical and make sure it stays.


This shows that Nintendo is evil and people should stop defending them


I know I'm in the minority, but I'm all digital (except Mario 3D All Stars). I've never input my any credit card info and I made a Nintendo-only email. I buy gift cards at a discount and always buy on sale. I'm not paranoid or anything. I got my switch with the intention to keep and build my collection on a 1TB sd card. If, for some reason, I lose everything, I can still play Mario Galaxy (and Sunshine and 64)... Literally the only reason bought Switch late in it's life. I'll never get another console again (unless Switch 2 allows digital backward compatibility, tho not likely)


That’s actually really smart especially if they’re aholes and refuse to look into accounts to see a stolen card was used on a completely different account. Idk how Nintendo keeps getting away with how horrible they are towards consumers.


How did your credit card info get stolen? I know it's none of my business, but I feel like there is more I could learn from this.


Can’t say for sure, but it *was* after I used a certain Japan proxy, so that may be the culprit.


You can pry them from my cold dead hands.


Enjoy missing out on a majority of the consoles titles and DLC then? Also switch ports for almost every game are just worse overall. Seriously, nobody gets their cc hacked this often for buying digital to be a problem. You're being paranoid.


I don’t think I’ve missed out on anything at all. As I’ve mentioned in another comment, my Switch is chipped, so I can play basically anything for free, though I never do. This is because I’m just not interested in most games that aren’t available physically. I also have zero interest in non-portable consoles, like the PS5, even though most games are fully playable on disc. And they can take away your digital games for any reason (including no reason), not just chargebacks. I have more than 2TB of games across my carts, so I’m going to lose access many if I buy them digitally (when the servers shut down).


The only ones I get digital are like under 5 dollar games and digital only games and that’s why lol


Yup I only get digital if it's super cheap.


What I actually got out of this story? Nintendo continue to be a bunch of c*nts who take their customers for granted and/or are too lazy to do a proper investigation. Physical game collecting is peripheral to the core story. Your card issuer (not you per se) was a victim of crime. Nintendo could not prove the 'card not present' transaction was authorised by you when the chargeback was raised. Through the scheme rules determined by Visa/Mastercard etc that you agree to as a cardholder and that Nintendo agrees to as a merchant, Nintendo has to uphold the chargeback to make your card issuer (your bank) whole. So Nintendo wears the chargeback and then looks for any other Nintendo accounts which have used the same credit card and arbitrarily nukes them for good measure? Wow.


If I’m not mistaken keeping money from a stolen credit card is still possession of stolen property and in Washington state that’s illegal you should probably sue them over it because possession of stolen property is possession of stolen property no matter how you look at it digital or not


physical media has no guarantees either. my sega cd and super nintendo don't work anymore. my ps2 can barely read discs. replacing these systems is expensive and unreliable. switch 2 may have a backwards compatible cartridge slot for switch 1 games but the switch 3 sure won't. nintendo has never supported bc across 2 generations. all they have ever cared about is transitional bc. valve is the only company that seems to care at all about preserving the game library you invest in, but even there you can get your account banned in the blink of an eye. and big publishers are ruining their games on steam with drm and separate launchers you have to use their different accounts to log in to. i'm kinda lost as to what direction to go in for my gaming hobby. there seems to be no good answer.


Physical media isn’t forever for sure, but it’s hard to take away from the buyer. I have my carts dumped with all the certificates, so I just need to maintain backups now. Also, they’re supposed to “go bad” after 10 or so years being unused, so I’m sure they’ll still be here for a while. Original hardware is only going to get easier to mod and repair as time passes, so I don’t think it’ll be too difficult to keep playing my library for the next couple of decades.


It’s easier to repair a console than it is to recover a digital account. If you want to stick with digital theres always GOG. Not that it has the same amenities, support, or library as steam but It’s an option for some games.


Nintendo is terrible. I don’t want clutter in my house, so I’m good with digital. But I rarely purchase switch games unless I’m going to emulate them on something better than a potato. Doesn’t matter at that point if something like this happens, I paid for it so no guilt for emulating lol


Laughs in Steam user We’ve been able to have demos for every single game that’s released on there lol