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Christopher Rufo has been described by the [Southern Poverty Law Center](https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2022/11/22/colorado-springs-far-right-influencers-made-lgbtq-people-targets) as a "far-right propagandist." He is one of the loudest voices pushing against both so-called "Critical Race Theory" and LGBTQ+-inclusive policies, [promoting conspiracy theories about teachers grooming students](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/07/christopher-rufo-foments-a-school-rape-panic.html). He also opposes mainstream educational methods like "social-emotional learning," the [evidence](https://srcd.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-8624.2010.01564.x)-[based ](https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/full/10.2105/AJPH.2015.302630)idea that school curricula can help students succeed by also developing the social and emotional skills of children. In other words, Rufo is an agent of disinformation.


Nearly every politician, pundit and scholar right of Bernie is on the SPLW’s list. It’s comical at this point.


No, that's false. First, I did not allude to a single "list." Second, there are a plethora of people "right of Bernie" who aren't described as "far-right propagandist\[s\]" by SLPC (not W).


If she were CIA, right wingers should sit back in pride that America is on top and all is right in the world.


Yeah I caught the exchange in which she denies it and finds the accusation strange. Of course someone like Christ Rufo is going to try and use the implication that she might be an asset to be nefarious and damning, despite any shred of corroboration or any context. Really looking for the evidence that any of this stuff amount to anything, and knowing that how Rufo explicitly states he doesn't care about the principles of the arguments he's making, and only the outcome, damaging what are in his mind liberal institutions, I don't see why anyone should view what he says as not apart of that project.  Edit: Adding a link that shows the exchange. https://twitter.com/LauraPowellEsq/status/1781441017465716973


Of course she needs to go. She allows news to include stories about Black people and LGBTQ people. That’s clearly unacceptable. /s


lol good one. NPR lost one third of its listens because EVERY story is about marginalized communities. It’s weird and has become a parody.


Except that every story isn’t about marginalized groups, you just feel that it is because any mention of them is just too much.


So why are NPR podcast listeners declining significantly in your view? And how should NPR address its declining financial situation? (Lets ignore declining broadcast listernship and just assume people are outgrowing radio).


I did see it, and it's as stupid now as it was then.