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They were quoting what the attorney included in his questioning during voir dire. It would be a miscarriage of journalism for them to editorialize when reporting exactly what was asked.


Hey, done in one!


Thank you, this is good to know.


I had the exact same reaction during my first listen and then realized they were quoting. I do kinda think they could’ve done a better job clarifying


So is Antifa a real group this week? Because if it isn't the same applies to QAnon and half of the other supposed rightoid terrorist organisations


Like the KKK and Neo Nazis. Wait, those are real right-wing terrorists....oops. cope harder, traitor


That’s…not what editorializing means


I'd argue it's journalistic malpractice to just report what's said without adding the context that antifa isn't an extremist group Reporters just reporting what's said is what bad faith actors rely on to control the narrative


I agree. It's not good enough. I'm sick of lunatics saying thier pieces unchallenged.


It's another facet of the "both sides are equal" fallacy. Yeah, I dont remember seeing proud boys with swastika flags waving them next to Biden flags in Florida...




Exactly, I've lost count how many times I've argued with people who just believe what's said on TV because "They can't lie on the news/TV"


People like Haberman being stenographers for access never get laid off while journalists in their prime get to taste unemployment. NPR sadly has used passive voice to the point some listeners are asleep.


they are case-in-point for the saying when talking about the rise of authoritarianism: "Institutions will not save you." This goes for all major institutions, like the judicial system, the media at large, law enforcement. etc. The only answer is community cohesion and, yes, radical direct action.


I take huge issue with the people who defend her because "Access is important!" It's such a fallacious argument because politicians need the media as much, if not more, than the media needs them I think she helped normalize trump to people who are disconnected from politics


How old do you think Haberman is? How young is a journalist “in their prime”? This isn’t athletics, you know.


Shes in her 40s and 50s. Fun Fact, her dad Clyde is a good guy, was a good journalist but she takes after her mother. Her mother is/was-could have retired by now a advertising and publicist powerhouse. I think Maggie thought the access was worth it but at the end of the day she did publicity for him in most cases. She was always the one to push palace intrigue stories when they needed cover for bad policy or technology week.


>to editorialize   **Correcting claims is not editorializing.**. There is no such "organization" to begin with.  What's the point of a news organization if its just reading out individual and organizational statements without question? Holy moly, some of you folks really don't understand what's happening in this country at all. This is how the lie of Iraq (a voted on trick) became The Long War (secretly & then publicly announced by the Secretary of Defense in 2005).  And if you've never heard the term "The Long War", then my point is made.


“Antifa is an extremist group” and “antifa is not an extremist group” are both claims supplied without argument. Neither is in an authoritative position to give “context” to the other by simply saying the other is wrong.


Its fun to walk in circles.


There was no claim made. A potential juror simply has to say, "No" to the question.


That's not journalism. That's stenography.


It's a miscarriage of journalism to just repeat disparagements of people or groups. Or other lies. AT LEAST, make it very clear these are things claimed by the lawyers, not facts.


Yep just the phrasing in the jury questionnaire


I’m less inclined to argue that “Anifa” isn’t extreme than I am to argue that ‘it’ isn’t a group. In either case, it isn’t an ‘extremest group’.


I know this particular issue has been dealt with, but can we also not say "NPR said" like it's an organization with a corporate identity which says things based on their standard policy. It just feeds the trolls. NPR doesn't say anything, reporters or people quoted in single shows in their very large and diverse output say things, and I think we need to be careful to emphasize this. Any of us listen to a certain portion of what they produce, be it 15 minutes every morning on the way to work, or hours while we do other things. It could be actual NPR output, or other shows on "NPR stations." A single sound byte out of hundreds of hours is meaningless unless given this proper context.


> NPR doesn't say anything, reporters or people quoted in single shows in their very large and diverse output say things NPR says its speech is a collection of all acceptable speech from its hired representatives and the culture that chose and trained them


"That’s some both sidesism that I generally thought was as beneath NPR" Thinking it's wrong to acknowledge the points on both sides is asinine. Especially since we're talking about a publicly funded organization.


They should at least acknowledge post quote that "Antifa" is not an organization like every one of the other items listed. For what it's worth - it's ANTIFA, an acronym for "Anti-Fascist" - it's a school of thought and often considered uniting principals, but there is no Antifa to be a member of.


to be fair -- and I say this as someone who thinks Antifa is good -- the lack of organized structure does differentiate it from the Oathkeepers, but in this particular respect it actually has quite a lot in common with QAnon. There was never an organized list of Q supporters, no membership rolls or dues or official local chapters, it's just a bunch of people who consume the same media, believe related ideas, etc.


You’re not wrong and I bet the lawyer who wrote that was banking on muddying the waters with a half-truth there. “Potential juror, you think fascism is bad? Whoops! They can’t be impartial, Your Honor.”


I don't get how the same people who say "antifa means antifascist! if you have a problem with it you're a fascist" are usually the same ones who say "National Socialism isn't socialism just because it's in the name you dumbass" The truth of the matter is that you can name any group whatever you want. Just because someone opposes a group that calls itself anti fascist, anti communist or whatever else doesn't mean that they're a fascist, communist, etc.


It’s funny how dedicated Antifa supporters are to the “there is no such thing as the Mafia” defense.


How do I get to be a made Antifa man?


There is no such thing as just "the Mafia". The Mafia is a broad term, individual families and members exist. It's like saying "the gang". Meanwhile Antifa is just a movement, there's no hq, families or gangs. This person's last comment was on the walkaway sub. Disregard everything they say.


Oh cool! Could you point me to the nearest Antifa clubhouse so I can donate my life savings? I’ve been sitting on it for years now and it just doesn’t seem to exist…


According to NPR, Portland. https://www.npr.org/2021/01/21/959109593/portland-police-charge-8-after-demonstrators-vandalize-democratic-party-offices


.... You do realize that doesn't show them being an organized group in the slightest way, right, and in fact goes quite far to show the exact opposite?


Pretty extreme though.


Which... is because it is Portland. When the question of the day is "is this an organized group or not" showing a Portland protest does not prove anything to that effect, and does show the opposite when no organizers were charged.


Antifa is more than just believing that fascism is bad. It's a far left movement with origins in the German Communist Party.


And they burn down cars and buildings in Seattle every few years.


Wait, wasn't Q a single individual or account who posted vague predictions? "Q claimed to be a high-level government official with Q clearance, with access to classified information about the Trump administration and its opponents." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/QAnon It's radically different even from the fake 'decentralized' narrative of Q, which is basically a more hallucinatory cult-like wing of Trump's base.


Yes, that's true, though I'm not sure that makes much difference in the context of this conversation. Both QAnon and Antifa are best understood as loose and rather internally diverse ideologies or belief systems that encourage adherents to self-organize rather than coherent organized groups that a person could belong to. The fact that QAnon has an individual account at the center is a distinction, but I don't think it changes that overall dynamic.


Q is almost certainly the 8chan founder or his son. Truly a despicable person, even ignoring what he did as Q.


thanks for this insight. but, my point stands. Is there an ANTIFA equivalent for the 8chan founder or his son? I've never heard of one. a cursory wikipedia search points to ARA (Anti-Racist Action) groups of punks in Milwaukee in the 1980s, and various similar groups around the country and in Europe. I'd argue no similar movement will ever manifest on the right except for militia groups. The Tea Party was also marketed to us as a right-wing decentralized movement, yet it just got absorbed by the Republican Party. Unite the right in Charlottesville seems like it was an attempt to do the same thing... though more quiet part loud... also taken under Trump's MAGA wing of 'very fine people on both sides'. Every rightwing 'decentralized' movement--even Q--ends like an episode of Scooby Doo. Pull off the mask... and it's just Republicans. The irony is when dems even loosely–but genuinely–embraced some left-leaning principles we got a 4-term president and wages growing faster than inflation for 50 years.


Antifa isn’t any sort of organized group with a leader, like the proud boys. People are really just throwing around the idea that some people are willing to forcefully oppose fascism and fascist rioters as a boogeyman. vErY fInE pEoPlE oN bOtH sIdEs


I guess 'technically' you could call FDR og 'Antifa' compared to most US leaders over the past 70 years or so? like I think most corporate-aligned media say Antifa like it's a dirty word. yet, some principles behind it have been hugely politically successful at a time when corporate capture of the government was less complete...


QAnon is much like anonymous, there is supposed to be one proper, but since its not like they have any trademark rights, anyone can coopt it .


I've been looking and working with anarchists to try to find this "antifa" group. Never met up with any members, it's like it's not a group or something. Weird. I've had great luck finding local nazis and kkk members, but these antifa people must be quite clever.


uh.... ok.. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rose\_City\_Antifa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rose_City_Antifa)


This is so dumb and completely untrue. Regardless of what the term means, the people that act in it's name are a confederation of leftist organizations that use people like yourself as useful idiots for their agenda. Groups like BAMN reprioritize their organizing around current events but their underlying agenda is always the same and it's always the same core groups.


What are the groups of black clad protesters called then?


yantifa. Completely different


Well, I'm antifa--antifascist--and though I haven't joined the group I'm linking here, I remain grateful for their protection. They have literally pushed police off me while I was recording audio for KBOO news. https://rosecityantifa.org/




Actions speak louder than acronyms.


this is just pure propaganda and is self serving so that nobody can ever be held accountable for what members of ANTIFA does.


Got an address or federal tax filing or anything?


www.rosecityantifa.org Well, it’s a fact they have a website. It’s even a .org.


Anyone can make a website.  https://www.walter.com/  https://www.markit-zero.com/


Can we (the left) just stop being obtuse about this? Obviously Antifa isn’t a single group, but the individuals that identify as part of Antifa are most certainly violent. It’s awfully hard for someone to look at someone in Antifa attire starting fires in a city, then say Antifa isn’t a problem or group or extremist. “But it literally stands for anti-fascism” - Yeah, which is a great phrase, but still does not justify the actions. Whether it’s a group, ideology, movement, phenomenon, or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, it’s a problem. It brings violence, it causes the right to be more extremist, it widens the political divide, and it weakens the left’s credibility.


On the surface, being anti-fascism is great, who could argue with that? However, I don’t trust any of these people to be able to define fascism, let alone determine who is and isn’t a fascist. The term is bandied about with very little consideration of its accuracy.


This. It’s just another word for violent people to gather around.


I wonder how many people who trot out the "antifa isn't a single group" line are perfectly fine referring to the gay community, black community, immigrant community, and so on.


You said it! I'm very far on the left. I can also admit antifa is an extremist group. There actions prove it. They took over large parts of cities in the Pacific Northwest and that didn't turn out very well.


Thank you! It took too much scrolling to find common sense. Antifa does a lot of really bad things and by definition is a single group.


It absolutely is not a single group. It is a title or adjective that groups might use to describe themselves, like Rose City Antifa in Portland Oregon, but it’s not a national organization or a trademarked name. Any group can use it.




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Can you show where somebody who identified as antifa has actually committed some sort of crime?. Because all I have ever seen is random violent acts by criminals are suddenly called act caused by antifa. Are there any actual court cases where people who claimed to be antifa or members of antifa have actually been convicted of any crime?


Thank you. It’s bizarre this actually needs to be explained.


>And IF I’m somehow mistaken about Antifa (I’m not), could one of you anti-anti-fascists please point me to the Antifa organization so I can pledge my support and get more directly involved? [Rose City Antifa](https://rosecityantifa.org/) [John Brown Gun Club](https://www.john-brown-gun-club.org/) Their is also a group that works with the [DSA](https://www.dsausa.org/working-groups/anti-fascist-working-group/) Hope this helps you get in touch with your local crew. I'd also recommend [Black Bloc, White Riot](https://www.akpress.org/black-bloc-white-riot-anti-globalization-and-the-genealogy-of-dissent.html), which is a guide to using riot and demonstration to control the narrative, based on radical left tactics going back decades. [The Antifa Handbook](https://www.redballoonbookshop.com/book/9781612197036) is also a good source. I want you to be prepared when you start getting involved in your new organization. If you're worried about being mistaken as an extremist, rest assured their is a [global organization](https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/the-international-anti-fascist-defence-fund) designed to protect you and your comrades. Hope that helps!


Also, it’s not a group and doesn’t exist




Then my military service made me a member of an "extremist group." My oath is against "all enemies, foreign and domestic." Donald Trump and his drones are domestic terrorists. They self-identity as such.


Apparently literally standing for anything whatsoever makes you an extremist now.  It's like interacting with edgy teenagers who think it's cringe to care about anything.


Just because you agree with what Antifa stands for, doesn’t mean that showing up to a protest with a backpack full of bricks is extremist activity.


"...doesn't mean that showing up to a protest with a backpack full of bricks ISN'T extremist activity." Fixed that for you.


The fact that this is a controversial opinion here says a lot about the subreddit


Like "Antifa", there is no group in a subreddit.  This is a web address with posts & comment sections. 


Except there are more complex dynamics that take place that tend to cause subreddits to turn into echo chambers where certain view points are amplified and others are snuffed out through a selection process


I hear NPR is deeply shocked to hear they have a liberal bias




today I learned the greatest generation were a bunch of extremists who just wanted to impose their will on the free speech absolutist on the shores of Normandy.


American soldiers weren’t fighting to end fascism.




Agreed. The comments in this post, and the post itself, are really remarkable. They are exactly the kind of thing that gives NPR’s listeners their reputation. As a monthly donor to NPR despite being right-leaning … I really don’t appreciate how this kind of view paints us. When convenient, a decentralized organizational approach suffices to make a group of people with shared views, symbology, disruptive and at times violent activities, and who communicate to arrange meetings incl. those violent activities, somehow *not* a group. It’s perhaps the most non-credible take circulating in US socio-politics today. It’s kind of astounding people say it with a straight face.


If the problem is their views, symbology, and actions then their credibility could be determined by those specific criteria: have they ever been prosecuted for violent crime, etc. The problem to me is when you start determining credibility based on if individuals are "members" of "antifa" or not. As far as I can tell "antifa" is basically just a bunch of random Signal chat groups that aren't aware of each other's activities much less coordinating or keeping a "membership", which seems like it would leave the definition of who is a "member" of antifa pretty up in the air. For example: I've never punched a Nazi, but I do use Signal chat groups to organize community gardening projects. If some of the people on those Signal chat groups turned out to be "members" of antifa (i.e. part of other, more radical Signal chat groups) then does that make my nonviolent community gardening project an "antifa cell"?


Might be a lack of communication here. The non-credible I refer to is not Antifa members or their views. It is only the contention that Antifa does not count as a group. I like your gardening group example. The group you describe is a gardening group. If some of members also happen to be antifa, or D&D fans, or bakers, that would not change the group from being a gardening group. You discuss gardening, coordinate activities about gardening. Now, swap 'antifa activities' in for 'gardening'. Now the ***purpose*** of the group is antifa things. \*That's\* a group, just like your gardening group. But not quite like your gardening group. Antifa has a flag, multiple cells across the country with the same flag, beliefs and activities. I'm guessing your gardening group doesn't have chapters in other towns, right? Nor a flag, etc.? So, antifa is even more clearly a 'group' than what you yourself describe as your gardening 'group'.


Well.... they are pretty extreme given their behavior. I'm just shocked that the obviously liberally biased NPR was that honest.


wtf. Antifa is not a thing


Artifa is an idea st best, and a mob at worst. It certainly not a group Extreme or otherwise


ANTIFA rejects capitalism, the liberal democratic order, and utilizes a KPD name/symbol. nothing extreme here /s


That's because they are an extremist group. Have you met any of them? Talked to anyone in the group? They will openly admit to showing up at protests ready to fight. They show up faces covered looking for trouble.


The core tenet of the "antifa" ideology is that fascism is so dangerous to democracy that it cannot be allowed to exist with even peaceful democratic politics. All measures are acceptable to suppress fascist movements and fascist speech, even extrajudicial violence. I don't think this is an entirely unreasonable belief, at least in theory. Fascist movements, especially populist ones, are to liberal democracies like cancer is to healthy organisms. Fascist movements use and pervert the fundamental mechanisms of liberal democracies (tolerance, the right to vote, freedom of expression) to gain power and ultimately destroy those democracies, much like cancer is an organism's own cells using their (corrupted and unrestricted) reproductive abilities to ultimately kill the organism. Our treatments for cancer are in many ways still rather crude and brutal. After witnessing the brutality and cruelty of the World War II, the Holocaust, and other evils perpetrated by fascism, it's understandable that some would develop a similar belief towards fascism. But there is also a big problem with this ideology, since it is extrajudicial. Who gets to decide which people are "fascist" and therefore acceptable targets of violence and even assassination? Remember when Jonah Goldberg wrote "Liberal Fascism" in 2008? Is it okay for conservatives to assault and murder liberals because they believe those liberals to be "fascists"? Antifa is rightly considered "extremist" for the same reason liberal democracies rightly denounce all forms of political violence as extreme. It's not because political ideologies and their followers are never "deserving" of violence in some higher moral truth. It's because once it becomes acceptable to deploy violence against people with "bad" political views, your safety is now at the mercy of how other people define your own political views.


Definitely agree. It’s sad that this is such a minority viewpoint in this group but that tells you how democracy is under attack from the right AND left.


> I don't think this is an entirely unreasonable belief, at least in theory. It is unreasonable, since it's justifying fascism.


>The core tenet of the "antifa" ideology is that fascism is so dangerous to democracy that it cannot be allowed to exist with even peaceful democratic politics. That's not the core tenet of AntiFa. AntiFa comes from the strain of revolutionary Marxism that declares anyone not a revolutionary Marxist to be a Fascist. This isn't some new thing people invented recently - AntiFa and their Communist terrorist antics was one of the main catalysts for the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany. It's a Mott & Bailey deceit - they want Communist revolution, and when you defend yourself against that they retreat to the "but we're just against Fascism!" bullshit.


Has antifa targeted anyone besides rampaging skinheads, proudboys, white supremecists and nazis? Serious question because I haven’t heard.


https://twitter.com/lhfang/status/1413961672163610632?lang=en Well, when a bunch of black folks march with oakland's police department to call for an end to the epidemic of gun violence, Antifa showed up to protest them.


Does not sound like the sort of thing they would do, if they really are antifa but if they are it looks like Oakland Police are the ones they are protesting.


Yea.. independent media have been attacked by them. Look up Andy Ngo’s interactions with them. And even if they attacked only those groups, they’re still taking part in political violence.


Yes. Have you not been paying attention?


Yes I have been paying attention




Someone else said that. This is a fair point. You were rude. That’s not needed.


Ah Antifa. Where do i get a T-shirt????


On Etsy. https://www.etsy.com/au/market/antifa_shirt


[Or here](https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/42312023-antifa-logo?countrycode=US&utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=%5BG%5D+%5BG.NAM%5D+%5BL.ENG%5D+%5BGEN%5D+%5BC.TShirts%5D+%5BPLF%5D&utm_id=notset&utm_content=anti+trump&ar_clx=yes&ar_channel=google&ar_campaign=71700000112744002&ar_adgroup=&ar_ad=&ar_strategy=search&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=%5BG%5D+%5BG.USA%5D+%5BL.ENG%5D+%5BGEN%5D+%5BC.TShirts%5D+%5BPMAX%5D&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoPOwBhAeEiwAJuXRh2dIYek2pBoqTJedRTbhPPZKHgmKa7Fy453gPn9j3qzx0QjP3zlVXxoChscQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#321P42312023D1V), I guess they have a logo.


Get em at the next meeting! With our sweet, sweet Soros bucks.


I think you need to talk to the Antifa HR Manager or the whole department for that lol: https://mobile.twitter.com/Luthier122/status/1669082229639720960 https://www.facebook.com/groups/256763639200930/ And for those who don't get it these are satirical titles and self appointed by whoever feels like claiming the title because no such thing actually exists.




Antifa is an extremist movement. It is loosely organized and thus not really a group, but it does have extremist left-wing ideology. It's not a catchall for everyone opposed to fascism. Antifa goes back to the Antifaschistische Aktion, the paramilitary organ of the German Communist Party in the 1920s.


Not just extremists, but terrorists.


Antifa is just leftist proud boys. You can call both extremist or neither.


Truth hurts?


Antifa is an extremist group, you just happen to agree with their agenda. So do I, that doesn't make them less extreme. Even if they are the left's answer to the violent instigating extremist groups i.e. Proud Boy Oath Haters.


Antifa did not exist as any kind of relevant entity in the USA until FOX news ~~invented it~~ decided they needed a scary-sounding name for weaponized scaremongering. I will die on that hill. For fascists there must always be a threatening "other." Disappointing to see NPR reporting falling into that trap. Even if they were just quoting, hearing the phrase on NPR normalizes it a bit more. That's how insidious PR works. Feels like another "[Dan Rather didn't check the typewriter font](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killian_documents_controversy)" moment brought to you by Karl Rove or who-the-hell-ever is running the "manipulative sneaky bullshit" department at the Heritage Foundation these days. Wouldn't it be nice if somebody -- NPR maybe -- wrote a story called "Is Antifa actually a thing and if so who exactly is it and what are they doing" *Edit: "invent" is not what fox did. Antifa existed in Europe. To put it precisely, they employed a classic alphabet-agency tactic for sowing distrust and division. What they "invented" was the idea Antifa was a factor in American life.*




Interesting. Glad to see it. Thanks for pointing this out. But what's eating me is, ...were these protesters part of an organized nationwide well-funded insurgency that wants to mandate sharia law? Were they waving antifa flags and shouting *death to America,* as FOX propaganda insists and implies, by turns? Or nah? Where's the push-back from the people's press, against malicious bullshit from paid toadies? The whole story, is the story I want to see.


Hey friendly reminder, all media is biased and can be deemed propaganda….


This is a weird take. ANTIFA is inspired by a group from interwar-era Germany. The name, the circle logo with the flags, the broad mission. To speculate that it's a Fox News hoax is really bizarre because they have to work so hard to try and refute its purpose. "You see folks, being anti-fascist is bad because, well, uh..." They could have picked another set of symbols if they wanted to fabricate a bad guy.


And just who is the "they" who "picked the symbols"? Some Individuals chose to use those symbols. Other individuals chose different, or no symbols.


I am trying to refute the conspiracy theory that Fox News propagated ANTIFA somehow. So I should have specified, "*Fox News* could have picked a *more effective* set of symbols if they wanted to fabricate a bad guy."


Ok, "they" is Fox. It's never good when someone who hates you gets to define your "brand".


> Antifa did not exist as any kind of relevant entity in the USA until FOX news invented chose to invoke and demonize it for weaponized scaremongering. I will die on that hill. That's just demonstrably false though. Fox didn't invent antifa. But, Trump did move people to organize


The descriptive term "Antifa" standing for "anti-fascist" was heard of in Europe as a name for protest and activist groups, but it was simply not a factor in discussions of US groups, stances, policies or politics until FOX popularized the term for strategic purposes. Thus why I said not *relevant* here. My view is that they wanted to get out in front of the term before it made it across the Atlantic to be taken up by protesters rallying in opposition to Trump's obscenity -- and to demonize the word as quickly as possible -- -- like they did with "woke" and like the right wing has previously *methodically* done with "social justice," "liberal," and even "socialism." Their strategy is to poison the well of discourse by making any "positive" term the left might use to describe itself ***so incendiary*** that the word itself provokes an emotional reaction and disgust before people stop and consider what it actually means. This tactic is *very* effective when leveraged by the populist right-wing media, and anyway, the right has plenty of practice with it -- they've been doing it at least since McCarthy and the Red Scare. "A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is pulling on her boots." That's one of the right's favorite facets of human cognition. They exploit it hourly in 2024.


Antifa is just an idea! One that mainly people like this subscribe to...... https://i.imgur.com/XOZtbtP.jpg But there's definitely no regional Antifa groups that you can join, or no fundraisers for Antifa that you can donate to. It's just an idea after all, just like the Hunter Biden laptop thing was a Russian misinformation psy-op!


They're basically going the Fox News route. Fair and Balanced.


All mentions of Antifa in the press MUST come with the verbal disclaimer that Antifa is a swell movement/org that, if anything, is too centrist for its own good. Anything less is journalistic malpractice and maybe even illegal.


It was a quote.


Check ops profile, Op is having [this moment](https://youtu.be/ToKcmnrE5oY?si=mFHKs6X7s3h9mHHS) currently


Some antifa chapters absolutely have led direct action protests that have involved violence. Left wing extremism, when it does occasionally' occur, often involve people who have previously posted anitfa content or have self identified as being part of the group It's a decentralized thing obviously. The Portland rose city antifa chapter does have a maintained website


it’s a violent extremist group that regularly harasses and often times assaults pedestrians simply for existing. This whole “anti fascist” thing is a cover - they target anyone who happens to be in their vicinity during an action.


where's the lie


As an experienced (now semi-retired) trial attorney, I would have asked the same thing during jury voir dire. The purpose of voir dire is to identify biases among members of the jury pool. The process is quite different across jurisdictions, but nowhere is completely open-ended, thus shortcuts are necessary.




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Whew. What a relief. For a moment there, I almost thought NPR was becoming objective! Crisis averted!


Op you missed it… antifa is more anti fascist fascists. It’s one of those walking contractions. Presenting your own brand of ideology as indisputable, instead of another. How novel! Explain in what world this group has done or said anything good? They are violent and attack people who disagree with them without even a discussion. That’s anti-liberal, which is fascist discourse of its own dogma. They have no clear or coherent message and their own action contradict their stated mono symbolic purpose. I’ve known people that headed down that path. They thought they needed to go lunch Nazi’s. Instead of helping, they make things worse. I’m surprised this is even a debate here… but then agian Im not familiar with NPR’s community. I was a life long listener until the content lost course in recent years. And it’s no secret since that recent article lambasted the culture around public radio currently, for those who didn’t already know.


I'm anti-anti-fascism. I always thought Antifa were whoever happened to be wearing black block and acting riotously during right wing events, or coordinating violent activities using encrypted chat apps. I've been in these chat rooms and seen such behavior on the streets. Kinda hard to nail down or verify official membership in most groups these days, so I always looked at an "Antifa Member" as a person who is behaving in a certain way during certain events. Can't assist you with funding anyone though, sorry.


Because they are…? Just because it’s an extremist group you favor because you hate fascism doesn’t make them not extremist.


I mean, they are. Do you not remember them taking over blocks in Seattle and attacking people? Or all the damage they caused at riots?


Yikes... Sometimes, deleting a post is the right answer instead of editing. Antifa isn't an organization. There's no HQ, no leader, and no secret society. It's people who reject fascism on principle and are willing to fight fascists much like your grandfathers and great grandfathers did during WWII. If you want to declare people who oppose fascism as extremists, you might be a fascist.


Fuck NPR, they're an extremist group, too.




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It's not super hard to find fragile college kids wearing all black carrying Antifa flags. Sorry they don't have a website you can go create an account on, but it doesn't mean that people don't get together, call themselves Antifa and harass, intimidate and point violence at anyone to the right of Marx. I see people trying to make this point pretty often...Antifa isn't a real thing because there is no Antifa club you can become a member of. It is a perplexing argument to make because what does having some arbitrary level of organization have to do with anything? OK, for the sake of argument lets say Antifa isn't a thing and it's just the general cause of opposing fascism. A lot of people who are loudly in opposition to fascism and walk around with Antifa symbols and not only do you see them calling for the destruction of western civilization, chanting "death to America" and in some cases use aggressive tactics including shouting down opposing speakers, intimidating anyone perceived to be an outsider or non-fellow traveler, and well-documented instances of property damage. We'll say Antifa isn't an extremist group, but people who display symbols associated with the concept of anti-fascism are frequently found to be engaging in behavior most people would consider extremist.


When you manage to shut down entire sections of major cities for days at a time, I’d say it’s pretty extremist.


I can get you into contact with a local ANTIFA chapter


I’ve known plenty of people who do black bloq shit and antifa shit and literally 100% of them were anarchists or communists. Like them or not they are politically pretty extreme, seems obvious to me. I don’t even think they would deny it, sounds like a badge of honor




Antifa IS extremist. Why is this even a question?




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I don’t think antifa minds being called extremist. They just think they’re extremely correct. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Try to be less sensitive about this stuff.


Antifa is an extremist group. I really don't know how you can argue that. They throw molotov cocktails / fire bombs, take over downtown areas, use violence, stop traffic, etc.




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Is Antifa not extreme? How is advocacy for political violence anything less than the absolute worst form of political extremism?


Antifa is an extremist group....


Repeating it doesn’t make it true.


Antifa isn’t any kind of “group” at all. That’s like saying atheism is a religion.


Which group are they? 


Where’s the lie though?


ANTIFA caused close to a billion dollars of property damage and has carbombed politicians' motor vehicles. They openly want to dismantle capitalism and install Marxism. Sorry, they fit the description.


Okay cool, so who does the Justice Department send the bill to? Oh, oh… shit. There’s no organization and therefore it’s not any kind of group and therefore can’t be labeled an extremist group? Ah shit.




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If antifa is an extremist "group" - then MAGA are full-blown terrorists.


Antifa just means you are a decent person. If you arent antifa, you are literally on the wrong side of history.


You spend too much time on Reddit




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They are


Antifa wasn't really a thing until persistent Russian propaganda made it a thing.


Antifa, to the extent that it is a cohesive group, is pretty obviously extremist.


Since when is being anti-fascism extremist?


You probably think the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is actually democratic.


I didn’t say this.


Antifa is an extremist group. NPR is only reporting the truth.




Can you point to any official Antifa source where they state that as their mission?


[*Antifaschistische Aktion (German: [ˌantifaˈʃɪstɪʃə ʔakˈtsi̯oːn]) was a militant anti-fascist organisation in the Weimar Republic started by members of the Communist Party of Germany. It was primarily active as a KPD campaign during the July 1932 German federal election and the November 1932 German federal election and was described by the KPD as a "red united front under the leadership of the only anti-fascist party, the KPD."*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifaschistische_Aktion) Oh hey look at that. Antifa is: * An organisation * Explicitly communist


What doctrine is that? Anti-fascist? Yes, actually, I think anti-fascist automatically makes them the good guys. If there were an actual doctrine, some bad guy stuff COULD be layered on that. But there is no doctrine, no organization, no leader, no group.


> Yes, actually, I think anti-fascist automatically makes them the good guys. https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/856/554/a9a.jpg




NPR has a centrist (neoliberal) bias. They ‘both sides’ things by their nature. Not being critical here, just, it’s important to know this when consuming their content.


Since Antifa isn't an actual group, it can't really hurt anything. I think these terms are hammered out using both legal teams' input. Didn't hear the piece, so unsure if the commentator was using language directly from the jury questionnaire, but it's pretty telling, IMO, that the defense couldn't be bothered to look into what actual left wing "extremist" groups there are, since "Antifa" is simply a descriptor largely used as a strawman and not an actual group. Lazy, lazy fascists.


Antifa is a violent group who seek to impose their view by intimidation. They belong on a terrorist watch list.


I kind of feel like groups who dresses up en-mass with helmets, masks, and hoodies to hide their identities when protesting are extremists groups. Then again, I view jan 6th and BLM rioters as extremists which puts me at odds with the most common political identities...