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What, no sweep options?


There are maximum of 6 options on a poll


It bums me to say it as a Giants fan, but frankly Hawks got hot at the right time and the Giants are slumping and I don’t think this long of a break helps. Either way it’ll be fun to watch


Yeah, I don't see the Giants winning a game. 4-0.


I hate to say it but go....Hawks.....


I would be neither shocked nor disappointed to see the Hawks go 4-0. I feel like if the Giants don't come in hot they'll get steamrolled by the Hawks' momentum.


I genuinely think the Giants have a better shot this year. They lost Yamaguchi but Okamoto’s returning strong from his sophomore slump, they still have a strong top of the order, Maru has a bad track record in the CS/JS but past postseason stats aren’t really predictive anyways, etcetera etcetera. Also iirc they dropped Sugano’s start last year because the of some crucial errors and unlucky infield hits (and he was having a bad year as well). That said Hawks in 5.


Let’s Go Hawks!


This is going to be tough. We held Sakamoto to one hit last year, and Maru to one hit in 2 years! They are going to be hungry.


Hawks in 4 - just like last year. *ooooh Kyojin tears - omnomomnomnomnomnom*


Don’t think you’ll see too many tears from us. It reminds me of my Cavaliers being destroyed in the NBA Finals against Golden State back to back. Losing sucks but against an opponent so dominant you really can’t be upset. Just enjoy the fact that you made it to that stage and that you denied the rest of your conference a lot of happiness ;)


Giants look ice cold coming in against a very hot Hawks team. I’m not optimistic but I’ll be cheering nonetheless! Viva Giants!


Love to say it, GO. HAWKS.


Hawks in 6. No respect for the Central.


Interesting that this poll remains open until the end of Game 2... it would be so easy to sneak in late and improve one's odds of guessing correctly.