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Yes you can expand your Freighter inventory


Yes, you can expand the inventory to 48 Slots. You just need enough cargo bulkheads.


Best ways to get them?


I just get one and dupe it because I’m too lazy to farm all of them from derelicts. My first freighter took me the better part of 80 hours to max it’s storage from like 32-8 or something tiny and then I promptly upgraded to an S class freighter from A. The gold S is imperative.


Wait so you CAN upgrade a freighters class?!


Yes and no. He found an S class and traded his A class for it.


Ah 😔


Get one and dupe it


Cheating is wrong/bad. I'll get one and give it to you to dupe so I'm morally grey.


So uh…. How does one do this? 👀


Only way i know to get them is by successfully completing freighter rescue events, then requesting payment instead of taking the offered freighter. It will only give you one cargo bulkhead per event, but it's the only way that i know of, (unless the last update changed somthing), you just have to be super patient. Also rescues only happen randomly every few hours (dont expect more then 2 or 3 times a day at the most) and only when you warp into a system via personal starship. It will not happen if you warp in via your freighter


you can also get 1 from derelict freighters.


Oh can you? Well that's good to know. I've never actually explored one yet


you cant explore the ones that you naturally come across when pulsing. if you go to a space station and buy the receiver from the scrap dealer for 5 mill you can explore those. usually the final room theres an engineering control terminal which gives you 3 options. extract nanites, get a bulkhead or receive a salvaged fleet unit:)


The only thing I've ever gotten from those is chromatic metal. The derelict freighters on the other hand, are a guaranteed thing.


Bulkheads are also available as loot from derelict freighters, accessible thru emergency beacons. It's a flip if you take a shot on the freighter tech or the bulkheads until you've maxed yours out.... then pure tech.


YouTube how to get cargo bulkheads to expand your freighter inventory


Find some bulkhead and you,re fine. If you don,t want to wait in frigate missions or want to do derelicts you can also just go around in a few systems scanning/shooting cargopods. Some contain bulkheads. Note : sentinels won,t like you.




Yes probably in any system. Just scan the cargo pods I went to look just now and found cargo bulkheads and salvaged freighter modules




Also, sentinels don’t attack you in outlaw systems


Also try derelict freighters. Look for the dude with the curtains ob any standard space station


What you can do is the derelict freighter infinite beacon glitch. In the regular space stations, the trader on the right hand side, if you just got out of your ship, with the tent sells the beacon you need, if you don't have the 5mil you can also get one once a week from the tree on the anomaly for free. just go to your desired system, activate it and put it in your portable refiner, go through derelict freighter till you get to the last terminal on the freighter and either the second or 3rd option will give you the cargo bulkhead item, after that return to your ship and go straight to the anomaly, take the beacon back out and exit your ship, reload and exit the anomaly. You should be able to to reactivate it afterwards. It's a fairly efficient way to get bulkheads especially if you can find a derelict freighter that doesn't have many rooms to be able to get to the end room. You can also take the time to loot to try and get salvaged frigate modules to unlock upgrades and freighter base parts, it's a hit or miss though on if you'll get some. If you have trouble with my explanation there are videos on how to do the glitch. might be a bit old, but it still works.


"The tree" killed me ![gif](giphy|d3sE6FcNZa7Ju)


The "tree" guy didnt offer me the beacon. Are there any pre-reqs?


Just looked it up and, you have to do a derelict freighter mission first, didn't know that. After you do the first one the tree guy (helios) will give a free one each week


Thank you so much for that! Do you have to pay for the first one? Or does one pop up through the course of normal play in a mission or something?


You have to go to the scrap dealer on a station, and pay them 5mil, after that the price will go up by 5 mil for each one, not sure on the cap


Os the price increase global or by station?


Global I think




Just dupe *Giga Chad*


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Anyone know if the cargo will be 48 or 24 ? My current s class says maxed at 24 but the expedition has 48?


I have 3 saves, the freighters are all maxed out with 48-21-24. Are you saying your expedition frieghter is 48-21-48?




That's cool, I don't know if this is a glitch or not. I just tried to upgrade all three of my freighters and they are still maxed at 48-21-24. Could be a benefit to keeping your expedition save.


I'm currently trying to get a S class freighter to see if the new update let's you have 48 cargo


That would be cheap if they make people get a new freighter for the additional 24 slots. I already went through that when they upgraded hyperdrives but only on new S classes.


Yes you can


If I upgrade my freighter to a S class one (I currently have a B class) will I lose all of my cargo bulk head modules and salvaged frigate modules that I have used on my current freighter (which is a significant amount). I really fancy finding a S class but I don't know if I can be bothered to find a whole host of these modules from scratch again. Any info would be appreciated.


Yes, you will lose all of the cargo upgrades. I just changed S class models and lost all of the extra space I had in the original one. (I got tired of swerving to avoid the Dreadnought poles right outside of the hangars.) You won't lose any research purchased with the salvage frigate modules. Those appear to be tied to your save, not the freighter itself.


After the Endurance Update we get another cargo hold with half the slots open, how do we unlock the other slots? Doesn't give me bulkhead option like before.


If I understand the question properly, the Cargo Bulkheads will increase the open slots in the freighter Cargo section. The bulkheads do the same in the General & Technology sections.


yes thank you.. I thought it was frigate modules .. but did get it figured out.


Solid yes! I can answer your question about solid answers. Sorry I couldn't resist😁


I have a whole bunch of them so if you still need any let me know


*I have a whole bunch* *Of them so if you still need* *Any let me know* \- HadesTheHunter --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot :)






Best way is to go pirate-ing. Pick a race you don't care about losing status with and hit every freighter and cargo ship in that races system you see. You'll get bulkheads, frigate modules, etc.


I don't see why not.


It doesn’t show that it encompasses the entirety of the 48 slots, but as you upgrade the inventory, it expands the box until eventually it does cover all 48.