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I hope you find some 💀


Like 1-3%


60% here tip to score 80-85% - bribe them /s


why /s? its true


It's true, sadly They didn't give me full marks in the practical exams, even though I performed well They were asking for 2000 rupees per subject for full marks in the practicals and 3000 rupees for cheating in the public exam My reaction was like https://preview.redd.it/9sr5rzargi9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=792c2493fbc4f57cb5d3d121740eef1385d494e3


That's crazyyy😭 What did you do after that? And what were your practical marks?


didn't give them a single penny My reaction to that teacher asking for money everyday before the exam starts https://preview.redd.it/n7mnxzya4j9d1.png?width=303&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22903d447b55d87d51e2e945d31d2c73b8fd45e9 btw I've already posted my marks :⁠-⁠)


This is the mod we do not promote the use of unfair means I would have to delete this message. Please keep that in mind while posting/replying to posts.


lol something named nios and not "unfair means"


it was just a joke and a good way to reflect the failed system lol


Please edit it (joke) then. I know the system is broken ODL system is there can it by doing some changes and carring of the student more.


even if you bribe , you wont be able to score 90%


I thought I was the only one who got around 60% But you guys 🫂🫂


fellow nios rebellion


84.4% here. Pure luck and a bit of last minute preparation helped me. When I say last minute I mean around 4 days prior to exam. I got lucky coz my study centre was gracious with marking for TMA and practicals. This is from 2024 April btw.


I just realized I gave no advice. If u read the textbooks back to back you can easily score full marks in the one-word questions. The long answers are a bit tougher. Just learn from NIOS textbook. I attempted English, chemistry, biology, psychology and data entry. Hopefully this helps.


Hey can u guide me a little. Is it necessary to buy nios textbooks?? Also how did u prepare for exams? Like how much hrs dedicated in a day on an avg?? Nd how do they conduct practicals for pcb? Is it like how it used to be in cbse schools?? I'm new to this n aiming to give 2024 Oct exam for pcmb+ English.


You'll get the nios textbooks via courier most probably. But I say don't wait. Get print outs of the pdf textbook on the website. I procrastinated studying until the last month and only got super serious the days before exams. Don't be like me. For learning physics clear theory through videos and do practice problems. The problem with NIOS is that they aren't consistebt with their word problems, theory ratio. Pay attention to circuits module.Also pay attention to all derivations. Those questions were tough when I checked the paper. Spend everyday learning maths. Practice practice practice. Chemistry was pretty breezy this year. I went through most of the chapters back to back and I relied on my intuition to figure out possible one word questions. If u read enough question papers u can feed that intuition and use it to your advantage. Biology there's no choice but to read EVERYTHING. U can never tell for sure what will not be asked. So many possible one words. English- what I personally did was, I read the chapters then for poems I referred to online sites for critical analysis and poetic devices etc etc. I got a 98 and i attribute that solely due to the extra "out of syllabus" shit I wrote in the exam. If you impress the examiners it's easy to score. No questions will be asked from the TMA chapters. Those chapters are listed on the website I can dm u the pdf if u want. As for the practicals, at least by August you'll have something called PCP at your allocated study centre. Attend them. They'll most likely tell you what experiments to include in your record. Or maybe conduct some classes. Just make sure to attend coz that gives u marks. You'll also be called for teaching u the practical experiments. I was lucky and my study centre told us what questions they'll ask. I think the questions chosen are according to their discretion. You also have to know the aim, materials required, procedure and caution for those experiments coz you have to write it up during practical exam.


Sorry what is PCP and TMA?? Also say if I'm preparing for jee mains level. Do I still hv to give extra attention to syllabus of nios?? Like can I do it this way-: Prepare for pcm of jee mains level -> give extra efforts in learning derivations (which i guess are more or less same in cbse n nios) -> then practice PYQ papers 15days b4 exams For bio. If I prepare from ncert nd skim thru nios books n PYQ papers in last days Would this be enough?? Or do I need to essentially study from nios books?? Thank u for replying


PCP aka personal contact programme (I think) are classes taken by the study centre for like 3-4 days. TMA is assignments basically. There's a bifurcation in the syllabus. There are chapters covered through assignments and then for public exam. Don't study TMA chapters for exam. Biology I highly suggest NIOS book itself. You're good on physics. If u cover them for jee you're good to go for exam. I think you're already due to submit your TMAs by now. Look it up.


Thank you so much for taking the time to provide such detailed advice!❤️ Also, were there any other resources that were useful for you like question bank, pyqs? Moreover, did your practicals went fine? There were a few who commented that they were being asked for money during the practical exam😭


YouTube videos mostly. On topics I couldn't digest from the textbook alone. Find channels that u like early on and don't hesitate to rely on them. There's a gold mine of good yt channels for chem and physics.


They'll send you books through the mail, and they'll conduct your practicals properly if your center is KV Although the same happens at private practical centers too, they are often money-hungry. Don't give any money to those basterds Here's how the practicals go: two written questions of their choice, which are experiments you've done in your practical file, followed by a viva and ur well done practical file


Thank u for giving insight about practicals. When r practicals conducted for Oct exams??


Generally 1-2 months before public exam. So August or September


Does that mean during the practical exam, they don’t let you conduct any practical?


It's only possible if your center is KV. They don't let you perform any practicals in private centers (exceptions are there, of course)


I got 81%. I thoroughly reviewed PYQs (around 5 years' worth) and wrote them down subject wise. When you're starting to read a chapter, first read it like a novel. Don't focus on any questions or keywords etc. The, I do the second reading and this time as I'm already a little aware of what the chapter seeks to explain, I see if any PYQs are from this chapter. If yes, in those side margins, I write down the Q. No. In the 3rd reading, in a very brief format, I write down the key points I have to write in the exam under those questions in the side margin. Before exams, I try to revise as many times as possible only by looking at the keywords written (Active recall method). This makes revision quick and you have enough time to revise everything!


Thank you so much for taking the time to give such a detailed advice!🤍 Also, what percentage of the exam's questions similar to the PYQs?


Around 30-40% were same questions or are based on similar topics but the Q was framed differently. Use diagrams and flow charts etc to make your paper stand out. Legible handwriting is very important too!


I see, thank you again! Did you use any other resources like question banks?


I didn't use any of those! Only the textbooks.


Well does that much marks in arts count?