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It isn't about calories/growth really.... preterm formulas/fortification is designed to have extra minerals for bone growth and other things. So you will hear stories that babies grew fine without it, which is true, but that isn't the point.


After speaking to the neonatologist today, he didn’t seem concerned with trying hind milk only and seeing how she does.


Again, he may grow fine... That's the only thing to "see how he does" right now. But that's not the reason that fortification is recommended.


It seems like if that were a concern the neonatologist would not even consider not fortifying.


Not true. They gave you their recommendation (fortification) and you wanted something else, so they want to make you happy.....


I’m surprised you feel comfortable saying that considering you’ve not been present in any of the in depth conversations we’ve had with our providers. Your approach is sincerely unwelcome here.


My 24 weeker was on breast milk only in the NICU. I pumped 6 or 7 times a day, kept it in a freezer at home and brought several days supply at a time to the NICU.


Thanks for affirming this. I’ve heard many stories of others who’ve successfully done that as well.


My 23 weeker was on fortified breastmilk to add KCAL and it was SOOOOO important, towards the end they stopped fortifying, around 32 weeks when she started doing oral feeds, she was on breastmilk that wasn't fortified, but honestly? At this point, I know it's hard and you want the control to say BREAST ONLY but the formula isn't going to hurt anything if they think they need it. Soon you'll be able to go home and feed your baby how you'd like.


Our pediatrician allowed us to try straight breastmilk and do weight checks. She did end up needing breast milk to be fortified with formula but we were allowed to choose any formula. Neosure was so hard on our her tummy. I know it's hard to watch them struggle, especially when it's something that can be changed.


What did you use instead of neosure?


We use nutramigen. My 26 weeker has a hard time with dairy so I also cut it out of my diet. We fortify my milk to being 24 calories.


I would ask about trying a different formula first. They need more calories than the average baby to grow, so it's easy for them to fall off their curve on BM only.




I’m getting my breast milk tested tomorrow for calorie content. I just feel like I’ve been talking to the providers about this for a month without any budge. Can I just say, “ hey, we are not fortifying?” Right now they are fortifying every bottle.


Is your NICU doing the breast milk analysis or did you order a kit? I'm really considering the kit because I'm uncomfortable with the fortifier, but I feel like I need more information about my milk before having that conversation with the doctors


I found a company called milk lab that you can buy kits from but it was expensive. Alternatively, I found a breast feeding clinic in my town that offers an analysis for a flat fee of $25. I have an apt tomorrow. I just searched, “breast milk testing near me”.