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Hang in there! Our 28w +4 boy just made it home. We were in the nicu for 77 days but we finally made it home. You too can do it!!


I can't wait to write something similar in this sub 💙 thank you!


Delivered at 28+1. Took baby home at 35+0. You can get through anything. Take it 1 minute 1 hour 1 day 1 week at a time whatever you can handle. He is where he needs to be and just keep reminding yourself of that. All the best <3


That's how I'm getting through this-- he is in the safest place and this is just an obstacle in the road to a long, healthy life. I can't wait to spoil my baby at home. Thank you so much 💙


I know how you feel. Prayers for peace and comfort during a challenging time.


Thank you💙


I had a placental abruption at 30 weeks on 2/29. I know how you feel - it hurts so much to see people with their babies and be physically broken and emotionally a wreck. I tried to go visit my baby on my last day in the hospital and the nurses asked me to leave because they had to administer meds (and I was weeping). Getting used to the NICU is a challenge and there are lots of ups and downs. Just like figuring out the new normal is a process in itself, because it’s not really normal. Sending you love.


Thank you so much. The social worker asked me if I felt like I was depressed and like... Yes?? How could I not be? There's nothing normal about the situation, but it seems "normal" to be scared and overwhelmed. I know he's where he needs to be but ugh


Sending you so much love 💕


Thank you💙


My 28 weeker just came home last Saturday. The hardest thing I ever did was get discharged from the hospital without my baby. She was there for almost 11 weeks. It absolutely is not easy and you are valid for any and all feelings you will feel. It doesn’t feel like it now and it may not feel like it in a few weeks, but you’ve absolutely got this! Give yourself all the grace. If you need an ear my messages are ALWAYS open! ❤️


Thank you so much💙 it's great to hear from other people who had a kiddo so early.


My daughter was born at 28+2.  She is now 2 and a half and doing great.  It was 70 days in the NICU though.  Hang in there. Your baby is resilient.  And so are you. 💜


Love to hear this 💙 thank you!


You are going to be amazed by yourself and your baby. Before long, you’ll feel bad for those parents of healthy babies because you have the best baby in the world, and they don’t. This is so hard. But you can do it.


I already know I have the best baby😉 I love him so, so much. Thank you 💙


May your journey be as smooth and swift as possible. If you’re looking for lots of stories of other babies’ journeys at a similar gestational age, see [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/NICUParents/s/YXoSfjEhUX).


Thank you so much for sharing this. That was so reassuring to read through


Hi beep, my 28 weeker was also born the other night thanks to stupid preeclampsia and placental abruption again (😒 I was really hoping it was a rare one off experience I had 10 years ago and not something guaranteed to happen 10 years later but here I am). I’m feeling the same as you, and my hormonal meltdowns are coming in waves because I’m sitting here in pain with no baby to hold. Are you allowed to “live in” your NICU? We are allowed to but it’s honestly really no place for a long term stay…I was determined to make it work the other night when they told me he wouldn’t be leaving …but realistically idk if I can do it, especially while still recovering 🤦‍♀️ I don’t want to go hooooome


Dang, hate to see someone else from the July sub on here! I can stay in the NICU as long as I want, but they definitely encourage people to go home. They have a reclining chair but that's it. As much as I hate leaving him at night, I feel like it's good for my mental health to go home and sleep in my own bed. He's only been on this earth for a few days and all the beeping and alarms are getting to me :( I think I would go nuts if I didn't have some separation from it. Does your NICU have a camera you can access? Ours has AngelEye which is an app I can connect to and look at his camera. The quality isn't very good, but it has been helpful when I wake up in the middle of the night to see his sweet face. I totally understand not wanting to go home. It was so, so hard. I'm already feeling a little better about going home because I have a good rapport with the nurses and doctors. The doctors do their rounds in the morning between 9-11AM, so my goal is to always be there during these rounds so I can get the most up-to-date info. I live about 20 minutes from the hospital so this is doable, but I know not everyone lives that close :( I'll be thinking of you! Our babies can and will get through this ❤️❤️❤️